Chapter 1
Percy's P.O.V

As I walked up over the hill, through the tall grass that really needed to be cut, I saw the breath-taking site of my home. Camp Half-Blood isn't your normal camp where the campers learn skills like swimming, canoeing, and arts and crafts. It's a camp for young demi-gods and demi-goddesses, a.k.a. the children born of Olympian gods and their human boyfriends or girlfriends. There, half-bloods, like me, train in the art of killing monsters and of surviving in the mortal and immortal worlds. Dionysus – a.k.a. Mr. D – is the camp director, and Chiron, a famous hero trainer, helps out. When I first arrived at Camp Half-Blood there were maybe a hundred campers, a few dozen satyrs, and a dozen assorted wood nymphs and naiads, but now there are loads more campers, Greek and Roman, who are all here to seek safety, and more importantly; training.

Camp Half-Blood's boundaries are enchanted to protect the campers from any monsters or outside forces. However I learnt the hard way that anyone within the camp can summon a monster. Thalia's tree on Half-Blood Hill is an enchanted pine tree that used to be infused with the spirit of a demi-goddess named Thalia, who is a daughter of Zeus, and My cousin. Now the palm tree is the new home of the Golden Fleece. The pine tree provides huge magical enchantments that help keep Camp Half-Blood even more safe and secure. Here, the weather is always nice, and it never rains. That is, unless Zeus decides to make it rain.

It had been a year since Gaia had been defeated, and I was just returning to Camp Half-blood after a quest. I noticed that everyone, except Thalia, Nico and Clarisse, were at the beach.

"What's going on?" I asked as soon as they were close enough to hear me, but was surprised when all I saw were unhappy faces. Thalia looked at the others, who all shook their heads before she turned to me and answered;

"Believe me Percy, you do not want to know," I looked at all of their sad faces and started making my way towards the beach. All of the campers were crowding round two people in the middles, shouting "Well done Kyle!" I realized that my half-brother was one of the people in the middle, so I began pushing my way through the crowd. Looking at what I could see in the middle, I wish I hadn't. Kyle was kissing my girlfriend, Annabeth Chase.

Clarisse's P.O.V

We ran after Percy, hoping we would make it to the beach before he got really angry. Thalia was in front of me, with Nico close behind. Thalia sped up, going from a mild jog to a full sprint;

"He only just got there," Thalia called as she ran after Percy. She disappeared into the mass of people, dodging arms and legs that were sticking out, and leap frogging over the occasional young camper, and the only thing you could see were her blue highlights as she ducked through the crowd. We barged through the people, who were still screaming HIS name. I ran into the center, and saw Percy, who had dropped his backpack, shaking with fury. The crowd was looking on, and I was disgusted, this was just a show to these people.

Thalia's P.O.V

"What the hell is going on here?" Percy shouted, his anger causing the sea to crash onto the beach wildly. Annabeth didn't even look guilty when she saw her boyfriend, she smirked.

"Oops! Looks like we've been caught," she said as Kyle put an arm around her waist, "Well Percy, if you didn't get the message yet...were finished," she said as she locked lips with Kyle. I lunged forward, although I didn't get far. I turned round, giving the person holding me the dirtiest glare ever.

"Clarisse La Rue, why the hell did you stop me?" I all but screamed in the daughter of Ares's face. Clarisse just pointed to Percy, who had a look of pure hate in his eyes,

"I hope you're happy Annabeth, because you just missed out on a life-changing opportunity." Percy said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a black box, "I just went on a quest that took three months, a quest that could have killed me, to earn your mothers respect, so that I could ask for your hand in marriage," he said as he threw the box on the ground. 'I cannot believe that she did this to him," I thought as I struggled to get out of Clarisse's grip. You could tell that Nico was angry: there were animal skeletons scurrying around. I felt my anger get out of control as a storm began brewing above us. Clarisse finally let go when Percy marched off of the beach, letting me run after the boy I love.

Percy's P.O.V

I got to lake before the tears started falling and I fell to my knees. I jumped when someone's arm snaked around my shoulders, and was alert until I saw the tell-tale blue highlights of the fiery daughter of Zeus. She looked at me, her smile illuminating her face,

"It's okay Kelp head you still have us, and we will never leave you," Thalia said as she helped me stand up. We went to the Poseidon cabin and sat on the beds.

"So," Clarisse said as she sharpened her dagger, "What are you going to do know?" I sighed, putting my head in my hands, "I am going to try and forget what happened today, and focus on my training and spending time with my friends." I couldn't help but notice how the light from the fountain accentuates the blue in Thalia's hair. 'She looks amazing,' I thought as I looked at what she was wearing; a black and silver top underneath a black leather jacket with her black jeans and converse. She was fiddling with the blue bedding that covered all of the beds in the cabin and was staring at...ME?

Thalia's P.O.V

I couldn't help but notice that Percy was staring at me. His black hair was swept over his face and his eyes were slightly blood shot from the tears he shed. He was wearing a Camp Half-Blood t-shirt under a brown zip up hoodie, with his normal dark blue jeans. I quickly looked away, before he noticed that I was staring at him as well.

"Hey," Nico said, slicing through the awkward atmosphere in the room, "Why don't we go and see Rachel?" We all silently agreed, knowing that Rachel would want to know what was going on, and were about to go to the oracles cave to see Rachel, when Poseidon flashed in.

"Percy, Thalia and Nico," he said as he addressed us all with a nod, "You have been summoned to Olympus." I sighed, knowing that it might not be a good thing, and that Athena probably hates Percy. We said goodbye to Clarisse, who was probably going to set the camp straight, before being flashed to Olympus.

Nico's P.O.V

'That's it, we're screwed,' I thought as we arrived in the throne room. All of the children of the big three were gathered in one room, which didn't look as innocent as it seemed. Lady Hestia greeted us as we passed the hearth. We kneeled before our fathers, and then Percy and I kneeled before Zeus.

"Thalia and Nico, we have decided to give you immortality, for your services to the gods," Zeus said as he motioned towards us with his hand. Thalia and I were enveloped in a light glow. He smiled before addressing Percy.

"Perseus Jackson, the majority of the council," at this point he looked at Ares and Athena, who were scowling at Percy, "Have once again decided to offer you the chance to be a god," Zeus said, and received three surprised gasps. Percy contemplated his answer. Before he replied he looked at us, looking for support and Thalia and I gave him two warm smiles. He knew what he had to do.

"Lord Zeus, I accept the councils offer," Percy said as he bowed before the council. Zeus nodded, before zapping Percy with his master bolt. The minute the lightning hit it sent him unconscious, falling towards the stone floor.

Thalia's P.O.V

I lunged forward to catch Percy. He was covered in sweat and his breathing is irregular. "Is this normal?" I growled, hoping that my father hadn't sabotaged it. Apollo cringed before replying,

"Calm down sis, it just means that he is going to be a major, very powerful god." I just scowled before getting Nico to help me lift Percy. We followed Apollo down the hall, being careful not to drop the newest god. Once Percy was safely tucked into one of the infirmary beds, I ran. I slammed the door to my room in the guest temple, not being able to control my feelings any longer and collapsed on my bed.

'I really need to tell Percy how I feel about him, or I will never be able to move on with my life,' I thought as got up and started rummaging through my clothes. My hands landed on the silver tiara that had symbolized my position as the lieutenant of the Hunters of Artemis, before I had quit. I immediately started remembering all of the times that Percy had saved me on the quest to save Lady Artemis. I was broken out of my thoughts by someone knocking on my door. As I got closer to the door I could smell a very strong floral scent, and immediately tried to hide my feelings, as it could only be Aphrodite.

"What can I do for you Lady Aphrodite," I said as I opened the door, allowing the alarmingly overpowering scent to waft in. She just smiled, her red lipstick cracking slightly, before thrusting a bag into my hands.

"You WILL wear one of these every day until Perseus wakes up," I immediately looked into the bag and was horrified when all I saw were dresses. I was about to protest when I realized that she was already half way down the hall, pulling her light pink toga up as she descended the stairs.

"And Thalia," I looked at her as she spoke, "There is no point trying to hide your true feelings from me." I shut the door to my room, hiding my blush from any other gods that might decide to pay me a visit. I stuffed the bag into my closet and lay down on my bed, thinking about how the camp would feel about this.