A/N: Here's a really short drabble that I totally could have fit into a longer fic, but I was lazy and only had this specific scene in mind, so... here it is. Enjoy, and please review!

In the long run, it was Loki's fault, for making Thor assume that Frozen was about Frost Giants and therefore drag the entire team to see it.

But in the longer run, it was Howard's fault, for venturing out into the ice to look for Steve's body, and bringing a camera crew with him.

Either way, it was Tony's fault in the short run, for messing with Steve in the first place. Because there they were, sitting on the couch in the living room of the Avenger's Tower, having just come home from a mission, still in uniform (Tony still in the Iron Man suit), watching a movie, just like they did every week. The only difference was that the movie was Howard Stark's Video Log of the Excavation of Captain Steven G. Rogers and Tony was being an asshole about it.

"Hey, Capsicle," Tony whispered, leaning towards Steve. "Do you want to build a snowman?'

Luckily for Steve, his shield was right next to him on the couch. Even luckier, he didn't even have to look away from the movie to whack Tony in the head with it.

A/N: :D Hope you liked it, please review!