A/N: This is the epilogue chapter. I've begun a prequel that I may post just to see if people are interested in it. Be on the look out for that. Thank you all so much for reading, reviewing, and following this story. –GP23

Twelve Years Later, Cokeworth

The renovations to Severus' former home at Spinner's End were near completion, and the former dismal neighborhood was slowly coming alive again. Granted, it wasn't Godric's Hollow, but it was home to those who wanted a small community. After traveling the countryside for two years deciding what to do with their rather unorthodox lifestyle, the trio decided to settle down and begin life anew in Cokeworth. Harry felt a connection to his mother's roots and wanted to bring the happiness that Severus felt during those early years with Lily back to life.

"Harry, wake up! You're going to be late to your meeting with the muggles!" Hermione shouted. Severus snorted into his coffee cup. "Don't you start with me this morning either, Sev. The apothecary won't open itself either; I'll be over in a few minutes to check the books and send out the post."

Footsteps echoed throughout the house as Harry bounded down the stairs. "I'll grab coffee and a bite on my way, love. My portfolio is out back in the office and then I'll be off. Hopefully the muggles like this new idea we've come up with at the office. It's all about bonding with familiars like cats, owls, and the likes. In memory of Hedwig, ya know?"

"Sounds wonderful, Harry. I'm so delighted that you've chosen to ignore saying good morning to your husband and daughter this morning," Severus drawled, arching a brow at the emerald-eyed man.

Hermione chuckled at the two from the counter. "Is Daddy grumpy this morning, Arabella?" The toddler giggled and pulled at her soft black curls, before clapping and reaching for out for Harry.

Harry pulled Arabella from the high chair and held her on his hip. "Let me tell you a little story about your Daddy in the mornings at Hogwarts, Bella…" Harry began and pushed open the back door to walk to his office.

Severus rolled his eyes and continued to nurse his coffee. "Is Loren still sleeping? He was up off and on throughout the night."

Hermione stopped cutting up the banana in her hand and looked at Severus. "Was he up? I'm sorry; I didn't even hear him cry. Where are Adan and Bane? Those two are more trouble than the Weasley twins sometimes." She sighed.

"It's okay, love. You watch children all day and run the front of the apothecary. Adan and Bane are upstairs getting ready for the day. And your eldest should be arriving from the Longbottom residence any moment now."

She raised a brow. "And I come home to take care of you two."

"I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself," he purred and looked out the back window. "Thank god we have a large yard because that RV looks fucking ridiculous out there, Hermione. Remind me why we kept it?"

"For nostalgia's sake, dear. After all, we have so many memories there from traveling. Not to mention we conceived and welcomed our lovely first daughter there while we were in Galway." Hermione wrapped her arms around her husband's shoulders. He kissed her palm tenderly.

"We did make a beautiful child and that was a wonderful year spent in Ireland; speaking of which…Potter!" he stood and walked out the door. "I would like to take my daughter with me to work now!"

"And you see, Bella, he just bellows like that all the time. But he loves us regardless, and he has a great reading voice." Harry kissed Arabella on the cheek before setting her down in her high chair where she began eating the banana Hermione set down.

"Tell the boys and Serena I love them, and I will see you both by four o'clock this afternoon." Harry softly kissed Severus and patted Hermione on the bum before heading to the Floo. "Diagon Alley!" He disappeared with a flash of green light.

"Why didn't he just apparated from down the street?" Hermione questioned.

"Because he's the Chosen One, love." Severus chuckled. "BOYS! It does not take that long to brush your teeth and choose an outfit! Come eat and say hello to your mother!" he bellowed. "I swear they get more and more like Potter with every passing day."

The front door slammed as the eldest Potter-Snape child arrived home. "Mum, can Alice come over? We want to start planning our dormitory decorations."

"Good morning to you too, why don't you ask your father? You girls do have a good six months before you will even receive your Hogwarts letters." Hermione said.

Severus opened his arms to greet his daughter. "Did you have a nice evening at the Longbottom's? I know you and Alice were collecting plants for your potions experiment."

"Oh yes, it was wonderful! We're almost finished with the planning stages and then we were going to consult with you on the final preparations because Uncle Neville said he was a dunderhead when it came to potions." Severus barked out a laugh and Hermione spit out her tea.

"Wonderful, darling. Invite Alice to the shop after you freshen up, okay?" Hermione shooed her eldest daughter out of the kitchen. "Can we ever run on time?"

Severus picked up Arabella and held her on his hip. The twins ran into the kitchen. "Is Dad already gone?" Bane asked. Severus nodded and the two boys sat down at the table, digging into the food left out.

"I'll walk you to the door." Hermione walked with Severus out to the main entrance way. Outside the street was beginning to come alive. Neville was out tending to his greenhouse, while Luna and their youngest daughter Lillian were skipping down the block to the new offices of The Quibbler.

"Sometimes I wonder how we manage with five children," Severus said, wrapping a finger around his daughter's black curls.

"Six…" Hermione coughed.

"Pardon me, Madame Snape?" he questioned.

"It's soon to be six children," she murmured. Severus shifted and placed his hand over Hermione's belly. "It's yours. Congratulations, Severus." Severus felt a tug on the bottom of his robes and looked down. A sleepy Loren was rubbing his right eye. Hermione bent down and picked up their youngest. Severus looked into the caramel eyes of Harry's youngest son wondering if their next child would look more like himself or his lovely wife.

"I love you, most ardently." He kissed her softly.