Hey fellow readers, writers, and authors of FanFiction

Before you ask, this isn't a story per say. But rather a set of fanfiction ideas, whether they be full-long stories or single one-shots, that I will be making into real stories later in the future if they sound good enough.

All stories/ideas present will be based on this Crossover series, Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha x Harry Potter.

Just to inform you know, most stories/ideas you will see here are in a beta stage. They were written down while the ideas were still there fresh in my mind. So some already have development, while others are just an idea for now.

Meaning, the final version when it's come to the time of being put online as a story will either be changed in bits or parts, altered in minor or major areas, or lengthen in words.

They won't be made into full stories straight away, not until I'm comfortable that I have developed enough with a plotline and elements.

So the main base of these ideas are the crossover-style base mentioned before, though some will involve/contain certain elements from other shows or books.

Each chapter would be the very first chapter of the story, in other words the prologue. Plus if you've seen my chapters as of late, you will all know I like to write long chapters for you all to read.

If it's a one-shot idea, then it will show a good chunk of it, not all but a good chunk of it.

But please remember that these are MY ideas. So I don't want to be looking through the web one day and find someone else has taken it for themselves.

While you read them, I would like to know your opinion. Like what could work slightly better and so on, which can also help me improve the story for when it will be updated. Also, please don't comment on the spelling and grammar side, as I need to find a BETA Reader.

Finally, please don't flame me if a character you like is flamed in one chapter, don't forget each chapter is different and the personalities would be slightly different in each one.

So I hope you enjoy.