
The song featuring in this chapter is 'May I' copyrighted by Trading Yesterday. I claim no rights to the song.
This chapter contains SMUT, so if you're bothered by it, please note that you have been warned ahead.


You got John Constantine's answering machine. Leave a message.


A clicking sound echoed through the almost empty apartment. Carton boxes lay around, and at the table sat John. He was looking out the huge window at the blue sky. The city felt somehow livelier, the sky was blue, the sun was shining, but John felt none of that.

It's been a week already.

A week since they stopped Mammon.

A week since they prevented the apocalypse.

A week since he…

Since he lost Harry.

Angela knew nothing. They talked every day. She worried as well. Midnite called once or twice as well to say that the Underground was silent and ask about Harry.

John couldn't sleep. He was yearning for a smoke but every time he'd look at it he'd remember Harry and he'd lose the desire to light a cigarette.

The phone rang again, but this time it stopped before it was switched to the answering machine. John looked at the glass of scotch on the table; he had been sipping this one glass the whole morning. He packed his things.

He was leaving L.A.

He considered moving to the outskirts, but he felt the need to move as far as possible. He didn't know where, but he knew he couldn't stay here.

The phone rang again and he sighed.

Someone was persistent. He already spoke with Angela, and Midnite called yesterday. Neither would call again today. He stood up but the ringing stopped before he reached the phone. He considered just standing there before it rang again but someone knocked on the front door three times firmly. He frowned and moved to the door.

He considered taking his gun, but thought that if someone wanted to off him they wouldn't knock.

He hesitated at the door. He felt strange; somehow expectant. His hand shivered by the key.

He shook his head when the knocking repeated, flipped the key and slammed the door open a curse dying on his lips when he saw who was standing at his doorway.

"Good. I thought I missed you."


There you stand; opened heart
- opened door.
Full of love with a world
that's wanting more.


Green eyes.

Pouty lips.

Raven black hair.

And a body to kill for.


Those green eyes stared at him with worry, hesitation and hope.

Those lips were tilted in a small, hesitant smile.

Those arms were twitching as if they wanted to reach out for him.

John's hand twitched but he stopped himself from reaching out. He wanted to touch him, but he was afraid if he did he'd find it was all an illusion.


Harry's smile turned sad and his eyes filled with love when he heard John's cracking voice.

"It's me, John. It's me."


But I can see when the lights
start to fade.
The day is done and your smile
is gone away.


"It is you, right? I'm not - I didn't-…" Harry took a small step forward and instinctively John took a step back.

"No, John. You're not dreaming. You're not hallucinating. You're not imagining things."


Let me raise you up.


John's breath hitched in his throat when Harry reached for him. His hand snapped up to grab Harry's wrist and he almost whined when his hand didn't pass through, but wrapped around bone, muscle and flesh. Harry's skin was warm, his scent drifted to John and his heart skipped a beat.

"John," Harry spoke softly and John looked into Harry's warm eyes. "I'm here."


Let me be your love.


In a moment Harry was slammed against a wall with John's lips over his, kissing the life out of him. John's hands were on his hips; John's scent was almost drowning him.

Harry moaned and wrapped his arms around John's shoulders and entangled his fingers in John's hair. He groaned when John ground against him and he felt the older man's need rub against his own through the layers of clothing.

"John," he gasped when they parted and John attacked his neck. John squeezed his thighs and Harry was sure his skin would bruise, but he didn't care. John hefted him up and Harry wrapped his legs around John's waist. The back of his head met the wall and he groaned when the friction became stronger.


"I need you - I need you so much." Harry swore he could cum just from hearing John speak with that deep, raspy voice of his.

"Show me," he gasped out and before he knew it his back hit the surface of the table and John practically ripped his shirt open.

Whatever complaint Harry had was lost in a loud moan when John descended upon his chest like a man thirsty for water.

He didn't even realize when John took his pants and boxers off, but he felt it when John's saliva slicked fingers probed his entrance. He didn't have the time to feel the pain because John sucked on his length and made him see stars.

He couldn't form an intelligent sentence because of John's ministrations. All he could do was gasp and moan and scream when John would brush against that bundle of nerves deep within him.

"Harry," John whispered against Harry's ear as he dragged his fingers over Harry's quivering thigh and Harry felt something bigger than John's fingers probe at his entrance.

"John, I need you," he whispered and wrapped his arms around John's shoulders. John nodded his head and hid his face in Harry's shoulder. "Don't hold back."


May I hold you as you fall to sleep;
when the world is closing in,
and you can't breathe?


Harry bit into John's shoulder to muffle a scream, when the man slammed into him with one strong thrust.

"Move! Move, damn it!" he breathed out and John listened. He moved back and braced himself, one hand on the table beside Harry's head and one on Harry's hip. Harry grabbed John's hands with his and wrapped his strong legs around John's waist.

"Harder. John. Harder!"

"Harry. I'm gonna-..." John hissed and Harry almost arched all the way of the table when John slammed into him harder and faster.


May I love you?
May I be your shield?
When no one can be found,
may I lay you down?


"Let go. Just let go," Harry whispered against John's ear.

Harry moaned John's name when light flashed behind his eyes and he felt John collapse on him.

They were breathing fast, still shaking, their bodies covered in a thin layer of sweat.


"Shhhhh," Harry shushed him gently. "I love you. I love you so much." John sighed and nuzzled his face in Harry's neck.

"I love you, too, Harry," John whispered and hugged the younger man tightly to his chest. "I love you, too."


"I thought I lost you," John whispered. They were lying in John's bed on sheets Harry conjured. They were spooned against each other, back to chest and Harry swore John's arms around his waist were the best feeling ever.

John leaned his cheek on Harry's shoulder and breathed in his unique scent.

"I promised, didn't I?" Harry asked and John smiled.

"Yeah, you did." Harry frowned at how insecure John sounded and shifted. John, albeit unwillingly, turned and settled on his back. Harry leaned on his elbow and looked down at John with a frown.

"I wouldn't lie to you, John. The only reason why I didn't come earlier was because Hermione wouldn't let me leave the hospital even though I was healed. And Ron didn't dare go against her. She can be scary when angered," Harry shivered and John huffed.

"I just-…" he tried but failed at first. He looked at Harry and tried again. "I thought I lost you, Harry. When you fell - I thought you died," John said and felt that pain as if he was seeing all of it again. "I don't remember ever feeling as much pain as I felt in the moment." Harry sighed and lay his head on John's chest before he wrapped his arm around John's waist.

"I know, and I'm sorry. It won't happen again." John huffed.

"You can't promise me that with your line of work," he murmured and this time Harry huffed.

"Look who's talking. And besides; I quit."


All that's made me
is all worth trading
just to have one moment with you.


"What?" Harry rolled his eyes when John sat up, forcing him into a sitting position as well.

"I just told you; I resigned as an Unspeakable," Harry clarified and John looked at him in shock.



So I will let go
all that I know
knowing that you're here with me.


"Well, it doesn't make much sense to work in Britain while my boyfriend is risking his life daily in America, now does it?" John stared at Harry in complete and utter shock. His brain kind of turned off when Harry said 'boyfriend.'

"John?" Harry waved his hand in front of John's face.

"Boyfriend?" he choked out and Harry raised an eyebrow at him.

"Yeah; if you want me that is," he said, suddenly unsure. That insecurity vanished when John suddenly pulled him into a kiss that shook Harry to his very core; in more than one way.

"God, I love you," John gasped and Harry smiled at him coyly.

"Show me." John smirked.

"With pleasure."


For your love is changing me.


"I'm telling you, Mione. We'll be in London in - JOHN, WATCH IT!" Hermione flinched and held the phone at arm's length when Harry snapped at John. "Bloody idiot," Harry mumbled and Hermione put the phone back on her ear. "I'm sorry, Mione, we're a bit busy right now."

"Whatever, Harry. You have to be here. You're my daughter's godfather!"

"Hermione now is REALLY not the time!" Hermione rolled her eyes. "I SWEAR on my LIFE, we'll be there! Now I really have to go before my idiot boyfriend blows himself up." Hermione sighed.

"Alright, Harry. Call me when you get home, alright?"

"Alright, alright, bye!" and the line broke. Hermione sighed and heard her husband chuckle behind her. He walked over with a plate of pastries and herbal tea.

"They're working?" Hermione huffed.

"YES! I can't believe it! He quits one dangerous job, just to replace it with an even more dangerous one," she said and Ron chuckled.

"You said it yourself, Mione. His hero complex won't let him rest." Hermione petted her bulging stomach when her daughter kicked.

"I know that, Ron. But why can't he just settle somewhere with John and live in peace?" Ron smiled lovingly at his wife.

"Because he can't, love; neither one of them can. Not yet, at least. You'll see; soon enough one of them will feel the need to settle down and the other will follow." Hermione huffed doubtfully. "Look at it this way. At least they have each other to watch the other's back. And that Midnite guy jumps in occasionally and your cousin as well." Hermione sighed. She knew Ron was right. She just couldn't help but wish for Harry to do something less life threatening.

"You're right. I'll stop pestering him about it, but he better not be late for the birth." Ron smiled at her indulgingly.

"Don't worry, love. He won't be."


"Was that Hermione?" John called out as he blew up one more demon. Harry flipped his cellular closed at the same time as a demon jumped at him. He emptied a load into it as he pocketed his phone.

"Yeah; she just wanted to remind me she wanted us there for the birth." John shot down a few more demons while Harry reloaded his gun.

"I'll tell Midnite to find someone else for Colorado then," John said and sighed. "These buggers just keep coming."

"Well, ever since those rifts started to pop up everywhere it did become somewhat crowded. I'm surprised we haven't found a bigger fish somewhere along the way," Harry said and cut down a demon that came too close for comfort.

"Well anyway, I'll tell Midnite to call that Singer guy. We're leaving for London as soon as we can. I'm feeling up for a vacation," John said as he shot down the last demon. The two sighed and put away their guns.

"That's a pretty good idea. I hear the Winchester kids are doing a pretty good job."

"You thinking of retirement?" John teased with a smirk and Harry snorted indignantly.

"No way! I find the job quite fulfilling, especially since I finally got used to crossing. At least now I don't have to worry about the pressure killing me." John laughed and pulled Harry into a kiss. "And the pay is even better," Harry murmured when they parted for breath.

"Pay? More like an award for getting out of that shit alive." Harry chuckled and wrapped his arms around John's shoulders.

"Call it what you want, you know you love it just as much as I do," Harry drawled. John chuckled and nuzzled his nose against Harry's.

"With a lover like you-…" he was about to kiss Harry again when someone interrupted them.

"GUYS!" they parted with a sigh and turned to look at Chaz who was looking at them with an amused smile. "Angela is waiting with dinner and I promised to have the car back by midnight. And Midnite is coming too, so we should step on it." Harry sighed as he and John started to walk toward Chaz.

"Seems my reward will have to wait," he grumbled and John chuckled.

"I'll make it up to you," he said and Harry shot him a seductive glance.

"Promise?" John grinned.

"I'll even make you breakfast tomorrow!" Harry frowned in suspicion.

"What's the catch?" he drawled lowly and John looked at him indignantly.

"Harry! You really think I would-…"

"What's the catch, Constantine!"

"Will you let me drive?"

"Aw, HELL NO!"




I dare you!

Yes, YOU!

I dare YOU to write a one-shot x-over/sequel to this story!

Just send me a heads up when you do!

I'd LOVE to read it!

Anyway, I hope you've enjoyed this little escapade of mine! I remember writing it almost 4 years ago while I was on vacation with my sister. Took only a week and yet it remained one of my favorite crossovers I've written to this day. Could be because I consider Harry Potter the 'little black dress' of the literary world. With enough subtle adjustments he fits just about EVERYWHERE!


See you next time!

All my love,
Ms. Yuki