*note* This chapter weaves together characters from Young justice. They are gathered and the Wayne mansion for a Valantine's Day party and as Superman and Batman are now offically in a relationship, he and his son ('cause in my universe Superman took Batman's original advice to act as a father to superboy, instead of being a douche and being so cold and distant to him, because that makes way more sence to me then how the writers of YJ had him react to Kon-El's exsistance) have moved into Wayne Mannor. Next chapter will go back to Bruce/Clark's relationship and tell how they spent their Valantine's Day. Warning, it will be very sappy, just the way Clark likes it.

"Valantine's Day sucks." Dick declared as a room full of couples glared at him.

His younger brother Tim, who had replaced him on the team as Robin when Dick became Nightwing, held onto his girlfriend Babara a little tighter as he remarked, "That's beacause you don't have a valantine. Just face it Dick, no one loves you."

Obviously Tim was just teasing his brother, but Superboy hadn't been around long enough to pick up on that. He still had trouble learning certain concepts and took everything literal. Dick had briefly explained the holiday to Kon, he had told him it was a day that people spent with the one they loved most, their valantine, and showered them with lots of love and gifts like flowers or chocolates.

Kon couldn't think of anyone he loved more than Dick, though love was a concept that Kon didn't know had many forms and didn't know the difference between love for a friend and a deeper love. All he knew was he didn't hate Dick so logically that meant he loved him.

Kon left in a blur or black and red. Within seconds he was back. A bouquet of red roses and white lillies in one hand and a six pack of Bud in the other. He had decided chocolate and whine was too corny and knew Dick liked beer better anyway. And what was the old saying, you can take a country boy out of the country but you can't take the country out of the boy, and that was so fitting for Kon-El.

Kon stuck out his hands, offering up the gifts to Dick, "Uhh..here, these are for you." A quick kiss on the lips. "Valantine." Kon said the word with maybe a little more love than he should have.

The room errupted into an over whelming wave of laughter. Wally sped over to do some damage control. He flung an arm around Superboy's shoulders and pulled him aside. "Uhh Supes...I don't think you quite got the meaning of today. You're suppose to give gifts to the one you love...as in ya know...the one you couldn't live without and knows you best, completes you."

Kon thought for a moment and then, "But I couldn't live without Dick. He's my best friend, he does know me best. He knows things about me I'll never tell anyone."

Dick's face turned red. Kon just wasn't getting it.

Wally took a deep a breath and tried once more to explain this to Kon, "No dude, a Valantine is someone you love so much that you'd like to give your whole body to and be close to them...only in a way that sex can bring you two together. Someone you wanna stay with forever."

Kon's eyes widened as he finally understood the gesture he'd made, his voice rose in anger, "I didn't know! I just didn't want Dick to feel left out and feel bad!" Kon stormed off to his room and slammed his door with such force that the whole mannor shook.

Dick sighed to himself, taking the flowers and beer Kon had dropped. "I'll go talk to him. Go back to Artemis, she looks kinda lonely without you glued to her face."

A soft knock at the door.

"Go away!"

"Kon, it's me. Can I come in?"

"No. I'm sorry, I don't feel like seeing you right now."

"Well I feel like seeing you now." Dick barely uttered the words under his breathe, forgetting about Superboy's heightened sence of hearing.

The door slowly pulled back and Dick slipped in to sit on the bed next to Kon. "Look, I know you didn't mean it like that. So why did it embarass you so much? It's not a big deal. We're still friends right? come on let's go train or something."

"No. For once you're the one who doesn't get it Dick. I...I might've misunderstood things, but even if I hadn't...I would've still done it. You are special to me and what Wally said, it...it made a lot of sence to me." Kon swallowed hard, "Dick, I think I love you."

Kon could hear Dick's heart rate spike for a brief moment and then hands pulled him down on top of him. Mouths parted as Dick and Kon made out on his bed, tounges wrestling for dominance, hands wildly flying across flesh as shirts were shucked off in a glory of passion.

Kon broke from Dick's hold and starred down at him, "What...What was that?" His heavy panting breathes filling the silent room.

Dick grined wickedly up at his best friend. He had wanted this too for so long. "Well I thought it was pretty self explanatory, even for you Kon. I love you too. And you heard Wally, the best way to express that is to have sex."

A touch of panic crept up on Kon, "But sex...uhh...aren't you suppose to date and stuff before that? Spend time getting to know the other person and stuff." There was a slight stutter to Kon's voice that Dick found irresistably cute.

And there was that sly smile again, "I think two years is enough time doing that. You said it yourself, I know stuff about you I only know. We've been through a lot and always helped each other through it and I shared stuff with you too that no one, not even my family knows. If that doesn't constitute a relationship I don't know what does. So are we doing this or what?"

Kon relaxed and Dick reached up to pull him into a tender kiss.

Kon stopped him. "Does this...If I...I mean if we do this, does that make you mine?" Every part of Kon longed to posess Dick, to make him his and his alone forever.

This time Kon didn't stop him as Dick pulled him into a kiss, "All that and more."

A warm glowy feeling washed over Kon. What was it? Could it be love that he was feeling? All Kon knew was that he never wanted this feeling to go away. He whirled around them, stripping them both and falling back on the bed on top of Dick.

Now there was a practical use of super speed, Dick thought as their naked bodies grinded together, hands exploring new territory as Kon jolted up at the feeling of Dick's hand on his cock. Thumb massaging the head and working the shaft into full attention.

Kon reached down to find Dick's own errection, pumping it a few times, his mouth watering. Deep blue eyes shining down at Dick, "Can I?"

Dick spread his legs a little wider in reply. The Kryptonian bathed his slender body as he licked a trail down from his collar bone to the base of his cock. Inhaling the sweet musky aroma that was Dick's own manly scent, sending Kon over the edge as he lost control. He wanted things to last, to be drawn out long and slow and more intimate. He impaled his mouth on the eight incher and made sloppy slurping noises as he forcefully sucked Dick into cumming for him.

Dick gripped the sheets, his hips bucking, blasts of his cum shooting deep inside Superboy's hungry mouth.

Dick's head rolled back on the bed as his climax finished. Kon brought his mouth to Dick's, a pool of cum still on his tounge as he shared it with his lover.

The two lay there side by side for a while, Kon's arms wrapped tight around Dick as if guarding him and hissing the word mine to the world.

Dick fumbled through the nightstand with his free hand, finding only some paper a pencil and some candy. Of course there was no lube in there, this was Superboy's room after all and until two weeks ago, beyond the fact of masturbation, he had no clue what sex even was. And until just as recently as a few hours ago he had no one to do anything with.

"What are you looking for?" Kon questioned his boyfriend.

Dick rolled his eyes and sighed, "Man do I have a lot to teach you. I was looking for lube, most people keep some in their nightstands." Kon cocked his head to the side in question. "It's slippery stuff that allows you to slide your dick into tight places...like say your lover's ass so you can have sex and not seriously hurt them."

Kon laughed a little as he thought about Dick slidding his dick into him. Dick knew exactly what Kon was thinking and chimed in, "Yeah, very funny, Dick uses lube on his dick. You know, you may look like you're my age, but then it's stuff like that that makes me remember how new to this world you really are."

Kon stuck his tounge out and made a face at his new found love, "Yeah well, all things considered, I like to think I'm very mature for my age."

Dick reached up to grab at Kon's bulging crotch, "You're telling me. So how 'bout you put that super speed to use and go fetch the bottle from my nightstand?"

Kon didn't need to be told twice, he was gone and back before Dick could blink, bottle of lube in hand.

There was that smirk again, tugging on the corners of Dick's luscious lips, "Good, now just squirt some on you and smear it across the head, then slowly push into my hole."

Kon was beyond nervous, but he did as Dick instructed him and slowly pushed into his friend. Dick yelped as inch by inch, Kon stretched his puckered hole. Dick was by no means a virgin, he had had his fair share of guys, one or two had even been short term relationships, but do to his secrete identity, conflicts always arose about trust issues and so Dick never really had someone long enough to even mention having a boyfriend. Things were different with Kon though, they both knew each other, both as normal guys and as super heros, so when one of them ran off at odd hours of the night and came home late, the other would understand, if not go along to help. The real challenge for Dick was going to be learning how to take that much. Apparently, Kryptonians were hung like horses, or at least his was. He wondered if his father had this issue with Clark, and then, shit, what would Bruce have to say if he knew he was about to let Kon, the boy who was practically his brother, fuck him? Dick shook his head and dismissed the thought as he finally felt Kon bottom out, balls flush up against his ass. The feeling was almost too good for words as he threw his head back, a low moan escaping from deep within his throat, "Damn Kon. I had no idea you were this huge. If this is just how it feels when you're in me without moving, I can't wait to feel what it's like when you start thrusting into me."

That was all the motivation Kon needed, he began to buck his hips and thrust deeply into Dick, watching the older boy writhe in pleasure and moan his name as if it was the only word the boy could say.

Soon, Kon felt a heat rising up from within him, his thrusts became more frantic and shallow, leading up to one final thrust deep into the raven haired boy beneathe him, connecting with his prostate as Dick's ass clamped down tight on him, sending an explosion of cum out of Kon to fill up Dick as the older male blew his own lode. Both boys were panting, sweaty and slick with cum as they lay side by side.

A thought crossed Kon's mind as he turned to face the boy next to him, "Kal-El is going to kill me for this."

Dick looked at his lover with amuzement, "I wouldn't worry too much about that. Bruce will understand how this happened, after all he knows all too well just how sexy and alluring Kryptonian men can be."

"Yeah but, we're...we're practically brothers. I mean it's only a matter of time before Kal-El can convience Bruce to marry him." Kon protested.

Dick had to surpress a laugh, "It's fine, last I checked, I was still a Grayson, and even if I wasn't, like anyone could ever keep me away from you."

Kon breathed a sigh of relief as he nuzzled his head into Dick's chest and fell asleep. Eventually he would have to confront his father about his relationship with Dick, but for now, he was too content with the older boy to think of anything other than the total bliss he had found with him.