A/N ~ Well I had better say this and get it out of the way…
*starts hyperventilating* Yesterday…3rd May 2003…I met…Billy Boyd and John Rhys Davis!!!!!!!!!!!!! *screams happily and runs around insanely* OMG!!! It was FANTASTIC!!! They are both AWESOME! Billy is just the biggest sweetheart! I went to a convention in a large town near where I live (in the UK) and they were both there! Eeeeee Billy HUGGED me! John HUGGED me too and KISSED my cheek! *squeals and keels over backwards* But really they were both awesome and so kind! They both signed pictures for me, if anyone would like to see them then either give me your e-mail in your review or e-mail me and send me your e-mail.

*Sits in shock of it all*
Author ~ Halo Son

Rating ~ R

Disclaimer ~ How many times must I say I don't own Lord of the Rings?! The characters Trelan, Raniean, Celboril and Moranuen are made up characters belonging to Cassia and Sio and they gave me permission to use them in my story, so DO NOT steal them! Also Avellana and Zorro belong to me, as well as several other made up characters.

Author's Note ~ This is the final story in the trilogy. I hope everyone likes it and thinks it is a good closing from the trilogy, I think it is.

Summary ~ The sequel to 'Darkness Haunting.' Just when things start to become calm again, Legolas, Elladan and Elrohir are thrown into the deep end when they discover Aragorn has disappeared from Rivendell. Fearing the human has gone to find the demon, Muerte, and kill him once and for all for vengeance, Legolas hurries to find him with Elladan and Elrohir close behind. But as they get closer to the shadow of the demon, could the call of vengeance become too strong for any of them to resist?

WARNING ~ This fic contains accounts of torture and violent/tesne situations. If you don't like those kind of fics, DO NOT read this story. And another thing, there is absolutely NO romance in this story, got it? Not only is this story, like the two before it, dark and angsty, but I can't write romance to save my life!
The Lord Of The Rings

The Call Of Vengeance

Chapter 9-The Demise Of Legolas Greenleaf?
Light stained into Aragorn's chambers like the fading flame of a candle.

Yet it did not disturb the man, for he was already awake. He had left the cellar sometime during the night, or been forced to by the orcs at least, guessing Muerte had ordered it.

Something did not feel right upon this morning.

Muerte was planning something sinister. He knew...he *felt* it. Shadows, tricks of the light weighed down heavily upon him and for a moment nothing seemed real.

How could it seem real anyway? This was not life...twas a constant nightmare...one Aragorn felt fully responsible for.

Aragorn knew Muerte expected him to make attempts at a plan to save his precious home, and he expected Muerte to counter him. It was as though man and demon were locked in a deadly dance to stay one step ahead of the other. Aragorn set his jaw in a determined grimace; he *would* set things right, of that he knew in his heart.

Realizing a deep sigh, Aragorn sat down on his bed. Then he reached into a small pocket in his breeches and removed a small vial, fingering it and bringing it to his eyes. Inside there was a dark, thin liquid, as thin as water. Aragorn smiled to himself, knowing full well what the contents were. Glancing around Aragorn's eyes settled on his quiver, or more accurately, his arrows within them.

A plan had already begun to form in his mind.


"Aye and I fear he may do something rash to free us."

Elladan and Elrohir stared fearfully at their father, having just been told by the elf lord of the previous night's events when he held his human son through the night. Legolas and Glorfindel stood near the twins, also listening to Elrond's words while taking quick glances at the young humans by him.

"What can we do ada?" Elladan whispered quietly, fearing the answer.

"As it is Elladan, we can do nothing." Elrond replied grimly.

"But we have do something!" Elrohir cried wildly.

"Elrohir, if we try and escape that monster will kill Estel and many other innocents!" Elladan hissed. Wincing at how harsh his words came across; the elder twin placed a hand on Elrohir's shoulder and squeezed it reassuringly.

"We must wait." Legolas spoke softly. "Aragorn may come up with his own plan or..." the elf swallowed hard. "…or we may be forced to make our own escape."

There was a long silence, each considering the prince's words with dread.

"You must love him very much."

All eyes turned to Avellana, who had her eyes softly staring at the twins and Elrond.

"Of course we do!" Elladan replied. "Estel is our brother!"

"But surely not by blood!" Zorro's eyes narrowed in confusion. "Elmorn is not an elf!"

"Elmorn?" Elrond raised an eyebrow.

"That is what they call him my lord." Glorfindel spoke.

"Zorro! He is not Elmorn any longer, he is Strider or as these elves call him, Estel." Avellana gave her brother a withering glance.

"Estel is Strider's elvish name." Elrond explained, being careful not to mention Aragorn's true name. "It is means Hope."

Zorro snorted displeasingly at this new piece of information, causing Avellana to glare at him once more while Viento sighed heavily, his mind too caught up in grief over Alma's death to make sense of anything.

"You must forgive Zorro." Avellana apologized for her brother. "It is just…the last time we saw Elmo-…Strider, it wasn't a welcome visit."

"Death." Zorro growled, not turning his head to face the elves. "That is what he brought with him that night. He led an attack on our village on night half a year ago. So many innocents were killed, women, men, children…" He bit his bottom lip and only Avellana could see the faint moisture present in the corner of her brother's eyes. "…our parents…"

'Now it makes sense why he distrusts Aragorn so.' Legolas thought to himself.

"I am very sorry for the losses, for your loss." Elrond spoke softly. "But you must understand that Estel's choices during the past year were not of his own, but of Muerte's."

"Over a year ago, Estel, my twin brother Elrohir and I were captured by one of Muerte's minions, a man named Neron." Elladan's eyes darkened at the memories. "Our friend, Legolas, fought to save us, but in battle Estel fell and was believed to have been killed." The elder twin shook his head. "Little did we know that monster, Muerte, had Estel in his filthy clutches. He couldn't bend Estel's will to his power, so he did the one thing he knew would make him crumble…" Moisture glistened in Elladan's eyes. "He broke him."

Avellana gasped and a hand flew to her mouth while both Zorro and Viento looked up at the elder twin, looks of horror on their faces.

"He did the same to Elrohir before Legolas rescued us." Elladan added in a mere whisper, letting his head fall forward in guilt, his long raven hair falling over his slacked shoulders.

Elrohir bit his bottom lip at the sorrowed sight of his brother's tears and stepped the gap between them, embracing Elladan in a soothing hug.

There was silence for many minutes before the sound of a large door opening and footfalls stepping down the cellar stairs echoed around the small group. Everyone rose to their feet as they watched with narrowed eyes as Muerte descend before them.

"I do hope you were all able to get some rest." Muerte sneered mockingly. "I would not like it if my prisoners were not…comfortable."

"Save your remarks Muerte." Elladan growled. "We do not care for them."

This time the demon's eyes narrowed, "Perhaps you should watch your tongue elf, that is if you would like to keep Elmorn from getting hurt."

Elladan's eyes flashed dangerously and stepped forward to make a heated challenge, but was stopped when Elrond extended his arm out to keep him from going any further. Elladan opened his mouth to object, but the stare Elrond fixed on his son silenced him.

Muerte watched in silence, but an eerie smirk quickly formed upon his upturned lips.

"Lord Elrond, please do enlighten me on a mere thought of mine." The demon stepped right up to the elf lord. "Just how far would you go to keep your sons from harm?"

Everyone tensed in sudden alarm. The question caught them off guard.

Unnerved, the elf lord only stared at the demon, fixing him with a glare at showed exactly what he would do for his sons. The other elves already knew and the humans guessed, after all it was what any parents of any race would do to keep their offspring safe from harm.

"That's what I thought." Muerte sneered. "Well, let us see how far Elmorn will go to keep *you* safe from harm."

Muerte spun around with a sharp order to his orc minions, "Bring them!"

Once their hands were secured tight behind their backs, the elves and humans were led out of the cellar.
Aragorn didn't know what was happening, but he knew it was something serious.

He was in the great hall of fire, watching as orc and goblin guards piled into the hall, as though awaiting something. Aragorn shifted uncomfortably as he held his quiver and bow. Few minutes previous he had been called to go into the hall and wait, bringing both his quiver of arrows and bow with him.

The man turned his head and at last saw Muerte arrive. He looked at the human and a dangerous smirk crossed his face. Next Aragorn saw his friends and family being forced into the hall.

With a wave of his clawed hand, several orcs forced the humans, the twins and Glorfindel to the side while Elrond was forced to stand near Muerte and Legolas was placed not far in front of the raven haired human.

Aragorn's heart began thundering inside his chest; he had a horrible feeling he knew what was about to happen, but he prayed beyond all hope that it was not what he thought it was.

Muerte grinned sadistically and walked to Aragorn, right up to his side and drew out a long curved elvish dagger and lifted the man's chin up with the edge.

"Tell me Elmorn, you have strong bonds with the elves in this room, how much do they mean to you?"

Aragorn swallowed hard and shifted his eyes so they caught his foster father's and the twin's. Gaining to response from the human annoyed the demon pressed the edge of the blade against the man's throat, nicking the sensitive skin there and a tiny trickle of blood rolled sluggishly across the dagger's shinny surface.

"Answer me!" He demanded.

"They…they mean a great deal to me, more than words can say." Aragorn replied softly, ignoring the hushed mutters of the orcs around him. "They are my family."

"I see." Muerte removed the blade from Aragorn's neck and walked away from him and towards Elrond instead. "Yet you are human, why do you consider elves family?"

Aragorn knew Muerte was taunting him, drawing this out as long as he could. He swallowed hard.

"My race matter not." He replied with a strong voice. "They are my family, they always will be."

"Do you believe they love you?"

Aragorn clenched his teeth, "I know they do and nothing you will say will convince me otherwise."

"Do you believe they would die for you?"

Air caught in Aragorn's throat as he struggled to reply, not wanting to think about the possibility.

"Y-Yes. I would do the same for them."

"What of your friends?" Muerte glanced at the younger humans next to Glorfindel and the twins as well as Legolas.

"I would do the same for them." Aragorn replied.

Muerte ceased his questions for a moment before he slowly stepped right up behind Lord Elrond and drew the blade towards his neck.


Aragorn's eyes widened and his mouth fell. He took a step forward to intervene before the demon gestured to the bound prince near the black haired human.

"I am sorry I have to do this to you Elmorn, my fine warrior." Muerte faked sadness. "But I am afraid I must test your loyalty between family and friends." An evil glint sparked in the demon's eyes. "Which mean more to you Elmorn, family or friends? Choose."

And suddenly it seemed Aragorn's entire world exploded all around him. He was seeing stars; so shocked was he that to those around him he appeared almost drunk. He swayed on the spot, just able to catch himself as the full impact of what Muerte was demanding hit him.

"Nay! You cannot! I-"

"Shoot him." Muerte nodded his head at the elf prince. "Or your precious father dies!"

"NO!" Elladan and Elrohir screamed simultaneously. Avellana, Zorro and Viento gasped in horror and Glorfindel was too dazed to speak or think.

Aragorn looked like a figure out of place and time, like he didn't belong here, and he didn't. None of them did, none of them belonged in this situation. The mere thought was madness!

"I-I cannot!" Aragorn's voice was full of despair, Muerte only grinned.

The demon pressed the blade further and further, inch-by-inch into the skin of the elf lord's neck until tiny drops of blood began to stain it.

"You must Elmorn." Muerte laughed in sick pleasure. "Either your shoot the elf there in the next 5 seconds or the mighty Elrond has his throat slit." The demon tightened his grip on the dagger handle, getting ready to drag it in one swift movement that would end Elrond's life. "One…"

The twins were screaming at the demon, but Aragorn was deaf to their words. As if time began in slow motion, Aragorn turned his head so his horrified eyes met those of Legolas.


Legolas narrowed his eyes and fixed Aragorn with a penetrating stare.

So many words were spoken in that moment, that moment that seemed to last forever.

'Do it.' Legolas' eyes spoke to Aragorn. 'Do it. I am not afraid.'

'But I am!' Aragorn's eyes called back. 'I cannot…I cannot kill you! You are my friend!'


'Do it Aragorn. Your family is more important than I. You need your family.'

'And I need *you* too!' Tears spilled like a torrent down the mortal's pale cheeks.

'You will live Aragorn, son of Arathorn. You have a great destiny ahead of you, do not forget that.'

'Oh Legolas…'


'Namarie mellon nin…'



In a flash that matched the speed of an elf, Aragorn grabbed an arrow, notched it and sent it flying.

Legolas grunted as a piercing pain enveloped him from his chest. His breath was stolen from him as he stumbled backwards.

Then he felt himself falling…falling endlessly…falling out of time, place and thought.


The sound echoed all around the great hall.

His mind was falling him and as the last threads of consciousness fled him, Legolas' half lidded eyes caught those of Aragorn.

A tiny small touched his lips before he released his last breath and darkness took him.

In that second, everyone's hearts missed a beat.
A/N ~ EEEK! Don't hurt me pwease!!!