Hey there guys it me again with a new story! I've been thinking for making this story for a while but with the other two I never had time but now I do so here you go!

I do not own anything I use in this story except characters.

Chapter 1: Where are we?

Today we see in the morning rays and in the U.S.A in the small town of Austin we see three young boys about to have an adventure of a life time.

"Carlos where are you?!" yelled a boy.

"I'm over here silly!" said carols waving his hands in the air. Carlos was 10 years old and he had brown hair, black eyes and brown skin. He was wearing an orange shirt, blue jeans and brown shoes. He was half Hispanic and half white. "What do you need pister?" asked carols leaning against the school walls.

"My name is not pister, it's Wister!" said wister with a little annoyed face. Wister was 12 years old and had black short hair, blue eyes and tanned skin. He was wearing a blue stripped shirt, blue shorts and green shoes. He was originally from Britain.

"Yeah, yeah so have you seen billy?" asked carols who was now trying to get a piece of gum under his shoe.

"Actually no, I was wondering if you saw him?" asked wister as he looked around the school front side. Carlos, Wister and billy were know as the three strange children in there school. They all had a blue star mark on their arms.

Carlos was most known for his street smarts and him caring a pocket knife. His father always told him to carry on just in case some punk thinks he smart or just messing with him he can take it out to scare them off, but if that didn't work his dad trained him of how to use his knife but not to hurt people if they didn't do anything wrong. Carlos rarely used this though and didn't really like using it. His the toughest out of the three put also the happiest but was the one who gets angry the most, plus he's the most weak minded.

Wister was most known his smarts and his cunning but his smartass mouth was also know as well. He was the tallest out of the three and also the oldest. Even though he's the most physical person out of the three he can still keep up with there speed sometimes. He always carried some books on him for different subjects just in case. Why you ask? Well he carries them just in case one of the three ever got hurt or ran into trouble and he would look up of how to deal with the problem. Yet most of the time this solution didn't work. He's the smartest and most curious out of the three put also the most non psychical.

"Hey there's billy over there!" said carols as he pointed toward a boy.

This boy was billy he had green hair since his mom dyed it for him. One blue eye and one red eye. This red eye was because billy has a unknown defect when it came to his birth. His mother hates this but she still loved her son just the same. Billy was 8 being the youngest out of the three, he was wearing a white jacket with his white hooded over his head, black jeans and white shoes. Billy was the strangest one out of all of them. Billy was the mute of the group and rarely spook unless he was hungry or had to say something bad. He was most know for his weird friendliness to animals and people alike.

While he didn't talk much he show emotion through movement or by face expressions. Weirdly enough he had no trouble keeping up with carols or with wister when it came to them adventuring or just hanging around. Billy had light white skin, he was half Russian and half Indian. How his skin was light white carols and wister had no idea. Billy the most quite out of three and the most mysterious but also the most shy and silent.

"So billy have you been?" asked carols. Billy just nodded his head slowly. "Well it's something at least." thought carols with a sweat drop. Carols then turned his head toward wister.

"So pister what's on the adventure list today?" asked carols.

"It's wister! And we have to go to school." said wister looking through his journal.

"(Sigh) Again?! How many times have we gone there?!" asked carols in an annoyed tone. Wister just looked at him for a moment. "What?" asked carols.

"Carols do you even know why we go to school?" asked wister.

"Yeah of course, to see what adventure we can find there?" said carols. Wister just looked at carols.

"Carols I swer sometimes I think you just live in a world all your own." said wister face palming.

These three boys were known as the strange three because just the way they acted around other students. Even though there all in separate grades, wister being in fifth, carols being in fourth and billy being in third, they acted so strange around the students. Wister always acted like he was a grown up already, carols always wanted to find some new adventure outside of school and billy just never really talked to anyone and when he did respond to someone he always make a face expression.

"OH I KNOW!" said carols springing up from the wall in excited tone.

"(Sigh) I know I'm goanna regret this but what do you have on your mind?" asked Wister.

"Let's skip school today!" said carols. Wister went wide eyed.

"WHAT?! Are you crazy?!" asked Wister waving his hands in the air.

"Why what's wrong with it?" asked carols.

"Carols I've know you and billy for four years already you should know that's a very bad idea!" said Wister.

"Oh come on it's one day we'll just say we got lost." said carols.

"Carols we all live right next to the school." said Wister.

"Oh." said carols with a sweat drop. Carols then put his hand on his chin and began to think. Then he thought of something. "Okay how about we go missing?" said carols.

"THAT"S EVEN STUIPERED!" yelled Wister.

"Well if all three of us go missing they won't be mad that we missed school right?" asked carols smiling thinking he had a good plan in mind.

"Carols you realize if we go missing all of our parents our goanna be worried sick about us?!" said Wister to carols.

"Look wister i'm always tried of the rules here." said carols as he got on top of a tree. "I just want to have an adventure.

"But carols we did remember?" asked wister.

"When?" asked carols from the tree.

"Remember that time when all three of us tried to go down a dirt hill with a snow sled?" asked wister.

3 months earlier...

"Um carols are sure this is safe?" asked wister as he looked down on the giant dirt hill. They had at least climbed about 45 feet from the ground.

"Ah don't worry I got everything covered, right billy?" asked carols to billy. Billy gave a simple thumbs up.

"Not you too." thought wister with a sweat drop. Carols, billy and wister then got on the sled.

"All right guys, you ready for an adventure?!" yelled carols in happiness as he raised his hands in the air.

"Yyyyaaaa..." said Wister very dead like while billy just raised his hands in the air. Carols smiled as he looked back toward and down the mountain.

"All right, we go on go." said carols as he got a stick and dragged all three of them near the edge of the hill.

"Okay...3...2...1...GO!" yelled carols as he let go of the stick and the boys slid down the hill.


"We were in the hospital for 3 months because of that adventure." said wister.

"Hey we recovered didn't we?" said carols waving his hand in front of wister.

"STILL! Carols we just can't skip school and disappear!" said wister. Carols just looked at wister, he then stood up on the branch he was sitting on the tree and looked the opposite way of wister.

"Pister why did you become my friend?" asked carols. Wister just gave him a confused look.

"Why do you mean why? I've always been your friend and so has billy." said wister.

"No I know that but... why do you think I always want to go adventures?" asked carols.

"Because you hit your head as a baby?" asked wister.

"No... do you remember that promise we all made 3 years ago?" asked carols. Wister went wide eyed.

"Yeah... what about it?" asked wister. Wister then realized what this meant. "No... you mean?" asked wister.

Carols then turned around toward wister and billy smiling. "Yep." said carols.

"TODAY WE GO ON OUR ULTIMATE ADVENTURE!" yelled carols. Wister looked at billy and billy looked at wister.

"But why now?! How do you know?!" asked wister. Carols just looked off toward the distance and he saw a forest.

"I just do." said carols as he jumped off the tree branch and ran off toward the forest.

"Hey! Where are you going?!" yelled wister grabbing his backpack from the floor..

"Come on guys the adventure is this way!" yelled carols as he ran off toward the forest. Billy and wister looked at each other and then toward carols and ran after him.


Carols finally slowed down when he got in the forest. Billy was there about five seconds later and wister was there about thirty seconds later.

"(Gasp) Dang carols (Gasp) you know I can't run as long as you!" said wister gasping for air. Carols was still looking forward into the forest.

"There it is guys." said carols. Billy and wister looked ahead and all they saw were trees.

"So... are ultimate adventure is to see trees?" asked wister.

"No! It's deeper in the forest, come on!" yelled carols as he ran further down into the forest.

"Damn it carols!" thought wister as he and billy went after carols again.

2 hours later...

But as they were casing carols billy got up to carols side and wister was still behind swatting all the branches and bushes out of his ways.

"Damn it carols we missed school for this?" thought wister to himself as he kept on swatting away branches and jungle bushes out of his way. "Wait... jungle bushes?" thought wister as he looked behind him as he saw the forest looked completely different then before. "Guys wait!" yelled wister.

Carols and billy who were in front of him stopped and then too note of were they were. "Whoo... were are we?" asked carols.

"I don't know you where the one leading us!" said wister as he looked at all the plants. Some of these plants were purple and some were orange. The trees looked sort of creepy and the... I guess he could call it forest/jungle had all sorts of bad sounds in it. Carols eyes then started to shine, he then grabbed wister by the shirt.

"Pister! Do you know what all this means?!" asked carols.

"Uh..." said wister. Carols then let go of wister and looked toward the sky.

"It was a sign that our ultimate adventure was meant to be!" said carols having stars in his eyes.

"Idiot." thought wister with a sweat drop.

"Let's go!" said carols as he marched forward. Wister face palmed but followed anyways, so did billy who was looking at some ants. As they were exploring the jungle they ran into a lot of trouble. Like killer plants, dangerous animals, poison's foods and all sorts of things.

"CAROLS! THIS PLACE IS A DEATH TRAP!" yelled wister as he was beyond pissed at carols for taking him and billy to a place like this. But while wister was yelling at carols billy was making friends with some of the smaller animals but something then started to happen.

"Look wister this what happens on adve- uh... billy you ok?" carols said to wister but then focused his attention on to billy. Wister looked back to see billy who was covering one eye. Billy was looking down covering his red eye.

"Billy let me see." said wister as he got close to billy. As he got close he moved some of billy's green hair out of the way and saw his red eye was bleeding. "Ah your medicine." said wister as he put down his backpack and searched through it for a while. What he pulled out was a small container and popped out a pill.

"Here" said wister. Billy took the pill and started to chew on it. Billy then swallowed the pill and after a few minutes billy eye stared to stop bleeding.

" Спасибо. (Thank you.)" said billy as he wiped away the dry blood on his check. Wister just looked at him with a sad look.

"Carols if there one thing we agree with that is that damn thing billy has is always causing him pain." said wister as he watched billy petting a young bunny softly on the head.

"Yeah... do we even know w]how billy got that?" asked carols.

"It was a birth defect causing him to have one blue eye but his red eye would always bleed for some reason, so he has to take special medicine just to stop it." said wister.

"Oh... wait so why do you have his medicine?" asked carols.

"Because he always forgets it at home." said wister.

"oh." said carols with a sweat drop. Carols then heard something. He looked around to see what the sound was coming from. "Pister, do you hear that?" asked carols.

"Wister! and yeah... I hear it but wear is it coming from?" asked wister as he and carols stared to hear for anymore sounds coming from the forest. Then carols noticed that sound was coming from billys direction.

"Billy look out!" yelled carols as he ran toward billy. Billy looked up at him then behind him he saw a huge shadow over him about to jump. But right before it got billy, carols grappled him and pushed him out of the way. The shadow jumped and almost got billy but when it didn't it looked toward were billy and carols were. As the large creature stepped out of the shadows it revealed itself.

This thing looked like a lion put it had a scorpion tail and strange bat like wings and it was looking at billy and carols like they were lunch. Wister started to panic but he then grabbed into his backpack and pulled out a pencil. The creature was closing in on the two slowly. "Well billy it was nice knowing you." said carols as he and billy held on to each other. But then the creature felt something hit it from behind. It turned around to see wister.

"Uh oh." said wister as he grabbed his backpack and started to run. The creature started to chase him.

"PISTER WHAT ARE YOU DOING MAN?!" yelled carols as he saw this going on.

"Just run!" yelled wister as he kept on running from the creature. Carols clenched his fist as he looked around to see what could help them. He looked up and some vines on a tree. "Billy I have an idea, follow me." said carols as he started to climb the trees. Billy simply just jumped from on branch on to another. As carols got to the top of the tree. He grapped one of the vines. But as billy got up there carols passed him one of the vines too. "Okay so here's what were goanna do." said carols as he explained to billy the plan.

Meanwhile wister was jumping over every tree branch sliding, and side stepping everything to get away for the creature. Now this would have been a perfect plan if not for his stamina. He was running out of it fast but he knew if he stopped the creature would most likely make him child dinner. But a wister was running the creature popped out of nowhere and was in front of wister. "Crap." thought wister as he slowly back up from the creature. The creature started licking it's lips but then heard a yell.

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" yelled two voices. Wister checked to see who it was, it was carols and billy swinging from vines. But as they got close to the creature they both kicked the creature right in the jaw sending the creature stumbling back. Billy and carols landed right next to wister.

"Guys what are you doing here? I thought I told you to run!" said wister.

"Yeah right like were goanna leave a friend behind to a big cat." said carols taking out his pocket knife. Carols looked at wister and then at billy. "You know what guys?" asked carols.

"What?" asked wister.

"I'll take on this thing by myself." said carols. Wister went wide eye.

"ARE YOU NUTS?!" yelled wister as he got in front of carols face. "You can't take that thing all by yourself!" said wister grabbing carols by the shirt. Carols slowly got wister's hand and took it off his shirt. He then put his hand on wister's shoulder.

"Look pister I know I might seem a little crazy, but I don't want either of my friends getting hurt." said carols in a serious tone. This surprised wister of how serious carols was getting. Carols has never gotten so serious about anything. Wister looked at carols with a concerned face.

"But... aren't you scared?" asked wister. Carols put his hand off of wister's shoulder and turned around to look at the creature. He then turned to billy and wister with a smile on his face.

"(Heh), when have you seen me scared?" asked carols in a bright tone. Wister just looked at carols but he nodded his head. He grabbed billys hand and ran off somewhere else in this new forest. As carols look at them run off he looked back at the creature with his knife ready.

"To be honest I'm terrified right now...but I can't give up." thought carols as he got his knife ready for a fight. The creature had gotten back up and was growling at carols. "Come on you big fur ball!" yelled carols. The creature roared as it charged toward carols. Carols kept his position though not moving.

As it got closer toward carols he smiled. "Well... sorry guys... look like can't keep that promise after all." thought carols as he remembered the promise he made 3 years ago.

3 years ago...

Billy, carols and wister were all lying on a field grass not doing anything exacting. "(Sigh) isn't it nice just to sit here and relax?" asked carols. Billy responded with a slight eep noise, while wister didn't really say anything. Carols notice this and got up from the grass to look at wister.

"Hey what's wrong?" asked carols. Wister just looked at carols and sighed.

"I don't know carols... do you think well ever do anything exciting in life?" asked wister. Carols looked at him funny.

"What do you mean?" asked carols. Wister got up from the grass and stood in front of carols.

"Look at us carols, were not doing anything fun... we all just have boring life's... nothing to ever to do." said wister as he sighed and laid on the ground again.

"Really? Billy do you think were having fun?" asked carols. Billy looked at carols shaking his head no. Carols put his hand on his chin and thought for awhile. Then he had an idea.

"Hey how about we have adventures?" asked carols. Billy and wister looked at him funny.

"Adventures?" asked wister.

"Yeah you know, things happing where ever we go, then we can really have fun." said carols with a smile.

"Yeah but do we just have on adventure?" asked wister. Carols took note of this and thought again.

"Oh I know!" he said. "How about we have a ton of adventures so we never be bored!" said carols.

"And if we get bored of them?" asked wister.

"HMM..." thought carols. He then snapped his fingers. "Okay so if we ever think were getting bored of our adventures, then for the finally let's have the ULTIMATE ADVENTURE!" yelled carols as he jumped in the air.

"Well..." said wister who thought about it for a while then smiled. "Actually yeah... that sounds like a great plan." said wister as he got back up. "What do you think billy?" asked wister. Billy got up and jumped in the air happy.

"Да! (Yeah!)" yelled billy. Carols smiled and took out a maker.

"And this will prove that were goanna keep our promise." said carols as he drew a blue star on his arm.

"Yeah!" both said wister and billy. Carols went over to mark their arms too. And when he was done he smiled and looked at them.

"And no matter what we all stick together, no matter what!" said carols as he sticks up the marker in the air. "Yeah! Ultimate adventure be ready!" he yelled in the air.


"Looks like my road on the ultimate adventure ends here guys." thought carols as the creature jumped at him. carols looked up and yelled.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" he yelled as he was about to stab the creature but something hit the creature which caused it to miss carols.

The landed on the floor but as it try to get back up it started to stumble and when it had enough it fell over. Carols just stood there and wonder what happened. He slowly walked up to the creature and poked it with a stick. "What the?" said carols to himself. Then he heard some rustling in the bushes. "Uh oh!" thought carols as he quickly climbed another tree. As he looked down he saw two figures come out.

The two figures were wearing gold amour, they had swords on their belts and a shield to there side. One of them was holding what looked like a gun. "So is the manticore down?" asked one of them.

"Yeah it's down... my only question what disturbed it?" asked the other one. Carols climbed down the tree a little not enough so they could see him but just enough too see who they were. What he saw that these two where two woman. Then out of nowhere carols started to lose his grip on the tree.

"Oh no." thought carols as he fell into a pile of bushes. The two woman heard this, and one of them pulled out there sword while the other pulled out the gun.

"Who's there?!" asked the one holding the sword. Carols started to panic.

"Okay carols rodriguez, in this problem what are you going to do?" carols thought to himself. He thought about this and deiced. Carols slowly got out of the bushes but before he did he made a beard out of leaves to cover his face. The two guards looked at him like he was some madman. "Hello my friends my name is potto and welcome to my forest." said carols in a Russian accent. The guards looked at him and giggled a little.

"(Chuckle) Ok potto what is the pleasure of us being in your forest?" asked the guard with the sword and she bowed before carols. Carols was now sweating because he didn't know what to say.

"Um,... well you see that was my pet manticore and I saw you killed it!" said carols. The guard with the gun looked at the manticore and took out something that was attached to the manticore.

"You mean a tranquilizer dart?" asked the guard.

"Oh um..." carols didn't know what to say. "Bye." he said as he ran off from the guards.

"Oh no you don't!" said the guard with gun as a blue aura went around her hand. As carols was running he felt like he floating in the air. When he looked down he saw himself covered in blue aura and unable to move. Then he was pulled toward the two guards.

"All right let's find out who this little girl is." said the guard with the sword.

"Right." said the guard with the gun. Then the guard with the sword pulled off carols fake beard off his face.

"OW! Hey that hurt you know!" said carols back in regular voice. The guards were a little caught off by this.

"Huh, she's sounds a lot deeper then most chicks huh?" asked the guard with the sword.

"GIRL?!" thought carols in his mind. As the guards started to chat, carols was trying to get out of this thing. "Hey let me go!" said carols.

"No way little girl were calling you're mother." said the guard with sword.

"Who are you calling a girl? I'm a boy!" yelled carols. The guards looked at him for a while then laughed out loud.

"Ha ha ha ha ha! Right and I'm princess celstia." said the guard with the gun laughing.

"But I am!" said carols.

"Look kid I know we haven't had a boy or man like in 400 years and some of you kids want to grow up to be a man but we just can't do that." said the guard with the sword.

"Yeah and the only way you could be a boy is if you have...uh... what was it called again?" asked the guard with the gun.

"A pennies?" said the guard with the sword.

"Yeah only if you had that you could be one... actually you ever what a real one would feel like?" asked the guard with the gun.

"Hm... I don't really know I got one of those toy ones but I heard they don't feel the same." said the guard with the sword.

"Really cause I hear that they can come in all different sizes." said the guard with the gun.

"Really?" asked the guard with the sword.

"Yep." said the guard with the gun.

"Are they really talking about dude's wee wee's?" thought carols to himself as he sweat dropped. "Look I can prove to you that I'm a boy!" yelled carols. Two guards looked at him.

"Really how?" asked the guard with the sword.

"I"LL-I-I'll show my... wee wee." said carols as he blushed. The guards were looking at him funny. "But only if let me go!" said carols.

"Oh yeah if we let you go how do we know you're not goanna try running away?" asked the guard with the gun.

"I-I promise I won't run away." said carols who always kept a promise. The two guards looked at each other then at carols.

"Fine but if you run were chasing you ass down." said the guard with the gun as the blue aura fainted away and carols fell toward the ground. He got up slowly and dusted himself off. He then looked at the two guards who were watching him.

"Well?" asked the guard with the sword. Carols blushed as he looked down his pants.

"Well here goes nothing." thought carols as he un tied his belt, un buttoned his pants and let down his under wear.

The two guards stood there for a few seconds then both of them went wide eye. Then the one with the sword kneeled down to see his (Ahem) thing closer.

"Oh my celstia." said the guard with the sword as her hand went out to touch it. Carols saw this and scouted away.

"Hey! I said I show it not let it be touched!" yelled carols. Then carols heard another noise come from the bushes. When he turned around he saw billy and wister come out of the bushes.

"Pister! Billy!" carols yelled as he ran over to hug them but tripped since his pants were down. Billy and wister ran toward him and helped him up.

"Um carols... why are you pants down?" asked wister.

"Cause those ladies wanted to see my wee wee." said carols as he pointed toward the two guards. Wister just started at them.

"How dare you?! I can report you to the police for being a pedophile!" yelled wister.

"Kid we are the police." said the guard with the gun.

"Oh um... still." said wister as he helped carols put back up his underwear and pants. Then the guard with the gun walked up to the three. But as she did wister had but billy and carols right behind him. The guard took note of this and backed off a little.

"Whoa kid I ain't goanna hurt you guys." said the guard which felt a little weird to say because she's never really used the word (guys) before.

"Yeah right, how can we believe you?" asked wister.

"Well I promised them something and they trusted me." said carols.

"Not helping carols." said wister with a sweat drop.

"See? You can trust us kid." said the guard. Wister looked at her then he slowly let billy and carols in front of him. But soon as the guard with sword saw billy she grapped him fast.

"Oh my celstia! He's so cute!" yelled the guard as a pair of green wings came out of her back and she flew in the air.

"What the?!" thought both carols and wister. Billy begin whimpering and looked like he was about to cry. Wister noticed this.

"Um! Please put billy down! You're scaring him!" yelled wister. The guard stopped and looked at billy who looked like he was crying.

"Oh sorry..." said the guard as she flew down and let billy go. Billy ran toward wister and hugged him.

"Sorry he's very shy." said wister as he gently stroked billys green hair. The guards then noticed something.

"Wait are all three of you boys?" asked the guard with the gun.

"Yeah we are why?" asked wister. The two guards looked at each other then walked toward somewhere the boys couldn't hear them.

"We have to tell the princess." said the guard with the sword.

"No we have to bring them with us." said the guard with the gun.

"How?" asked the other one.

"Hm... Oh I got it." said the guard with the sword as she and the other one went up toward the boys. "Hey um... would you mind coming with us?" she asked.

"HELL NO!" yelled wister. "After what you did to my friend here?! Why should we even trust you to even take us anywhere?!" asked wister very angrily.

"Well kid you got two options. 1. be out here alone with your friends most likely get eaten alive or come with us to somewhere safe." said the guard with the sword.

Wister thought about this for a while then looked at the guards. "Fine I'll come with you but I need for my friends to agree." said wister as he turned around to carols.

"Carols do you think we should go with them?" asked wister.

"In my option yes, much better being with two lady's then with dangers animals." said carols. Wister nodded his head then looked down at billy.

"Billy what about you?" asked wister. Billy shook his head no.

"Come on billy we'll be more safe then were we are now." said carols. Billy looked at carols, then at the ground. After a few minutes billy nodded his head yes and let go of wister.

The guard with the gun smiled. "Great follow us, and don't stray it's and long walk and we don't want you boys getting hurt." she said as she turned around and started walking. Wister, carols and billy started to follow her but the guard was looking at billy with a sheepish grin.

"Hey um... billy! Can I talk to you for a moment?" asked the guard. Wister looked back at her. "It'll just be a moment go off ahead without us." she said. Wister glared at her but nodded his head. The guard then turned back to billy.

"Hey kid look um... I'm sorry if I scared you early I really didn't mean too... so if don't trust me I understand." said the guard with her head down. Billy looked at her for a moment, he then kissed he forehead. The guard blushed and looked at billy. Since billy didn't talk much he just smiled at her. She smiled back happy that he forgave her. He then grabbed a finger of her hand and walked with her toward the group.

Meanwhile with carols and wister, carols was smiling.

"What are you happy about?" asked wister. Carols then turned to wister smiling.

"Told you this would be the ultimate adventure." said carols.

"Shut up carols." said wister with a tick mark.


Hey guys its me again and yeah I know not my best work but hey it's something different but yeah I've been thinking of making this story for a while and now I've made it but it's up to you guys if you want it to continue, but besides that if you enjoyed this chapter and possible story leave a review I love when people do and if that's all peace off.