A/N: Hello, and welcome to Ultimate Homos! As you can see, this story is called Burdens of Ignorance. This is going to be my main focus for... I don't know, until I finish it, maybe? And I'm planning quite a number of chapters for you guys!

Remember this: Readers are friends, reviewers are best friends!

Another thing is that I am – once again – saying a big thanks to QueenofCorsica222 for my motivation! 3

Anyways, let's get reading! Shall we? *Takes your hand into the world of HikaKao and poetry*

Hikaru's POV

I'm trusting myself

To remain


But my thoughts

Say otherwise...

It's not being narcissistic when I can spot so many differences, like how he's so graceful, kind, and altogether more beautiful than I am. Then he has his side that nearly nobody knows about, where he can get a little like me. Just a little, for he has a reputation of "uke" to maintain.

I wish he was my uke for real...

I shuddered at my disturbing thoughts. Though I have accepted my feelings for Kaoru, I still can't believe that I feel this. I mean, it's forbidden for crying out loud. Who knows the dangers? The risks? But then again, the pleasure?

Ah, screw my thoughts. Love is pretty hard to control. I mean, it was pretty unbelievable that I fell in love with Haruhi before. Look at what I could have been missing out on if I started dating her!

I'm assuming too much. Look at what I could have been missing out on? Who am I to think he feels the same way? Though... I hope he does.

I'm pulled away from my thoughts when I hear that voice.

"Hikaru? Earth to Hikaru...!" Kaoru called.

"Oh! Sorry, Kaoru... what is it?" I asked.

"It's time to head to the club, Hikaru," Kaoru answered.

"Oh," I said. It's time for the Host Club? Already?

The Host Club actually used to be quite an enjoyable place for me. Because of the club, Kaoru and I started opening up to other people, while still being together. No abandonment - I would never think of it! Also, I got to get close to Haruhi, and though I don't like her that way anymore, she's still an amazing friend. But now, the Host Club kinda is a pain. Mainly because... well, I think it's obvious. The "Brotherly Love Act". It's only an act, though I wish it was way more. But, who knows if Kaoru feels the same...

The pain I get from that thought is like 20 machetes stabbing my chest simultaneously. Every. Single. Time. And I think about that a lot. I'm surprised I haven't been metaphorically killed.

I didn't say a word as Kaoru, Haruhi and I walked up to Music Room 3. That raised a bit of suspicion between the other 1st years, I could tell.

"Hikaru, why aren't you saying anything?" Kaoru asked. I could hear that he indeed sounded concerned. That made me feel good, though I know he has always cared.

"I'm just thinking about things..." I said. Wow, what a dumb reply...

"What kinds of things?" OH MY GOD, KAORU IS SO CUTE WHEN HE YEARNS FOR THINGS! Just imagine his face when he yearns for me to-

Whoa. What am I thinking?

"Hikaru? Are you gonna answer me?" Kaoru's voice brought me out of my thoughts again.

I trembled a little. "Heh, sorry..." I said. "I was just thinking about... … …"

Kaoru spoke again before I could finish. "It's okay if you don't wanna tell me about your erotic thoughts of Haruhi, Hikaru," he said.

Now that. That makes me angry. He thinks I still Haruhi in that way! "I don't like Haruhi that way!" I said, face red with anger.

Haruhi must have thought the red tint to my face was embarrassment. "I'm just gonna go ahead..." she mumbled, walking away from us.

I quickly glared at Kaoru, and we kept on walking.

Though it may be clear, I must say I now get distracted easily, starting from when I accepted my feelings...

You make it

So hard

For me to

Keep up
