Hey guys! This is my first death note fanficiton, would appreciate feedback, and accept critisisim, I love writing and need guide lines.
"Don't say I never kiLLed anyone"
Chapter one: L goes to schooL
"Thank you, sir. We won't let you regret this,"I said, keeping a close eye on L under my hair.
I nudged L to thank the principal of my High School for letting L pose as my friend and student. He was going to be joining my class now, undercover. Since I attended, I didn't have to.
"Oh! Um, yes. Thank you."
"One more time, can I see your badge or some sort of authentication? The Kira Investigation is nothing to mess around with. This matter best be double checked."
"Of course." L took out a small wallet from his usual pair of jeans, and swung it open. The Principal scanned it and nodded. "Very well. Am I able to alert the teacher you'll be going to?"
"Up to 4 people can know, no more."
"Why only 4?"
"Because, sir. If we want to catch Kira we can't take any chances that even you could be him. We're risking enough as it is. If Kira is among one of the staff, we can't take many, at the most 4 chances."
The Principal nods and L looks at a chocolate bar. "May I?"
"O- of course..."
He wraps one end of the wrapper down and bites into it, continuing to speak.
"Mmm. And there is a chance that even if none of the staff were Kira, one may be talking about it to the other and Kira may find out I'm here looking for him."
"Are you certain Kira is in this school?"
"Like I said... There is a 20 percent chance."
He took the last bite of the chocolate bar and tossed the wrapper in the trash.
"You do know you'll have to wear shoes and act normal, right?"
"I think I can manage."
"Here," I reach in my gym bag and toss a pair of shoes at him.
He stares at them for a moment. "Thanks."
"No problem. Thank you again, Principal."
We walk out of the room as L trips.
"Uh, L... You're supposed to tie the strings."
"To what? Oh, right..."
"You never learned how?"
"Watari usually does it..."
I laugh and kneel down over his shoe.
"Bunny ears." I tie them and he watches.
When I finish, I brush off my jeans and look at him. If I ask about my name being cleared yet, would he think I've been panicking about it because I'm Kira? No... I'd better not yet.
We started walking down the hallways for a while then I stopped him beside a locker.
"This is mine. Yours is that one," I point to the one next to mine.
He stares at it and opens it. He shuts it and shrugs. "Let's go, we're wasting time."
I shove my gym bag in my locker and slam it shut.
"Light! Light!" Liiiight!" I continued to shut Ryuk out. I looked around, pretending to survey each person. If L looked and saw I wasn't keeping an eye on things, maybe he'd think I was Kira. Then again, I had been attending this school, I knew everyone. Would he really start to think I was Kira just because I didn't survey people? After all, I was working on math.