I own nothing, not the characters, the space where this story exists, or even the eyes that you are using to read it. This is for entertainment proposes only, no money involved.

Sam Manson never really liked 'time with parents'. Nothing annoyed the fourteen year old high school girl was sitting down with her mom and dad at the dinner table and listening to them list of all the things that are 'inappropriate, unacceptable, or annoying'. The number one thing on that list was her best friend since elementary school, Danny Fenton, and his dysfunctional and weird family.

So she was fairly upset the day it all started for her. She was sitting at the dinner table with her mom and dad. "Those Fentons were at it again today." Pamela Manson said from the top of her metaphorical high horse. "I was down at the mall buy own little Sammy some new pretty pink dresses." Sam cringed at the thought of more pink dresses, there was nothing she hated more than that color. Even Aragon, a sexist Ghost dragon who kidnapped her and who beat his own sister for hundreds of year, was not as hated as that single color. But she didn't say anything. Sam just looked up from her plate of tofu and lettuce to look at her parents.

Pamela Manson was a high society woman who wore her red hair up on top of her head and Sam had never seen it let down even once in her life. In Sam's opinion, the amount of cheerful makeup and jewelry that she had on should be considered a crime against nature and the pink dresses that she always wore should have been burned. "But as I left the store that vulgar beast Jack Fenton was convinced that a mirror in another store was a pathway into that ghost world or what every they call it. He shot it with one of those weird contraptions that they make and the light from it turned all the dresses an ugly shade of green, they glow for goodness sake."

Sam inwardly grinned. The Fenton's family was infamous for the tools and weapons that they made. They were completely harmless and only covered people with goo or changed the color of their hair temporarily. Well, that isn't entirely true; the weapons are extremely effective against people who are already dead. Jack and Maddie Fenton were some of the world's greatest inventers, but they never were recognized for it because of their chosen profession; they were ghost hunters.

"You think that's bad." Jeremy Manson said with a hint of a scoff. Sam's father was as just like his wife, like he was pulled out of a picture from some country club for rich golfers. The blond haired man always wore white undershirts with a country club sleeveless sweater pulled over it. His usual cheer was enough to make Sam feel sick. But all that fake cheeriness disappeared whenever the subject of the Fentons was involved. "I was picking up some food for dinner when the food tried to eat me. Apparently the woman set off some kind of grenade inside of store and it brought all the dead meat back to life."

Sam couldn't help but to laugh. As weird and embarrassing as Danny's parents were she like the way that the Fenton family always kept things interesting. Even though they went around disrupting the community and causing a little madness, they were left be by the rest of the town of Amity Park. They were practically a tourist attraction and their work, though ignored by all respectable groups, did bring in a lot of under the table government funding. Plus the Fentons were practically war heroes. After the town was dragged into an alternate dimension they provided the tools and weaponry needed to keep the town safe until 'Danny Phantom' saved the day.

"Do not laugh, Samantha." Pamela snapped. "I think it is high time someone did something about that family. It was one thing for them to prance around in those hideous jumpsuits when the ghost were attacking, but there hasn't been a single ghost in months, the town doesn't need them anymore." It was true, Vladimir Plasmius, the half ghost that had been behind most of the attacks died a few months back from ectoacne and all the attacks stopped after he was gone. "I am going to start a partition to get them removed from the town."

"What!? You can't just kick people out of town just because you don't like them! It's un-American." Sam shouted. The girl's appearance was as different from her parents as her personality and views. She had somehow managed to inherit her grandmother's raven black hair that she wore in a short ponytail and her grandfather's violet eyes even though her parents both had blue eyes and very colorful hair. She was a rebel who chose to stand away from the high society's way of thinking and became a Goth. Her dark clothes and makeup was as far away from her parents' conformed outfits as you could get.

"You're exactly right." Sam grandmother, Izzy Manson, said as she entered the room on her electric chair. Sam smiled as her grandmother, the elderly woman might not have been able to walk anymore but she always stood up for herself and others. Her hair had gone gray with age but her blue eyes were still full of the same rebellious cunning of her youth. "We didn't fight no wars so that people could have their rights stepped on, no we did not."

"Mother please, those people are dangerous and their contraptions…" Jeremy said but then backed up as Grandma Manson pulled out her umbra and pointed it at her son's neck.

"Oh piss posh. They are kind and decent people. And I will not have you insulting an inventor under my roof." Grandma Manson said frowning at her son. "Don't forget that your father and I were inventors back in the day and it is because of that you live the way you do. Shame on you, saying things about hard working and passionate people when you have never worked a day in your life."

"Decent people? They are completely unacceptable. Just look at that son of theirs." Pamela said angrily. "The boy is rambunctious, rude, violent…" Sam glared as he mom continued to insult her best friend. No of it was even slightly true. Danny was a little bit of a joker, but he always tried to be polite to people unless he had a very good reason not to be. Well… that is unless he was hunting ghosts. Even though no one in town new about it, Danny Fenton was the ghostly champion defender of the town, Danny Phantom. How they didn't know this was more or less a mystery, but for the last year Danny had been fighting off the ghosts in order to keep Amity Park safe.

"Not to mention he has been a terrible influence on our daughter, just look at her." Sam didn't want to acknowledge that statement enough to respond to it. Her parents had always had a problem with her individuality. She just rolled her eyes and continued to eat. "You need real friends, like that charming girl, Paulina."

Sam chocked on her tofu and had to hit herself in the stomach several time before it agreed to go down the right way. "That shallow witch? I think I would rather die." Sam said angrily. The earlier statement that said that pink was the thing that Sam hated the most was not quite accurate. In Sam's mind Paulina, the captain of the Casper Middle School cheerleads, was the living personification of pink; annoying, whiny, manipulative, constantly trying to stand out, and thinks it better than everyone else.

Pamela looked rather displeased with her daughter's response. "Well I am afraid that you will just have to warm up to the idea, because I forbid you from going anywhere near that boy."

Sam was horrified. "That's not fair!" Sam and her Grandmother echoed.

"I do not care, I am your mother. I am going to decide what is best for you." Pamela said strictly.

"You can't just say that!" Sam shouted slamming her fist down on the table. Instead of a crashing sound like she was expecting, there was a thud. Sam registered the shock on her family's faces moments before she realized that she couldn't lift up her hands. Glancing down she tried to back away in shock only to be stopped by the fact that he hands had turned into slabs of steel gray metal extending straight out at a ninety degree angle from her wrists and they had dug themselves into the table right in front of her.

Her father gave a girly scream and her mother actually fainted. They could not deal with what they were seeing. Their own daughter was a freak. Their own daughter was a Weapon.

"How, why…" Sam said her mind still panicked after her grandmother had lead her away from the dinner table after giving the two parents a few choice words about being there for their daughter.

"Oh Sammy, I never thought that this would happen." Izzy said with a kind smile. She was the only one that Sam allowed to call her Sammy. The older woman's voice was so calm and loving. "I am so proud of you." The words seemed to cut through the panic and left Sam in simple shock. "Don't worry, this is something that is in your blood, though I never imagined that it would reappear."

"What are you talking about? No one in our family is a Weapon." Sam said looking down at her hands. The slabs of heavy metal felt foreign and looking at them made her feel dizzy.

Grandma Manson just shook her head. "No, my father was a weapon. Thought he was only really a hand shovel." The old woman chuckled. "But after it skipped mine and your father's generation I thought that it was gone."

Izzy reached over and placed a hand on one of the metal slabs. Sam was amazed that she could still feel her grandmother's touch, but there was something more, it was almost as if she could feel the elder's very essence, the woman's gentle caring and desire to help. Sam's heart rate returned to normal and she began to breathe normally. "How… how do I change them back?" Sam asked tentatively.

Izzy shook her head. "I am afraid that I don't remember, that is if I ever knew. But don't worry, you will go to the DWMA and they will teach you every…"

"What!?" Sam said in a panic again. "But… I don't want to leave. I can't just go. I…"

Izzy looked at her granddaughter with understanding. "You don't want to leave Danny do you?" Sam bit her lip. It was never something she openly admitted but she had always depended on the boy for support in her life. Other than her grandmother, the cheerful boy was the only one who supported her in choosing who she wanted to be. "I am sorry Sammy… but you will have to go."

"I… I don't want to!" Sam shouted running up her stairs before her grandmother could call her back.

Izzy Manson sighed. It was all far too much for her to expect the girl to just accept immediately. But the simple truth was that she would not have an easy time at home now that she was a weapon. Sam was just too attached to the Fenton boy, not that she blamed her, but she just had to leave him.

Turning her head Izzy looked to the house phone. 'There is only one way for them to stay together. It is a one in a million chance, but it is worth the try.' She thought as she reached for the phone and punched in the number. Someone picked up on the other side. "Hello, is Danny there? We need to talk… it's about Sam."

Sam had barricaded herself in her room and pulled the blankets around her. She was crying lightly and praying that it was all just a bad dream. But then she heard a tapping at her window. "Sam." She knew without turning around that it was Danny. Who else could be knocking on the window of a third story room?

She panicked looking at her deformed hands and wrapped them further in her blanket. "Danny… what are you doing here?" She asked turning to him. She hoped that he couldn't see her tears in the weak light that he seemed to give off in the dark room.

Danny phased through the window and landed in front of her in his ghost form. His bright green eyes looked at her reassuringly from under his snow white bangs. "I came to see you." Danny said a little solemnly. He looked to were her hands would be under the blankets. "You don't have to hide anything thing from me, you know that right?" Sam hesitated. "Sam… I am the last person who can judge you because of what you are." Danny broke the solemn act to chuckle.

Sam felt a little ashamed as her hands came out from underneath the blanket. "How'd you know?" She asked though it was obvious.

"You're grandmother called… she told me everything." Danny said sitting down on the bed next to Sam. Sam pulled in her knees and buried her head in them. Leave it to her grandmother to take matters into her own hands. "So… you're going to go to the DWMA, huh. I bet you're going to kick witch butt." Danny joked.

A smile momentarily broke Sam's face but she didn't unbury her head. "Danny… I don't want to go." She said sounding a little childish. "I don't want to split up the team again. It was so hard when Jazz went to college and when Tucker left for that software security job… I don't want to go. I don't want Team Phantom to disappear for good."

"Sam…" Danny said his voice full of understanding. In the few short months since the ghosts stopped coming the team had all but disbanded. "Sam, you're going." He said shortly shocking the girl who looked up at him feeling betrayed. She opened her mouth to object but Danny quickly added. "And I'm going with you."

Sam's eyes widened. "But… you can't… The DWMA is…"

"Death's Weapon Meister Academy, I know. So if you're going as a weapon, I will just have to become your meister." Danny said putting a hand on one of the metal plates that came out of Sam's wrists. Just like with her grandmother Sam could swear that she felt Danny's essence flowing into her. His accepting nature and cool resolve passed through her, a hundred times stronger than that of her grandmother's. Looking into his green eyes she blinked as she momentarily thought she saw a large green bubble surrounding him, so big that it filled half of her large room. But a moment later and it was gone. "We will still be a team. I promise."

Sam smiled and bent her head down so her hair covered her teary eyes. She knew that Danny would do it, even if he had to stand against the whole world in order to be by her side. He had promised her, and he never broke his promises.

"Come on, let's see if we can't figure out all this weapon transformation stuff. It can't be that much harder than ghost powers." Danny said with a grin. They spent the rest of the night working on it until Sam could change her hands back and forth at will. Sam was glad to have her best friend there for her, the one who would always accept her and stay with her. She and Danny would make an unstoppable team someday.