Hey guys! How are you doing? Yay! I'm posting a new fic! :) This is my first multi-chapter and I would like to dedicate it to someone so special. She is an excellent beta and an amazing best friend anyone would kill to have. I'm so lucky to have you in my life. So this dedication goes to WeirdButUnique.

I love this story a lot and so is my best friend. So I hope you all would love this as much as I do. :)

So Enjoy! :)

P.S. Show some love to the review button which is down there! ;)

Chapter 1

Kendall's POV

"Hey," I said slightly slapping my best friend, Logan, in the back and sitting in front of him on our usual table in the cafeteria. Logan and I have always eaten alone but rarely Camille, Logan's girlfriend, joined us.

"Hey," I could see the worry in his eyes as he lifted his head from his lunch. I was gone for the whole morning and he had his reasons to worry.

"What did he say?" he asked without taking his eyes off me, like I would disappear into thin air if he did.

"He cut off one more month," I said looking at my lunch. I could never lie to a person's face.

"What?!" he gasped and I felt guilty for lying.

I raised my head to look at him but he had already zoned out. He tended to think a lot these days and I don't blame him. If I were in his situation, I would do the same.

I nudged him and said, "Dude, relax! I was just kidding." I smiled a bit to ease the tension.

He looked at me. His eyes were dark with anger and I prepared myself for a good hearing. Logan is one of the most innocent people you can find. He rarely got angry but when he did, he was a devil. Or a dragon. Maybe both combined.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Oh, and he swears only when he was angry. "This is not something you can joke about." I could say that he was still getting adjusted to the fact.

"Hey, calm down! Anyway it's gonna happen in a few more months. A few days won't make a difference." I tried to reason. To be honest, I've had enough of this. I couldn't bear the pain I was causing the people around me. Sometimes I wanted this to be over but sometimes all I wanted was it to just go away, just disappear like it wasn't there in the first place.

"You don't know how a few days are important to me Kendall. Every second that pass is important to me right now." He breathed fast to calm himself, something he did every time he was extremely angry.

The guilt that built up within me was hard to bear. I could see the pain in his eyes and knowing I was the one who was causing it was killing me.

"Oh look, Logie bear is steaming." A disgusting voice, followed by a few chuckles, floated into my ears. I could hear his heavy footsteps, which was followed by some more, approaching us but I didn't bother to look up. He was the only person in this whole universe that I hated with all my being. I didn't hate his minions though cause they would be nothing without him.

Logan hated it when someone else called him Logie bear. Only his mother called him that and he loved his mother for it.

He reached our table and placed his smelly foot on the chair next to me, sitting on the table. Something he loved to do a lot. Maybe he thought that sitting on the table would make him King or something. But to me he was a shameless beggar.

"What made you so angry Logie bear? Did Kendork here say no to you?" he asked gesturing towards me.

Now, this threw me over the edge. It's true that I was gay but Logan was perfectly straight. He also has a girlfriend. I didn't want them falsely accusing my best friend.

"Go fuck yourself James," I growled turning to him.

He fake laughed and said, "Don't be concerned about me Kendork. Give that satisfaction to my friend over here." This time he gestured to Logan.

I could feel my face heat up and burn with anger. Since a small age I had anger management issues. So people who know me know not to mess with me. But this asshole here needed a lesson.

"Just mind your own business asshole. Or elseā€¦" I stopped thinking a good comeback. But he beat me to it saying "Or else what? Beat me? Kill me? Can you at least hold a knife properly?" he asked and the laugh of his minions that followed echoed throughout the cafeteria, drawing the attention of every being present there. Even the school cat turned his head towards us.

That was it. He had pushed me far enough that I decided it was time to give him a piece of my mind. I clenched my fist and hit him directly on the jaw putting more pressure than necessary. When I took my hand away both my knuckles and his bottom lip were bleeding. A satisfied smile crept into my lips. It felt so good to finally hit him. Something I had wanted to do since the day he started bullying me. So basically since the day I met him or since the day I transferred to this school.

Before he could process what had just happened the bell rang. I was actually surprised that I didn't get a return beating immediately.

"This isn't over Knight," He spat before leaving the cafeteria, his minions tagging along.

"Are you okay?" asked Logan softly turning my hand over to inspect the knuckles.

"Thanks for the support back there," I said sarcastically before dumping my lunch in the garbage and heading towards the washroom. I needed to clean the wounds.

I could hear Logan behind me as I entered the washroom. He was always like that. Never stood up for himself. But he had other means of keeping them off his back, like doing their homework. The thing is, he didn't mind doing it cause he's the typical nerd you meet every day.

I, on the other hand got bullied a lot, sometimes mostly because of my anger management issues. I didn't mind going home with a few bruises, but it worried my mom a lot. I hated worrying her. She also got called to school often cause of my frequent fights. She never scolded or punished me. She always blamed it on my dad saying that I was a lot like him which I really hated as I never wanted to be like him.

I opened the tap and held my hand, flinching a little as the cold water hit the wound. It burned a little, but I was used to it considering the millions of wounds I've got over the years.

Logan took a tissue and started wiping my hands. He took a small box out of his backpack which he carried practically everywhere.

"You should stop messing with him," He said softly, almost a whisper, like he was afraid that it would offend me. He was right.

"What do you want me to do then? Just stand there until he walks all over me?" I whisper yelled cause I didn't want anyone to overhear us and we didn't know if anyone was in the stalls. Most probably no one cause all of them might be in classes right now, which reminded me that we were both going to be late.

Logan took out a tube from the box, his first aid kit, and applied it over my knuckles. It's a good thing that he's studying medicine. It comes in handy in situations like this.

"Still today was too much Kendall. You are lucky that he didn't hit you back."

"I can't just sit there and listen to him insulting you like that."

"I know," he smiled but it faded as he continued. "What if James brings his parents into this? You know they can kick you out within seconds."

"I don't mind that. Anyway I have to stop school this month or the next. Doc said it'll be too tiring."

Logan didn't reply. Every time, he chose to remain silent when it came to this topic.

After he bandaged my hand we both went to our lockers and hurried to our classes. We were already ten minutes late.

James' POV

I stared at his seat which was currently empty. I wondered what he must be doing that made him late to class. Normally he would come before me. Every day I saw him in the front row when I entered, but today he wasn't here.

History was the most boring class I ever had. It took all my will power to stay awake during this.

I turned my head towards Carlos, my best bud, who was already snoring in his chair. Seeing that, a yawn escaped my lips. I didn't want to fall asleep. It would break my perfect record and if my parents got to know about it, I'd be dead.

So, I looked out of the window and turned my attention to what was happening outside. Outside was a park, filled with so many huge shady trees. It was both calm and quiet. Nobody was there as these were working hours. I bet it would be filled in the evenings.

Absent mindedly I touched my lip, only to feel the plaster that was put there minutes ago by Jo, my girlfriend. My calm mind started to get filled with anger. How dare he do such a thing? No one in this school had been fearless enough to lift a hand against me. Yet he had the guts to punch me right on my face. Anger started to boil within me and he should consider himself lucky that he wasn't here when I came into the class and that the bell rang during lunch. Or else it would have been the end of him.

My chain of thoughts was disturbed by his damned voice. My head spun towards the door. He was there excusing the teacher. Seeing him made my anger to rise. My eyes traced down to his hands, stopping at his right hand. It was well bandaged. Pros of having a future doctor as best friend. He moved to his desk and sat down.

Again I turned my head to look outside the window. Seeing him would only make my blood to boil. I needed to take revenge for the embarrassment he caused. I needed to beat him so bad, flatten his huge nose and wipe that smirk off of his face.

Kendall's POV

When the last bell rang I was overjoyed as usual. If I had a choice I would have stayed at home rather than coming to school. I despised school that much.

I met Logan and Camille near my locker as usual. That was the place I say goodbye to the duo. I put unnecessary books into the locker and hanged my backpack on my left shoulder.

"So guys, I'll see you tomorrow," I said cheerfully cause this was my favorite time of the day.

"No Kendall, you're going home with me today," said Logan sternly grabbing my arm, like I would run away if he didn't. Again I don't blame him cause I had done that a lot.

"What? No! Why?"

"What if he sees you?"

"He won't see me. I promise." I looked directly into his eyes pleading. This was the only thing in my hell of a life that I looked forward to.

He sighed deeply and let go of my hand. "Be careful," he said before leaving with Camille hand in hand.

I stood there, watching them for a moment. They were a cute couple and the love they have was indescribable. There were so many times I wished that I also had a love like that but with my time limit I let go of all the hopes.

I shook myself out of my thoughts and slowly made my way towards the rink leaving the school behind. I was so glad to get out of that hell of a place. Every day after school I would go to the rink and watch the ice hockey players practice. I used to play hockey before we moved here, at my last school. The doctor said to stop playing cause it would only weaken me. Like that, I gave up the most valuable thing in my life. After we moved here, Minnesota, it became a habit of mine to watch others do what I love. It was the only thing that made me feel alive.

I reached the rink and carefully opened the front door so as to not to make any noise and entered. Nobody, except Logan, knew I came here after school every day. Not even the hockey players. I crept quietly behind a few benches and came to my usual hiding place. I had a good view from here. I looked before me to see James, some of his minions and a few other people playing a practice match.

James was the captain of our school's hockey team, something about him I envy too much. It was my dream to become a professional hockey player someday but now it will remain a dream.

James was the reason that I had to hide. If he knew I was coming here, I was so positive that he would do something to make sure that I can't come within ten yards of the rink. I couldn't risk that.

The match was really tough. The team in which that asshole was was wining. Although I hate him to the eternal, I had to admit that he was the best player out there. If his team could score one more goal they could easily win the match.

I was so caught up in the match that I didn't notice my phone ringing. Luck wasn't on my side today as I forgot to put it on silent. The sound started to reverberate throughout the rink making the players to stop the match. It was only then I realized that it was my phone that was ringing. Most probably it was Katie, my little sister, calling. I knew Logan wouldn't call cause he knew I was here. I took the phone out and pressed the disconnect button without even looking at the caller ID. I ducked my head more to hide as much as possible.

"Who's there?" I heard James' voice.

Suddenly my heart beat accelerated and my palms started to become sweaty. Small droplets of sweat started forming on my forehead. I couldn't let them know I was here. They would take this away from me. I started to panic. It was so true that luck wasn't on my side today cause the phone began to ring again. When I took it out again, it slipped from my hands due to the immense amount of sweat collected on them. I slowly bended a little to take the phone when suddenly I slipped and stumbled forward crashing down on to the bench in front of me.

I kept my head down not wanting to meet the eyes of the onlookers. I could hear various voices but out of all of them only one really struck to me.

"Kendork?" said James, his voice full of surprise.