Hey guys! This is the last chapter. I've re-written it so many times in the past five years that I've been working on this story but I think I'm finally ready to post it. Thank you for sticking with me all this time. I'm sure I will publish more with these characters at some point, so go ahead and follow me if you want to see that.
Without further ado, please enjoy.
A couple days later, Rudy was once again in the city he called home. Ken made a little speech about rest and timelines for the next raid. The group had already agreed to take a two week break this time, to recharge their weary bodies and repair equipment using their replenished stash of materials.
Rudy, however, wasn't weary in the least. His body felt light and he could probably go a few rounds. But even so, there was a weight on his heart, brought on by all his confusion and hurt. Maybe some training would do him some good.
He momentarily considered doing that before returning home, but decided against it. The trek to the guild house was short, and he found his younger companions setting up lunch on the bottom floor. They seemed surprised to see him, though he hadn't kept in much contact as of late.
"Oh, its you." Touya said flatly when he walked in, squinting his eyes.
Rudy was taken aback.
"Yes, it is me. I am back."
Touya sniffed and turned back to what he was doing, clearly done with the conversation.
"Rudy-san, are you hungry? You're just in time to eat." Minori addressed him in a much nicer tone than her brother.
Even so, the strain in her voice did not go unnoticed.
"A bit."
"Well, put your stuff down and come eat."
Rudy nodded and headed up the stairway, now unsure about many things. First Isuzu, now his friends were acting weird too. Had he truly done something wrong?
Sighing, he walked into his room, dusty from little use. In fact, the dust was a new thing. Isuzu was usually here in town to dust for him. Not that he had ever asked her to.
Rudy immediately dropped his bag, still pondering everyone's strange behavior, when his eyes fell upon a white cloth, sitting in a neatly folded pile atop his bed.
"Why is this here?" He wondered aloud, picking it up gently.
He had asked her to take it. She had accepted it happily. So how did it get here?
His eyes examined it carefully, realizing she had cleaned it thoroughly. It even smelled like her soap.
Don't ask him why he knew that. Okay, he may have had to borrow it a couple of times when he ran out of his own...
But this hurt him all over again. Why was she doing this? What was it all of a sudden that was making her hate him?
He couldn't handle this. He loved her. He loved her so much. He couldn't take her hating him.
Rudy spun around and left his room, heading immediately to the ground floor, where he knew Serara and the others were eating.
"Everyone." He said, walking up and standing before them all.
Their conversation fell silent, his three friends stopping to stare at him.
"Hungry?" Serara asked lightly, gesturing for him to take a seat.
"No. I was wondering if anyone has heard from Isuzu lately."
This question was met by silence. Touya cleared his throat. Minori smiled at him politely, but it didn't reach her eyes. Touya was less roundabout with his obvious displeasure toward him, rolling his eyes and shaking his head.
"My friends, I...I do not understand what I have done to...elicit such disfavor from everyone."
"Rudy-san. I'm sorry." Minori apologized.
"I think we're all just shocked. We never thought that things would happen the way they did. We thought you would...well..."
"Rudy-ni is my friend. But so is Isuzu-neechan. She told Minori what you said and...I just can't believe you treated her that way. It pisses me off, actually."
A blank, confused look crossed Rudy's face.
"What I said? Treated her what way? I do not understand."
"Don't play dumb Rudy!" Serara said harshly.
"We all know you told Isuzu you don't love her anymore."
It took several moments for Serara's words to sink in. And when they did, his confusion only worsened.
I never told her that...nor would I have ever said...
That's when it came to him. That night when he spoke with Richard, the day before they reached Akiba. Richard had been so direct about asking Rudy's feelings for Isuzu that, instead of admitting his unrequited love, he acted as if it was a flitting thing of the past. He briefly remembered seeing a shadowy figure…meaning Isuzu must have come back to the tent! And she had heard it all. No, she had only heard part. The worst part, in fact.
Thinking back, a lot of the past few weeks now made sense. The morning after she was considerably more distant. She didn't stand close or walk with him, and when they parted ways that day, she had given him the smallest hug of his life. And then she didn't call. Not a single time. And when he called her she always seemed distracted or too busy to talk. She left his handkerchief in his room, didn't take it with her at all. And the way she told him not to come to her concert...
Rudy stood straighter with a jolt, looking into the faces of each of his friends. A pleading, desperate expression was in his eyes, and he took a deep bow.
"Everyone, I am sorry. There has been a huge misunderstanding. Please..."
The meters flew by with each flying stride of Rudy's horse. He was flanked by his friends, Touya to his left, Minori to his right, and Serara trailing just behind. They took the journey at breakneck speed. There was no time to waste, not at all. Not after when he had learned just an hour prior...
"What? What kind of misunderstanding?" Touya had asked cautiously.
The imploring and panicked look on Rudy's face had everyone's attention in an instant.
"I never said anything of the sort to Miss Isuzu, but I...I did say something like that. To my friend Richard. She must have over-heard."
"What?" Serara gasped in disbelief.
"So you admit it then?"
"No, no I did not mean it. Please, it was a misunderstanding. It was the night before we made it back from the Pit of Anguish. She came to mine and Richard's tent and was acting strangely. Then she ran off and Richard began asking me all kinds of questions. I did not wish to discuss it with him so I wasattempting to brush them off. I said something untrue, hoping it would get him to back off. But she must have come back and heard us speaking."
"So you didn't say that to Isuzu-neechan?" Touya raised an eyebrow, catching on but still suspicious.
"No, of course not! Touya, you of all people know how I feel about her."
"Ah, I know. But she...she told Minori..."
"Rudy, she made it sound like she had confessed to you and you had turned her down."
"Confessed to me?" Rudy said in shock.
"Yes. Are you saying she didn't?"
"Are you honestly saying she was going to?"
At this point they had all exchanged glances with one another. Finally Minori turned to him once more.
"You said the night before you all reached Akiba, she came to your tent acting strangely?"
"Yes. She did."
"I think she had decided to tell you finally."
"Tell me?"
"How she feels."
Rudy stared at them in shock.
"I…" Rudy's mind was in overdrive. How she feels about what? Me? Surely not. Rudy tried to shake this from his head.
"There is no way…and anyways, she took off that night, but she must have decided to come back. And then overheard our conversation."
"If that's the case, then this really is a misunderstanding." Serara said in shock.
"Yes. I...I am so sorry...I need to tell her, make things right again."
"It will be okay, Rudy-ni. You can explain everything to her when she returns in a few days." Touya consoled, standing to place a hand on Rudy's shoulder.
"No. No, you can't." Minori said, shaking her head at the two boys.
"I cannot?" Rudy echoed in confusion.
"No...because Isuzu-san isn't coming back to Akihabara."
"What?!" Everyone yelled in surprise.
"She made me promise not to tell, but she is actually going on tour."
"On tour? She said that? For how long?"
"For six months...Shiroe-san gave her a leave of absence and everything."
"But...why? How could she decide something like that and not even tell me?"
"I told her she should, but she wouldn't listen. I'm sorry. If you're going to explain to her, then you will need to go to Maihama."
"When is she leaving?" Serara asked worriedly.
"In a few hours I think."
"Then I will leave immediately." Rudy answered, spinning around to run to his room.
"I'm going with you!" Touya hollered after him, causing him to stop and turn back around.
"Me too! I'll help you stop Isuzu!" Serara squeaked, standing as well.
"I'm going as well. I might be able to get her on the phone and delay everything." Minori said calmly, standing to join her companions.
They were an couple hours away still. Most likely less at the speed they were taking the journey. Minori had attempted several times to call Isuzu, with no success.
"Still nothing, Miss Minori?" Rudy tried once again.
"Nope. I tried Lilianna as well but she's not answering either."
"I'll try someone in her band." Touya yelled over, pulling up his friend list.
Rudy attempted to focus on his speed and not on everything Touya was saying. It seemed like whoever he called actually answered and Rudy was impatient for answers. If it was necessary to follow them on the road he would.
A few minutes later, Touya finally hollered.
"They are leaving soon. He hasn't seen Isuzu yet, but its going to be close. We might just miss them."
"Not if I can help it." Rudy responded gruffly, pushing his horse to go even faster.
Isuzu wrapped herself tighter in the jacket she wore. It was cold right now, but she was told it was much more mild this time of year where she was headed. Just south of here, to a smaller region watched over by a much loved noble family. She lead her large group toward the city limits.
It would take about a week to reach her destination, and every step felt incredibly final. She had fought hard all week not to think about what she was leaving behind in Akiba. Would her friends forgive her for not saying anything? Would Rudy?
Maybe in the end it wouldn't matter. Rudy was a busy person, as were the rest of her friends. Perhaps they would hardly notice her absence.
That hollow thought was what she latched on to. It was much easier than the truth. She held her head high as they reached the edge of town.
No longer lost in her own musings, she suddenly made out the sound of galloping. Before she could fully look around for its origin, a horse blew past the group and swung around, blocking the path in a swirl of dust. It settled, and Isuzu's almost couldn't believe her eyes.
"Rudy?!" She called out in shock.
He looked flustered and angry but his red face and wind blown hair only served to make him look more handsome than usual.
"Miss Isuzu wait!" He yelled, jumping from the horse, his boots making a hard thud on the dusty ground.
She shook off her shock and set her brows to stare him down, intent on standing her ground if he decided to yell at her.
"Rudy, what are you doing here? Didn't I tell you to stay in Akiba?"
"Stay in Akihabara? While you sneak away and go on a six month concert tour without telling me?"
She gasped.
"How do you even know that? Did Minori...or Shiroe-sama..."
"Do not be angry with Miss Minori." He responded.
Her ears snapped to the sounds of more horses as the rest of her guildmates galloped up from behind her. Isuzu spun around, her eyes settling on the Kannagi.
"I asked you not to say anything."
"I know and I'm sorry, but-"
"You promised you wouldn't say anything to anyone."
"Isuzu-san, I know you're doing this because you're hurt, but it doesn't have to be this way."
Isuzu's eyes grew wide.
"I don't know what you...I'm perfectly fine." She responded defensively, shooting a quick glance at Rudy.
Deciding she needed a single point of focus and one who preferably wasn't Rudy, she stormed over to Minori who had jumped off of her horse.
"Minori-chan. I've already decided. I don't understand why you brought everyone down-"
"Exactly, Isuzu-san. You don't understand."
Minori took two steps and placed her hands on Isuzu's shoulders. She spun Isuzu around and pushed her toward Rudy. Isuzu hadn't even noticed him walk over. She stumbled forward several paces and fell into Rudy's arms with a squeak.
"Miss Isuzu." He said gently, helping her stand properly.
She looked up at him, her face heating an embarrassing shade of scarlet. She attempted to push him away, but he held fast to her arms.
"Please listen." He pleaded.
"Please let me go."
"I am never letting you go."
"What is that supposed to mean? Let me go right now! I'm going to be behind schedule."
"Miss Isuzu, you do not truly wish to go."
"Of course I do. This is my job..."
"It is, but you truly wish to be away for even longer than I have ever been gone?"
"Yes." She whispered, feeling his hand reach up and cup her cheek.
His other hand also reached up for her face, and she suddenly couldn't move. She couldn't breathe.
"I'm just...doing what is best for...the both of us..."
His hands were so gentle and her eyes couldn't pull from his gaze. It was so soft and held none of the confusion hers did.
"Why is you leaving for the best? Why would you think-"
"Because were going down different paths, Rudy. We're living different lives now. And I won't be responsible for holding you back."
His eyes widened, remembering saying those exact words to Richard.
"No." He said intensely, shaking his head for emphasis.
"Isuzu, that is not true. Just because our paths are different, does not mean we are holding the other back. Please...please know that I cannot cope with being parted with you for that long." His voice was low and pleading, his blue eyes were searching.
"Three weeks or a month is agonizing enough. How will I possibly handle any longer?"
She was silent for several moments, unsure how to respond. She lowered her gaze, no longer able to look into his piercing blue eyes.
"Okay, I get it. I should have told you. I'm sorry. But you didn't have to come all the way down here just to tell me that." She whispered, staring at the ground.
His hands slipped down from her face to her shoulders, keeping her secure in front of him.
"That is not the only reason I am here. I am trying to tell you something."
"Tell me something? Why couldn't you have just told me over the phone?" She looked up in confusion, gripping his sleeves.
"Because I am clearing up a heinous misunderstanding. Before I lose you forever."
Isuzu blanched at that.
"I'm not...I'm not leaving forever, Rudy! Just for a little while. Despite what you're thinking, the time apart will be good for us both."
"Isuzu, this is about what you heard me say to Richard that night..." Rudy started, ready to get it out.
She looked momentarily shocked before reigning it in and composing herself.
"What are you talking about? What night?"
"Isuzu, what you heard was-."
"I didn't hear anything, Rudy. I don't know what you're talking about." She interrupted stubbornly.
"Miss Isuzu, please. I know you did. That is why you are avoiding me." He replied with exasperation.
"I'm not avoiding you." She seemed mock affronted by the accusation.
They stared hard at one another, Isuzu's expression finally dropping.
"Rudy, look...I'm sorry. Maybe I did hear you guys talking that night but its okay. I understand. You don't owe me an explanation."
"Yes I do-"
"No, you don't. I really do understand." She interrupted firmly.
"I'm sorry, Rudy. I didn't mean to eavesdrop that night and I should have told you about the tour-"
"Miss Isuzu, please!" He shouted this, desperate for her to stop talking over him. It worked; her eyes went wide and she made no further attempt to interject.
"What you heard, Miss Isuzu, I did not mean any of it. Everything you heard me say to Richard. They were lies."
"Lies?" She paused, briefly confused.
"What do you mean..."
He said nothing in response, merely waiting as the words sunk in. Isuzu's eyes slowly widened.
She blinked and responded.
"But Rudy...I heard you say..."
"Miss Isuzu, that is the problem. You heard me say a lie. I do not usually consider myself a liar, but on that night I did not wish to admit to Richard my unrequited love for you."
She looked utterly dazed at his admission.
"Your love for…s-so then..."
"I know we are both doing different things right now. I know we cannot always be together. But coming back to you is my joy. All I want is to be by your side." He gave her shoulders a light squeeze and offered a soft smile.
Her expression focused, it seemed he was finally getting through to her.
"Take me shopping, pet my head, tell me to always follow you... I will do anything. You know I will."
He could no longer stand it. Rudy's arms wrapped around her shoulders, drawing her against him.
"I love you. I have for a long time now and I still do. I have held onto this for so long. I would hold onto it forever, if I needed to. But..."
He paused and pulled back, bringing his forehead down to rest against hers.
"Please tell me that I do not."
Peeking up at him through her eyelashes, her freckled cheeks took on a soft hue. It was the perfect sight, the lovely blushing face he loved to see.
"You don't." She said softly, her cheeks becoming pinker as the words escaped.
He let out his held breath, shaking his head in relief. In fact, relief didn't even come close to describing his feelings.
"Kami-sama, thank goodness."
She giggled at him, snaking her arms around his neck to pull herself closer. Behind her sounded a chorus of cheers, their companions taking the embrace as a cue that all was well. She was instantly mortified, having forgotten they had an audience. Did everyone hear all of that? Her face heated for a completely different reason, her body went stiff in his arms.
Isuzu could hear the shuffle of feet as everyone drew nearer, and hesitantly released him. He gave her a sheepish smile, realizing the same thing she had. Isuzu turned and focused her sight on Minori, giving her an apologetic smile.
"I'm sorry I put all that on you Minori-chan."
Minori smiled and gave her a thumbs up.
"It's okay, Isuzu-san. I'm just glad we were able to help. We only want to see you two happy."
"I know. Thank you guys."
She scanned the other faces around her, which included Lilliana and her band members. Her face remained scarlet as she turned to them.
"S-sorry about the fuss. Give me a couple more minutes and we can get on the road."
"Right." Lilliana nodded, elbowing the bassist in the ribs when she noticed his silent teasing.
"Wait, get on the road? But, Isuzu-neechan I thought you and Rudy-ni just made up?" Touya pointed out in confusion, looking between the two.
Isuzu frowned and turned back to Rudy.
"Rudy...I understand why you came. And I'm glad you did. But I still have to go."
She paused and turned to her friends.
"I don't have everything finalized, so I don't have to be gone the entire six months but..."
Her gaze found Rudy's once more and held it.
"I already have a contract with a venue in the southern region and I can't just..."
Her voice trailed off as Rudy stepped forward and reached for her hands.
"I understand. You already made a commitment and you must honor it." He said this with a nod and gave her hands a tender squeeze.
"We should get on the road then. I would hate to make you later than I already have."
"We?" She echoed in confusion.
"Yes. I am going with you."
"W-what?! But Rudy, your next raid-"
"Do not worry about the raid. If I call Ken now he has plenty of time to rotate me out this time. There are plenty of alternates who can take my spot for a while. That is, of course, if you would like me to go."
Isuzu eyes were wide and glossy as she struggled to keep the tears from them.
"Rudy, I would love that."
He smiled cheerfully upon hearing that.
"No fair, Minori and I want to go!"
"Yeah, me too!" Serara shouted as well.
The couple snapped from each other's gaze and turned to their friends. Isuzu giggled.
"Only if you can afford to leave in the next two minutes Touya. I'm pretty sure Soujiro won't like it if you disappear for a month." She gave a pouting Touya a pointed look.
"She's right you know." Minori agreed, nudging her twin in the side playfully.
"Yeah yeah." Touya agreed begrudgingly.
"Well, you two better call."
"Yeah, give us updates!" Serara agreed.
"Updates on what?" Isuzu laughed. "Its just another concert."
"Updates on how loveydovey Rudy-ni is when he finally kisses you."
All but the pair involved found the quip hilarious. Rudy shook his head and decided to thank them all for helping him to Maihama, pushing away the subject before Isuzu died in his arms of embarrassment. After a round of goodbyes and promises to be careful while traveling, the two groups were on the road again, heading in opposite direct
Thank you for sticking it out with me. Also feel free to follow me! I have more stories and more along this timeline I want to add ;)