She seemed easily annoyed by him and then she kind of just vanished one day. No one knew where she went to but she was gone for nearly 4 hours and when she came back she had scratches all over her face. Brain was deeply concerned so he rushed over to her and she just brushed him off. Han felt pity for Brian so he chased after the smaller blonde and she stop then turned around. Her face looked void of all emotions and this surprised him. Normally she looked annoyed anything but this she just looked void. Like nothing was there no anger or anything. Just emptiness and this concerned Han.

Early that day

Kari got a message from a old friend of hers and they where in town. She thought why not and grabbed her stuff before make a quick escape. She hasn't seem them in a while and she missed them. So she made her way to town and she wonder what they would wanna say so badly and she felt someone behind. She didn't think she merely reacted and turned around real fast. She was about to punch them when she froze. She started laughing when she saw her olds friends face and boy did he look annoyed. He always got easily annoyed at how easily she would jump in for a fight and she smiled at him.

" Hey Lakota its been awhile huh?" Kari asked and she smiled up at him. Lakota looked down at her and smiled. He ruffed up her hair and she growled. God he still had that annoying habit and she hated it. She turned around and smacked his hand. "NOT THE HAIR!" She screamed and he merely laughed.

"Lakota stop picking on her you know she got a temper." A female voice said and Kari turned around. There stood her best friend, Alexis and she didn't hesitate she ran to her friend. She wrapped her arms around her and boy did she miss her friends. They haven't seen each in years and it was nice to see them and so all she did was smile. "We wanted to offer you a job. Some guy is welling to pay top dollar to have us protect his money." She said and Kari had a bad feeling about this.

"Who?" Kari asked and prayed it wasn't the people they where gonna rob. Both of them looked at each at the same time said the one name that made her feel sick. She backed away from them and knew they would be forced to fight each other very soon. "I can't. I am sorry Lakota and Alexis." She said and looked off to the side. Her heart was being turn apart and her friends looked at her.

"Why?" Lakota asked and KAri could never hid anything from them. She turned to them and her eyes looked lifeless. She felt so numb right now and she could only just stare at them. "Damnit Kari don't tell me your..." He stated and all Kari did was nod. She watched as surprise and then hatred crossed their faces. She knew this wouldn't end well and she drew her swords.

"So this is how its gonna be huh?" Alexis spat out angrily and she had her sword out also. "Your going to go through with it. THen I guess we are enemies huh?" She said and she ran at her.

All that could be heard was the clashing of metal and the force knocked Kari back a bit. She wouldn't let them interfere and she was thinking of her nephew/nieces future. So compared to these people they meant nothing. Bury your heart Kari and do what needs to be done. She thought to herself and she head butted Alexis. She stumbled back and Kari to this opportunity to dug. She used her feet to swipe Alexis's feet out from under her causing her to fall on her ass. she slammed her heel into Alexis's arm only to have her scream.

Kari spotted Lakota running at her and she jumped back. She raised her foot to kick but he caught it and tossed her off to the side. She didn't scream but grunted when she collided with a fruit stand. She fell onto it and little pieces of wood cut her face. She shook it off and stood up. God her whole body was hurting but she wouldn't let them interfere with her getting what she needed. She ran at them again and Alexis had managed to get up only to have Kari stabbed her. She felt sick at out easily that knifed slipped in her like butter and she looked at Alexis with emotionless eyes. She pulled the sword out fast. Alexis looked at her with wide eyes before she began to fall to the ground and Lakota caught her before she hit the ground.

"This is my warning stay away from this job or next time the blood on this sword will be yours old friend." Kari said and seathed her sword and turned around. She merged into the crowd that had gathered and she made her way back to her hideout. The felt nothing at all no remorse, no anger nothing and she couldn't understand why. She just kept walking and she finally made it back. She ended up wondering aimlessly before she finally got back.

She walked in and of course her brother tried to ask her if she was ok. She just shook him off and headed back to where her room was at. She walked in and she felt someone had followed her so she turned around. There stood Han with concern on his face and she stared at him with lifeless dead eyes.

"Kari?" Han asked and something in her snapped. She just fell to her knees and the tears finally came. Han was at her side in seconds and he looked at her. "Kari? Kari what happened? Kari look at me!" Han said and grabbed her face. He made her look at her and tears where falling aimlessly from her face. "What happened?" He asked and she sniffled. She threw herself at him and wrapped her arms around his torso. She just kept crying and he rubbed her back as she cried. "Its ok calm down." Is all he said and he didn't know why but he had really fallen in love with Kari.