Hi hi hi~ This is AngelXReaper speaking XDD Lol~ Anyway, I present to you Alexandra Garcia!
On with the story~~~~

A PC's screen was reflected on one's eye glasses. In the reflection, we can see words piling up on the screen. The person was typing, that's for sure.

"Kuroko was then seen entering the devil's chamber. Oh, how bold of the man..." The person has the tone of a woman so let us say, she murmured creepily.

The woman continued typing furiously on her keyboard. "The devil was beside herself with anxiety and excitement and couldn't contain her lust. She pinned the man down..." A high-pitched giggle came from her.

"The devil saw the pessimistic look coming from the boy..." She licked her lips.

"'Do not be scared, my dear Tetsuya.' She purred." A Cheshire grin was followed by another creepy giggle.

"'M-my Lady.' He whimpered cutely." She licked her lips again.

"My dear Tetsuya, indeed." She said alluringly.

"Gaaaah! Why didn't you wake me up?!" Kagami ran inside the bathroom.

Alex just yawned and went inside the kitchen. Stark naked, of course. She opened the fridge and scanned it for food. She grabbed the pizza box and shut the fridge closed.

"Is pizza for breakfast good enough?" She called out. She didn't even wait for his reply as she popped the box inside the microwave.

"Huh?! NO!"

"Too late!" Alex giggled as she poured juice into two glasses.


Kagami was then seen running back to his room wearing only boxers while Alex set down the pizzas.

Within seconds, Kagami was jogging on the spot beside Alex - fully clothed - and chomping down the pizzas.

"PUH OH SHOME CLOS!" Food flew out of Kagami's mouth and Alex used her plate to block the missiles.

"Translation: Put on some clothes!" Alex giggled. She took a small bite from her own pizza.

Kagami gulped down the rest of his food. "Seriously, put on some clothes!" He took his juice and gulped everything in one go.

"Before you go, Taiga." Alex tripped Kagami and the latter 'gracefully' landed on his face.


Alex brought out a rope, seemingly from nowhere, and tied it to Kagami's right ankle. Then she quickly tied the other end to the table leg.

"DAMN IT! Alex, I'm late! I've got no time to play with your games!" Kagami tried to yank his foot free but to no avail. The table made scraping sounds as he kept yanking on it.

"I just wanted to tell you to invite your little partner to lunch this weekend." And the yanking stopped. Kagami stared Alex and the latter stared back.

"No," was the deadpan answer. Kagami reached for his ankle but Alex slapped it away with a painful 'thwack'. Of course, girls' slaps are painful, right, girls?

"Ow! Seriously! I'm late!" Kagami yanked harder and it made the glasses fall.

"First agree to my proposal." Alex smirked in triumph.

"Hell no! I know you're gonna do something weird to Kuroko!" Kagami tried to reach for his ankle but again, Alex slapped it away.

"Alex! Stop playing! The teacher will not stop spitting saliva on me if I'm late!"

"Not until you agree." Alex watched in amusement as she nibbled on her pizza.


"Oh look at the time~" Alex dodged the juice falling from the table. She grabbed the nearest cloth and dabbed at the spill.


"Tick tock~ Taiga's gonna be late~" Alex's forefinger moved sideways; left, right, left, right, the movement teasing.

"Okay! Fine!" And Kagami Taiga was free at last. He zoomed off and hurriedly wore his shoes, then opened the door and slammed it closed after him.

Alex, on the other hand, was humming happily. A smirk appeared on her face as she finally finished her pizza.

"This Saturday is so gonna be...hot," she said dangerously.

"Lunch? This Saturday?" Kuroko stopped dribbling the ball but kept a hold on it.

Kagami scratched his neck and sighed. "Yeah. Alex wants to have lunch with you this Saturday."

"Are you sure you're not using her as an excuse to invite me?" Even though Kuroko had a blank face on, his eyes shone with amusement.

"Huh? N-no!" Kagami blushed furiously. He almost lost his footing but regained his balance in time.

"A-anyway! Are you available this Saturday?" There was still a tint of red on his face which Kuroko found adorable.

"Are you seriously not using her as an excuse?" Kuroko teased more.

"I said no! She's persistent, okay? That's why I was so amazingly late this morning!"

A small smirk came onto Kuroko's face for a split second. "Okay, okay. I'll go."

"Oh really? Good. I thought I'll have another Alex's games later on because you didn't agree." Kagami sighed in relief.

'Should I continue teasing him?' Kuroko thought as his eyes shone more brightly.

"Oi! You two! Stop flirting and get to work!" Hyuuga threw a ball at Kagami's head and it hit spot on.

"Ouch! Senpai, you'll make me dumb if you continue throwing balls at my head!" Kagami caught the ball before using his other hand to caress his oh so precious head.

"You were dumb since the beginning, Kagami-kun," was Kuroko's remark before continuing his drills.

"What? I am not!" Kagami stayed in place, still caressing his head.

"Bakagami! Get your ass moving!" Another ball hit his head.



The Lady's Phantom
Author: Black Angel Lady
Language: English
Rated: M
Genre: Drama, Romance
Chapters: 22, Words: 67,543
Published: January 1, XXXX
Updated: Yesterday
Summary: Victorian Era AU. The Lady and Heiress of the Imperial Army, Alexandra Garcia, had sparkly kidnapped the boy that caught her eyes. By sparkly I mean, she herself - with her beautiful gown - kidnapped the boy. The boy with mysterious sky blue hair and alluring blue eyes, who wouldn't be in a daze by just looking at him? This boy had also the ability to disappear right in front of you, he is this hard to see. Maybe, the Lady took this as her present from god. And she will gladly accept her present.
Reviews: 428

"Let's see..." A velvet voice spoke. This velvet voice belonged to a man with a bright but also intimidating aura. This man has bloody red hair and heterochromatic eyes; the left side was gold and the other was red.

From the reviews, the man knew where the action took place. He went directly to Chapter 3.

Chapter 3: Lady's Mark

Frail wrists were tied to the headrest with the use of a neck tie. The owner of said frail wrists was panting. Maybe he was hyperventilating, but the woman on top of him seemed not to care.

She started to lovingly caress the boy's cheek.

"Relax," she purred in his right ear. The boy underneath her shivered with both fear and anxiety.

"Don't be afraid~" She pecked the boy's forehead.

"My dear Tetsuya~" Her left hand started crawling down while the other continued caressing his cheek.

"M-my La-lady..."

"Te-tsu-ya~" She seductively pronounced each syllable of his name as she reached her destination.

"M-my La-lady, pl-please do-don't..." Kuroko's face started to color red as more pants came out. Not from hyperventilation but from pleasure.

"Hmmm~? You say something, sweety?" She said as she started to rub-

"Imbecile witch." Was the insult. The man growled angrily.

"You think you can hide from me? Putting your story in the English section?" The man, as we can all guess, his name is Akashi Seijuro. Akashi slammed his laptop closed and a demonic smirk came to his face.

"Such a filthy woman. Baring the dirty thoughts in her mind." He snarled.

"No matter. A man or a woman, I'll handle everything. For the protection of MY Tetsuya." And the sound of scissors snipping was heard echoing through the room.


Kagami and Alex were in the kitchen with Kagami doing the chopping and cooking while Alex handled the baking.

"What time will Kuroko-kun come?" Alex said while mixing something in the bowl.

"He said around 1 PM," Kagami answered, not looking up what he was dicing.

Alex hummed in response. She continued mixing and humming in happiness.

"What's up with you?" Kagami looked at Alex suspiciously.


Kagami squinted at her. 'I'll be on my guard...'

Then both of them looked at Alex's phone which was vibrating.

"Taiga, do you have any fancy straws?" Alex stopped mixing and went for her phone.

"Those twisty straws? Maybe I do. Why?" Kagami opened his cabinet.

Alex froze.

"Alex?" Kagami called out worriedly.

Beware. Don't touch anything that isn't yours.
-The Emperor

Alex's phone vibrated again. It was an email coming from one of her fans.

Black Angel Lady,
Uhm, hi. I just wanted to ask, where is "The Lady's Phantom"? Did you delete it?

Alex's eyes widened in disbelief.'I did not!' She screamed internally.

"Alex?" Kagami called again.

Alex snapped out of it and closed her phone with a snap. "I just need those for Kuroko-kun's surprise~" Not a nervoustick from earlier could be seen.

"Oh, okay then." Kagami continued searching for the fancy straws; unaware of Alex's grip on her phone.

"Good afternoon. I apologize for my intrusion." Kuroko bowed from his place at the door.

"Nah! You're always welcome, Kuroko!" Kagami ruffled his partner's soft locks.

"I would appreciate not wasting my efforts on fixing my cowlick from this morning." Kuroko's response was plain as ever but Kagami could hear annoyance in it.

"Oh. Sorry, bud. Come on in. Alex has been waiting for you." Kagami stepped aside.

"Thank you." Kuroko removed his shoes at the genkan and placed them properly.

Kuroko followed Kagami to the dining room where Alex was fidgeting with anxiety.

Alex, wearing an oh so tight sleeveless shirt and such wonderfully short shorts, was already thinking of what to say and responses.

As Kuroko and Kagami walked in, Alex started.

"Hello, Kuroko-kun." Alex smiled sweetly at him.

"Good day, Garcia-san." Kuroko bowed again.

"Just call me Alex." Alex's eyes sparkled.

Right on the bat!

"It would be too rude." Kuroko replied as he sat in one of the chairs.

"Do call me by name one day." Alex's smile widened.

Kagami looked at her suspiciously.

"Why aren't you sitting beside me? Don't worry. I won't bite." Unless I'm hungry.Another glint was seen in her eyes.

"I conceive Kagami-kun likes sitting beside you?" Kuroko saidcuriously.

Kagami made a disgusted sound. "Puh-lease!"

Kuroko blinked at him; he who was still standing. "Oh, alright then." Kuroko moved to the chair beside Alex.

Alex mentally squealed in delight.

Kagami saw his mistake and mentally punched himself. 'Idiot.'

Kagami sighed in defeat and took Kuroko's place.

"Garcia-san, if you don't mind-!"

"Oh I don't! Taiga, bring the drinks here please. I forgot." Alex smiled suspiciously.

"That-!" And alas, Kuroko got cut off again.

"It's fine, Tet-! Kuroko-kun! The drinks are not that heavy!" Alex gave Kagami a glare.

"Kindly get it, please?" Her smile was sweet but her eyes betrayed her. Luckily, her eyes were out of Kuroko's view since her hair had curtained them off.

Kagami squinted at her, his eyes giving her a message,'Don't you dare do anything funny.'

Kagami slowly rose and went to the fridge.

"So, Kuroko-kun." Alex plopped her elbows on the table and rested her chin on her intertwined fingers.

"Yes, Garcia-san?" Kuroko looked up into her eyes. Alex's whole body shot up.

'Eeeek! Such alluring eyes! I could stare at them the whole day!'

She calmed herself down. "How have you been?"

"I am faring well. Thank you very much."

"Oh so, have you been eating well?"

"Are you implying my nutrition is not enough?" A small frown blemished his face.

Bad move alert!

"No! It's perfect! It's just-! I mean I baked a vanilla cake! So..." Alex looked away, acting to be embarrassed.

"Oh." Alex glanced at him and saw her success. Kuroko's eyes were sparkling.

"Alex! Damn it! Where are the drinks?! They're not in the fridge!" Kagami stomped back to them.

"Oh, we haven't bought them yet?" Alex gasped.

"Buy some then!" Alex gave him some money rather quickly. Almost like she had prepared for this.

"Huh?! I thought you were the one buying the drinks!" Kagami pointed at Alex.

"What? No! I was assigned to buying the ingredients, remember?" Her eyebrows furrowed and she looked like she had been smeared.

"Yeah. For your baking and the drinks too!"

"I'll just go and buy the drinks then." Kuroko stood up and reached for the money.

"No! You don't have to!" Alex grabbed Kuroko's wrist.


Alex shot Kagami a nasty glare. It was like the inner demon that appeared when Haizaki pissed her off was back.

Kagami froze in place.

A moment of silence. The only thing that could be heard was the clock ticking. No one moved an inch.

"F-fine..." Kagami grabbed the money and stomped out.

Kuroko watched his partner until he was completely out of sight.


"I'll go get the vanilla cake!" Alex skipped to the fridge in excitement.

'Oh, nevermind.' Kuroko's eyes sparkled in delight. 'She'll know soon.'

Alex came back with the cake and a drink that made Kuroko's whole face sparkle.

"Vanilla cake with vanilla frosting and some cherries on top! And I also heard from Taiga that you like vanilla milkshake?" Alex sashayed back to Kuroko but Kuroko paid no attention to that. His eyes, attention and soul were on the treats in Alex's hands.

Alex put down the cake and milkshake slowly. She also bent her body to expose her cleavage but of course, Kuroko paid no attention to it – his attention was fixed on his beloved vanilla.

"I hope this is mouthwatering enough." Alex's voice dropped into an insidious whisper. Alex jiggled her breasts before sitting down beside Kuroko. She moved slyly to decrease the space between them.

"Thank you, Garcia-san." Kuroko quickly reached for the milkshake. Alex's eyes glimmered noticeably.

"Yes. Do drink all of the milkshake." She wet her lips and grinned.

She slowly snaked her arms around Kuroko's neck. Kuroko paid no heed to her as he was in a daze. Alex's right hand moved to Kuroko's jaw. She slowly traced it and this brought Kuroko back to the present.

"Garcia-san?" He called out.

"Sh. Just drink." She slowly moved her face to Kuroko's.

Screw that drug in his milkshake! I want him. NOW!

She desperately screamed inside her head. Alex's tightened her hold on him; nails digging into his cheeks.

"Garcia-san?" Kuroko remained impassive.

Alex slowly moved her lips to Kuroko's. "Garcia-san." A warning tone came from Kuroko.

"Shh. Just stay still." Alex giggled in delight.


But Alex paid no heed. She dove in but her eyes widened, as if sensing something. She quickly moved her face away from Kuroko as a pair of scissors flew between them.

"I apologize for my intrusion." Akashi was standing in the doorway, grinning.

"Oh? Funny. I didn't hear you knock." Alex glared at him. She wiped the blood off of her lips. She moved her eyes to the scissors stuck in the hole. Half of the scissors was already embedded and cracks spiralled out from it.

"I've been knocking." Akashi glared at the woman who he saw was dangerously close to Kuroko.

Alex's eyes glinted. She grabbed Kuroko's arm and placedit in between her breasts.

"Like I said, I heard nothing."

"You didn't say it had to be loud. So, I knocked softly." Akashi smirked. Alex silently clicked her tongue.

"I guess that's understandable." She raised her hand and started making circles on Kuroko's chest.

"Now, if you'll release Tetsuya." He started walking towards them at a normal pace.

"Kuroko-kun hasn't drunk his favorite milkshake yet."

"Tetsuya, I have a ticket to the limited, grand and royale vanilla milkshake at Maji's."

Kuroko's eyes sparkled noticeably in delight.

"Garcia-san, it is quite uncomfortable. Kindly let go of me, please."

Akashi smirked in triumph.

"But you haven't tasted the cake yet." Alex frowned. She then pouted and widened her eyes to make the perfect puppy dog eyes.

"Atsushi made you a 5 tier vanilla cake, Tetsuya." Akashi was finally at Kuroko's side.

Alex's jaw dropped.

"All for me?" Kuroko's arm slyly slipped out of Alex's grip.

"All for you, love." Akashi offered his hand to him.

"'LOVE?!'" Alex exclaimed with pure skepticism.

"Oh? Didn't you hear, Alexandra Garcia?" Akashi then wrapped his arm around Kuroko's waist. Kuroko blushed, quite uncharacteristically.

"Tetsuya, is this true?!" Alex, forgetting her innocent and pure maiden act, slammed her hand on the table.

"Yes. Sei-kun is my boyfriend." Even with the straightforward answer, Kuroko's blush increased tenfold.

Alex froze in place. "I was about to tell you that Sei-kun insisted on coming so I let him." Kuroko tried to pry himself free, mumbling that it was embarrassing doing it in public.

"Oh so, I can do this and more when we're alone?" Akashi's smirk indicated he was thinking of something lewd.

Kuroko blushed and looked away. "Bakashi." He insulted softly. Akashi just chuckled and placed a kiss on Kuroko's temple.

Alex was just standing there; looking on in pain and disbelief.

"Oh and I'm glad I insisted on coming, Tetsuya. There were drugs in the milkshake and cake, weren't there? They're for Tetsuya to lust after you."

Kuroko stared at Alex in disbelief.

"Why, Garcia-san?"

"It is for you to lust after her, Tetsuya." Akashi glared venomously at Alex. Alex felt chills all over her body as she felt goosebumps rising up.

"No! Well, not particularly yes but still no!" Alex rose and tried to hold on to Kuroko's hand. Akashi yanked Kuroko's hand away and intertwined it with his.

"That doesn't make any sense at all, Garcia-san." Kuroko's eyes stayed on his and Akashi's intertwined hands; paying no heed to the woman in front of them.

"Enough of this. Tetsuya, let's go." Akashi smiled at Kuroko and the latter smiled back.

"Wait!" Alex's hand quickly reached for Kuroko's arm and yanked him towards her.

Akashi turned and glared at Alex. Alex cringed in fear. What she saw would probably have traumatized her for life. Red and gold eyes glowering at her, full of malevolence. A prey being trapped by the predator.

"I have already warned you, Alexandra Garcia. Do not touch what isn't yours."

Alex's eyes widened.

She loosened her grip and Akashi and Kuroko walked away. At the doorway, Kuroko bowed and apologized. Akashi sighed, "You're too pure, love."

Alex's eyes slowly lost their shine as she slowly connected the dots.

When she heard the door close, she quickly opened her phone.

All her fanfiction stories about Kuroko were deleted.

Her hands started to shake in disbelief.

"My...efforts...Just like that...?" Her voice came out as a whisper, not her usual cheerful and loud voice.

She got a lot of messages from her readers. Majority was asking why she deleted them but some had different contents. She opened one of them.

"Black Angel Lady,
It is impossible for you to delete your stories. You have great love and huge inspiration for them. And so, I figured it out. This had been happening to other stories and authors too. They said that someone has been deleting their stories, mainly Kuroko fanfics, some had their stories being rewritten into AkaKuro and some have even stopped writing.
I assume you are one of the victims too?

Her phone slipped from her grip.

The door banged open and Kagami's loud voice was heard. "Alex, you better be grateful! The line was ridiculous!"

Kagami stepped inside of the kitchen and dropped the drinks on the counter.

"Hey, what's up?" He looked at Alex and to her phone.

"Where's Kuroko?" He picked up Alex's phone and shifted his gaze to the milkshake on the table.

"Oh good timing. I'm thirsty."

Alex's eyes widened. "No! Taiga, stop!"

But it was too late. Kagami had drunk all of the contents.

"Fuck," Alex slowly backed away. She tried to stand but her wrist was quickly grabbed by Kagami.

"Alex..." A lustful look was plastered on Kagami's face. Blushes and pants came from him.


Credits to gabsensei for giving me the idea of Akashi's entrance!

Credits also to Sapphyre Lily for beta reading my fic! Even though she was sick, she still beta-d! So a big thanks for her!

And a super big thanks for those who waited and supported~~~

Super thank you for reading!

Please look forward to the next chapter~
