As promised, the conclusion to Dragon of Snow. There has been a significant time jump and it is time to check in on our main couple.

Ten Years Later:

Snowden's POV:

I hurry to sketch the trio as they sleep. My beautiful family. I can't believe that I actually have this. I look at them from my sketchbook and I can't help but smile. The baby is on Gale's chest, both asleep. Our toddler is tucked under his father's arm, also asleep. We came out to the rock ledge early to watch the sunrise before we started hunting for our weekly orders. We brought the kids with us because Hazelle said she had something to do this morning and so we couldn't leave them with her and we can't impose on Katniss and Peeta who are newly weds just last week. I look back at my sketchbook and draw in the last couple of lines as Gale wakes up. He sees me with the book in my lap across from him and frowns. I smirk before turning it so I can show him. He smiles and looks towards the east where the sun is starting to rise. I get up and take the baby from him. She was born last year. It was a hard pregnancy, just like her brother's was. I'm still afraid someone is going to come and take her from me and I have to remind myself that we are all safe. Coin and my grandfather are both dead. They can't harm us anymore. There are still days that the orange haze tries to keep me under its control. Those days, I hand the kids over to their father and go into the cellar. I have a feeling that it scares my son, but it would scare him worse if I didn't go to the punching bag to release the rage and fear.

Gale looks at me and I see concern in his eyes. I blink and shake my head, my free hand unclenching. I take a deep breath and nod to him with a smile. Sometimes, I can't stop it and Gale is the only one who can. He smiles and tucks me under his arm as he stands, our son in his other arm. We face the east and I wake up our toddler. We named him Haymitch, after our mentor and friend. The older one loved it and I think that it has improved his mannerisms. He's been better ever since he quit drinking. He took down his equipment and hired a teacher to teach him glassblowing. Now he has a shop in the square where he sells his pieces as well as Gale's carvings. Our Haymitch is only three years old, but he's going to be strong and knowing that he will never have to face the Arena makes my heart leap. His father and I were the last ones to go through that hell, a hell that he and his sister will never have to face. At least that's my hope. I don't know Paylor. She was a victor from one of the districts who managed to gain rank rather quickly. But she seems to be doing a good job. She had mercy on me when I killed Coin under mental duress as they put it. Only a few know that I wasn't under any duress. As far as what the history says, I'll have to wait and see. But their story of my assassination is the one my children will learn.

I kiss the top of Sara's head. My Avox friend disappeared after the war ended. I think she and the others of her kind made a home for themselves somewhere in the wild. I never did see her again and wish I could have. It was Gale's idea to name our daughter after her. She stayed by my side when any other would have fled. She stayed with me. And my little Sara, she's perfect. She has her father's eyes and our black hair. Our son has my snow gray eyes and the black hair that seems to be an enduring trait in our families. Both of my children are perfect. I know that the trauma I endured won't have been passed onto them. I'm just lucky to have had them. I know I am lucky to have my family.

I rest my head on Gale's side as the sun rises. Sara wakes up with the light and giggles. Gale and I share a look and a smile. Once the sun has gotten over the horizon, Gale helps me strap Sara into her carrier and puts her on my back. I do the same for him with Haymitch and pick up my sketchbook, tucking it into a small pack on my belt. I give Gale a kiss and we climb down the rocks and begin our day. In my head, I'm already planning the colors for the new drawing.

Later That Night:

Gale's POV:

I stand against the wall and listen as Snowden sings baby Sara to sleep. Haymitch is already in bed, exhausted from the hunt this morning and then playing all day afterwards. I smile as I listen to my wife's voice. I had always imagined this, listening to her sing our children to sleep. There was a time when I thought that it would never happen. Now, I'm loath to lose it. I refuse to lose this. I'm glad to know that I'm never going to have to chance losing it again. If there is another war, I hope it's not in our lifetime. At least for now, there is peace. I walk to the living room and sit in front of the fire place. On the mantle is a dragon carving, fierce and protective. Above it is a drawing that Snowden did. It is a gray dragon in the snow, its tail curled around two peopleā€¦me and Rue. She had started working on it before the blizzard ten years ago and finished it after we got married a few months later. I convinced her to hang it here, placing the dragon carving under it. The two of us, protecting each other.

Nobody here in District Twelve calls us those names anymore, which is nice. It's helped both me and Snow feel like we're normal people. But a few days ago, we received a letter from Paylor inviting the two of us to the Capitol for a hearing regarding Snowden. It has me worried that they may try to take Snowden from me. I can't tell if Snowden is worried or not. We leave in the morning and we're taking the kids with us.

"You're brooding again." Snow suddenly says as she wraps her arms around me from behind. "Are you worried about the hearing?"

"What if they force you to stay in the Capitol?"

"They can't." She says. "I've made a life here. The Capitol still has too many triggers where here I have peace. There are no triggers here except for my own memories. And those are getting better." She walks around the chair and sits on my lap, forcing me to look in her eyes. "We'll be okay." She kisses me and I return it. But I'm still not convinced that something's not going to happen. She sighs and leans to my ear. "Would it help if I were to say I'm pregnant?" She whispers and I hold her waist and at arm's length. There is laughter in her eyes, but I know she's not joking. I pick her up and spin her, the two of us laughing. Everything must be going to be alright. I mean, life wouldn't be that cruel, would it?

The hearing was nothing more than to tell Snowden and Gale that her restrictions were lifted. She was now free to travel to see her doctor and her friends if she so chose. The Hawthornes had twins the following winter, a boy and a girl named Cinna and Portia after their two dearest friends who did not survive the war.

And that, my friends, is the end of Dragon of Snow. I am glad to have made this journey and thank you for taking it with me. I never expected it to come this way, but that is what happens when you don't plan out a story. Haha. One last time,

thank you for reading and I would really appreciate end of story reviews.