A/N: We've made it.

It was a wonder they even fell asleep at all.

After dinner at the café, Finn carried her through the doorway of their apartment, and they finally, finally got to do what people who were in love do.

Honestly, they would have probably would have made love all night if the day hadn't been so eventful. Even with the caffeine from the coffee, confessing your love and eloping - all in one day - was a tiring ordeal. Still, they managed to stay awake to see the rising of the sun before they succumbed to sleep.

Yesterday, as perfect as it was, was gone. Now they had to deal with the aftermath of today.

Which began early. Rachel woke up to the sound of banging and buzzing on their front door.

She groaned, pressing her body closer to Finn's, who was beginning to wake up too.

"Let me guess," Finn mumbled, his eyes still closed. "It's them."

"Who else?" she muttered.

Finn sighed, finally opening his eyes. "Good morning," he said before kissing her - their first good morning kiss. "How much time do you think we have?"

Rachel thought about it. "Thirty seconds before Santana starts picking the lock, two minutes until the door opens."

Finn sighed. "We better get dressed then."

"Yes, only I get to see you like this," she winked at him before she got up.

"How do you feel?" she asked as she grabbed clothes and began to dress herself.

"Like I'm the luckiest person in the world. Lucky enough to take on Santana," Finn said, laughing as he too got dressed.

"How flattering," she said, now fully dressed. She walked and pressed her lips against his, her hands tugging on his already messy hair, his hands on her back to pull her closer. How wonderful was it that she could do this anytime she wanted to?

She smiled at him before stepping back and moved to give him a shirt so that he could finish dressing up. Finn smiled at her and put it on before taking ahold of her hand. They were going to face them together.

"If this door isn't open in 3 seconds, I'm burning it down," Santana yelled through the other side of the main door.

Taking a deep breath, Rachel opened the door and saw Santana, Puck, and Kurt glaring at them.

"We have a few questions for you, Berry. If that's even your name now," Santana stared at their hands before storming in. It wasn't.

Kurt and Puck followed.

Rachel began to get anxious - surely they knew what Finn and her had done. Now was their time to convince the others that the wedding vows Finn and her had made each other triumphed over any band rule. Hopefully they would understand.

They all awkwardly and silently went to the living room. Finn and Rachel stood in while the others sat down on the couch.

Finn spoke first. "I'm just going to say it. I love Rachel and she loves me," he looked down at her and smiled. "And we love each other so much that we got married."

Rachel squeezed Finn's hand as she spoke next. "I know we broke the rule before we amended it," she spoke slowly. "And I know you all must be rather upset -"

"Mad? Mad. You think I'm mad. I am outraged," Santana cut her off.

Rachel froze. Of all the band members, she didn't expect for Santana to react this way. Rachel gripped Finn's hand tighter.

They braced themselves for a classic Santana rant.

"You see, first, I had to sit by for two fucking years with the whole 'I hate Finn' and 'I hate Rachel' crap. Then, I spoonfeed you two the solution a year ago when I crashed one of the stupid coffee dates you two go on. I mean how much obvious could I have been? Apparently, not enough, because even as band leaders, you two still didn't change the rules. Do you know how frustrating that was? We kicked you out Rachel so you could live with Finn – still, nothing! It's exhausting. And the one weekend – the one time I go away - that's when you two decide to not only get together, but wait – get married!"

"Oh please. You're just upset that you lost." Kurt stood up, pointing at Santana. "You lost the bet. Rachel broke first," he said, his voice no longer sounding as if he was ill.

"We don't know that. All we know is that Rachel wrote the song," Santana crossed her arms.

Rachel, shocked at the entire encounter, tried to absorb what she just heard. Santana and Kurt… they've known how she's been feeling this entire time? Rachel placed a hand on her forehead – perhaps she was sick from the rain, and was just having illusions?

Rachel shook her head and spoke. She needed clarification. "First of all, all those times Finn and I got coffee – those weren't dates. But never mind that. Are you guys saying, what I think you're saying?"

"Yes, yes, we've known that you've been in love with my brother from the start," Kurt said. "And seriously? Even if you two didn't explicitly call them dates, only an idiot would think that you two going out to get coffee together every single freaking time it rained wasn't the equivalent of the date. But we ignored that entire aspect in our bet, because we knew that you two were idiots and didn't call them 'official' dates."

"You guys… made bets?" Finn asked, exchanging looks with Rachel, staring at each other in disbelief. Was this happening?

"A long time ago. Probably after Finn and Puck moved out. We made bets to see who would cave first and ask the other out on an official date," Santana said. "Now, can we get straight to it? Who broke first?"

"Rachel said I love you first," Finn said.

"Aha!" Kurt clapped his hands. "I knew I was right to pretend to be sick yesterday!"

"But Finn asked me to marry him."

"There we go," Santana threw her hands up in the air. "I won."

"But Rachel was the one to initiated it all," Kurt argued.

"Wait a minute. So Kurt you bet on Rachel, Santana on me..." Finn clarified.

"Oh yes," Kurt laughed. "I bet that Rachel would break the rule first and ask Finn out, you know, officially. Santana bet on Finn. That's why I wanted you as band leader. That's why she nominated Finn. Puck foolishly bet that neither you would break the rules. Ha, so naïve."

"Excuse me," Puck finally spoke. "We're you not listening? I won the bet."

"Puckerman, you are dumber than the world gives you credit for," Santana rolled her eyes. "Just accept defeat and pay up."

"No way," Puck shook his head. "Finn and Rachel never broke the rule. Rule #14 clearly states that band members are not allowed to date other band members. The key word being 'date'. As far I know, Finn and Rachel never dated - at least not officially. They just confessed their feelings. They skipped the dating stage and moved straight the marriage stage."

"Oh well Finn and I got coffee last night as a date," Rachel corrected. "Finn's idea to get coffee. My idea to get food"

"Ha!" Santana and Kurt exclaimed at the same time.

"Too late," Puck said. "That was after you two got married. A completely different label. It's like I said, they never broke the rules. Without even knowing, they found a loophole.

"That's absurd!" Kurt shrieked.

Rachel tilted her head in thought. "Noah's right. Under the context by which we created that rule, dating was meant as label - like a stage in a relationship. Finn and I… well we never had that label."

Finn smiled at her. "Look at us, finding the loophole." he bend down and kissed her in front of everyone.

Kurt and Santana groaned.

"I'm still confused. If you guys knew how we were feeling, why didn't you guys just tell us?" Rachel asked, feeling slightly betrayed that they knew how she truly felt this entire time. Would things have been different if they had gotten rid of the rule a long time ago?

"There are betting rules," Kurt said. "For example, if I told you that we were okay with it, you would have asked Finn first, giving me an automatic win. But Rachel, we tried to implicitly show you, right? Me telling you to work more with Finn. Me telling you I was in love with Blaine was meant to show you and love was supposed to triumph all, although that backfired on me. Face it Rachel, you were too stubborn to see it. You both were."

Rachel looked back at Finn, who just shrugged and held her hand tighter. Rachel could feel his ring press into his hand.

No. She stood by what she knew yesterday - she wouldn't change a thing, regardless of what could have been. Not if it led her here.

"You're right. I guess that's why we eloped - we were too stubborn to do things 'properly.' So wait, you guys aren't mad?" Rachel asked, her arm around Finn. Even if they were okay with their relationship, Finn and Rachel did go behind their backs and eloped.

"I told you, I'm outraged. And now I've lost to Puck of all people!" Santana said. "But I'm most upset that you didn't even invite us to the wedding. I mean who are we to you guys?"

"My feelings exactly," Kurt said. "And can you imagine what your poor mother must be feeling, Finn?"

"Oh my god," Rachel sat down on the empty couch behind them. She hadn't even considered their parents.

Finn sat down next to her, also feeling the guilt. "Hey, that's your punishment for placing bets on our relationship. But... we'll make it up to you all – to all of you. We'll have a ceremony. You can plan it Kurt."

"All is forgiven" Kurt said. "Now, show us the rings."

Feeling a little better, Rachel smiled at Finn before extending her hand out. Having the band accept the two of them felt like a huge weight off of their shoulders.

Santana smirked. "That's the best you could do, Hudson? You know, if I was there, I would have been able to snag you a better deal."

Finn ignored her. "You guys are really okay with this?" he asked.

"Finn," Kurt said flatly. "What the first band rule?"

"Band members must look out for another."

Rachel knew all the rules by heart. In her fear, she had forgotten the implications of the first rule. It was the same rule she had quoted to Kurt when she told him that he shouldn't date Blaine. That wasn't the right interpretation of the rule, she knew now.

"Exactly. And we're looking out for your happiness. Both yours and Rachel's. We love you guys. And regardless of whether of not you two broke the rules – well you're stuck with us."

And they end up in massive group hug.

"Well I look forward to many more years with the five of us as a band," Rachel stated.

"I'm afraid that's not going to happen," Puck said suddenly.

"What do you mean?" Finn asked.

"I actually did have to go to the doctor's office yesterday. Unlike Kurt, mine was a real excuse. I uh – I went with Quinn… and well… she's pregnant."

There was dead silence.

"We've known for a couple of weeks now. It happened right when we came back from our tour with Mercedes. Guess really Fabray missed me. But I've got a daughter on the way. With all this touring and late shows, well I can't do it anymore."

"You're leaving the band?" Finn asked.

"Aw don't get sentimental on me Hudson," Puck walked up next to Finn and punched his arm. "I'm leaving the band but I'm not leaving you guys. And I've already found a good replacement. Quinn used to date this dude named Sam. Get this, he's a model and he can play the guitar. We need at least single heartthrob on our band."

This was life - Rachel was discovering. Milestones initiated change - that was inevitable. The band would never be the same. And yet, Rachel wasn't worried. She was seeing, right before her eyes, that the band itself wasn't forever. And yet, their friendship was, because through it all, they all loved each other. Nothing would break the the bond that the five of them shared.

"Well we are happy for you," Rachel said. Even she couldn't help but to feel a little down at the thought of Puck leaving, she knew he would still in her life forever.

"I bet you it's a girl," Santana said to Kurt.

"Fine, boy," Kurt stuck out his hand for Santana to shake.

"Great, now pay up – I want my dino nuggets. And hey, are we not going to talk about how Hudson finally got laid?" Puck joked.

"Both Hudsons," Santana winked.

Finn and Rachel laughed.

Finn smiled at her and cupped her cheeks. "It's amazing, huh Buddy? Everything worked out." He's about to kiss her before they get interrupted.

"What the heck did you just call her?"

"Buddy. It's our name for each other," Finn said, removing his hands off her face to pull her to his side.

"Term of endearment. Like how people call their significant other other 'babe' or 'honey'." Rachel said, placing a hand on his chest. "Ours is Buddy."

"It's a single word that captures what we mean to each other."

"An all-encompassing label. Let's see... so far it includes: best friend, bandmate, roommate, tradition partner, love of my life, spouse, and well, everything else that we just can't put into words."

"Notice how it never included boyfriend/girlfriend," Puck said.

"God, you guys are disgusting. I don't know what's worse, the bickering, or the cheesy lovey-dovey affection."

Kurt sighed. "Well, I think we've waited long enough. Tell us everything. Like what's the real reason why you two get coffee every time it rains?"

"Well, it all began one rainy day two years and one day ago..."

Three years later

It was raining.

Rachel watched from bed as the water droplets hit against the bedroom window. She knew what the rain meant.

Finn was drinking coffee.

Of course, she could smell it, strongly – that was why she woke up in the first place.

She groaned as she struggled to get up. She was still tired from the night before and so she's surprised Finn was even up this early. Sure enough, there was Finn when she opened the bedroom door, sitting on the dining table drinking coffee.

"I hate you," she said, bending down to give him a kiss. She loved him, but her emotions were running all over the place lately, and so she had half a mind to chuck that coffee into the sink.

"Sorry," he leaned in for another kiss before kissing her stomach. "You could have a little, if you want. They say a little coffee is okay."

Rachel put a hand on her hip. "Finn, there's no way that I'm putting anything into my body that has even the slightest chance of potentially harm our baby."

Seriously, men.

Finn smiled. "You must really love that baby then."

"Of course I do. But you don't have to rub it in by drinking it every single time it rains," Rachel groaned.

She won't tell him to stop, of course. Because she really did love the mere smell of it and she won't let Finn stop drinking it because she's superstitious.

Plus, she appreciated having her other half carry on the tradition. Still, she loved bantering with her best friend. Old habits die hard.

"Sorry, can't help it," Finn played along. "You see, one rainy day, years ago, I met this girl, and she took my coffee virginity away from me. Since then, I need to have to have one every time it rains."

Rachel smiled at him, still not quite believing how far they've come.

"Wow, sounds like this girl really changed your life."

"She really did. Changed my life so much that I married her without even dating her."

Rachel twisted the wedding band on her ring finger, remembering the day very clearly.

"That's pretty spontaneous of you. I on the other hand, married my best friend, my Buddy."

Finn raised his eyebrows. "Yeah? And how's that working out for you?"

"Even better than I could have possibly dreamed of," Rachel leaned forward to kiss him, keeping on hand his cheek. "My Buddy is the absolute best friend, husband, and soon father. Even if he did impregnate me at the worst time possible," she said accusingly.

"Yeah, Kurt and Santana still aren't shutting up about how you'll be 8 months pregnant at their joint wedding," Finn blushed, rubbing his head.

Rachel scoffed, her friends were something else. "Please, the moment Baby Hudson comes, they'll be spoiling that kid rotten." Rachel placed a hand on her stomach, rubbing it fondly.

Kurt and Blaine had gotten together not long after Finn and Rachel got married. Blaine certainly had a lot of press to deal with as part of the aftermath, but, with a little convincing from Rachel, Blaine finally realized it was okay to date someone in the business.

"I can't believe we're here. You're happy, right?" Finn's eyes find hers. "Even though the band is on a hiatus?"

Rachel sat down on his lap and kissed him softly.

"Of course I am. We all knew the band wasn't going to be around forever. It was amazing while it lasted. And we're still close with everyone and we still have our traditional monthly dinners. I am just glad that we did end up finding something will last forever."

No matter how many awards they would win, no matter how many songs would make it to the top, their best legacy would always be the family they had formed and the additions that would join them in time.

Because time would go on. The seasons still changed. There were journeys to plan to take, more traditions to make, more moments to hold dear in her heart.

She's grateful for it, thankful that she decided to measure her life not in fear, not in stardom, but in love.

And she had a lot of it.

A/N: And we're done. Thank you to the people that were the inspiration behind this story. Credits to the song "Seasons of Love," which helped write some of the elements in this story. And thank you to all of you guys, who have stuck with me and this story through the end.