A/N: This story takes place after Leo is fully healed in season 3 (2012 version).

Also, I don't own TMNT.

It had been nearly six months after they had escaped New York City and fled to April's family's old farmhouse. Nearly six months after the Kraang invasion. Nearly six months after Leo crashing through the window.

Nearly six months without Master Splinter.

Leo sighed, staring outside the window. It was drizzling. The rain drops scattered around the grass and plants, leaving little droplets of water everywhere.

Leo loved the rain. He would go topside, sitting on an abandoned rooftop, gazing down at the scene below. It was usually peaceful, since no one really went out in the rain, and Leo liked it that way. The rain was his escape from reality, from his problems, from his family. It would be just him and the rain.

The rain reminded him of being alone, which reminded him of his family, which remind him of Master Splinter.

Master Splinter, Leo's father and sensei, was... gone.

No one even knew if he was still alive. The others had seen the Shredder fight him and push him into a whirlpool, and then he was gone.

Leo desperately wanted to his father's face again. He wanted to tell him one last thing.

That he loved him.

Leo diverted his gaze away from the window and looked at his brothers and April and Casey. They were all watching something on television, and Mikey seemed to be enjoying it the most.

What are we doing here? Leo wondered. He was fully healed now, and he and the others were just lounging around when there was trouble going on. No one had any idea if the Kraang were still invading Earth. They would have to find out.

It was time to return to New York City.

It was time to put and end to the Kraang, to save the city, to find Master Splinter, dead or alive. Leo hoped it was the latter, like everyone else, but there was no telling if he was still alive.

Leo shook the thought away from his head. It wouldn't help to think about his father not being alive.

He walked over to the others. "Guys, it's time to go back."

Everyone looked up, except for Mikey.

"Where?" asked Casey.

"To Hawaii." Raph rolled his eyes. "To New York City, duh!"

"It's about time we went back there," Donnie commented. "We still don't know what happened to Master Splinter and the other people in NYC."

April slowly nodded. "Yeah. Let's go."

Mikey retrieved Ice Cream Kitty from the freezer and put her in a cooler. The others got food and other items they would need. Then they all piled up into the Party Wagon.

Casey was driving with April right next to him. Directly behind her was Leo, and next to him was Donnie. In the back were Raph and Mikey.

April was staring out the window, not saying anything. Leo did the same, not knowing that he did so seconds after April did.

"Ooh, look, Leo's a copycat!" Mikey said as he noticed this.

"Am not," Leo replied, still looking out the window.

"Oh yeah? Then why did you start staring out the window when April did? Huh?" Mikey asked.

Leo said nothing.

Mikey frowned, but didn't say anything either. If Leo was going to ignore him, he'd just do the same.

It stopped raining outside, but there were still rain drops on the van's windows. Leo closed his eyes and let his finger make a little drawing on the window next to him. When he opened his eyes, he saw that he had drawn a person crying.

Weird, he thought to himself.

A few minutes later, Casey announced, "We're there!" The turtles looked out the windows to find themselves in the familiar, bustling streets of New York City. The buildings that had been broken in the invasion were fixed, and none of the humans were mutated Kraang zombies.

"I wonder where my dad is," April said aloud.

"Don't worry, April, I'm sure we'll find him soon. When we do, I'll give him the retromutagen," Donnie said, trying to comfort her.

April gave him a small smile. "Thanks."

Casey parked by an abandoned building. Everyone climbed out of the Party Wagon and went down into the sewers.

"First things first. Let's look for Master Splinter," Leo said.

"You know he might not be alive anymore," Raph said. He was trying not to cry, so his words came out slowly.

"I know, Raph, but we still have to find him," Leo replied. They were about to split up to look for Master Splinter when April stopped them.

"I sense him; he's that way," April said, pointing to the right. The others followed her into a tunnel which ended in a small, room-like place.

And in the center was none other than Master Splinter.

He was lying down, his stomach on the ground. One of his arms was next to him, the other above his head. His eyes and mouth were shut.

They didn't need to try to find a pulse to know that he was dead.

Mikey was the only one who spoke. "NOOOOO!" he shrieked, crying into Donnie's plastron.

Everyone else was crying. Even Raph, the strongest turtle, couldn't hold his tears back.

"Father," Leo whispered as he stroked his father's face. Somehow he couldn't cry, but he could feel the pain in his heart anyway.

He hadn't deserved a death like that.

He was too much of a good person to die like that. He had never, ever done anything wrong.

Leo wanted to cry, to let all those tears out, but somehow they didn't come. They refused to spill, staying inside of Leo's body.

And then he heard a voice. It was so faint that it might have just been his imagination, but he was sure it wasn't.

"I got my revenge on your father. Now I shall get my revenge on you."

A/N: At first I was going to make this a one-shot (the one-shot would be the next chapter), but then I decided to turn this into a chapter story.

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