Later that night, the Shepherds gathered around the war council tent for a very special meeting. "If this is really the end, then I want all of us to be involved with the decision making," Chrom explained as he looked out over all his friends. "With any luck, this will be the last time we meet like this. Validar and Robin-…"

A snarl from the giant wyvern interrupted Chrom and Chrom waved his hand towards the wyvern as an apology. "Sorry, I mean Grima," Chrom corrected, "Are holed up in the location of the Dragon's Table. Without Roo, they're unable to completely summon the Fell Dragon back to this world, so in the meantime, we can plan."

"We should see if we can wait them out," Vaike offered. "Everyone's gotta eat right? As long as we keep Roo away, then we can barricade their supplies. Grima was pretty banged up last time anyway, thanks to Gerome." Vaike gave a hearty thumbs up to Gerome who nodded slightly in return.

Behind Vaike, Miriel sniffed indignantly and pushed her glasses up her nose. "An unlikely theory," she frowned. "Validar and Grima possess great and powerful dark magic. Simply depriving them of supplies is a process that is overly complicated and costly."

"Uhhh…" Vaike frowned, not completely grasping Miriel's words, Lissa patting him reassuringly on the shoulder.

Yarne nervously raised his hand. "As long as they don't have Roo, we can just pick our fights and run them off, right?" he squeaked nervously. "I mean, it's faster than just waiting and it'd be kind of safe to snipe at them until they're gone."

Lucina stood. "We must fight!" she called out. "The future has changed so much already. Basilio is alive, my father has been saved, Roo is back with us. We must not stop until victory is assured!"

"I agree, but at what cost?" Libra said. "We are facing the Fell Dragon, Grima, monster of legend. I do not need to tell you of the dangers we will face, the lives we will risk."

The room began to explode into argument and Roo rolled her eyes. Sitting with her family as Chrom tried to yell over the crowd about courage and sticking together, Roo sighed and leaned back into her chair. "That guy doesn't believe it, but he's going to make a great Exalt," she mused. "He's definitely got the patience for outbursts like these…and the anime hair for it."

"Anime?" Gerome questioned.

Roo ignored him as she folded her hands over her face and stared into the Shepherds, an amused grin on her face. "They're all good people, aren't they?" she said. "I mean, it's not just because we've gotten to know each other over the years and some of them have their faults, but they genuinely are good people that deserve a future...that deserve protection."

Immediately, Gerome's eyes narrowed. "Don't look at me like that," Roo chuckled, not having to face him to know his thoughts. Getting up, Roo stood silently, waiting for the crowd to die down. "There's another way," she said, loudly and clearly and the Shepherds voices died as she continued. "When I was with Grima, it's true that she saw into my mind, but I also saw into hers. There is a way to defeat the Fell Dragon for good." Taking a deep breath, Roo steadied her gaze. "I have to kill her."

Shock ran through the crowd and the Shepherds turned to one another, not knowing what to make of Roo's words. "Only blood can defeat blood, that's what she said, right?" Roo frowned. "I really doubt that Validar isn't going to suddenly decide to want peace, I'm not about to send Morgan to do it and Grima isn't going to find it in herself to be reasoned with, so it has to be me. It has to be this way."

"Mom…!" Morgan protested, but Roo shot him a look and Morgan shrunk back into his brother's shoulder.

A worried frown passed over Chrom's face as he thought on Roo's words. "So you just have to land the final blow?" he murmured. "That's it? No consequences, no conditions?"

"That's right," Roo said quietly, a dead smile on her face. "Nothing to worry about."

The meeting had ended on a bright and happy note, with all the Shepherds believing that their problems were a simple solution away. Keep Grima busy long enough for Roo to land a blow and everything would be said and done, no harm to anybody. Only Gerome knew the truth as he grabbed Roo's hand and sped them off into the privacy of the woods.

"You lied," Gerome said as he stood with Roo, his hands clenched angrily by his side. "You lied to everyone. You lied to me."

"Of course I did," Roo said, her gaze clear and steady. "What did you expect?"

Gerome closed his eyes. Even though it was exactly what she would have done, the truth still stabbed at his heart and although she had twisted the true meaning, it still remained true that only blood could defeat blood, which meant that, regardless of the final outcome, this would be the last night Gerome would see Roo alive. "Will…will it hurt?" he finally choked out, unable to raise his sight to look at her.

"I don't know," Roo admitted. "I hope not, but I'm not afraid of pain."

"Is…is there anything I can do…?" Gerome stammered, trying his best to meet Roo's gaze, but failing. "Anything I can change-…"

A soft hand rested on his cheek and pushed his face up so that he could see her. "No," she said quietly, her voice steady. "There's nothing you can do. For all my talk of destiny…heh…she's a real bitch isn't she?"

Gerome closed his eyes, unable to face her any longer. However, Roo did not let him fall into despair as she turned his face back up again to look at her once more. "This doesn't make it your fault," she said firmly, but gently. "This is my decision. Just…" a deep sigh escaped her and she looked back up at him and Gerome felt something inside him break from her expression.

"Don't…" Gerome pleaded, knowing what was coming, but Roo steeled herself and carefully reached up to take Gerome's mask from his face, staring deep into his eyes.

"Promise me you'll find someone else who cares for you. Promise you won't be alone. You and Morgan and the wyverns. Don't shut yourself off from the world when there's so much it can offer you in ways I won't be able to," she said. She couldn't stop the tears that came. "I just want you to be happy, Gerome," she whispered. "That's all I've ever wanted."

"Then don't go," Gerome said, his voice cracking, knowing that what he wished for could never be.

She took him into an embrace and they fell into each other, just like other times before, but this time, a great burden weighed down their hearts, wishing the day wouldn't come. "Take care of our sons," Roo said sadly, holding Gerome's hand tightly in hers. "I love you."

He couldn't even bring himself to respond in kind, only just pressing her tight against his body as the first beam of the sun rose in the sky.

Everything was ready.

"Check you weapons," Roo said to Gerome as she stuffed several wind tomes into a bag. "Do you have all silver?"

"Silver and some salves," Gerome responded. "Some vulnerary's as well."


The camp was busy, but a dead silence hung over the air as the Shepherds busied themselves with the preparation of their final battle. Turning to her side, Roo tried to give Gerome and Robin a reassuring grin, but she felt hollow behind her cheery expression.


Both Gerome and Roo looked up to face Morgan, Robbie by his side, sharing the same worried face. "Can…can I get anything for you?" he asked, his voice wavering and his fists clenched. "Anything! It's the least I can do since…"

A gentle hand rested on Morgan's head and he looked up to see his parents smiling sadly at him. "We'll be fine," Roo said gently. "If anything, we should be asking if you're going to be alright. The Risen might target the surrounding areas in an attempt to distract us. I've put some extra tomes in your bag and your dad sharpened your lance."

Immediately, Morgan shook his head and stared up at them, his eyes growing wide. "Are you kidding me?" he cried out. "Because of me, I can't go with you in this fight! Because of me, you're both risking your lives to give mom a shot at a demon dragon! How can you ask me if I need anything? Why did you waste all that time preparing on me when all I'm doing is just sitting here?" Hanging his head, Morgan let out a tearing sob, his hands trembling. "Please…I just want to come."

Roo sighed lightly, giving Gerome a sympathetic grin as he shrugged his shoulders. Reaching out, she gently pulled Morgan into her arms, resting his head on her shoulder. "I'm sorry, Morgan," she said. "But you are my precious son. My child. I don't think I'd do so great if I lost you, so please. For me, stay on the ground and let your mother handle this. Besides…I am trusting you to protect your little brother in our stead."

"Mom…!" Morgan tried to say, but stopped as Gerome's arms wrapped around his head as well, a silent gesture of love for his son. It was when Robbie flung himself around Morgan's leg in reassurance did it become too much and Morgan cracked, tears streaming down his face as they all held each other, even Robin placing his head to gently rub against them. Breaking away and wiping his eyes, Morgan sniffed hard as he looked up at his parents. "Then please, come back home," he said firmly, despite his sobs. "You're my parents and seeing you together, all of us being together…my mom and dad from that other world must have been just as happy. I must have been as happy like I am now, so please…come back soon so we can all be a family again." Looking up at them straight in the eyes, Morgan shook his head. "I don't want heroes…I want my mother and father."

They could say nothing, but Gerome and Roo nodded, gentle smiles on their faces. It was enough for Morgan who turned towards his older brother, wrapping both his arms around the larger wyvern's head and pull him close. "No matter what you are or where you come from, you are my brother," Morgan whispered. "Please protect our parents as I protect you."

A soft growl came from Robin as he nudged his younger brother sadly. "Heh…" Morgan laughed as he and Robin shared an inside joke between them. "You ass."

Suddenly, a sharp clang of a bell tore through the air and the family exchanged glances.

It was time to go.

Around them, members of the Shepherds began to march away or take off. Taking one last look at their family, Robbie and Morgan silently stood, watching with tears in their eyes as Minerva and Robin took off into the darkening sky, taking Gerome and Roo with them, leaving the two children behind.

An evil lightning crackled in the sky as the Shepherds made their way towards the Dragon's Table once more, striking down the last of the Risen that had cropped up to confront them. With a thunderous boom, the castle doors flew open and Chrom and the Shepherds stared down Validar who smiled bitterly at them. "Welcome back, children," Validar snarled as he stepped for them, magical energy crackling around his fingers.

"This is it!" Chrom called out as Falchion glimmered in his hands. "Our final battle! After today, peace will return to the land! Now let's kill this dastard and be done with it!"

"Dastard?" Roo echoed, a flat look on her face as she jumped down from Minerva's back, Robin also rolling his eyes. Gerome simply shrugged back at the two, Chrom ignoring them all with a pained expression on his face.

"Ah, it's you," Validar mused as he smiled down at Roo. "What a pity. You chose to squander your birthright for these fools? For him?" he narrowed his eyes at Gerome who matched his gaze with an equally hateful glare. "And still, you're only delaying the inevitable."

"Sorry to disappoint you, dad," Roo sneered.

A cackling laugh came from Validar. "And that mouth! I'm sure it's just a remnant of your mother and her defiance. Here I was hoping your sister would take care of that for me while you two were together."

"Speaking of whom, where is dear old sissy?" Roo spat. "I guess she didn't recover so well from our last encounter if she's not here with you."

Validar snarled bitterly. "It's true that you did quiet a blow to us last time," he hissed. "But don't worry, she will join us soon enough once all your friends are dead and you're too weak to resist us again! In the meantime, in remembrance of the state you left her in, I've prepared something extra special for your return!"

Suddenly, the ground beneath them began to roar and a great beam of purple light shot up around Chrom and Roo, sealing off them from the others. "No!" Gerome cried out as he dashed for the barrier, striking out with his lance. Instantly, dark sparks flew and Gerome hit the ground hard as he and Minerva were thrown back to the floor, Minerva's infuriated roar ringing over the air as Robin rushed to their sides.

Validar's laugh took over their ears as Roo vainly pushed against the barrier to get to Gerome as he picked himself up, groaning in pain. "So long as this dark barrier stands, then no living soul can reach us!" he cackled as Roo and Gerome's hands placed themselves against the barrier for each other, the magic keeping them only an inch apart.

However Roo ignored him as she gazed at Gerome through the barrier. "Are you ok?" she called, breathing a sigh of relief as Gerome gave her a nod.

"Risen!" Lucina called as their shadows began to rise on their side of the barrier. "We're under attack!"

There was no more time for talk and Gerome turned his head to gaze into Roo's eyes one last time. "Stay alive," he said quietly before spinning around to block a Risen attack, joining in the fray with the others.

Slowly, Roo let her hand trail down the barrier that stood between them, watching helplessly as Gerome and Minerva took flight. "How sweet," Validar smirked as Chrom brandished Falchion in his hands. "You think you've found a family? You will always be alone."

"That's not true!" Chrom shouted. "Roo is one of us! She will always be one of us!"

A laugh erupted from Validar. "Is that so?" he cackled. "I wonder if your self-righteous peasants would agree with you. After their homes burned, villages lost, do you really think you'll be accepted in the face what you've done to the followers of Naga? Even with the Exalt behind you, you'll still be hated and spread the malice to everyone you care about." Holding out his hand, Validar smiled. "Why choose such a fate? You could be a god and rise above them all!"

"You know, it's really pathetic that you're debasing yourself to begging," Roo snarled as she turned to face him, wind magic swirling around her fingers, her pendant beginning to rise from her chest and her coat to flutter. "I stand with them! I always have! It doesn't matter what people think, it's still no reason to spare your miserable life!"

"Enough!" Validar hissed. All of a sudden, his hand shot out with magical lightning, Chrom and Roo having to spilt apart to dodge the attack. "Chrom!" Roo called as he nodded to her.

"Are you ready?" he called before Roo nodded back and they both dashed forward, crying out for battle. Chrom reached Validar first and the air around them exploded with thunder magic as Chrom slashed at Validar who in turn struck back with his lightning.

Suddenly, Validar leapt into the air and Chrom pointed up as Roo formed a ball of wind energy in her hands. "Up there!" he cried out, but Validar had built up a magic orb of dark energy of his own and slammed it towards the ground. A swift leap tore Roo away from danger and she shot her magic towards Validar in the sky.

"You fool!" Validar roared as he teleported away from the blast, appearing before Chrom and striking out at him again. The blow brought Chrom to his knees and as he pulled himself up with Falchion, Validar laughed as he formed a large orb of magic in his hand, preparing to finish Chrom off for good. "Die!" he screamed as the magic rocketed towards Chrom, whose eyes widened in fear.

A blast of wind magic shot out and hit Validar's orb before it had a chance to get to Chrom, dispelling it. Light exploded around them as a result and Roo shielded her eyes as she fell back from the force of the magic. Soon, the light began to fade and Roo could faintly hear Chrom dashing to her side, but her vision focused in on Validar, frowning down at them. "You've gotten stronger," Validar mused as Chrom helped Roo to her feet. "No doubt the power stolen from your sister when you were last together."

"Whatever! Don't lump me in with the likes of her!" Roo cried out as she dashed for Validar, Chrom right behind her. All three of them clashed, magic and sparks flying everywhere. "Chrom!" Roo called, and Chrom drew back, letting Validar fall forward from his own momentum. Taking the opportunity, Roo ducked down and slammed a wind ball into his chest, causing Validar to cry out in pain. He tried to recover, but Validar's sight was filled with Falchion's blade as Chrom flipped over Roo and brought his sword down across Validar's torso, causing black blood to fly out.

Suddenly, the barrier around them began to flicker and fade and Chrom and Roo turned to each other. "Regroup!" Roo called out as the Shepherds began to fight their way towards them.

"This isn't over…!" Validar snarled, holding a hand to his bleeding chest. "Damn you both!"

With a rage filled cry, Validar shot his magic around him in indiscriminate directions in a desperate attempt to hit any of them. Magical blasts of energy shot into the walls and ceilings as chunks of the castle began to come down on all their heads. "Roo!" Chrom called out, pushing her out of the way of an energy blast, but getting hit himself in the process.

Lucina screamed in horror and Roo quickly dashed to Chrom's side as Validar's laugh rang over them. He was still breathing, and Roo let out a sigh of relief, but he was too injured and Roo turned to face Validar alone. "Struggle all you want," he sneered as Roo tightened her hands into fists. "See for the last time how you cannot unwrite what has already been written!"

Wind began to swirl around Roo again as she shot a furious glare to Validar. "You'll see for the last time that I'll make my own future!" she cried out. "And you can shove it all the way!"

Clashing together, Validar and Roo matched magic with magic and swirls of green and black energy flew about them. However, Validar's magic soon began to overpower her and with a cry, Roo fell to her knees at Validar's feet. A triumphant cry came from Validar as he grabbed Roo's collar and hauled her to her feet, holding her in the air, preparing to deal the final blow.

Suddenly, a white blur barreled towards Roo and Validar gasped as Robin slammed into him, knocking him back before rocketing up into the sky, Roo on his back and to safety. "What?" Validar screamed, "Get back here!"

Validar struck out, but Robin twirled in the sky, avoiding the blast, and Roo hung on for dear life. "THIS IS NOT LIKE A HORSE AT ALL!" she screeched as clung to Robin as best she could on the roller coaster of a ride though the air as Robin dodged Validar's magical blasts.

"Stay still!" Validar screamed, throwing a final magical blast at Robin that exploded in his face and Robin fell back, Roo losing her grip as she fell through the sky. Robin reacted immediately, dashing down to her and coming up beneath her, forcing her to land on her feet against his back before he shot forward again, Roo screeching in terror all the way.

A growl from Robin brought Roo back to her senses as she tried to balance herself as best she could. "Well, excuse ME, princess! This isn't like in the training field!" Roo gasped as Robin gave her an exasperated look. Carefully, very carefully, Roo steadied herself and let out a breath of air, finding her center. "Ok," she said to no one. "Here we go."

Robin suddenly dropped and he and Roo fell forward into the air, Roo preparing her wind magic in her hands as they came for Validar. Although Validar tried to cut them off in the sky, Robin twisted and turned and Roo struck back, explosions bursting around Validar's feet as he howled in fury. "How DARE you!" he snarled as Robin pulled away, Roo sending off more magical blasts. "Do you really think you can defeat-…"

Suddenly, another wyvern's cry ripped through the air and Validar just spun away in time to avoid Minerva's claws raking the ground where he had been just a moment before. "You!" Validar spat as Gerome flew up to join Roo in the sky.

Turning to gaze to Gerome, Roo smiled as he looked back at her. "Man, I don't know how you and Morgan do this," she chuckled. "But I'll admit, it's super fun." Her gaze hardened, but her smile did not as she looked into him. "Ready?"

"I'm with you," he replied.

Above him, Validar watched as Minerva and Robin climbed high into the sky, preparing for the final blow. "Destiny…cannot be unraveled!" he cried out, his magic glowing around his hands as Risen began to appear before him for protection. However, both wyverns let out a mighty roar and shot down for them, Roo and Gerome striking back Validar's warriors, shooting for Validar head on. Robin reached Validar first and with a roar, barreled into him, sending Validar's body flying like a rag doll. Instantly afterwards, Roo shot two blasts of magic for him, knocking him even further into the sky. Through his blood-stained vision, Validar's eyes opened wide as Minerva sped for him, Gerome's lance glittering in the light.

"Embrace your fate!" Gerome roared out as he stabbed his lance into Validar's chest, causing Validar to screech in agony and black blood to burst from the wound. With a swing his lance, Validar's body smashed into the ground below and Gerome turned to join Roo's side again.

The remaining Risen vanished, unable to sustain themselves after Validar's magic had weakened and Lucina dashed to her father's side as Chrom pushed himself up. In front of them, Roo and Gerome stood with their wyverns, looking down at Validar's gasping, dying body. "No…!" Validar gasped, the blood around him pooling out into a black circle. "This is…all wrong…!" Looking up, Validar's wide eyes searched Roo's, but found nothing except cold fury. "My…daughter…!"

"Not your daughter," Roo said quietly as his hand fell. "Not today."

"He wasn't talking to you," a voice rang out over the air, the sounds of thunder and lighting accompanying it. "He was speaking to me!"

A flash of magical light appeared and a figure materialized next to Validar's body. "Grima!" Roo hissed as she faced her sister, her gaze meeting Grima's glowing red eyes.

She was hunched over and looked as if all her color was fading away and her white hair hung limply on her shoulders, but she was still alive. "Hello dear sister," Grima spat, her breath in hard, raspy gasps. "How brave of you to return to finish off your family, you traitor!"

Immediately, Roo rolled her eyes and groaned, Robin also mirroring her actions. "We've been doing this same dancey dance for a while," she sighed. "Sorry, but things aren't going to work out between us. Get over it and find someone else why don't you?"

"My thoughts exactly," Grima snarled as she grinned down at Validar's body. "You may have hidden Morgan from my sights, but even if you won't join me, there is one last resort, pathetic as it may be! Blood is blood…!"

Slowly, Validar raised his eyes towards Grima, who looked back down at him and nodded. "Blood is blood…" he whispered, reaching for her as Grima held out her hand. "My life force shall be sacrificed to renew yours, Master Grima!"

"Now that's what I like to hear," Grima cackled.

Realization hit the Shepherds like a rock and Roo and Gerome dashed forward. "Stop!" Roo cried out, but Validar's hand fell into Grima's and a dark energy exploded from their contact, knocking the Shepherd's back as Validar and Grima's laughter rang through the air.

Roo felt her body suddenly hauled away in Robin's claws as he folded his wings around her for protection, but the blast shattered his mechanical wing and he roared in fury. The Shepherds were scattering as lighting burst in all directions, Chrom just pushing Lucina out of the way of one of the bolts. Through the opening left from Robin's wings, Roo could see as a massive dragon's head with six glowing red eyes loom over them through the dark purple clouds. A hideous roar boomed through the air and Robin drew his wing back so he and his mother could fully see the true Grima staring down at them through the smoke.

"Right," Gerome growled as he and Minerva joined Roo's side. "Now what?"

Robin let out a soft grumble and Roo turned to glare at him. "No, we're not screwed," she snapped, Robin wincing. "And it's not over. I'm working on a plan."

"A plan?" Chrom echoed as he and Lucina joined her, Gerome also coming to their side.

"Well, yeah," Roo said. "As much as a plan can be for fighting a giant god dragon. So you know…maybe like, twelve percent of a plan."

Looks were exchanged between the others and Gerome sighed and repositioned his lance in his hands. "Better than eleven," he said casually as Lucina tried not to reach over and slap him.

Suddenly, Grima's voice roared out over them. "How about this for a plan," it called as its gaze turned towards them. "You will be destroyed!"

Suddenly, dark spears shot from the ground, swirling in the air as they snaked their way around the Shepherds limbs, pulling them painfully apart, but leaving Roo. "Stop!" Roo cried out as she clawed at the binds holding Gerome's arms and legs as he growled in pain. "Leave them alone!"

"Roo…get out of here…!" Gerome gasped as the binding around his neck squeeze tighter.

Roo stood helpless as Gerome's eyes began to flutter shut. "You may have seen into the way to defeat me," Grima snarled, "But I have also seen your secrets as well! You don't want this fate, do you? Blood is blood, but my heart still lies with you and creates a bond stronger than some defeated sorcerer's. You have a choice. You have a chance! Become one with me and save them! If not…!"

The bonds around the Shepherds and Gerome tightened once more and their cries of pain rang in her ears. "Alright, just stop already!" Roo cried out, "Please…enough."

Grima's laughter rang out once more and the black magic fell away from the Shepherds, leaving them coughing and gasping on the ground. "No, don't!" Chrom gasped out. "It's a trap…!"

"I know," Roo said as she looked up to face them, Gerome already struggling to his feet. "I'm sorry…I don't…I don't know what to do."

"ROO!" he cried out, but Grima's dark magic encircled her body and Gerome could only watch as she was torn from him and pulled into the dark clouds above him where bladed teeth snapped shut around her.

It was dark. So dark, Roo couldn't even see her hand, even though she could feel its soft warmth against her face.

And it was cold. So cold, but she couldn't find the energy to pull herself together.

There was nothing. Nothing but darkness.

She didn't have to see the figure standing in front of her to know that Grima was there, grinning down at her. "You have no cards left to play…no final strategy," Grima sneered. "I've won."

Roo did not move and Grima sighed mockingly. "I'll never understand why you care so deeply for those creatures," she teased. "Especially the masked one. I know the pain they caused you. The heartbreak. Struggles and emotional turmoil. What was it they said? Oh yes."

Suddenly, voices began to ring out and Roo's heart split open from their words.

"I'll never understand why you allow her to carry on in such an unlady-like manner," Frederick scoffed. "It is quite unbecoming."

"But…I'm just worried, Roo. People are starting to talk about …the no killing thing," Chrom said.

"It's a fitting end, I think," the other man said, a third giving a snort of derision. "A good end for traitors and cowards who take the easy way out."

"Your sense of what truly makes a bond renders you helpless!" Gerome's voice rang out. "Your cowardice will not save him or you!"

Suddenly, a hand shot out of the darkness and grabbed Roo's arm, squeezing painfully as she cried out, trying to claw the fingers off of her as the mark on the back of her hand began to glow. "Yes, give in. Give your soul to me," Grima smiled, her red eyes glowing through the darkness and a black inky magic seeped into Roo's arm from their contact. "Fill your heart will hate. Desire for nothing but ruin! Let your mind dissolve into the shadow of my own and let us become one!"

Grima's grip tightened and Roo cried out as she closed her eyes, feeling her strength sap away and her arms drop. "Yes…" she whispered. "I can't even…remember…"

"…ave to…ack!"

Roo's eyes flew open and suddenly the world came back into focus as Grima snarled furiously.


The voice came again, louder and stronger this time and Roo took in a breath of air. "No!" Grima cried out, grabbing Roo's collar as the magic that spread into Roo began retreating back into Grima. "You dare to resist me? The dragon's grip cannot be broken!"

They all came now. All the voices from the Shepherds calling out to her to stand up and fight. To come back to their world. But even though the chorus of pleas, compliments and encouragements, one voice rang out over them all, despite being only a whisper.

"Please…" Gerome's voice said. "Remember…!"

"I have to…" Roo struggled. "I can't leave them! I WON'T!"

A shattering sound was heard as Roo broke herself away from Grima's hands. "Impossible!" Grima screeched as she stumbled back, Roo gasping for air. "Stop it! Silence those wretched voices! You are all powerless! Frail! Insignificant!"

However, the voices did not stop and Grima roared with fury as she stormed over to Roo. "You cannot even remember your full name!" she snarled as she formed a ball of magic energy in her hands. "How can you expect such a weakling, such a pathetic heart to defeat me? You are NOTHING!"

The orb of magic came down, but Grima gasped as Roo's hand shot out and blocked the attack with magic of her own, struggling against Grima, pushing her back. "No…!" Roo growled as Grima cried out in rage. "I am not nothing! I am my own person! I am my own destiny…!"

Suddenly, a light burst forth from behind Roo, blinding them both as Grima howled in pain. A warmth fell over Roo as she closed her eyes, falling back into space.

I am…


A voice, Roo thought to herself as she sank back into the open air. The space around her was growing colder, the wind beginning to whip through her hair and clothes, just as if she were riding her horse back home. It was so comforting, so familiar and yet something about it was wrong, but she was too tired to care.


Suddenly Roo's eyes snapped open and she gasped as she saw Gerome and Minerva below her, racing to catch her hand in his. Grima the dragon was roaring above her in an attempt to stay aloft, but was coming down to the ground and Gerome strained for Roo's hand, knowing that if he failed to catch her, she would be crushed from the giant body above.

Suddenly, his hand caught hers and for one perfectly calm second together, their palms pressed against each other before Minerva's body rushed up underneath them, Roo falling into Gerome's lap. "Roo!" he cried again as she pulled herself into his arms, her heartbeat against his chest reassuring him. He let out a choking sob before he embraced her as they tore their way through the air, Minerva taking them to safety of the others.

An evil roar rose over the sky and Gerome turned to see Grima's body crash into the earth, throwing up billowing clouds of dirt and smoke as the Shepherds scattered below.

"Chrom!" Lissa cried out as the dust began to settle, the body of Grima lying at their feet. "Is it…is it over?"

Suddenly, a beam of magic shot out and Chrom had just enough time to push his sister out of the way as the smoke parted, revealing Grima, chunks of her skin torn away to only darkness underneath, covered in black blood and her eyes burning furiously. "I am GRIMA!" she snarled, "I am despair! DAMN YOU!"

"This is our chance!" Chrom cried out as Gerome landed next to him. "We can finish it! Roo!"

All eyes turned to them, but Roo stood silent, Gerome holding her hand in his. "Roo?" Chrom asked, confusion on his face.

"Yes…" Roo breathed, her voice calm and steady. Then, turning to Gerome, "It's…it's time, isn't it?"

Gerome frowned, his heart beginning to burn in his chest. "Yes," he said quietly.

A light chuckle escaped her and she held up her hand, looking at the mark that glowed softly back at her. "Didn't I once say I'd give you the planet?" Roo said sadly.

Gerome frowned, his mask hiding his face as Roo smiled at him, already knowing what was in his heart. "I don't want the world," he said. "I want you."

She took him into her arms, pulling herself up to give him one last kiss.

Gerome could do nothing except respond in kind and afterwards, she pulled herself away from him, turning to face the last part of her darkness. "Roo! Wait, what does that mean?" Chrom cried out, a dark realization growing in his mind. "Don't…!"

However, Roo ignored him and formed an orb of wind magic in her hands, staring at Grima straight in the eyes. "What…WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Grima screamed as she tried to slink away. "YOU WOULD…NOT DARE!"

"Don't tell me what to do!" Roo snapped. "For once, I'm glad you and I are the same. The things you and I have done…it is justice that we should meet our ends together!" The wind swirled around Roo as it grew stronger, Roo's hair and coat beginning to rise into the air. "I challenge my fate!" Roo cried out. "DESTINY CAN SHOVE IT!"

"NO!" Grima screamed out, but Roo dashed forward, grabbing Grima and threw her wind magic into her chest, right where her heart lay. An explosion of magic followed and the Shepherds shielded their eyes as the light that burst forth blinded them, Grima's dying scream echoing in their ears before her form disappeared into pieces.

Slowly, Roo opened her eyes, the light of the dawn coming up over the horizon. Taking in a deep breath of air, Roo couldn't help but feel sheer joy. No longer was she bound to wars, politics, or confinements of any kind, pulling her back into the darkness and Roo felt something within her break and disappear forever.

At last, she was free.

The light began to fade and Gerome looked up in shock. She was standing alone, her back to them, but already, pieces of her were dissolving away, scattering in the winds. "Roo!" he cried out, dashing for her and she turned at the sound of her name. She fell into his arms and Gerome to his knees as he held her, feeling the warmth of her body, but seeing almost nothing left.

He tried to say something, but all that came out was a heartbroken sob as he tore his mask from his face. Gently, she reached up, brushing his eyes with her hands, the light from the purple mark on the back of her hand fading. "Is…is there any pain?" he finally managed to choke out.

She slowly shook her head. Her body was beginning to feel colder and his arms more empty as Gerome gripped what little there was left in his hands, willing against all things to keep her with him. "I…I don't know what to say," he admitted. "I'm sorry…"

"It's ok," Roo said, her hand closing around her pendant. Then, reaching up to place her hand against his cheek, "No matter what befalls us, no matter where we are or what times it may be," she whispered, the last of her beginning to fade. "Through whatever fate may bring…I love you."

"I know," Gerome murmured. "And I love you, too."

Suddenly, the weight of the pendant fell in his hands and Gerome gasped as he suddenly found himself alone, facing the rising sun.

Peace. It was still such a strange concept to Gerome as he looked out over Wyvern Valley where he had built a small home for himself. A distant roar of some far off reptile echoed over the air and Gerome smiled to himself as he closed his eyes, his hand reaching up to hold a red pendant with blue flecks lined with silver that hung around his neck. Minerva and Robin had been released into the Valley, but never strayed far, setting up their own home near Gerome's. Little Robbie was adopted into their nest, and much to Gerome's surprise, had begun to fly small distances, even without the use of a mechanical assist, while Minerva suddenly seemed to recognize numbers and written signs, much to the dismay of nearby farmers and their secret livestock houses. Robin beginning to breathe orange fire now that his younger self had taught him how and Gerome found himself making several wyvern blankets for the other villages and travelers that passed through. Looking at his wyvern sons now, Gerome couldn't believe that he had ever doubted in their abilities before.

Or rather, he couldn't believe he once doubted in any of them before. They had all returned so many months ago, save for one, and although Chrom had given some obligatory speech about the war ending and all of them being able to return to normal lives, the painful truth was the look on Morgan and Robbie's faces.

Still, time moved on and Morgan dedicated his life to serving Chrom in Roo's place as tactician of the New Ylisse, specializing in keeping the peace and harmony between the other nations. This placed him away from Gerome for long periods of time, and although Gerome missed spending time with his children, he never brought up his concerns to them. They were their own people, with their own choices, with their own lives and Gerome couldn't be happier that they were following their own ways, free from the past.

Well, almost. Chrom still sent out search parties every now and then, posted pictures made by Libra and asked every delegate during every meeting if they had seen a familiar purple coat in their countries. Gerome could only chuckle at his friend's valiant, but unnecessary efforts. "Why?" Chrom asked him as he visited one day. "Shouldn't you, more than anyone, look for her return? That's what Naga said, right? Grima's hold was broken, leaving only the link to us. There's a chance that she'll come back. Even the people want her back after they learned of what happened. Can she really ignore an entire world who calls for her?"

"Roo is a tactician," Gerome replied simply. "When she is ready, she will appear."

"Is that why there's no more mask?" Chrom grinned. "To make sure she recognizes you?"

A soft huff came from Gerome and he turned his back to Chrom.

Chrom said nothing in response, but shook his head and smiled. They were together in front of Gerome's house as he watered the roses, the calls of distant wyverns lingering in the air, Chrom sitting on an outdoor bench and table. "You know, it's funny how things worked out," Chrom suddenly said, Gerome turning to face him curiously. "In that other world…you know, the one where I…Czar. Where HE lived. This actually happened. He and your other self were friends. We are friends. We're the same."

"True," Gerome grinned back, "But not quite."

Chrom's eyes flickered to Gerome's pendant and he smiled. "No," he agreed. "Not the same indeed." Getting up, Chrom frowned as he prepared to leave. "She's going back today," he said quietly. "I thought you would want to say goodbye."

They all stood together in front of the Outrealm Gate, or rather, who was left. Most of the time traveling children had gone back through the gate into their own world or other times and adventures unknown. Although they were gone, Gerome knew they were safe in his heart and was only pleased that they were spending their lives the way they wanted to. Standing with Morgan and Robin, Gerome watched Chrom's family say goodbye to their older daughter who stood with her husband, Chrom giving Inigo a stiff handshake and a sharp glare before hugging him.

Turning towards him, Lucina smiled. "Where will you go?" Gerome asked as she shrugged.

"I cannot say," she replied, a smile on her face. "Inigo wants to see the world and where he goes, I shall as well." She closed her eyes, a sad smile on her face. "I lost him once," she said quietly. "When I found him again, even though he was the same, yet not the same, I still fell for him again." Lucina shrugged. "I guess some things never change."

Gerome gave her a grin. "No. They don't," he mused.

"Make sure to watch his left side," Morgan chipped in. "He's a little slow when he blocks there."

Lucina gave him a thankful smile before turning back to Gerome again. "Goodbye, my friend," she said as they embraced. "When she comes back tell her hello…and thank you."

They let each other go and Gerome looked at Lucina curiously. A smile grew on her face as Lucina looked over to Inigo, watching him with eyes of love. "She showed me I have a future," she explained. "That destiny can be defeated through the bonds we share." Looking back at Gerome, she frowned in determination. "We have to believe we can alter destiny once more and bring her back. She will come back. For you."

He gave her a silent nod as thanks and Lucina beamed, waving to Morgan and Robin for a goodbye. Then, taking Inigo's hand and looking into his face once more, they stepped across the portal, disappearing into the blue light.

Chrom and Sumia did not hide their tears as they held their two small children in their arms, the blue light from the gate fading away. They all stood together, watching the sun start to disappear behind the horizon until it started getting too dark for a king to allow his family to stay in the open and then only Gerome and Morgan and Robin were left, standing together in the twilight.

"Man, I'm going to miss her," Morgan sighed as Robin snorted indignantly. "She was like the big sister we never had. Anyway, I'm on my free day, so do you want to get some dinner"

There was no response and Morgan and Robin turned to each other before looking back at Gerome who was staring silently at the gate. "Dad?" Morgan tried again. "What-...?"

"I knew this day would come," Gerome said, breaking his silence as Morgan and Robin looked up at him. "I've always known. And it's alright."

Morgan gasped as he and Robin looked at him curiously. "We don't…?"

Turning to face his sons, Gerome frowned sadly. "It's time for you to go home," he said quietly. "Back to your world."

Morgan and Robin exchanged glances, stepping back from their father. "Why would you say that?" Morgan cried out as Robin growled softly. "We want to stay here, with you! We can't leave you all alone! Mom hasn't even come back yet and you're trying to send us away?"

He pulled them into his arms and Gerome closed his eyes, imprinting the memory of his children into his mind for the last time. "Not to send you away. I would never do that. But it's time for you to find your own future. Just like your mother," he said gently. "You're ready. You both are."

Something inside Morgan and Robin snapped and they broke away to look up at Gerome with shocked eyes. Slowly, their surprise faded as Morgan and Robin exchanged an understanding glance and their faces melted into smiles. "You're just as smart as her," Morgan teased. "I bet she would hate that. Then, I guess this is good bye."

They leapt into his arms once more for the last time and behind them, the gate began to glow with its magic. "Wherever you go, this is your home," Gerome whispered sadly. "You will always be my sons. Nothing is ever going to change that."

They pulled away and Morgan quickly leapt up on Robin's back, knowing not to hesitate. "No matter who you are or where you come from," Morgan said quietly as Robin expanded his wings, "You are always our father."

Taking off into the sky, Morgan and Robin sailed into the air, turning over before Robin let out one last cry and they vanished into the gate's magic. Light filled their eyes and Morgan gasped as a vision of a small cottage in the woods, newly rebuilt and covered in the vines of roses came into their view, a man with a scar over his left eye and fading blonde hair looking up at them in surprise from the doorway.

On the other side, Gerome took in a ragged breath of air as the Outrealm Gate closed once more, taking his sons into worlds unknown. He stood alone in the open forest, the night closing in and Gerome bitterly brushed his eyes with the back of his hand before he turned and headed back towards his now empty house.

His home stood alone in a small clearing and although parts of the grass had been cut away for a path, the untamed areas came up to his knees and small yellow fireflies danced in the air around him. It was still beautiful, more so than ever, but a familiar crushing feeling weighed heavily on Gerome's heart and he closed his fingers around the pendant that hung from his neck. Just like before he was alone, although now, it seemed like a burden too heavy to bear.

Suddenly, a rustle of grass was heard and Gerome gasped as he looked up, seeing the form of a person lying on the ground on his outside table, her legs dangling over the bench and her purple coat fanning out the tall grass beneath her. Stepping cautiously towards her, Gerome slowly knelt down by her side, as if nothing had ever changed and his hand trembled as he reached out for her face. Real and warm, she sighed into his palm and Gerome's face broke out into a smile.

Her eyes opened gently and she looked up at him, in a way all too familiar, and she reaching up to brush the tears away as they formed in his eyes with a markless right hand.

"I remember you."