Realistically, the country could be crossed in two days if the two of them focused and concentrated and the world was still in one piece. However, between needing to scavenge and hunt for food, the need to kill T-I, the fact they both needed actual sleep, and that siphoning gas just to keep moving... it took double that time to just clear the state. Naturally, they had taken their time; Hanji hadn't wanted to leave her birth state so easily and Levi seemed to mumble that the further from New York the better, but he still seemed to linger as he changed their course of direction several times.

It was hard not to notice that the y were heading South really quickly rather than West. Hanji decided to not question it as Levi drove them further and further away from the church and all that had been behind that. History was practically wiped clean at this point... Levi had stopped asking the brunette why she had been so shaken, and in return she didn't let it get to her. Even when they locked the car and hid off of the road and shared the back seat as their makeshift bed, the woman decided that she had opened enough to him for awhile; some things were all her own.

They had started their decent in West Virginia when they saw it. Clearly someone had been a big fan of Roys RV Supercenter about a few miles back. It hadn't taken much convincing to get Levi to pull over to have a look. Maybe he was just happy she was speaking again; even though he often remarked he wished she wouldn't.

How much longer would the van get them when the best replacement was staring them in the face. It would take extra time moving cars off the highway so it could pass, but they had agreed it would be worth it. The raiding of the other abandoned cars hadn't been awful either. There hadn't been a lot of food found, but they had been gifted with bullets, a few extra hand weapons, a Swiss Army Knife, the RV itself, and Levi's least favorite of all: an ipod plugged into the lighter jack with its tape adapter.

They'd been on the road maybe a week since they found the beautiful things; taking their time clearing the way and enjoying their sleeps and hunts, and hadn't listened to nearly half the songs yet.

... Admittedly that was because they took turns controlling the music - driver picks, and passenger shuts their pie hole. They tended to have already picked favorite songs and Hanji had had hers practically on repeat the moment she found Kansas' "Carry On My Wayward Son". Her turns to drive there were getting less and less...

With being unable to scavenge much food, they were back to hunting. Again, that left favorites; so while Levi had somehow managed birds, Hanji had favored more towards the other little woodland creatures like hare and squirrels. Whatever it was, if there was anything left at the end of the night it was thrown out the window if they were ready to move on, or buried if they stayed parked; there was no reason to risk eating bad meat the next morning... or even worse, drawing a horde.

So when the brunette woke up feeling a little dizzy the one morning, she just thought maybe it were possible she was still adjusting to laying down like while the vehicle was in motion. It wasn't a surprise to wake up to find Levi driving when he should be in the overhead bed too... In the truck, sleeping upright while a driver was doing their duty had been the most uncomfortable thing, but you got used to being in such an alert position. Even though the bed was comfortable, she was scared to enjoy the luxury. More often than not she would sit at the table and look over the map, attempt to figure out where they were, where they were going...It was getting hard to concentrate though, feeling so damn nauseous made her head pound...

When it didn't seem to be going away the following day, she realized that her reaction time hunting was getting slower... She felt sick and crampy... She knew she wasn't really eating enough to be having an actual period, but her cycle may have moved forward just enough to upset her. Ugh, go figure... She spent most of Levi's hunting trip back in the RV guarding it and dehydrating... She had to be dehydrated or something somehow to have nearly shat in her pants twice. At least that seemed to have evened out before the man came back with the spoils she'd be left to cook so he could nap.

That night it hit her. After picking at a meager meal very lightly the brunette had taken her turn to just pass out, just to wake up in a cold sweat. Zoe nearly fell just because the RV was moving when her feet hit the floor of the vehicle and she was going straight for the bathroom. She felt like she had nearly gagged up all the stomach acid she possibly could have had, the pain of just fucking heaving leaving tears on her face as she called out to the dark haired man behind the wheel. She didn't want to move, her body was already trembling just trying to call loud enough so Levi would hear her. The best she could do was pant, close the lid to the toilet and flush it away before she got sick again just at the thought of how messed up she felt... Standing up wasn't an option right now...


Brakes skid to a halt as the man heard the call, attentions turning to the sound of coughing in the small bathroom. The engine cit and the windshield covered before the raven haired moved swiftly into the back. Even she could see the alarm on his face to see his companion bent over the toilet bowl. "Oh shit..."

Maybe she hadn't been sick yet, but she was shaking enough to cause some concern. "... What happened? Are you alright?"

The most annoying thing was nearly any problem with the body was that this... this could be anything. Dehydration, heat exhaustion, lack of sleep, improper diet; hell it could even be just a cold. , they hadn't exactly been awarded with a full working A/C; and while they could crack the windows, in some areas the stench of this rotting world... it was better to boil inside. With the symptoms? All possible and just as likely as if she were infected. The brunette closed her eyes tightly, not wanting to think on that and tried to pull her focus on Levi.

Was it yesterday or the day before she had started feeling bad? They had all blurred together she couldn't be sure... And only one answer sounded safer than any other. She doubted any attempts of reassurance would be worth the try; she just felt happy he wasn't willing to aim a gun at her right away. Leaving the church had been such a good decision...

"I-I... I don't feel good." The woman's voice cracked at the obvious statement. Attempting to look up at him caused another wave of nausea which didn't seem willing to settle. Ha... what an understatement. She felt like she could heave up her stomach at any second, and a fever was brewing. She knew these signs.

"The fuck did you eat?" Levi hadn't gotten a chance to look at what had come up before she had gotten rid of it. She could imagine the paranoia itching under his skin. "... Were you bit?"

Teeth clenched as she glared at such an accusation. The past few days she had practically become one with the RV, only going out to scope and 'snipe'. How dare he! She would have rather offed herself than dare put him at risk! "You... You're safe." She hissed, covering her mouth with her shirt. Just... just in case it wasn't something she had eaten. Chocolate eyes watched as he went through the small medicine cabinet. The various bottles of pills left from the previous owner appeared of no use.

"...I need to find a place to park us. Think you can hold on til then?" An RV on the side of the road was a huge red flag for safety and supplies, that's how they had found it to begin with. As nice as this new home was, it was a bit nerve wracking how desire able this place could be to a marauder - especially considering the nice stock left for them by the previous owner that they had only gotten to add onto.

She nodded, leaning back against the wall with a nod. "Y-Yea... just be careful..." She felt like she would throw up again, she didn't want him to pay less attention to the road because he was upset or worried with her.

The camper made a rough decent off road, the whole vehicle shaking at the uneven surface and the brakes whined to their stop. They were behind some trees, not the best of cover but well enough if you weren't really /looking/ off-road. Hardly anyone did anyway.

Once all the lights were switched off and covers were tossed over the windows so they could afford some light, the obsidian went back to check on Hanji.

Eyes tightened shut as the RV crawled off the road. When she heard Levi move around again she had gone from sitting against the toilet to curled up on the floor. Peeking eyes open to look up at him made her feel like she was upside down... Refusing to let that show, Hanji pushed herself up stubbornly. "We... We're okay...?"

"We should be fine for the night." The man kneeled at her side, the back of his hand pressing to her forehead. "Are you alright?"

His hand felt cold... "I feel like I'm burning up..." She admitted. Why lie? It wouldn't do her any good... "I just want to lay down."

"Have you been drinking any water?" His hand went out in offering, he was willing to help haul her up into a bunk if it meant getting his partner back soon.

The woman grabbed onto him like a lifeline, fearing the floor wouldn't stay under her for long. "Not much... It just comes back up.."

"Drink it slower then." When the woman leaned so heavily on him, he tried to pick her up. Above the cabin of the truck was a bed. She'd have to climb up a ladder, but it was the safest area for someone this sick. "You're going to fucking kill yourself if you don't even try."

The brunette bit her tongue from saying anything about 'the inevitable'. Of all things, this was certainly ironic. "I'll drink it slower..." She promised, nodding at the obsidian. At least she would try. "...'m sorry..." She was slowing them down - not that they really had anywhere to go except west, but staying put for too long... With just Levi doing everything she wasn't much help. "I'll hunt when I wake up..." Dear god she wanted to sleep, pray her body wouldn't wake her up and make her hole up in the bathroom.

"Don't worry about that now." His objection stung for reasons that didn't make sense to her; it was quick and strong and she didn't dare fight it. "You need to rest, focus on that."

"Hanji." A low groan escaped her mouth as she turned over, dull eyes looking up with less light. "... Not done fighting, are you?"

"... Bite me." She pouted, curling closer to herself. Her stomach was twisting, but she didn't fight the sick feeling any more. Just... so long as she could get up when she needed to, she would be fine. She had to believe that.

"How are you?"

"... Sick to my stomach." The brunette tried to force a laugh, but his face seemed so cold... "... How are we?"

"... We're getting there." He couldn't be doing well on his own. Hunting, siphoning gas, doing all the chores and making sure there was water and... and that she was okay? Poor guy... "... I... I should stay..."

"I said no!" Why keep her? Wasn't she slowing him down? There's no way anyone else would've allowed her stick around.

"... I'm just great company." She smiled, genuine this time. It was...nice. He liked her around...he cared about her life huh? ... What did she ever do to deserve this? "... Move."

He backed off the ladder, offering a hand to her as she climbed down to rush to the bathroom.

This... was just the flu, right?

It hurt. The brunette curled into herself as eyes tightened shut. This had to end, this had to end...! She couldn't cry out; Levi had left not too long ago, she didn't want to attract infected. The pillow she had been crying into now served as a mouthpiece to keep herself quiet. Teeth dug in, pain seeped out. Her stomach felt like it was trying to devour itself; and with the lack of food she was managing to keep down she wondered if it was already what was happening.

"Please..." She didn't know if anyone was listening, she didn't care. She just wanted it to stop. End her if this was the alternative! What use was she otherwise?!

A tremble wracked down her body, her joints aching as she shook and curled the blankets around her.

"...please... no more... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..." What sick punishment.

When bleary eyes opened everything seemed to overheat. She was shaking, her skin felt on like it was melting off... She wasn't sure how many times she had turned over to find a bottle of water being replaced or refilled... or how many times she reached for the bucket that had been placed there for her convenience. She couldn't tell when they were moving or if it was just her, but it was exhausting to stay awake for long.

Maybe this was it? How... how ironic. She hadn't been bitten, she knew that... What if it was finally airborne? Could it really be possible? Evolved enough to finally wipe everyone out? No... No, Levi... He would've gotten it too, right? No, she didn't want to be the cause of his death too.

"Hey." She didn't want to look. The last she had tried to look around her glasses were gone... probably for the best so she wouldn't roll on them. "... Hanji."

"... I'm... I'm here." He worried. How long was it? When was the last time he had checked on her? There was the familiar clicking noise of something being placed next to her head, and when a hand reached out it was cold.

Her knife? No...

"... We're running low on food. I'm locking the door behind me, I'm taking your knife. The gun's loaded, use it wisely. I didn't see any Titans but I'll try and clear the area before moving on. You're on lockdown, can you handle it?"

"... Water?"

"I'm getting some... The last bottles next to you."

The woman peeked to take him in. It was dark in the small cabin, but the shades were on the windows so it wasn't night just yet. She just wanted to look him over, force a smile... nod and wrap her fingers along the handle of the gun.

... Would he miss her if she was gone when he returned?

'Use it wisely."