Ace stood there on the deck of Whitebead's ship, the Moby Dick. He was relaxing against the railings, as well as watching the other members going about their business on the ship. On the other side of the ship was where Whitebeard rested, as well as the other commanders.

He was at bliss.

He remembered the events so kindly in his mind; in exact detail.

His cheeks started to redden as he recounted it all. As soon as he gotten to the peak of that memory, he jerked forward and covered his blushing cheeks. He felt hot, sweaty, and another feeling in his lower body.

He glanced all over, hoping no one would have spotted him looking like a goof. Marco stood on the upper deck, casting Ace a disappointing look of disapproval.

Pineapple-head always knew how to sour his day.

Yet, there was another matter to settle. He looked down at himself and blushed some more. He really had to get a hold of himself.

Maybe he should be disappointed at himself as well.

He marched into the cabins, keeping his distance from other crew members. Yet he could already hear their laughter. All of them knew. All of them has seen.

He was going to be the laughing stock for the next year if Thatch didn't make another scene.

For once Ace wished that man caused chaos.

And like any of his wishes, it didn't come true.

Thatch, himself, was sitting across the table that evening, shaking his head every time that Ace opened his mouth. And soon everyone was chuckling. Marco was the only one who snickered silently to himself before returning to his meal.

Luckily, Ace always carried a bottle of hot sauce just for this occasion. As soon as the brunet was on the ground, rolling in laughter, Ace dumped a whole load of fiery sauce over the top of his mushy mashed potatoes.

Thatch, picking himself up from just a roar of laughter, seated himself across from the freckled pirate. "Next time that happens, I can always get ch a blow-up doll, y'know." He lifted his spoon to his lips and gave Ace another wink. And he engulfed the spiced potatoes.

He did not flinch.

He did not yelp.

He took another bite.

Ace stomped his foot against the floorboards in dismay.

Thatch smirked. "You really think I wouldn't have noticed red sauce on top of my brown gravy? Maybe you really are that immature."

"Shut up," he growled.

"What's got your panties in a tie?"


Thatch suddenly made a disgusting face and bent down onto the table. "I almost died just from imaging getting into your panties… UGH! NOT AGAIN!" He held tightly to his chest and his limbs went limp on the table.

"Course ya would die, my panties are the sexist in this world."

Finally, Marco stood up from his chair and walked behind Ace. He clamped his hands down onto Ace's shoulders, and imminently, Ace bit his tongue. "No one."

Thatch finally lifted himself from the table and stared blankly at Marco, waiting for his next words.

"Needs to know of your two's affairs. Let's keep that in the dark. For the better of this crew."

And the dining hall went into an uproar.

Ace gagged at the mere thoughts, while Thatch's head fell into his place of food. The crew members around them started to clap their backs. And Marco returned to his seat as if nothing happened.

Let's rephrases that, shall we?

Pineapple-head and Dickhead both knew how to sour his day.

On an unknown island was where the Going Sunny was docked. On board of this Sunflower/loin/dolphin ship, was a young black haired boy. He was sitting with his crew, much like the other freckled pirate, while they dined. A blonde chef swirled around the table, placing the plates in front of the crew members.

"For you, Nami-swan~! Robin-chwan~!" Sanji cooed as he gently placed the plate down, while he practically threw the plates at the other male crew members.

"Yummy!" Luffy grumbled with a mouth full of food. He yanked pieces off another bone and swallowed them down, barely chewing any of it.

"Slow down before you choke," Nami uttered. Some days, she wished he would choke and then maybe he could eat like a normal person.

But, then again, she was talking about Luffy, her captain who acted like a five-year-old.

"Don't worry, I know CPR," Chopper added in his adorable voice. He raised his hand up as if he was in a classroom.

"That's not what I'm worried about."

Ussop, barely listening, wiped his mouth and slammed his hands down onto the table, "I saved eight hundreds people's lives by giving them CPR. And you know what!"

"What?!" Chopper and Luffy both chimed in.

"They choked ten minutes later!" He shook his head tirelessly. "That was the longest day I ever had. And some of them threw up on me! What nerve! But don't worry, they offered to clean my clothes afterwards, as well as make a statue to praise me."

"I wonder what they were choking on…" Franky hummed under his breath while getting glares from Nami.

"Maybe we should visit this island one day," Zoro taunted.

"Yeah, we shou-" Usopp paused as he realized what Zoro was saying. "Uh! No, I don't think so. It's like on the other side of the world. So it's way out of our way."

"Oh…" Chopper's head leaned down, looking at his plate with a frown.

Luffy jerked his head, with food spilling from his lips, and looked at Nami. "Let's go there!"

"Luffy, I don't thin-"

Robin looked at her crew members and giggled. "Maybe we should go to this island. I would love to see the statue for my own eyes."

"Me too," Brook added. "Oh wait…I don't have eyes! Skull joke!"

Usopp glanced from one face to the other, hoping to find any help, yet all of them were too busy laughing. Even Sanji turned around when Usopp's eyes landed on him. Usopp seated himself up, "Now, now, wait a minute here. This happened like years, years, years, years ago. So you would never recognize the statue, you see. Plus, they could have knocked it down and saving the space for when I become the Bravest Warrior in the world."

"I'm afraid that's not how things work, Usopp-san." Robin stated. She leaned back in her seat and placed her hands in her lap. Her plate was finished in front of her. "If they honored you as much as you have said, I would have thought your statue would be prized every single day."

"Come on, let's head there now," Luffy tried to persuade Nami once more.

"Luffy, listen to me. That island is a fa-"

"Alright! Alright! Alright! You got me." He slumped to the table and whispered. "It was a lie."

"A what?" Luffy asked.

"The island… I lied."

"YOU WHAT?!" Chopper squealed.


And finally, the whole room erupted. Luffy was chuckling back in his seat, devouring another piece of meat. His stomach grew in sizes as well. Chopper was the only one saddens to hear the news, until Usopp wrapped his arm around the poor reindeer's shoulders. Usopp looked guilty for making Chopper this way, so he said, "Or did I lie about lying?"

Nami and Sanji turned on him.


And finally, the meal came to an end. Luffy finished up the leftovers as everyone else left the kitchen, either going downstairs or back onto the deck. Sanji stayed behind the counter, washing up all of the dirty dishes.

When Luffy took the final bit, he tried to leave the room.

"You're on dish duty." The blonde uttered without glancing back.

Luffy groaned. And blurted. His stomach shrink, but he still had a belly on him. Which stayed.


This is a M-Fic because of two reasons, Mpreg and yaoi smut. I will warn you guys when the smut scenes appear, but other than that, this is basically going to deal with the mpreg. You have been warned. Read at your own risk.

This is the first time I've actually wrote AceLu (I tried another time but it was a complete failure). This is a story for phonenix. So blame he/r for this story. Not me. I'm an innocent and she's controlling me. Send help. O_O