Author ~ Halo Son

Rating ~ R

Disclaimer ~ How many times must I say I don't own Lord of the Rings?! The characters Trelan, Raniean, Celboril and Moranuen are made up characters belonging to Cassia and Sio and they gave me permission to use them in my story, so DO NOT steal them! Also Avellana and Zorro belong to me, as well as several other made up characters.

Author's Note ~ This is the final story in the trilogy. I hope everyone likes it and thinks it is a good closing from the trilogy, I think it is.

Summary ~ The sequel to 'Darkness Haunting.' Just when things start to become calm again, Legolas, Elladan and Elrohir are thrown into the deep end when they discover Aragorn has disappeared from Rivendell. Fearing the human has gone to find the demon, Muerte, and kill him once and for all for vengeance, Legolas hurries to find him with Elladan and Elrohir close behind. But as they get closer to the shadow of the demon, could the call of vengeance become too strong for any of them to resist?

WARNING ~ This fic contains accounts of torture and violent/tesne situations. If you don't like those kind of fics, DO NOT read this story. And another thing, there is absolutely NO romance in this story, got it? Not only is this story, like the two before it, dark and angsty, but I can't write romance to save my life!

The Lord Of The Rings

The Call Of Vengeance

Chapter 1-Clues To A Poignant Past

The air was bitter cold and the wind's shrill cry echoed through the tall trees.

Aragorn pulled his cloak closer to his body and trudged on through the darkness. The night had long descended and the days were ever shorter with the coming winter.

While he was lost in thought a small smile tugged at his lips; he knew what Legolas was going to say to him once he found him and he knew the elf prince would and more than likely his elven brothers would be following.

He regretted sneaking away as he had done, but he knew just what Muerte was capable of more than anyone else. He didn't want anymore of those he cared for to get hurt in this mess.

It was then that he came to a rather large clearing.

With the gap in the tree line, the light of the pale moon shone down into it, reflecting upon the surface of a small stream that ran through it. The water shimmered as though it was made from beautiful silver jewels and trinkets.

The sound of heavy footfalls alerted Aragorn and he slipped back into the darkness of the edges of the clearing, watching from behind a tree trunk.

On the other side of the clearing a young girl of roughly 17 years emerged leading a beautiful brown mare. With a small whinny, the horse lowered her head and began to drink from the stream. The girl smiled.

"I am sure it is not much further Cielo. Soon we will be home."

As if in reply, the brown mare nudged her head gently against the chest of the young girl.

Aragorn's eyes narrowed as he stared at the girl. It was as if he had seen her before…somewhere…but he couldn't remember.

A twig snapped.

Cielo's head darted up, looking around with wide eyes. She snorted in alarm and began to back away.

"Cielo? What is it?" The girl, who was named Avellana, asked.

Both the humans and horse then heard a low, menacing growl that slowly turned to several.

Avellana's eyes widened in fear as she spotted, from the opposite side of the clearing, a pack of hungry wolves coming from the darkness of the forest.

Avellana gripped Cielo's harness tightly as the horse reared in terror, shrieking into the night.

The girl could see it would be useless to flee from the wolves as they were already preparing to pounce for the kill.

Avellana cried as one wolf leap up at her and her beloved horse, but its claws never reached them.

A shinning silver sword was pulled from the body of the downed wolf and stood above it was Aragorn.

The wolves snapped and snarled at the intruder.

Avellana's eyes were now even wider than ever as the arrival of the ranger, for the instant her eyes fell upon him she knew he was.

"Elmorn…" Tears began falling down her face.

She buried her face in Cielo's neck, sobbing quietly. Trapped by two foes, destined to die by the claw or the sword: either way she lost.

The memories of half a year ago past were still raw in her mind.

It had been a beautiful spring day when her village home had been attacked by orcs and leading them was him…Elmorn.

Many innocent people had been killed that day, including her parents. She only had an older brother as family now.

A strong voice made her jump.

"Back creatures of the night! This one is not for you!"

The wolves only become more enraged and vicious. Aragorn glanced over his shoulder to the girl.

"Do not fear, I will not allow them to hurt you."

Avellana blinked in surprise and overwhelming confusion.

The last time she had seen this man was when he had returned to the eerie depths of the forest with the orcs after the attack. But on his features she saw nothing of what she had seen within him then.

Why was he risking his own life to save her when half a year ago he had done so damage to her life and many others?

A suddenly howl startled her and she gave a panicked cry as the wolves leapt together at Aragorn.

Aragorn drove his blade into the chest of the first beast and spun to avoid the one behind it, striking it in the side.

One of the beasts leapt on to his back, digging its claws into his shoulders and trying to bite his neck.

Avellana screamed horrified, yet in awe of how one man could stand alone against a pack of emaciated wolves as fight against them as he was doing.

Cielo snorted in disgust at the grey beasts and kicked them if they came to close. A sharp kick from a horse's hind legs could kill if forceful enough and were weary to approach the braying animal.

The grey hunters knew they weren't to win this fight and chose living and going hungry rather than dying and going hungry anyway, as so the remaining ones fled back into the darkness with furious growls.

Avellana couldn't believe it and Cielo let out a snort of triumph.

Most of the wolves were slain, lying on the ground in small pools of blood.

Avellana looked at the bodies of the fierce creatures that had almost taken her life, still holding Cielo's harness tightly in her grip. Slowly her breathing started to calm and an alert snort from her brown mare cause her to glance to the side.

Her eyes spotted Aragorn, barely standing and panting hard. His shinning sword was cover with the wolf's blood and he himself was coated in a mixture of the beast's blood and his own. His clothes were tattered; his skin torn in places and his thick red life essence slowly dripped from his wounds.

Avellana couldn't understand it.

Standing there was the person who had lead the army of orcs that attacked her home and killed her parents and so many other innocent people, but now he had just saved her life.

Her mind was spinning to find the answers to questions she couldn't answer.

She instinctively let a gasp between her lips when Aragorn turned to look at her. In his eyes she saw no malice nor ill intentions; instead she saw eyes that were filled with a deep pain of regret and sorrow.

However before she could do anything, the man's eyes rolled into the back of his head and he collapsed on the ground.

Avellana stood there staring in disbelief for a few moments, and then she quickly walked over to the fallen man and knelt down beside him.

No matter what had happened in the past, not matter how hard it was for her, she couldn't get the emotions within the man's eyes out of her mind and her heart refused to leave him there to die.

Just as she took her cloak off and laid it over Aragorn's still form, there was a noise of footfalls and someone running through the trees. Avellana turned just in time to see a young man of 19 years burst through the tree line. She smiled.

"Zorro!" She cried in obvious delight.

The dark haired young man ran over to Avellana and embraced her warmly, gazing all over her to make sure she was alright.

"Dear sister, I am glad to see you are not hurt." He said with a smile before it was lost as he looked upon Aragorn. "Who is this?"

Avellana swallowed hard. How could she tell him this was the man who had led the attack that had killed their parents?

"Zorro…please understand…he is…"

Suddenly Zorro leaped up on his feet and drawing his sword. When his eyes had looked upon the face of the ranger he knew instantly who it was. He could never forget his face.

"Him!" The words were spat from his mouth. "Elmorn!"

"Zorro wait!" Avellana pleaded, holding up her hands.

"Get back Avellana." Zorro replied. "It is time our parents have their vengeance."

He then pressed the tip of his blade to Aragorn's throat.

"Zorro stop!" Avellana pushed the blade from Aragorn's neck and cover the man's head with her arms protectively.

"Avellana…what are you doing?!" Zorror asked in bewilderment. "Have you so quickly forgotten…he killed our parents!"

"I remember!" She snapped back. "But please…listen to me. There were wolves Zorro…they surrounded me and Cielo and we could not escape. Then…he came and fought off the beasts at the possible cost of his own life. He saved our lives Zorro. I know not why…but when I looked into his eyes they…they were filled with regret and sorrow. I cannot explain brother…but we cannot kill him!"

"It could be some kind of trick! To gain our trust so he can easily slain the rest of us."

"No Zorro, I do not believe so. The emotions in his eyes…they were genuine, not false. Please…we cannot kill him or we will be no better than he."

Zorro looked from Aragorn to Avellana and sighed heavily, lowering his sword and returning it to its sheath.

"You are too trusting dear sister, but for your sake I will do as you ask. However, if he makes one a false move I shall strike him down where he stands, do you understand?"

Avellana smiled and nodded. Mumbling a few choice words under his breath, Zorro kneeled next to Avellana and put an arm around Aragorn's shoulders, lifting his upper body. Avellana took the man's legs and brother and sister gently laid Aragorn across Cielo's saddle.

"Be lucky Elmorn that it was my sister that you encountered and not I." He whispered harshly in Aragorn's ear before taking Cielo's harness and leading the brown mare and his sister back to their village home.