A/N: Hi Everyone! If you are here because you saw I posted something, this is not a KH story. For those of you here, welcome! I hope you enjoy my new story in the Big Hero 6 fandom. It is a pairing between brothers, something I was a little worried about to post/write about but the story just kind of works in my head so here I am, posting this. If you don't like, don't read it.

San Fransokyo Memorial Hospital was one of the leading hospital's in the nation with premier surgeons and medical staff. It was here that the gang was waiting to enter the building, if Hiro wanted to pick up his feet of course. "Will you woman up Hiro?" Gogo, popped her gum as Hiro waddled in the background a good ten feet behind everyone. "We are just going to say our condolences to Abigail and get out of here."

"Unless she seeks revenge on us, and tries to kill us with a scalpel! Now that, that would be an awesome revenge story." Fred provided, standing tall with his chest puffed out. "After having her life saved, but at the cost of her father's freedom Abigail Callaghan learns to live in this new world but soon falls into a deep depression after being left alone and seeks revenge on the one group who put her their!"

Honey Lemon just raised an eyebrow at Fred, "Errr, wouldn't it make sense she got revenge on Krei Technologies since they were the one who put her in the interdimensional portal, causing her father to seek revenge, hence having Hiro and Baymax saving her and her father going to jail?"

"Huh you're right…" Fred's face fell, "Well maybe then,"

"Give it a rest Fred." Wasabi said, pushing past him. "We are here to say we are sorry to Abigail." He pulled out a fruit basket, "With a tasty and delectable Fruit Basket!" Wasabi smiled like it was such a big deal. "Fruit Baskets say we are sorry about putting your father in jail right?"

"Just as much as a punch in the gut does." Gogo patted his arm as they moved forward and towards the door.

"Hey! It's not like you came up with any better ideas."

"I see it more as a therapeutic kind of closure for all of us. Abigail will be released soon, and we don't know if she will even stay in San Fransokyo." Honey supplied her own point of view.

Baymax, who was walking beside Hiro, pointed one finger in the air. "Confronting ones nightmares or fears is therapeutic for ones mental health. It may alleviate some of the nightmares you experience when you sleep Hiro." Baymax decided to announce to everyone.

The group stopped.

"Baymax!" Hiro exclaimed, his face becoming a deep red. The group just looked at Hiro worried, "I'm fine really! We all get nightmares you know? It only happens like once or twice a week after a stressful day."

"Hiro suffers from an average of twelve nightmares a week, or roughly 1.714 nightmares a day. This sometimes includes daydreams, as well as during the REM cycle." Baymax helpfully added to the group discussion. Looking over at Hiro, Baymax blinked at the glare being sent his way. "It is healthy to talk about one's feelings concerning nightmares." Hiro just continued to glare, ignoring the rest of the group. Baymax just cocked his head to the side not understanding Hiro's upset face.

"I'm going to make sure to put a mute function on you soon…" Hiro mumbled trying to not look at the rest of the group.

"I do not understand how that would make me a better health care companion." Baymax voiced his thoughts.

Hiro frustrated, "Let's just go!" Hiro said, frustrated and not wanting to deal with the group as he trudged past everyone and into the hospital. Hiro led the way, asking the receptionist what room Abigail was staying in.

Hiro hated the way hospital's were. The antiseptic smell, the way the florescent lights seemed to make his eyes blurry from the stark white and light blue walls and the coughing, for some reason the coughing just made Hiro feel like he was dirty. He could just feel the germs from the sick people. Wasabi though said it was clean and there was no chance of catching anything Hiro felt like he was lying to him cause he was still a kid, especially since he used the words "Little Man" and rubbed his head affectionately. As much as he loved the smell of chemicals when he walked into Honey's lab, the chemicals used in the hospital just seem to make his head twirl and a pain in his stomach.

When Hiro had to get his first shot in the hospital he couldn't stop crying. Aunt Cass tried to bribe him with sweets, but Hiro didn't want to do it. They got into the room, and Hiro hid behind Tadashi so fast, it seemed like he was gone in an instant. Tadashi took the bullet and told Hiro that he would get the shot first so that he could see it was fine. But, even after watching Tadashi getting a shot, Hiro still wasn't comfortable. It took a promise of two lollipops and Tadashi sitting behind Hiro rubbing soothing circles on his back to get Hiro to be okay with the shot. Afterwards, Hiro was still sobbing and had to sit with Tadashi for another minute before he was ok with it.

He was thrown out of his memory when he reached the room. Inside he could hear the television on as a sitcom was playing as a small light laugh trickled out of the room. He must have walked way ahead of everyone else as Hiro took the stairs to the third floor, the rest of them took the elevator. Hiro was about to back out, when he bumped into a medicine cart, "Hello? Is someone there?" Abigail asked.

Hiro just gulped, too late now. Slowly inching his way into the room, he stuck his head in and looked at the woman who was laying in the hospital bed in a white gown covering her body. "Hello? Abigail…?"

"Hi," She smiled sweetly, turning down the volume on the television. "You must be Hiro right?"

"How do you know who I am?" Hiro stepped fully into the room.

She just chuckled, "My father talked about you the few times I was able to talk to him. 'The genius boy, whose future is limitless.'" Abigail deepened her voice to imitate her father. "Dad kept saying how he owes his life to you, and that if I ever see you to tell you thank you for him." Abigail explained.

Hiro was slightly at a loss for words. "How did you know I was Hiro though?"

"Shaggy hair, cocky attitude, lanky fourteen year old. Wasn't too hard to figure out, why a teenager would be visiting me." Abigail shrugged, nonchalantly. "Come here, I want to see the person who risked his life to save me." Hiro nervously stepped further into the room. Awkwardly, Hiro stood next to Abigail, and by what Hiro could see Abigail was in perfect health.

Hiro just shifted uncomfortably, at her gaze. "Err...how are you feeling?"

Abigail smiled at the nonchalance Hiro was trying to give off. "Better now. For awhile there the doctors monitored my psyche to make sure I didn't suffer from any post traumatic stress, but everything seems to be working quite well. Plus I think they were looking for signs of me going crazy and trying to destroy a major technology company." Hiro's lips twitched at the joke as Abigail laughed at it. "Too soon?" Her wit, and sarcasm showing.

"I wouldn't know, I'm not the one with a psychotic dad that made tiny robots do his will by a neurotransmitter." Hiro retorted.

"You created them." Abigail pointed out.

Hiro scoffed, "Yeah and look where that got me? I lost my brother because your dad wanted to use them for his evil revenge story..." The silence that fell in the room was deafening. All you could hear was the small beep of the machine connected to whoever was laying in the bed next to Abigail, covered by a curtain.

"That's good that your feeling better..." Hiro said, still not sure what he should say after saying what he did, "Well, glad your feeling well Abigail. I think I should go..."

Hiro turned to make his leave, but stopped when he heard Abigail speak again, "You know, when I first entered that portal, I was amazed by the way things were. The colors were overwhelming and the possibilities seemed endless. I could see the light at the other side of the tunnel, but then it shut off, and behind me debris was hitting the pod…" She closed her eyes reliving that moment.

Hiro, didn't know what to say, so stayed quiet. "When I saw the portal close, a couple thoughts ran through my head, but the most prominent was 'I'm going to die here.'" She chuckled, "I knew the risks and was prepared to take them when I signed up for the experiment, but with all the reassurances from my dad and Krei, I never imagined things would go that badly. For a couple of seconds I felt like the world was just crumbling in on itself."

Hiro this time kind of understood. "I...kind of know that feeling. Hopeless and feeling like everything in your life imploded at the same time. My brother, Tadashi...he went into a burning building to save your father, but…" Hiro couldn't help but feel the pain again, "but, he didn't make it out. I ran through every scenario to get him to stay with me, or to save him, but then I just gave up and nothing made sense."

Abigail placed a hand on Hiro's hand, "Exactly! I ran through every scenario of what would have happened if I didn't volunteer to go through the portal, would I have settled down with a family or continued pursuing interdimensional travel as a means of instant teleportation? But, like you said, you give up and realize that it doesn't matter now."

"Yeah…I miss Tadashi everyday." Hiro said, "I think about how he would have thought about everything I did. Would he be proud of me? Or would he resent me for turning his invention into what people are calling a weapon…? I think about what he would say to me, or how he would fit into my life now that I am going to his school with his friends. I feel like I just replaced him..." Hiro was lost in thought, "I know he would be glad I saved you. Even to the end he was a martyr, because if Progessor Callaghan didn't get my bots, we wouldn't have found you in the portal. So...I guess Tadashi's death had...some value."

Abigail pulled Hiro into a hug. "I never thought I would be able to see this world again. I never thought I would be able to really make more choices in my life, so thank you Hiro. You loved your brother. He sacrificed his life so others could live, and that says volumes about him. He died so I could live, and that is a debt I'll never be able to pay you for Hiro." Abigail was rubbing soothing circles on Hiro's back as Hiro slowly wrapped his arms around Abigail. "I just...thank you Hiro. I won't ever forget you or your brother." Hiro could feel the tears on his shoulder, because Abigail was crying now, and Hiro was too.

"It's ok Abigail. I wish...I wish Tadashi was here to see what his death has brought." Hiro said.

Hiro never even heard the footfalls of the rest of the group, they watched and heard the last parts of the talk between Abigail and Hiro. Wasabi and Honey had tears in their own eyes, as Fred sniffled in the background. Gogo was the only one who was looking away trying to keep her self collected, but it was Baymax who wasn't looking at the touching moment, but at the curtain hiding the bed next to Abigail.

Walking over, everyone heard the shuffling of plastic on the tiled floor before Baymax stopped curtain. Everyone froze when Baymax spoke.

"Hiro, Tadashi is here."