Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars Rebels or the characters (except Bellamy).

Chapter I

Sneaking Out

"Are we there yet?"


"How about now?"



"What does it look like to you?" A man with tanned skin and annoyed sapphire eyes snapped at the pestering youth over his shoulder.

The boy groaned and leaned back in his seat with a bored expression on his face. "Well maybe I'd know if you guys told me where we were actually going." he insisted and stubbornly crossed his arms over his chest. "I mean seriously, why am I always last to find out?"

"Because it's not like you have a say in where we're going." The man commented as he continued to scan the land observantly.

"Exactly! So you should just tell me and maybe I'd find someone else to bug." he shrugged his shoulders before another idea came to mind.

"-Unless you plan on teaching me how to fly this thing." he grinned cunningly and got up from his seat to lean on the back of the pilot chair. "What'd say, Hera? Wanna give me some lessons on flying? I think it's about time I learned since being apart of the crew and all."

The green twi'lek, Hera, scuffed at the notion and shook her head. "And leave my ship in the controls of you?" she laughed and the man next to her grinned along in amusement. "I think I'd give that position over to Chopper before considering you, kid."

Behind them the little astromech droid chirped in satisfaction before getting a swift whack. Its rounded head spun irately to the boy in a series of angry sputters and beeps.

"And Ezra, its not like you have the extra time because of your Jedi lessons." Kanan turned to the kid then frowned when he found him atop the orange and white droid, releasing that they've been silently quarrelling behind his back.

Ezra flashed a sheepish grin before getting a nudge from the droid he was on top of to get down. In the corner of his eye he watched the feisty droid quickly roll away and out cockpit door that sealed shut behind him.

"Learning to channel your connection with the force and utilizing it is your main priority right now Ezra, not flying and especially not fighting cranky astromech droids."

Ezra sighed at his master words and lowered his eyes under the man's stern gaze.

"Yeah, yeah, I know, Kanan."

Kanan couldn't help but to grin at his padawan and crossed his arms over his green-coated chest. "Plus, I doubt you'd be a very good pilot considering how you handled that TIE fighter during that mission on Lothal."

Hera snorted a laugh from her chair while Ezra's eyes got wide at the statement.

"That was Zeb's fault, not mine! He was steering with his feet!" he exclaimed as he watched his master and friend continue to chuckle in amusement to his own dismay. Why didn't anyone believe him when he told them that!?

When they didn't seem to be listening anymore, Ezra groaned and waved a hand at them both. "Wake me when we get there, will ya? I need some sleep." he turned to leave and was a step away from exit when Kanan suddenly spoke up.

"Actually, I think we're here." he stated and watched as Ezra rushed past him to stare out the main viewpoint. The boy's face that was once filled with so much excitement and hope slowly fell until nothing but confusion and disappoint was left.

"How can you tell with all these clouds in the way?" he questioned and looked at his master for answers.

"Those aren't clouds, Ezra." He placed a hand on the kid's shoulder. "That's snow."

"Whoa, really? I've never seen so much before!" he pressed closer against the windshield to get a better view of the new landscape while Hera complained about him getting marks on the glass and being in her way.

"Well on this planet everything is covered in snow, even the volcanoes," Kanan explained and returned his stare to the coated planet that had so much of his padawan's attention. "The temperatures here can get dangerously low and is mostly void of other life forms."

"Until the Empire arrived here that is…" Hera lowly muttered and Kanan glanced her way to find her gaze still strained to the skies.

"A few years ago the Empire constructed a sole habitable city and base here that is now home to a few hundred. It's a colony of sorts."

Ezra tore his eyes away from the land of snow and looked up at his master. "So that's where we're going, right? To this planets only livable city?"

Kanan nodded. "That's the plan."

Ezra raised an eyebrow at him and backed away from the window. "And what exactly is the plan?"

"I'll tell you when we get there." Kanan smiled amusingly when his padawan threw his hands up in the air and stormed out of the control room, muttering complaints and mimics under his breath.

After the boy finally left the control room, Kanan moved to take a sit next to his female crew member and long time friend. He stole a glance at her and saw that she still wore the same strained expression. He knew that she'd been holding back her thoughts about the Empire and the history of the planet when Ezra was in such high spirits. The kid grew up on Lothal all his life. Traveling to new planets and their environments was definitely something for a kid like him to get excited about.

"Do you think I should've told him?" he finally decided to break the silence.

The corners of Hera's lips slightly turned down. "No." she paused then sighed and shrugged her shoulders. "I mean, I don't know. He'll find out sooner or later when we land. I'm just afraid…"

"…he'll do something to risk the mission?" Kanan finished for her and she shot him a guilty look.

"Not purposely." she quickly added. "You know him probably better than any of us do, Kanan. His emotions can get the best of him," she shook her head and stared out at the white landscape and how it seemed to go on forever. "Especially when unfortunate people are involved..."

"You think it's a bad thing that he may try to help the locals?"

Hera's frowned deepened and she turned her head fully to face him. "You know what I meant."

Kanan looked away and out ahead. He did understand what she meant by her words and almost felt guilty by agreeing with them. Ezra was a good kid-a smart one too, but sometimes he could be rash and unpredictable.

If an innocent civilian on the planet were in need of some serious help then he wouldn't have to guess to know that Ezra would step in, especially if the Imperials were involved.

And as bad as it sounded, Kanan really hoped that his young friend for once wouldn't. There was just too much at risk.


Miles away within the callous and freezing lone capital city of Krymith on Hoth, a window was opened despite the freezing temperatures of the outside environment. Leaning against the frame was a young girl whose hair would whip and tangle each time the winds of the late evening would rush past her. She couldn't help but to smile when goose bumps finally started to rise, enjoying the sensation of the weather affecting her sensitive skin.

Being often locked away deep within her guarded home meant she rarely was able to bask in the delight that was the outdoors. The temperatures for the most part were cruel and unforgiving, but she did her best to focus on breathing the fresh air and giving her pale skin a chance to absorb what little sunlight the planet received.

"Do you wish to freeze to death, milady? Close that window at once!"

The girl leaning against the opened window turned to find one of her family's handmaids standing in her bedrooms entryway, her aged face masked with surprise and displeasure.

Bellamy, the young girl who had been enjoying the fresh air, gave the longtime maid a soft smile before turning her attention back to the outside world. Another breeze blew in, causing her to shiver and squirm in her spot, but she didn't mind.

"Did you not hear what I said?"

Bellamy's head dropped a little and she turned to look over her shoulder. The handmaid was still there and by the expression on her face and the hands that were positioned against her hips, she did not appear pleased.

"The chill from outside is almost comparable to of that in this house. The only difference is that the air outside is fresh." Bellamy said lightly and turned away before she could see her maids frown seep any lower.

She closed her blue eyes and let out a slow breath, feeling the bitter and dry difference in her throat and lungs when she inhaled the outside air back in. Her teeth chattered once in response and she smiled, her lips stinging slightly because of the lack of moisture in those chilly breezes. She reopened her eyes and gazed out over the icy tundra that lay past the opaque city far below.

When she was younger she desperately wanted to leave the city she grew up in and travel the rest of the planet. Her little dream died quickly though when she found out that there was nothing else out there except for more ice and snow. After that she turned her attention to the sky and out past the stars.

She swore that one day she'd finally leave Hoth and find herself amongst them, traveling at the speed of light to new planetary sectors.

Bellamy refocused on her surroundings when she felt her maids presence quickly approaching from behind. She didn't even have the chance to question what the woman was up to before a pair of firm hands gripped her upper arms and tugged her several paces backwards.

The maid was silent as she glided past her and grabbed at the sliver handles of the two synthetic glass windows and pulled them together, shuddering when a draft blew right in her face before she had them securely clasped and locked.

"Now then," the woman huffed and turned to face the young lady squarely. "I don't advise hearing such talk from you like that, milady." she scolded at what Bellamy had said earlier. "It is unfit of someone of your stature and very un-lady like, especially as the Governors daughter."

Bellamy wished to mutter something under her breath along the lines of 'I'll show you un-lady like' or 'someone of my stature shouldn't still be scolded like a youngling.'

But instead Bellamy just gave a lazy smile and did her best to not roll her eyes, well at least until the woman turned her gaze elsewhere. There had been times that she'd been caught rolling her eyes and the result would be getting a nice tug on the ear or a sharp pinch on any exposed skin. The pinches wouldn't be so bad if the old maid would sand down her claws every once in a while like normal people.

"It's not like anyone would even hear what I have to say. I'm practically a prisoner in my own home!" she exclaimed while she dramatically spun before flopping back on her bed, her long black hair spilling out around her. She stared up at her ceiling that was decorated in stars and recalled when she'd painted them herself as a little girl. Even at a young age she was fascinated with world above her head.

Out of habit, she reached up as if to grasp her untouchable sky but froze when the face of a not-so-happy handmaid appeared from above. Bellamy let her arm flop back on the bed and turned away.

"Such a theatrical young thing you are, milady." her old maid, Enya, indicated with a shake of the head. "Always complaining about what cannot ever be changed or out of your control. Such a handful you are indeed."

Enya reached out and smoothed some of the young girls hair so it wasn't completely covering her face. She sighed when the girl grunted and moved just out of her reach.

Enya had been a maid for Bellamy's family since the girl was just a youngling. At first her duties in the manor were to look over the staff as the head maid, but that changed when Bellamy became older and things started to happen. She had been a witness to something that very quickly became a secret amongst the family. Shortly after the ordeal she had been promoted to personally watch over little girl and become her personal handmaid.

It hardly surprised Enya how much she came to care for the girl and watch over her. She once had a son many years ago that had unfortunately passed during the clone wars. Bellamy was the closest thing she had to family and she had a feeling the girl thought of her as some type of family figure too.

"You know very well it is for your own good, dearie. Your parents are doing what they believe is best for you. The world is a dangerous place for such a frail, sick, young lady like yourself." Enya inwardly winced at her words but knew it was for the best. When she didn't respond Enya moved away from the bedside and went to the dresser, rummaging through the clothes to find the girl something to wear for bed.

Bellamy slowly leaned up and rested herself on her elbows and watched Enya prepare her nightly attire. Just when she thought the woman was done with another of her lectured speeches about her safety, the maid started to speak again.

"No one would show you mercy or heed to your warning of your illness." she picked up a dress but decided against it and folded it before putting it away again. "If anything, they'd take advantage of your poor condition. Such beings are out there I'm afraid." she turned back around and carried a neatly folded nightgown in her arms.

"Your parents are only doing what they believe is best by keeping you in your home, which is not so bad considering it's the finest one on this planet! You should consider yourself lucky when I'm sure others struggle not to lose a limb during these harsh, bitter nights." she muttered the last part under her breath as she set the nightgown on the bench at the end of the bed.

Enya looked up and noticed that the young girl was staring desolately off to another part of the room. When she followed her gaze she realized that she was gazing out the closed window. She shook her head and sighed. She gave it to the girl for her optimism sometimes.

Enya was a few steps from the door before she stopped and turned to look back at Bellamy who remained silent on her bed. "Please try to look on the bright side of it, dearie. The world is nothing what you think of it to be. Take that from an old woman who has lived a long life and has seen many things that cannot be unseen." She saw the girl's head turn a fraction her way as sign she was listening.

"Your parents know what is out there, and it is not a place for someone like yourself. Not anymore…"

Bellamy didn't respond and waited until she heard the click of the door being shut before letting out a long breath and relaxed more comfortably into her pillow. Once again she found herself gazing up at the painted replica of stars as she pondered her maids words before she left for the night.

What did she mean by "not anymore…"?

Was there once a time when those with the same illness as her could travel freely? Was there a cure at some point? It was aggravating to not know and be left with so many unanswered questions. She would ask Enya what she meant by some of the things she'd say but her queries would always be ignored or disregarded.

A sad smile caressed her lips as Bellamy gazed up at her stars. Some nights she would fall asleep to the sight of them and dream of traveling through the galaxy without any limitations.

Without an illness.

When she had been younger her parents would notice things that she did not. Over time she'd been forbidden to play with other girls in the town and was locked away whenever her fathers special guests visited. Demanding why she was being blocked off from the world and other people, her parents confessed it was because she was severely ill with a sickness that was growing within her.

She had denied it at first because she felt fine, but as she grew and became more aware she had begun to notice what her parents had been referring to.

At times when in a fit of emotional anger or depression, items around her would tremble. Her toys would float off the ground and objects would swirl like the gravity in the room had been flipped. And each time when something levitated or broke, she would feel a pressure in her chest that ached for release. Her fingers tingled at the sensation and her mind would fog.

For that to happen to a little girl was terrifying.

Her parents cut back on the amount of her private school instructors until all that remained was a schooling droid, a machine as dreary and boring as the lessons it tried to teach.

By nine Bellamy noticed that her parents had started to drift themselves away from her too. She remembered the look of fear in her mother's eyes when one night at dinner Bellamy had cracked her glass cup when she got upset during an argument. She had been too scared to move from her chair that her father had to pick her up and carry her to her room.

That had been six years ago and now Bellamy was fifteen and still living a life of isolation, or atleast that's what her maid and parents thought.

Being by herself and locked in her bedroom nearly drove her insane until one night she came up with the idea of sneaking out. The first time was a rush and she hadn't gotten very far due to nerves and the cold but it got easier over the years. She snuck out as often as four times a week if luck was on her side. Each time she would explore a little further, testing her limits and seeing how far she could make it before the sun set.

Now that her maid was gone for the night, Bellamy knew it was time to get ready for another night of secretly exploring the town she was forbidden from seeing.

Bellamy leapt from her bed and darted to the door to listen on the other side before locking it quietly. She smiled at the sound of it clicking then ran to her closet to dig up the hidden pair of clothes that she used whenever adventuring out.

She shimmied out of her silky dress and pulled up a pair of thick but tight, dark navy pants then tied a cerulean sash around her hips that knotted in the middle. The long-sleeved turtle neck sweater that she pulled over her head was a similar dark blue color and clung to her skin so she'd be able to move around more freely. Over it all was sleeveless black padded vest that wore to keep her chest warm.

Under her bed in a bland looking box was a pair black knee-high boots that she bought in the city one night after snow kept leaking into all of her other boots. They'd been expensive but were well worth the credits that she'd been forced to hand over for them.

Once she had them tightly tied up she tip toed her way over to the grand mirror on the over side of the room. She brushed out the tangles in her long, black hair that contrasted harshly against her pale skin completion. Lighter shades of all the different skin tones were common amongst the human inhabitants who lived on her planet. Their home world didn't get much sun through the thick ozone layer and whatever sunlight they did get was very weak.

She stared at herself in the mirror as she pulled her hair back and started braiding the long strands into a single thick braid that started from the tip of her hairline all the way to the middle of her back. If she were completely honest, she didn't actually like her hair being so long. It was stubborn and hard to constantly manage. It was Enya who insisted classy ladies needed long hair for more sophisticated hairstyles. It didn't make sense to Bellamy considering she wasn't ever around anyone to notice her hair anyways.

Doing a double-check in the mirror once more, Bellamy grabbed her murky gray colored cloak and slipped it on before wrapping her scarf securely around her neck and the lower half of her face. It was more for keeping warm than having anyone identifying her, which she highly doubted would happen since no one really knew what she looked like anymore.

When she got to the window she paused and listened for anyone walking down the hall or for any voices. From what she could hear and sense, no one was near and she was in the clear for sneaking away unnoticed.

She undid the latch on the window and leapt onto the ledge. About 20 feet below was the next rooftop and just below that was the snow-covered ground. Closing her eyes and feeling the chilly yet alluring breeze kiss her exposed skin on her forehead, Bellamy let herself fall forward and soundlessly landed on the lower roof with no trouble. She looked around for any guards and jumped again into the powder of snow.

Bellamy swiftly crossed through the courtyard in the shadows of silent statues and armored Imperial crafts that belonged to her father's guest. On the edge of the property was a high wall that may have seemed a bit daunting to some but to Bellamy it was nothing. She scaled it easily and leapt over to the other side without looking back.

Finally she was free.

As she ran down the back alleyways and away from her prison tower for the night, Bellamy couldn't help but feel a sense of thrill and exhilaration that she hadn't felt since the first time she snuck away.

There was a shift in the air that made her glance up at the sky to make sure what she was feeling wasn't a storm that was about to arrive. She debated on turning back and sneaking out another night, but she squashed the thought and kept moving. If something did happen then she highly doubted she would be around to see it or would effect her in any way.

Plus, when did anything exciting ever happen to her?