A/N: I know it is fairly repetitive but I'm sorry it took so long! But this is the last chapter of this little (well, it's not that small any longer, but still) story. I am working away at my more ambitious projects but they are slow in coming so stay tuned for less than serious intermission entertainment.

Thank you to all who read, followed, favorited and most of all, thanks to my lovely reviewers. Inanna – My thoughts may have run in similar M rated circles but I figured I'd stick with the original rating here! Jael73 – Thank you for your encouragement and I'm so happy you've enjoyed! Zizhunwriter – They are both sweethearts, it makes me happy to write them thinking about each other so I'm really glad you enjoyed that!

Archie turned over to escape a sunbeam streaming in from the window. He must've forgotten to close the curtains the night before and now the room was bathing in light. Opening his eyes he smiled as he took in the sight before him. Ruby was lying on her back, sleeping spread out over the mattress the way she always did. Her dark hair was haloed around her face in wild tresses he knew she would curse incessantly in a few minutes as she tried to force them into some semblance of order in front of the bathroom mirror. But he loved it just like this, free and loose, just waiting for his hands to run through the locks.

Murmuring something in her sleep, his gaze focused on her face. Before putting his glasses on she was slightly out of focus, but he could clearly make out the familiar shapes of her. The deep dip of her cupid's bow, just as sexy unpainted, the sweep of long lashes, the graceful jawline. Her cheeks were flushed in sleep and one of her hands rested close to her face on the pillow. It made him itch for a pen and paper. Everything about her begged to be put on paper, like a piece of art herself she deserved to be admired and appreciated.

In his mind's eye he captured the light playing on her eyelids, the shadow of her sculpted cheekbones. Trailing his gaze down her exquisite neck, the rounded shape of her shoulder, the outline of hard muscle under soft skin in arms that carried heavy loads. Back up over the delicate skin on the inside of her arm, past perfect collarbones to the curved shape of her breasts under the lacy camisole she slept in. The soft fabric clung to their supple outline and he felt his heart start beating harder in his chest. The knowledge that he could reach out and touch, could wake her already wanting made him shift on the mattress to ease…matters and he smiled a little self-consciously.

"You're doing it again." She spoke, a smile already tugging at her lips.

"You're staring at me. While I sleep."

"I can't help it, you look so pretty when you sleep." She opened her eyes, the pale green of spring leaves in shade meeting his.

"You're lucky I do that to you or I'd think you were really weird."

"You staring at me when I sleep is weird."

"What's to see?" She arched a brow and raised herself to rest on her elbows, her hair streaming down her back.

"Well, let me see…There's the hair, that beautiful shade of red. It looks almost as if it sparks in the sunlight." She angled her head. "Then there's that jaw. Such a sexy jaw. And that's before we get to your mouth. I could probably write a book on it. The way you smile slightly in your sleep. There's these wide shoulders," she reached out and let her hand trail over one. Pushing him down she slung a leg over his hip and obliging he turned on his back to let her straddle him. "I quite like the arms you have attached to them as well. Who would've thought a psychiatrist his arms like this under his suit, hmm?" Dragging her hands over them Archie let his hands trail up her legs to find her hips and marveled yet again how this was possible. A woman like Ruby in his bed willingly seemed too much to ask but here she was, warm and wanting. Wanting him.

"I'm glad you like what you see." Ruby laughed.

"Like? Try one of your fancier words, doctor. Crave, yearn, ache for it seems more appropriate." He was beginning to feel a sweet ache himself and with an arm around her waist to keep her steady he rolled them over, lowering his lips to hers and-

Archie woke up with a start, the dream so real he could've sworn he could smell her perfume on his sheets. Breathing heavily he felt color wash over his face. He was much too old for these kinds of dreams. He was much too old for the woman who had been in the dream. With a disgusted noise he tossed the too hot covers off and got up.


"So this is it." Sitting in the small kitchen Ruby drew her legs up under her and drew her cup of coffee closer. Setting down his own cup, Archie smiled reassuringly.

"It is. After this it'll be over. You can go back to your apartment and can stop pretending you're married to an old bore like me." What echoed fairly close to what she had been thinking herself not one week earlier now seemed less appealing by the minute. Leaving the apartment, the dog, and most of all – him. Somehow living there had started feeling as right as living in her cluttered room in the shared loft.

"Why do you do that?"
"Do what?"

"Put yourself down." She really didn't understand how he couldn't see. "You're not boring. How often have you seen me laugh because of something you said in the last few days?" He looked a bit lost and she continued. "Or Emma, or Belle or Jeff? They've all had a great time with you and you're not only being unfair to yourself by putting yourself down like that. You're being unfair to them too. They – we, like you." With his hand trembling a little he fiddled with the ear of the cup.

"I…I, thank you Ruby. I suppose I don't see it, is all. You hear critique much louder than praise, after all."

"Speaking as someone who has lived with you for a week I can tell you I have no critiques. You're funny, Archie. You make people comfortable, you're kind and you're thoughtful." His smile looked wistful for a moment before he looked away.

"You make me sound quite the catch." Ruby got up from her chair, bringing her cup with her to put into the dishwasher. Following suit, he stood as well and she turned.

"Only because you are. You'll make some lucky girl very happy one day." Looking up at him she suddenly noticed how cramped the kitchen really was. He was standing a few inches from her, his arm almost touching her waist where he'd reached forward to put his cup down. Meeting her gaze he was looking down at her and she felt the heat from his body radiate against her. Feeling the air still around her Ruby inched closer, tilting her head ever so slightly. She saw his gaze drop to her lips and even her heart stilled in anticipation.

Suddenly the doorbell rang and jerking awake as if he'd been burnt Archie managed to knock the cup off the counter and with a crack it shattered on the floor. A bit like the moment had, Ruby thought. Stepping back and feeling the ties to it rip she turned to get the door, leaving Archie to crouch for the pieces of the cup.

Summoning a smile and pasting it over her features she opened the door.

"Ms. Langdon. Mr. Truesdale."

"Ruby, how lovely to see you. May we come in?"

"Of course, please." The two officials entered, looking around curiously and Ruby turned away. They were looking for signs she didn't actually live there, she supposed. But her shoes were on the shelf next to his. Three of her jackets on the pegs on the back of the door and her red umbrella next to his green one in the Victorian stand. Leading them into the living room, Archie came in from the kitchen.

"Mr. Truesdale, Ms. Langdon. Would you like some tea or coffee?"

"Some tea, if it's not too much trouble. First, would you have a seat?" Giving Archie a sideways look for reassurance, Ruby sat. He joined her and gave her hand a quick squeeze.

"Now, this is a lovely place. Have you had it long?"

"No, I got it just after we…Hrm", Archie cleared his throat. "I mean, we got it just after we got married." Coming to his rescue, Ruby added,

"Archie had already decided he was going to move here before and then when we got married I liked it so much I came with him instead of finding somewhere new."

"I can see why, Mrs. Hopper. I had no idea apartments like this existed in New York." Truesdale sounded less admiring than he did sour.

"I didn't either."

"And you are able to take care of a…what is it? A greenhouse?"
"I think it's called an orangery. Yes, I take care of it but so far Ruby has been a quick learner." No one had ever called her a quick learner before. Her Granny took most of what she did for granted and her previous boyfriends had actually not cared too deeply about any of her modest accomplishments. But Archie's voice was proud when he continued,

"She re-planted an azalea that's thriving."

"Impressive. I've always had problems with my azaleas," Ms. Langdon said and leaned forward with interest.

"I just followed his instructions."

"I will have to get your advise on them then," Ms. Langdon said to Archie. Tilting her head as she picked up on the other woman's tone Ruby wondered…No, it couldn't be. But looking at her, two bright spots of pink burning on her sallow cheeks and her eyes bright she realized Ms. Langdon seemed to have a little crush on Archie. Oh boy, she thought, wasn't that unexpected? Then again, though a lot of women didn't see the appeal, she certainly did. He was an attractive, attentive and frankly, adorable, man.

Seeming to sense weakness in his colleague, Truesdale intervened.

"So, did you buy it together?" His eyes were sharp and prodding and Ruby was glad they had realized that question would come and had prepared for it. Otherwise those eyes would seriously unnerve her. Clealry Archie had been expecting it too, as he replied,

"No, I used an inheritance I'd received. Ruby and I split the expenses of living here based on income so it's fair to both though our earnings are different."

"I suppose you rely heavier on Mr. Hopper's income?" Deciding to ignore both the rude tone and calling Archie "Mister", Ruby smiled, a sharp edge to it.

"It's true a waitress's pay grade is below a psychiatrist's but I like to think I pay him back in other ways, Mr. Truesdale." She didn't care if that made her sound cheap. The man was being deliberately rude to Archie and he was much too sweet to bite back. She really wasn't. "Should we see about that tea, Archie?" Getting up and pulling him by the hand into the kitchen Ruby struggled to not let her temper snap. So Truesdale was a rude, shortsighted little bitter man. She had dealt with those before.

"What's wrong?" Of course he saw it. No matter her pretenses.

"That…that…man. He's so rude. And mean-spirited. And bitter." Archie looked rather forlorn as he ran a hand through his hair.

"He is rather rude. I'm not sure what we've done to deserve it."

"It's because he's jealous." Ruby set down cups with a bit more force than necessary.

"Jealous? Jealous of what?" Reaching into a cupboard for teabags, Ruby looked over her shoulder.

"Of you, of course." She dumped two teabags in the green teapot.

"Of me? Why?" Archie poured the boiling water into cups, the steam for a second fogging up his glasses.

"Well, for one he can see people like you. I mean even Langdon does. And my friends who they've been in touch with. You have a nice place and a good job. You're helping people and you're well liked."

"I…" He seemed to fill in the missing lines himself and something dawned on him.
"And I have you. I think that's what annoying him. He told me at the interview he didn't believe someone like me could get a woman like you." Ruby's eyes narrowed.

"Did he now?" She picked up the tray, her smile flinty and sharp as she entered the living room again.

So the little worm didn't think Archie could get a woman like her? Well, she would show him just how well he could, how much more of a chance he stood than mean state officials in bad suits. Setting the tray down and settling back next to him on the couch she edged herself closer.

She didn't have to act infatuated to help. In fact, all she had to do was stop acting. Dropping the guard that was always keeping her distant Ruby just let whatever she felt come naturally. Resting her hand on his shoulder or playing with the ends of his hair where it curled over his collar. Twining her fingers with his or shift so his hand ended up on her knee. Archie responded well she thought and his thumb stroked circles on top of her hand or angled his body so she fit in neatly pressed against him. For a while Ruby forgot she was pretending, only enjoying the moment.


Ruby inched closer and put a hand on his shoulder, absently stroking soothing circles before gently tangling in his hair and he felt his head grow empty. He knew Truesdale had just asked him a question but all he could focus on was the feel of her hand on him. Touching him.

"Ah...pardon, I didn't catch that?"
"I said," Truesdale's eyes narrowed, "do you have any plans for the weekend?"

"Right. Ah, no?" He sent a Ruby a helpless glance and prayed she'd stop touching him. Then he quickly followed up with a prayer she would keep on.

"No, not really. We may see our friends for dinner on Saturday but nothing's settled." The dinner they'd have if they ended up in the clear. Possibly the last time he'd see Ruby before she went back to her normal life. "We like to take long walks with Pongo and watch movies on weekends, usually." Langdon smiled and set her cup down.

"That sounds lovely. Well, Larry, I believe we are done here?" Truesdale gave a grimace and a nod that Ruby interpreted to be assent and feeling the strain that had been building through the whole ordeal mount, she stood.

"Well, we'll be in touch." Truesdale said gruffly and pulled his jacket straight before picking up his briefcase and striding out of the room.

"Goodbye, you two. It's been a pleasure and I wish you the very best in your future."

"Thank you Ms. Langdon." Returning from seeing them out Ruby met his eyes dazedly.

"Do you…Do you think that was it?"
"It sounded like it from Ms. Langdon." With a laugh Ruby latched herself onto him and catching her he managed to balance them both in a hug.


Truesdale and Langdon sighed impatiently as the little lady took her time maneuvering herself, her large purse and a travel pet cage into the elevator. Settling herself and completely obstructing the door Langdon cleared her throat and asked pleasantly,

"Are you familiar with the couple on the top floor?"

"Mr. and Mrs. Hopper? Yes, I have spoken to them a few times. More times with Mr. Hopper since he's been here longer."

"What do you mean been here longer?" Truesdale asked sharply.

"Well, that Mrs. Hopper has been away for so long, of course. She only moved in last week after her long trip to Antarctica. She was photographing the penguins! Can you believe it?" Grimly Truesdale pressed the button for the top floor again.

"No, I can't." With a small smile he adjusted his tie.


Standing by the window looking out at the New York traffic snail past in fitful bursts Archie felt his insides must look as grey as the sky. Everything seemed duller, washed out and worn without her in it. The apartment, the city, him.

"You are one monumental idiot." Archie didn't know how Jeff had managed to get in to his apartment and wasn't sure he really wanted to know either.

"I beg your pardon?"

"I know you're a bit slow on the emotional side but for the love of Versace, how can you not see what's right in front of you?"

"I…I really have no idea what you are talking about." Jeff ran a hand through his hair and it waved madly around his face.

"Don't be ridiculous. You're in love with Ruby, that's what I am talking about." Objecting did occur to Archie but in the end it hardly seemed worth it. Ruby was gone and it was the best thing for all involved. You mean for you, a snide voice spoke inside of him, you're so afraid of acknowledging what you feel you'd rather let her get deported than admit it.

"What does it matter now, Jefferson? Ruby's on her way to Canada and-"

"What does it matter? What does it matter? If love doesn't matter then I don't want to be part of "it" anymore. How can you just let her go? How can you say you're in love with her if you're just going to stand here and stare out the window? When you're not going to fight?"

"I'm not lucky enough to be the one to fight for her."

"Love may be found by the lucky, Archie, but it's kept by those who fight for it."

"Paraphrased Victor Hugo?"

"A Jefferson original – and all the better for it. Now why are you still standing here after my inspirational speech?"


"Ruby!" Turning on her heel when she heard the familiar voice and spotting Archie come running down the crowded hall, his tie over his shoulder and her group of friends behind him she felt happiness burst inside her. Trousdale and Langdon tutted impatiently and ignoring them Ruby asked,

"Archie, what are you doing here?"

"We…I…couldn't let you just go, Ruby. Your life is here. You belong here." Looking away she felt her heart sink. He was just here as a friend, his concern for others driving him to try one last time.

"It's okay, Archie. I mean, it's not okay, but I'll be fine. I'll re-apply for my visa when I can, I'll see you when I'm back."

"No." Blinking in surprise at his tone Ruby took a step back.

"Oh, I…Well."

"No, I don't think I could see you after I…Ruby, I have something to say. I know you don't feel the same as I do but after the last few days, I need to say it…I-" He looked away and seemed to gather his courage. "I love you. You're more than I could have ever dreamed I would have, even if it was just pretend, and I need you to know that you deserve so much more than I could ever be. I know you don't believe that but you are, to me, absolutely amazing and I couldn't help loving you." Feeling disbelief paint everything inside her a bright white of shock, leaving her blank and stunned. People had stopped around them and were watching in a wide circle.

"So when you come back I hope you will be as happy as you can be. I wish you the very best and hope you will find someone who treasures you for the very way you are. But I won't be there to see it. I don't think I could. So…Well, goodbye."


Turning away he saw that a wide-eyed circle of spectators were eyeing him and he felt the tips of his ears grow red. He read sympathy in most of the women's eyes and pained embarrassment in most of the men's. But he didn't really care. He'd had to say it, had to explain why he could never see her again. Now he could only go home and wait for time to heal the hurt.

"Wait." There was a collective intake of breath as Ruby spoke. Bracing himself for the embarrassed apology, the explanations and any other way he could be told no, he turned. "Archie, I have something I have to say too." She set down her small carry-on suitcase and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "It's not as long or beautiful of a confession but - I love you too." Then she crossed the distance between them in three long strides and pulled him close by the knot in his tie, capturing his lips with hers. Wild cheering erupted around them, the group of friends behind Archie definitely the loudest. But all Archie heard were the words "I love you too", again and again in his head. Everything inside of him seemed to have lit up and been woken into full bloom. Then she pulled away,
"Do you have the….You know-" She gestured and he realized what she meant.

"I, well, yes, I couldn't…Are you sure?"

"Yes, dammit! Sorry, I mean yes." Grinning, he dipped into his jacket pocket and sank down on one knee. The cheering crowd grew suddenly as silent as if someone had pressed mute and held its collective breath.

"Ruby Lucas, will you marry me - so I can take you out?"



"Oh, God, that's me done for." MM accepted a handkerchief from her fiancé and dabbed it under her eyes. Belle leaned her head on Gold's shoulder; a small wistful smile on her features and Emma frowned as Graham put an arm around her.

"What's wrong?"


"Swan. Pay up," Jefferson interrupted and Emma scowled.

"That's why. He got it right again." Pocketing the bills, Jeff grinned.

"Though not as right as some." He nodded to where Ruby and Archie were locked in an embrace. "This was the easiest bet ever. That's True Love if I've ever seen it." He winked at Percy, "And I have."

The End

A/N: I hope you enjoyed and stay tuned for more Red Cricketing coming your way soon!