Ok guys sorry for taking so terribly long with this but tings kept coming and I had no time to write despite being on my summer break, but do not worry!, this is sort of a long chapter and I already started writing the next one so it shouldn't be all that long for me to post it. next might also be the last chapter but I have some ideas for a sequel to you let me know if you would like to see it because believe me, I have quite some things in store. if you would like to see a sequel just leave a comment and I'll be sure to personally inform you when it is out.

Chapter 8

This is war

Scarlet's POV

I woke up the next morning, this had been the first week with the hatchlings, people came and went every day, they saw the three Dragons and then left, but no one has come for the past two days, and I was glad for that, it meant that I could take them outside to see other dragons besides Toothless and Myself, even Cloudjumper had stayed away as a sing of respect, guarding the house and waiting until I brought the hatchlings down so he could see them. This morning I awoke to sounds downstairs, feeling Toothless against me and three smaller forms under my wing, I nudged Toothless, walking him up



::can you go get some fish, for the hatchlings::

::sure:: He stood up carefully and walked down the stairs, coming back up minutes later with a few fish in his jaws, laying them down in front of me, I unfolded my wings and the three little heads perked up, yawning and trying to stand up, the two green eyed furies started to jump around, and flap their wings energetically, I looked at the white and black hatchling, she was still sitting next to me, looking at the other two nibbling on the fish Toothless was now biting into smaller pieces. I crooned at her and carefully used my snout to push her up, after a few tries she was on all fours, her wings fell to her sides and she walked around dragging them and looking at them, then she stopped and rose one of them, flapping it slightly a few times before doing the same with the other wing, she looked back at me before walking away towards the others and started eating, I stood up as well. Toothless was now sitting next to me, I spoke still looking at them ::we have to name them:: he looked back at me and then at the hatchlings. I looked at the first one, the female one that looked like Toothless



::in the ancient dragon language, it means: The pure-hearted:: I looked at the male one with the red stripes on it's back ::Perenth, Lord of fire:: then, the small black and white hatchling ::Kisenth:: Toothless looked back at me with a knowing smile ::Carrier of light:: I smiled ::Toothless, is everyone else already awake?::

::yes, they are all downstairs, waiting for you and the hatchlings to come::

A few minutes later the three had finished, Toothless walked down the stairs, followed by the three small dragons, I walked behind them. Downstairs I was surprised to find not only Hiccup and Valka, but Hiccup's friends as well, this time I was a little more calmed but I still wouldn't let them out of my sight, I went to eat my portion of fish as Toothless played with them. The three baby Night furies jumped on top of him, chirping and nibbling at his ear flaps

"Wow" Fishlegs started "baby Night furies, Hiccup, this is perfect, we can register new information!" "Yeah, but be careful guys, Scarlet still is very protective of them around people" "Hiccup" Astrid started "did you named them yet?" At this, both Toothless and I perked up 'Name them?' I snorted and look at the group, my three hatchlings where sitting in front of them

"No...I have not actually"

"And how are you going to name them?"

"I don't know, we'll have to see that later on. for now, now that you have seen them, it's time to get back to work, myself included" at the news they all groaned but complied and exited the house. Toothless then stood up from his place on the floor and shook the hatchlings off, then turned to look at me

::I have to go check on a few things, you don't mind staying with them for a few hours right?::

::not at all:: with a smile he walked out of the house and vanished into the village, a sound called my attention from behind me, I turned around to find Cloudjumper exiting one of the rooms, he immediately looked at the hatchlings

::well is this not a pleasant surprise?:: he lowered his head closer to the hatchlings, who pulled back out once they discovered he was not a threat the three climbed up onto the long horns in hi head ::it really is::

::where is Toothless?:: he asked as Perenth slid down his back

::he just went out to check on a few things he didn't while in the house::

::I see, and may I ask the names of this three?:: he asked, lifting one of his wings and lowering his head so that the three hatchlings where now sitting in front of him

::they're names are Perenth, Lyth and Kisenth::

::ancient dragon language, very interesting::

::do you know the language?::

::I do. It was, and probably still is, an important part of my specie's culture::

::is it really?, I didn't thought that other dragons used it too::

::is mostly the Tidal dragons that use it, but it still is present in some Strike and Stoker dragons. Like it is with Night furies, Stormcutters, Skrills and probably Hobblegrunts:: He looked back at the hatchlings, fixing his gaze on Kisenth ::well this is interesting, she has white marks::

::I found it particularly strange since Night furies are never born with light colors such as this one:: Kisenth, intimidated by the big dragon's head that was closing up on her fell on her back and ran back to her mother, hiding between her front paws Lyth then sprung up chirping and jumped on the Stormcutter's head, the large dragon rose back up and used one of his wings to remove the baby fury from his head and placed him back on the floor ::it was nice meeting the new ones, Scarlet:: Valka then came out of her room "come on Cloudjumper, we have to go" the Stormcutter helped up her rider to climb on his back before turning back to me ::I have to go now:: he walked out of the house and took to the skies with a flap of his wings. I looked back at the three dragons with me, I walked towards the fire and laid down in front of it, the three furies followed me and piled up under my wing, I looked at them settle and chirp at each other before resting my head on the ground again

Toothless' POV

Not long after getting back on track with what had happened in the village I realized that I had quite the number of things to do, but after spending the whole morning and part of the evening on it I was done, now I was just flying over the village, I landed in one of the edges of the village, in an instant a group of dragons came to me, leaded by a Snafflefang

::Alpha, we came to give you our report on the search:: The search parties!, I had completely forgot about them, had they been going in and out every day?

::did you managed to find anything while I was gone?::

::luckily not::

::and where is the south search group?::

::...I really haven't seen them::

::what?...quick, organize a search group, use tracker class dragons, we have to find them!:: the Snafflefang turned around and took off, I didn't want to think of the worst case scenario just yet, the rest of the dragons talked amongst themselves, I was about to take off and catch up to the dragon but a sound caught my attention. I looked back at the ocean, where some clouds still hung over...it sounded like wings...with some effort I finally managed to see three figures flying towards us, I let out a sigh of relief at the sight of the dragons, but...something was off...they where flying too fast...and the search groups usually consisted of five dragons.

I jumped into the air and flew towards them, when I caught up I turned around and flew with them towards Berk

::what happened?::

::Alpha, we were attacked, they are coming and they're many!::

::get to the meeting point and stay there:: the Hobblegrunt nodded and kept flying, he was injured, a small cut on his side and a few arrows on his back, that much I could tell. I looked back at the wall of fog behind me, waiting, waiting not to see the crest I had seen on Scarlet's nest, waiting not to see armored dragons and ships, and waiting not to see that dragon that had attacked her back then. I was hoping that once the Hobblegrunt and his group landed they would attract some attention, eventually attracting Hiccup, if that happened I wouldn't have to do much explaining but point at the ships and he'll put the pieces together and help out preparing the Vikings.

I waited for a few minutes, looking at the fog, after listening intently I flew into it and glided just over the water, looking for the sound of voices, and creaking wood and so far I wasn't hearing any of the sort, I pulled higher up and looked at the water, nothing at first, but then I saw a small boat, hardly big enough to oppose a threat, I descended just enough to give it another look but as I did so more larger ships came into viewing range trough the fog, carrying on their sails the emblem of a long horned Viking helmet with two long blades behind it in a crossed pattern, same emblem I had see on the shores of the nest, I turned around and flew off barely avoiding a net that had been thrown at me, at the speed I was flying it didn't took me more than a few minutes to get back to the island, where a group of people, including Hiccup, were checking over the lost dragons, I landed roughly and ram towards Hiccup

"Toothless, where have you been?, what happened?" I nudged Hiccup to the edge of the cliff that looked in the direction of the fog and crooned and roared at him "Toothless what's wrong with you?!" Again I nudged him and crooned, looking between him and the direction of the ships, finally he got the clue of what I was talking about and looked at the fog just when the first small ship and three larger ones became visible "what is that?" I jumped and pointed at the injured group of dragons "they did it?" I nodded "Toothless...are those the ships that where at Scarlet's nest?" Again I nodded "okay...we have to prepare a defense and attack group, but we'll only engage if they show signs of aggression. You take care of the dragons with no rider, I'll do the rest" after that he left, I ran to the center of the plaza and let out a loud roar, calling to every dragon within hearing range, in a minute the plaza was full and some dragons that where just arriving had to perch on the roofs of the houses

::Listen everyone, a large group of ships are on it's way here, they might attack but we don't know for sure. if they do I want to know who is going to stay and fight, the ones that don't, better leave now:: the dragons around me looked around, as if expecting for one to fly away. Then, a Monstrous nightmare stepped forward ::I will stay:: then a Nadder followed, doing the same thing, after those two all the other dragons roared in unison ::in that case you better get ready, we don't have much time left:: the dragons nodded and some disappeared to where their riders where now exiting the great hall.

A minute after the dragons had gone Cloudjumper landed next to me ::did you get a close look at the ships?::

::I did...they are the same ones that attacked Scarlet's nest::

::what?, are you sure?::

::the crests are the same as the ones I found on the wreckage::

::and you plan to attack them?::

::only of they attack first, I'm afraid the dragon that attacked her, the other Stormcutter, might try to get to her...or to the hatchlings::

::let's just hope he doesn't::

::have you told her yet?::

::no, I'm going back to the house now but I don't know how will she react to all this, she had a hard time trying to get over what they did to her nest::

::what is your plan when they arrive?::

::we wait, but keep a close eye on their crew and their dragons if we can::


I nodded and with a flap took off towards the house, on my way I managed to see Hiccup in the plaza with a group of Vikings, he was a good rider and a better friend, I kept up my pace until I landed on Hiccup's window, just in time to see Scarlet playing with the three hatchlings, she immediately perked up when she saw me, her face immediately changed to one of seriousness

::Toothless what is going on, I heard the call...::

::a large group of ships is on it's way here, by the distance I'll say they'll be arriving to the shores in just half an hour...they...Scarlet, they are the same ships that attacked your nest::


::look, I need you to go to the cove, take the hatchlings with you and don't come back until either I go and get you or the ships are gone. Do you understand?::

::no, I can't let you do this alone::

::and I can't let you be in danger, or the hatchlings. Please listen to me, go to the cove and stay there until I go and get you:: I turned around and walked towards the window, Scarlet gathered the three Night Furies and tucked them under her wing before walking back down. With a sigh I jumped back out, the ships where closer now, maybe I had miscalculated their arrival time

Minutes later I was with Hiccup, the Vikings that where earlier around him where now scattered trough the plaza, getting the dragons and themselves ready, keeping their weapons ready but hidden from view, just as I had told the other dragons, Hiccup had told his people, no one was to attack or reveal the plan unless things went south, if they did, then all hell would break loose. As the ships got closet Hiccup got down to the docks, the large group of ships had stopped, leaving only one to approach the docks, with Snotlout, Fishlegs and Tuffnut behind him Hiccup descended the ramp heading to the docked ships, they stopped at a safe distance from where the occupants of the ship where descending.

Hiccup's POV

I was waiting for whoever was aboard the ship, from it came down a large man, not as large as other Vikings here on Berk but still quite big, he seemed at least fifteen years older than me. He was wearing a red leather suit and black armor, he walked towards us and spoke "Chief Hiccup, I suppose, My name is Soreth"

"How do you know my name?"

"You are quite the legend around the place, the man that defeated not only the red death but also Drago and his Bewilderbeast"

"Why have you come here?"

"My interests are merely peaceful"

"Then why the armada?"

"It's strictly as a precaution"

"You could be more clear with what you want"

"I am simply looking for something I lost a while ago, I've been searching for it all around and...something, tells me it could be here" he took a step forwards "if you would just let me search the island"

"What is it that you are looking for?"

"A dragon, nothing much, I heard that you are living amongst them so it might as well be here. Where are they, I haven't seen any dragons yet"

"It's near sunset, they are probably all in the hall with their riders"

"Well, that could make my search easier, just let me and my men to have a look at them and see if we can find it" he then tried to move past me but I stopped him, he then took a step back looking down as I spoke "Look, whatever dragon you are looking for is not here, and why is it so special anyway?, can't you just get another one?"

"Well...you see, this dragon...is very special, it is a Night fury, black with red marking on it's wings, I know it's here, and I need to get it back. so..." He put his hand behind his back then "I'm going to ask you just one more time..." I moved my hand to take my sword, when I saw him pulling his out, in a second we both took our swords and held them in front just as a ball of fire exploded in front of us, I looked up to see Toothless flying down, he landed next to me, his wings half spread and growling at the now startled man in front of me, then the two men behind him called out something, a name 'Medreth'. Then a large shadow flew out of one of the ships, it landed behind the three and I was barely able to contain my gasp. In front of me was another Stormcutter, a little larger than Cloudjumper, it had a dark brown body with blood red accents in it's spikes, horns, fins and wings, the horns on his head where longer as well. but what caught my attention was that it was wearing the same black armor, the four wing claws had been fitted with steel tips as well as the horns on it's head, it had a large plate that covered it's back and chest, along with part of it's tail. It spread two of it's wings and walked forwards growling at Toothless, Soreth stood up in front of the dragon and looked back at me "I see your dragon finally decided to show up" he looked back at the Stormcutter "well, so did mine"

"You are not getting anything from here, much less that dragon"

"Things are not going to end well for you if you don't"

"If you want her you are going to have to go trough every single Viking and dragon in this village"

He looked away "well then...I guess we'll have to make this the hard way" he then said something in another language and his dragon shot out a fire ball into the sky, I looked to the ships behind and was able to see silhouettes of dragons, rising from the ships, I looked at the guys behind me "go and tell everyone to get ready, prepare their dragons" the three nodded and ran up.

Soreth climbed up in his dragon and so did I, he took off as his dragons approached, Toothless followed him, and from that point on, everything only got worst...

Toothless' POV

From the moment I saw him I was sure it was the same dragon that had attacked Scarlet back at her nest, I kept growling at him as he approached, whatever happened today, I was not going to let him get close to Scarlet or the Hatchlings, never. He eyed me for a bit before finally speaking

::and who might you be, Night Fury?::

::not of your concern:: he huffed and kept growling, before shooting fire into the sky, a second later I was able to hear the flapping of wings, behind him, a large group of dragons was rising from the ships and heading our way, Medreth took off and I followed, unwilling to let him out of sight, as Soreth's dragons started to get closer to Berk. With a well placed plasma blast I managed to make him loose his balance, he landed straight and turned to look at me, still growling, both our riders got down and prepared their weapons as we stared at each other ::what do you think you're doing Night fury, do you think that you'll be able to protect your dragons?::

::I know I can::

::You might as well give up already::

::You want this island?, because the only way you will do so is if, and only if, you manage to get over me::

He smiled ::that can be arranged:: and with that we launched towards each other as the war began all around us

The growling of the surrounding dragons was getting louder by the minute as the battle wore on, it turned out that Medreth and I had just about the same amount of strength, the only difference was that he was way bigger than me, at first I took it as an advantage, I was faster and was able to dodge most of his strikes. He started to come closer with each strike that I dodged, when he was close enough I shot out a plasma blast, causing him to back off some steps, I took the chance to jump up at him, he tried to block my incoming hit but failed, I stretched my claws and lashed at him, managing to leave a cut in his neck and pull out part of his head armor, I jumped behind him and we faced each other ::you have guts Fury, I'll give you that, but that does not mean that you'll be able to beat me:: he roared and charged, I did the same. I jumped on top of him and held on as he jumped and flapped, trying to get me off, in the end he rolled in the ground and I had to jump off, I stood up and spread my wings getting ready to jump into the air, but before I could get back my balance he rammed me in the side. I tumbled to the ground and immediately knew that something was wrong, I tried to hurry myself up but before I could he used the four claws on his wings to keep me on the ground, I looked back and was able to spot Hiccup and Soreth still fighting, by now, houses where on fire, Vikings fought against other Vikings and dragons against other dragons, both sides loosing numbers in both Vikings and dragons, Soreth then lowered his head and spoke ::you see now?, all of this could've been avoided if your rider and you allowed us to search for what is rightfully ours, it is too bad that you won't be here to see us take over your island::

He rose his head again and I could hear him preparing to shoot, I closed my eyes and waited for the fire that never came, in a second I felt the weight get lifted from me, I stood up and looked at the large Stormcutter that laid on the ground a few meters in front of me, then, I heard an all too familiar sound ::Toothless!::

::Scarlet, what are you doing here?!:: I asked as she landed next to me

::I couldn't let you be out here on your own hearing all that was happening here::

::but what about-::

::don't worry, still at the cove in a cave::

::you have to go back to them, now!::

::I am not leaving you!::

Just then Soreth got back up, he stared at us confused for a second, then his face changed

::how didn't I saw that earlier?, that smell, you two are mates:: he took some steps closer ::and not only that...but you also had a hatchling:: with that Scarlet and I growled as our spines started to glow, we jumped towards him and attacked, with a hit I ripped off the rest of his head armor as Scarlet lashed at him, leaving her marks in his head and tearing the fins on the back of his head, I shot a large blue blast that knocked him to the ground and Scarlet jumped on him and tore one of his wings the way he had done to her back at her nest. Medreth roared in pain and stood back up, he charged at us but we jumped into the air, only then did I realized that when he had knocked me down he broke my wing, I fell back down and received Soreth's hit, once again he knocked me to the ground but Scarlet shot a bright white blast at him, effectively knocking him down. I got back up and was only able to half fold my wing back in, a second later she landed next to me

::Toothless, what happened?::

::I-I can't fly, he broke my wing, but it will heal::

::are you sure?::

::yes, don't worry:: we now turned to look at where Soreth had been a minute ago only to see that he was gone. We looked around but we where not able to see him amongst the plethora of dragons fighting in the ground and in the air, it was then that I saw Scarlet had stopped, I walked towards her, she was frozen in place looking into the distance. A second later she took off into the forest, I looked in the direction she ran off into only to see a cloud of smoke that was rising off into the sky, it was then that I realized where Soreth had gone to...

Scarlet's POV

A thousand things came to my mind. smoke, the smoke was coming from the cove, where the hatchling where. Then it hit me...Soreth, he found them in the cove!

I jumped into the air and flew as fast as my wings could carry me, It couldn't be happening, it was just not possible. But...the hatchlings where hidden, Soreth wouldn't be able to fund them, but then again, he had managed to follow their scent in mere minutes all the way to the cove.

I heard Toothless calling me, but I wasn't, couldn't, stop. Instinct told me to keep going

I landed in the cove, panting and looking around, but all I could see was fire all around, in every crack and hole that was in sight, to the far corner I saw the cave I had left them in, the vines that covered it where charred and the inside was pouring fire. I couldn't take my eyes off of it, I couldn't bring my mind around what I was seeing, I didn't want to believe it; It was so unreal, it had to be, this couldn't be happening. After what felt like an eternity for me, but where actually mere seconds, the sound of footsteps snapped me out, it was Toothless, he jumped down into the cove, panting as well and with the same expression that I had, we exchanged looks ran to the burning walls, searching for something, anything, that could tell us that our hatchlings where still alive.

As I scrammed around the cove I did the best I could to search in the holes and cracks where any of the three could be, the fire around us was starting to consume everything and closing on Toothless and myself, for a second I was able to hear a cry. My eyes widened and I ran towards the source, it was a very small opening on the lower part of one of the stone walls, I got as close as I could to it and between the flames and tree roots inside I was able to distinguish several black spots, then, a pair pf green eyes. They where there, probably ended stuck inside when trying to run from the fire. I cried out for them and I was barely able to distinguish Perenth's calls, I started to scratch and hit the burning rocks that where around the opening to try and make it big enough for me to get to them, Toothless heard me and came running to see the same thing I had.

The both of us where trying to move the rocks, I occasionally I would use my wings to dissipate the fire inside but it never worked as I had expected, as I was doing that I kept sending calls to my hatchlings, trying to calm them, all the while letting out wails of frustration and panic, the rock wasn't budging and the fire was getting heavier by the minute, I kept taking steps back just to go running into the rocks with all my might, the cries where getting filled with panic as they realized the situation they where in, with one last try I blasted the sides of the opening with my fire, it cracked a little more and I fired again, and again, a piece of the wall fell off and the opening was a bit bigger now, but what I hadn't noticed, was that the top of the wall was starting to crumble down, Toothless noticed it and he pulled me away from the crumbling wall of fiery debris, we tumbled back and by the time I was back up all I could see was a thick wall of fire, rocks and wood. I dropped to the ground, not believing what was happening in front of my eyes, I felt Toothless standing next to me, I closed my eyes as the sound of the burning fire around us started to fade away, everything seemed unreal, this couldn't be happening. I opened my eyes to the sound of dragons talking some distance away, Looking up I managed to see two dragons sitting at the edge of the far side of the burned cove, it was Soreth...

Toothless had seen him too, and his face said it all, he was going to die...

No one's POV

Medreth had been watching the entire scene from a relatively safe distance, now he was sitting at the edge talking to his second in command, a dark colored Seashocker, the Vikings that where with them where loosing the fight, and many dragons from their troops had fallen, it would look like this little island did had means of defense and attack, understanding their situation Soreth spoke ::take the best of our dragons, go to an Island far from here and recover forces and numbers, then come back and attack:: he then took something he was holding in with his talons and left it in front of the Seashocker ::take it, use it when the time comes:: after seconds of looking at it he snapped out and nodded to the Stormcutter before taking it with his paws and flying off into the woods towards the village, Medreth was about to take flight when something, or rather someone, pulled on his tail and with a wail knocked him inside the burning cove, he turned around to see Toothless and Scarlet, standing up in an attacking stance, Toothless took a step closer and looked at him with narrow eyes ::you are a coward, you don't deserve to live. Coming here and killing defenseless hatchlings::

::If I was not going to be able to kill you two, then might as well eliminate what could be a future threat. But now I see that I might still be able to kill you and your mate as well::

with an enraged roar Scarlet came from behind Toothless and jumped on top of Medreth, the Stormcutter jumped and flapped his wings trying to knock Scarlet off but she held on tight, as soon as she could she bit down on the side of the large Dragon's neck and got off, managing enough strength to use her grip on his neck to force him to the ground, Medreth roared and growled in both pain and anger. Using two of his wings he managed to push Scarlet away, leaving a series of scratches and some larger cuts in her sides, she regained her balance quick and ran back towards him jumping to try and get back on his back, but as soon as she was in the air he used the spiked armor that still covered the end of his tail to swing his tail at her, the steel dug into her side and tore some of her left wing's membrane sending Scarlet flying to the other side of the cove, after a few seconds she started to get back up despite her injuries, trying to ignore them completely.

Toothless then came and bit down on his shoulder where the two wings on one side joined the body, he shook his head and made a large cut on Medreth's shoulder, managing to at least impair his flying for a while, this time the Stormcutter ran into a wall and smashed the black dragon against it to make him let go, it worked, Medreth stood up and looked how the two Night Furies running in his direction, filled with anger and frustration he shot out a torrent of fire all around him, making a direct hit on both Dragons, after the flames dissipated from the air and got stuck to the walls and some of the ground he looked around and walked towards where Toothless had fallen. He was standing right in front of him, the black dragon cracked open his eyes and looked at the Stormcutter, the brown and red dragon was scanning the black form, his eyes fell on a glimpse in the Fury's tail, he got closer and with one of his wing claws got a hold of him at the base of the tail. he lowered his head then, Toothless flinched when he felt the leather that surrounded his prosthetic tear as Medreth ripped it off and threw it to a side before looking back at his eyes ::you are just a cripple, I can't comprehend why would any female look at you as a mate, you can't even fly without help from a human:: Toothless growled and bared his teeth at the larger dragon but was still too stunned to get up. Medreth then walked up to where Scarlet was, her lower half was partially submerged in the lake that was in the middle of the cove, the Stormcutter stood tall in front of her.

Scarlet's POV

I slowly opened my eyes in time to see Medreth in front of me, I couldn't see Toothless anywhere and that worried me, was he even okay?. The Stormcutter eyed me before lowering his head to my level ::you could've avoided all this if you didn't resist to us the first time we met. Now look at what you've done, at what you brought upon yourself::

::things would've been worst if I had gone with you::

::and now I just need to finish what I should've a long time ago:: he rose his head back up and took a step back, I could hear the gas building up in his throat, I was too weak to be able to do anything and I was loosing blood from the bigger injuries I got in the fight with him earlier, and the last torrent of fire that hit me had made things worst. I closed my eyes and got ready for the end, the only thing that I regret was not being able to save my hatchlings or to see Toothless again. I cleared my mind and waited, but instead of the flames I felt a rush of wind above me accompanied by a series of roars from Medreth, I opened my eyes to see him on the other side of the lake with Cloudjumper on top of him


Just as Medreth was about to fire Cloudjumper swooped down on the cove and grabbed Medreth by his back and neck with his talons, he carried enough momentum to throw him at the other side of the lake and drop right on top of him to prevent him from getting to Toothless or Scarlet

::Cloudjumper!:: the Stormcutter turned to see Toothless slowly getting back up on the far side of the cove, this distraction was enough for Medreth to throw him to a side and get back up. The two Stormcutters stared each other down before Medreth spoke ::you...what do you think you are doing?!::

::protecting my Alpha and friend, along with those with him::

::we are a superior specie::

::we are all equals, you have no right over any other dragon::

::have you forgotten your roots, Stormcutter?::

::no...but I chose to follow a new order, one where no dragon is superior and there is only a protector, not a tyrant::

::then I don't have a choice but kill you as well…brother:: with that Medreth launched at Cloudjumper and both dragons tumbled to the ground in a mess of wings and tails, after tumbling for a few meters the two finally got separated, Medreth used the moment when Cloudjumper was starting to get up to swing his armored tail at him, luckily the blow only managed to stun the large dragon, but that was just enough for Medreth to get back on top of him, before he could do anything Toothless flung at his back and bit down on the back of his neck, Cloudjumper used that to his advantage and pushed Medreth off of him. The brown Stormcutter jumped and rolled in attempts at getting the Night Fury off his back. Cloudjumper then shot a fireball at him as Toothless let go and jumped back to the ground next to Him, the two dragons stared down at Medreth as he struggled to get back up from the ground ::No matter what happens today, either way, you loose Night fury. You loose!:: he stood hunched down and growled at the two before standing tall preparing to fire, he rose his wings despite their damage to appear bigger as he prepared the shot, both Cloudjumper and Toothless prepared to defend themselves, before any of them could do anything a bright red blast hit Medreth on the side, sending him flying against a wall, the remaining dragons turned to the source to find Scarlet standing with a menacing attack stance at the other side of the lake, eyes narrowed, wings spread as best as she could, her red spikes glowing brightly, she stood like that for a second before limply falling back to the ground as her red glow slowly faded