Hi guys, another chapter is ready to be posted! So guys, I kind of imagine the marines as grizzled soldiers who honestly don't give a shit about anything else other than the fight at hand, and they leave most of the formalities to the eggheads.

That being said, there was still a lot of cussing and I'll lower it down in the next chapters.

For some of you who may be confused, this story will be switching views between Drake, the Guardian, and two other people you will meet in the next two chapters. Have fun and leave a review!



You never really expect your life to go from content to an all out hellstorm, but that's what happened. The luckiest were those in the ships near the ports. The people manning those frigates and freighters disappeared in a flash, and then they were gone. People suffered much worse than that.

When the ships came, the first thing that came to Kai's mind was how enormously bulky they were. Flat and box like, but with firepower that could've taken on a fleet of human ships without a problem. But the enormous warship wasn't the real problem. It was what it packaged. Eight hours before, Thoth station and the fleet there went dark.

Since nearly half of Earth's population was constantly monitoring the place that the government wanted to hide, the news spread quickly that something had happened. In those hours, everyone was scared. Some tried to move away from whatever had happened, others mounted ships to go off on an idiotic mission to figure out for themselves what the heck had gone down at Thoth.

The first alerts to get to the bunkers came when the Daedalus was destroyed. It was a famous ship among Martian citizens, and it constantly hovered over the planet. She didn't have a chance against whatever came next, and the freighters were the next to go. Then the population.

Kai was horrified when the dropships landed from the warship. He screamed, and ran with the crowd. Only later did he realize the importance of staying. He was suicidal, to say the least.

He quickly threw his bag to the ground, and winced when he thought he heard a cracking sound.

"Come on!" he shouted, and opened up the pack. Camera was intact. Freelance reporter. Perfect for an alien invasion, eh?

He set it on live stream, and began filming. The lens were dusty, but he quickly cleared them away.

"This is Kai Levente, and we are witnessing something horrifying on Calypso, Mars."

Instantly, he saw on his feed users watching went up to nearly 50. His eyebrows furrowed, and he began to survey the land around him, while systematically moving back with the crowd.

"We don't know what happened, but something big-that thing, tore a fully armed UN ship apart and destroyed the ports,"he said, hoping the screams around him wouldn't ruin the effects.

2800 watchers. "They're coming down now, my god!" Kai said horrified as a bulky drop ship flew down, skimming a roof, firing several red bolts around the way. That was when Kai started to fear for his safety.

Reporters like him had a rule. Job first, safety later. Now, to Kai it had seemed stupid. Sure, filming about a gang war in the downtown of Calypso. Dangerous, but more users would watch it, therefore getting him more views. And money was all about the views.

54,000 watchers. That went up quickly. He heard a roar, and froze. The drop ship was hovering, and five forms dropped down from it, all wearing assumably heavy armor, with odd shapes in their hands.

"I assume they aren't with good intent. Whoever 'they' defines."

The camera starts to bob as he runs away, knowing it would give him more time to film, and maybe even get away. The bunker entrance was glowing, the doors still open maybe 100 meters away. 2,846,179 current users watching. Definitely hitting trending. He continued on for about 100 feet, until he heard a scream and turned his camera around.

The creatures had started firing the machine in their hands, and he saw several unlucky citizens.

"Son of of a -CORK-!"He yells, and winces. Unprofessional. 456,276,164 users watching. An explosion to his right, and dust and rocks showered over him. Closer. Closer. Closer. Finally, he skids into the bunker, and he looks out. There were virtually no people on the streets left.

"Get in, we're closing it!"someone yells, and Kai goes in, his camera sweeping side to side, showing people's scared faces as the door starts to close. A round whizzes in, and someone yells in pain. Then the door slams shut, and the last light goes off. They were truly in the dark.