Chapter 13
Dear Rory,
My intern is no problem now I know I have seeing you to look forward to (even if that prospect is marred by the idea of Friday night dinner - I seem to recall our last one not going so well).
Hopefully the week in Stars Hollow will give you the time you need, without your grandparents, or Logan, or me if you need it. This whole thing - us, these letters - has been surreal (long may they continue!). I didn't realise how much I missed you, Rory, and now I can think about you and it be allowed: no hiding, no pretending... Knowing that I'm going to see you soon just makes me miss you more.
Make sure you've let Taylor know I'm coming; we're going to take that town by storm.
A/N: This is the end of The Key is in the Timing - but not the end of this story. I wanted to keep this fic as just letters (and a phone call) but I will be writing the story of Rory and Jess meeting in Stars Hollow for any of you who'd like to read it (and for my own enjoyment/wish fulfilment). Thanks for your support and I hope you've liked this :)