It was a relatively normal day at 2Fort. The REDs and BLUs each had a point and were trying their best to win. As the RED Medic walked past the RED Heavy, he then backstabbed him and revealed that the Medic was a BLU Spy. The Real RED Medic was busy patching up the RED Scout in the Intelligence Room while the Soldier guarded the sewers. The Spy was killed by a Sniper's charged shot as the BLU Demoman began firing his grenades at RED positions with the BLU Soldier. Eventually, the BLUs broke past the defenses and carried the Intelligence to their base, giving them a 2-1 advantage as they got ready.

"Mission ends in one minute!" The Announcer's voice was heard saying.

The BLU Scout ran as fast as he could, dodging minigun fire from the recently-respawned Heavy and rockets from the Soldier in the sewers and made it past a sticky bomb trap set by a Demoman before it detonated. The Scout then killed the RED Pyro with three shots from the scattergun and made it into the Intelligence Room before a Spy attempted to backstab him. The atttempt failed as the BLU Scout moved too fast and grabbed the Intelligence as the BLU Heavy tore the Spy apart with his minigun. The Scout was picked off by the RED Sniper, but he in turn was sniped by his BLU counterpart as the BLU Medic ran off to the Intelligence Room, where the BLU Engineer had just finished killing two unwelcome guests: a RED Scout and his Medic partner.

The Medic got in and placed the briefcase on the table as the Announcer said, "BLU team has won."

Three hours later in the RED respawn room, the Soldier was pacing around and said, "Those BLU bastards just got lucky today! We will have victory next time!"

"I hear ya, boy. It's a goddarned good thing I didn't get sapped by any Spies this time around. Them sappers are annoyin' to deal with." the Enginner said.

"I must admit, the BLUs were more fucused than usual today." the Spy said.

"Maybe it's because the match came when we had no frickin' idea, dummy!" the Scout said angrily, clearly remembering how the BLU Engineer killed him and prevented the REDs from equalizing the score three times in a row.

"A storm's coming, mates. And it's a large one too." The Sniper said as he entered.

"Vat is zat? A storm iz coming?" The Medic asked.

"Do you need me to bloody repeat that, wanker?"

"Nein, nein! I understand!"

"Good. Now this storm ain't anything any of us have ever seen before. We just need to-" The Sniper said before he was interrupted by a small tremor.

A large flash of light then engulfed the room for a few seconds and then the REDs had all disappeared. The doors opened to let the BLU Spy in and he noticed that the room was empty. Returning to the bridge in between both bases, the Spy told his teammates that the spawn room and the rest of the base was deserted. The Sniper wondered what could have happened before a large flash of light engulfed the area and when it died down, the BLUs had also disappeared.

The Aries Villa was a remarkable place, being quite large and the security detail could definitely beat out the guards that protected Redmond Mann's manor. The RED Spy had no idea why he was deposited here but decided to infiltrate the place and it proved to be quite a harrowing experience. For once, the Spy was completely alone with no other class to support him. Second, he had no respawn room available yet in this earth-like world that he was in, which meant that if he died, he would stay dead until either of the Engineers isolated a room and designated it as a respawn room. While he couldn't be spotted unless he wanted to show the power of the Dead Ringer early, his Disguise Kit still worked. This was evident when the Spy lured a guard over to where the Spy was hiding in the Villa's gardens and knocked him out. Upon knocking out the guard, the Spy checked his kit and found out that he could now disguise himself as a guard.

Smoke swirled around the RED Spy for a few seconds and when it stopped, the Spy was now disguised as a guard. He simply walked over towards the entrance hall and walked in, unaware that the guard he was disguised as was receiving orders to pull back from a radio in his helmet. Of course, the Spy wouldn't care as his eyes gazed upon a woman who wore a very elegant dress.

She looked like she was ready to accept a death that was soon coming. The disguised Spy rushed in and he felt time slow down as he focused on reaching the woman before anything could harm her. He had reached the woman in less than four seconds and saw that she was protecting a young girl with her body. It was then that gunshots were heard by the Spy and a window shattered as the deadly bullets impacted the Spy and heavily injured him as his Dead Ringer activated itself to protect its owner, leaving behind a fake guard corpse to collapse onto the woman as the last few shots hit, injuring her but not hitting anywhere lethal.

As the cloaked Spy went up the stairs, a blue-haired guard approached the woman and led her and the young girl up before the Spy saw a young boy in what looked like an expensive suit before realizing that the Dead Ringer's cloak was about to run out. The Spy quickly disguised himself as another guard and the process was completed just as the Dead Ringer's cloak gave out, complete with sound.

'Merde.' the Spy thought to himself as the blue-haired guard, the young boy, the young girl, and the elegantly-dressed woman looked at him, yet unaware that the Spy was still disguised as the Spy's sense of time returned to normal.

"What was that sound that came from your direction? Did your radio short out?" the guard asked.

"No, but to expose myself now while whoever targeted the mademoiselle has the opportunity to shoot at her again would be a bad idea." the disguised Spy said.

The blue-haired guard opened a door and motioned for the woman and children to go in before the Spy went in with the guard. Once the door was shut the guard continued walking onward through the place until he stopped and then the Spy realized that they were in a large bedroom that belong to one of the children. The woman was led into the bed by the blue-haired guard as he started applying first-aid.

"I guess now is a good time to reveal myself." the Spy said as he shed his disguise.

The young boy was shocked, to say the least when he saw the second guard that accompanied him, his sister and his mother suddenly turn into a man wearing a sharp red suit, black shoes, a pair of black gloves and a red balaclava on his head.

"Greetings, everyone. I am called the Spy and would like to serve you." the Spy said politely.

The blue-haired guard then said as he finished applying first-aid onto the woman, "So I know what you are, but what is your name? That is of course, if the name of your occupation isn't your personal name, Spy."

"Indeed. My personal name is the same as my occupation's name. Thusly, I have the name Spy."

"So then, Mr. Spy, what the heck just happened earlier? I am Lelouch vi Britannia." the young boy asked.

"While I was disguised as someone else, I saw the woman shielding the young girl from something and just as I reached her a window shattered as a hail of bullets injured me. If it weren't for this trinket, I would be dead right now." the Spy said as he showed everyone in the room his Dead Ringer watch.

"That watch looks really expensive! What is it called!? As for my name, it is Jeremiah Gottwald, loyal guardsman of Empress Marianne vi Britannia!" the blue-haired guard said.

"The watch is called the Dead Ringer and with it, should I be injured I can fake my own death and leave a convincing corpse behind while I either make my escape or backstab my would-be killers."

"The fake death property of the Dead Ringer sounds interesting. Do you think that we could possibly make more of those or does the Dead Ringer only work for Spies?"

"Alas, it is horrifically expensive to create a Dead Ringer watch. Where I come from, it would cost over $16,000,000,000 to make one. I do not know what currency you use, but considering that the mademoiselle bears the name Britannia, I would have to assume that you people use the pound."

"You would be correct. Now I'm gonna guess that the cigarette case you're carrying is your disguise kit."

"Yep. My cigarette case is my Disguise Kit. With it, I can turn into anyone. Makes it extremely useful since I can use it to hide amongst my enemies. Of course, the disguise will not work should I be set on fire. Thus, as a Spy my main enemies are hostile Pyros or anyone else that wields a flamethrower."

Lelouch yawned and headed into a bathroom to change into his nightwear. He changed quickly, but the young girl that he knew as his younger sister Nunnally took her time when she went in the bathroom to change. It was obvious that many of her perceptions of the world had shattered, so it was understandable that she could barely function right now. The two children embraced each other as Lelouch helped his sister get into the bed and scooted in after her.

A/N: And now we're in for what is probably the first Code Geass/Team Fortress 2 crossover on this site. Not really expecting any good reviews if this ever gets a review at all.