Disclaimer: I do not own any of Type-moon's stuff

Two warriors fought in a world not connected to Gaia. The land was empty of life as it was filled with thousands of swords. Each one of them has a history that were never the same. Each one had powers that could bring down armies with a simple phrase. The last thing they all had in common was that each blade were fake.

Every single one of them.

They were not made from a forge nor were they made by a blacksmith. They were all made by a child that copied each and every one of them to the tiniest detail.

Yet they are still fakes , no matter how perfect they are.

The child who copied them had a dream that he would one day become a superhero. That he would be able to save everyone's lives. That no one has to die. That dream was copied too.

A dream made by a man who believed that with his hand , he would be able to usher in an age of peace. With his hand , he would be able to stop all the conflicts in the world or at least lessen the bloodshed. That man died knowing it was a fool's dream. He left a legacy of that dream inside of the boy he saved. A dream the boy had taken to heart.

They boy did not care that the dream would be impossible. He did not care that people would make fun of his dream. He did not care for anything at all. As long as he was able to follow it , it was enough for him.

And so the boy fought not for his life but for others. What value was his life when let others die in his place on a day that would never be forgotten. He remembered that day well. The Great Fuyuki Fire , a day where his life changed.

Whoever he used to be did not matter anymore nor anyone from his previous life. That life is gone now and so from that day onward , He was Shirou Emiya.

To achieve his dream , he started out small. He helped all those who needed it. From this effort , he gained a title known as the Fake Janitor. He did not care for it as it had no meaning to him.

In the end , the title he had gained accidentally allowed him to be greater than he was before. Another step closer towards his dream. That accident was the beginning of 5th Holy Grail War.

During the war , He had acquired the ability to copy weaponry from others. Tracing is what he calls it. With that, another title was bestowed upon him. Faker. With every blade he copied , another weapon is added into his arsenal. It was a minor achievement until he fought him.

Archer. A version of himself where he regretted following his dream that lead to an eternity of suffering. The man had a world where it contained what could possibly an infinite amount of swords. Each one he saw was copied into his arsenal.

That world Archer had , Shirou could not copy it because it was unique to him. So he had created a world almost identical to Archer which is essentially copying with a little adjustments.

In the end , everything about him was Fake. Nothing he had was truly his. It did not bother him at all. As the only thing that mattered was his dream. An impossible dream but beautiful nonetheless.

And so here he was , fighting a man that threatened him from achieving his dream. A man so arrogant that he believed that he owned the world. That the world was his toy to use. No... He wouldn't allow that. As long as he breathes , he would never give up. For that was the only path.

Sparks fly across the area as metal clash. Each one with a goal. One with the goal to save many lives while the other to win something that was never truly his.

"Trace on!" Two swords , Black and White appeared in his hands. The boy ferociously deflected the swords that rained down on him with skill . Sparks exploded as the swords deflected each blade from reaching its wielder.

"Mongrel!" The king of heroes took a pair of swords and charge down his opponent.

"BASTARD!" The boy clashed against the king with his married swords. The blade broke against the impact of the king's blades. "Kanshou!Bakuya!" The boy, Shirou Emiya traced the married swords once more and resumed combat.

The King of Heroes glared at the boy who dare defy him , the mighty Gilgamesh of Uruk. "Go die in a grave already peasant!" He swung both his swords towards him but were blocked by the dual swords Shirou wielded.

Gilgamesh stab both swords forward intending to pierce his opponents heart.

Shirou side step the attack and thrust forward his blade towards Gilgamesh. The thrust was unfortunately parried and blades once again clash each other. Shirou broke the stalemate by pushing Gilgamesh backwards.

He wasn't going to let the King win this battle. With surprising speed , he swung both swords down quick and the king blocked the blades with his sword. The colliding swords created sparks bright enough to blind others.

The king was angered , he expected for the mongrel in front of him to be dead by now. He expected to fight someone that was completely inferior than him , not someone with strength to push him back.

Gilgamesh jumped back from an overarching slash that could possibly cut his head into two. Once he was far enough , he had a cruel grin on his face.

"Come now Mongrel , can you defeat the King's treasure!" Behind him , hundreds of golden ripples appeared behind Gilgamesh. All sorts of weaponry slowly came out of the Gates of Babylon.

Shirou eyes darted from one weapon to another. The Gates of Babylon shot all of its content towards Shirou.

"Trace ON!" All the weapons that came from the Gates of Babylon were traced and used to stop the rain of swords.

As the sky filled with steel , Shirou sprinted towards the position of Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh readied both the blades in his hand to counter any attack the mongrel dared.

Shirou threw Bakuya and Kanshou away and traced Caliburn. He jumped high and slammed the blade against Gilgamesh's swords breaking his guard.

Gilgamesh surprised by the action was stunned for a few seconds then he tried to recompose himself. for the next attack He did not see the married blades coming closer.

Just as he was about to strike Shirou , Kanshou and Bakuya appeared and sliced his left arm off. He stared at the stump that used to be his arm dumbly. Gilgamesh couldn't comprehend this. 'How could the mongrel be this strong!' An old image of Enkidu appeared in his mind. He remembered how strong he was and how he became his friend.

He remembered all the times he enjoyed with his friend. His death was still a fresh wound to him all these years. The only thing left of him were stories from historians and him with all the memories. The historians couldn't tell how they act , their personalities because the only thing they knew was what they accomplished together.

But the memories he held with him were special. More special than any of his treasure held in the gate and if he died now , all the memories of Enkidu would be gone. He realized that he needed to live , to ensure that someone still remembered Enkidu the way he was and that someone was him.

The King of Heroes stared at Shirou completely frozen. Enkidu's image overlapping Shirou was the only thing he could see and because of that he couldn't see the blade from Caliburn being thrust towards him.

The sword entered his stomach and exit on the other side. Shirou could only look at Gilgamesh's frozen face with a frown. Shirou didn't understand why had the King of Heroes stopped attacking. Only when he pulled Caliburn out of the King's stomach did Gil take action.

The moment the blade left his body , he immediately jumped backwards looking at Shirou with fear. He wouldn't let himself die like this and let Enkidu's memory disappear from the world.

Shirou eyes widen before immediately chasing after him with Caliburn in his palms. He reinforced his legs trying to catch up to the Heroic Spirit.

Gilgamesh raised his only arm and a golden ripple appeared. A red cone like weapon came out of it.

'Another weapon to trace' Was Shirou's thought. He looked at the weapon and was ready for another to join his world of blades when his mind suddenly froze.

He could not understand what the weapon was. Everything from that weapon was wrong. No it was not the weapon that was wrong , It was his mind that could never comprehend it. The weapon was made out of something he did not know and built in ways that he could not comprehend.

Caliburn fell from his palm and fell onto the ground as Shirou tried to make sense of what he was seeing. He dropped to his knee's while holding his head in pain.

Gilgamesh seeing his foe in pain , smirked in satisfaction. " That's what you get for trying to copy my treasure Faker! The weapon I wield will never be understood by mortals" The King of Heroes raised the weapon high.

"Say goodbye to this world of yours Mongrel" The drill like weapon started to slowly spin "Watch as this world crumbles before Ea! ENUMA ELISH!" Ea , The Sword of Rupture spun faster and faster . A huge shock wave was the result sending hundreds of swords to be thrown back. Cracks appeared all over the reality marble known as Unlimited Blade Works.

Shirou was still in pain while repeating the steps of tracing. He knew what was going on around him but his mind was still in shock to respond. He tried resisting it and stop Gilgamesh. He needed a weapon that would be able to stop that weapon he held.

Gilgamesh frowned as he saw Shirou wasn't injured from the power of Ea. He looked at Shirou clearly and was furious at what he saw.

Avalon. Avalon was still protecting the boy even after Arturia's death. His heart broke at that moment. Arturia still chose the boy over him and he couldn't understand why.

Ea continued to disintegrate the Reality Marble. Shirou pushed the image of a sword onto the world that was Unlimited Blade Works. A sword he was familiar with "Sympathizing with the experience of its growth, Reproducing accumulated years ,Excelling every manufacturing process , Trace ON!".

In front of him lay a copy of Excalibur. Gilgamesh was truly angered now as the Gate of Babylon opened and weapons slowly drifted out of it.

Shirou shakily stood up and grabbed the hilt of Excalibur. " This is the end of the line" he shouted ,determined to end this battle now , Shirou held the hilt of the blade with a tighter grip.

Just as they were about to clash. A spread of darkness filled the sky of Unlimited Blade Works. Avalon protected him from the fallout and Shirou watched as the king was consumed by the destruction. The grail was trying to consume Gilgamesh at his weakest.

The Reality Marble disappeared as it was sucked into the darkness that sucked in the King of Heroes. Shirou breathed heavily. He was tired but he won. The King was gone and his objective completed.

He turned around for a moment letting his guard down when suddenly chains started wrap around his whole arm. Shirou saw a hole was appearing and was trying to suck him in. He stabbed Excalibur into the ground and latched onto the sword hoping his grip was strong enough that he wasn't pulled in.

Slowly coming out of the black hole was Gilgamesh in all of his glory. He growled like an animal as he kept trying to climb out "The damn grail doesn't understand that we servants can't be the core" latching tighter onto the chain , he shouted " You Mongrel! Stay right there while i pull myself back out!". Shirou glared and tried to hold on to dear life.

The arrogant bastard just wouldn't give up. "You think I'll let you!" Shirou with all his might charge towards Gilgamesh with Excalibur. The chains slacked and Gilgamesh was pulled into the hole with Shirou.

"No! Don't Move!" Gilgamesh panicked. It was too late and the King of Heroes disappeared from the world with the Shirou.

From a far , Archer looked on in shock at what Shirou did. "Idiot" he muttered. He was slowly fading due to using up most of his mana. He sighed , better make sure Rin was safe before telling her what happened to Shirou. This isn't going to end well "Rin is definitely going to kill me this time".

Inside a dark realm , Shirou and Gilgamesh floated. Gilgamesh was in denial. Enkidu's memory must live on. He knew that it was all in vain and he knew that he would disappear soon.

He looked at Shirou who was still trying to get his bearings. The Mongrel still tried to fight him even though his demise was now clearly at hand. It remind him of his friend where they would continue to fight non stop. He smiled a bit at the nostalgia.

"Where are we?!" Shirou's voice rang out. Gilgamesh turned to see Shirou glaring at him with Excalibur pointed towards his chest.

"Isn't it obvious , we are in the Grail itself" Could this boy get anymore stupider. "You Mongrel , what's your name" he asked.

Shirou was surprised at the question. "Shirou Emiya" he said it out slowly unsure of what trickery that the King was going to pull out next.

Gilgamesh repeatedly said Shirou's name to get the hang of it "Shirou Emiya huh , I will remember that name till the end of time. I will reclaim Arturia one day and kill you painfully".

Ea still in his palm slowly spun once more. "Even if my destruction is at hand , I will not give up. Are you going to?" He asked with a serious face. Shirou held Excalibur with determination. Gilgamesh smirked "You are just like her".

Excalibur slowly glowed with power. Ea spun faster.



A whole second was completely filled with silent. The calm before the storm as some would say.



Both mighty weapons shot out their power and the Grail started collapsing from within. The whole realm filled with light as it was destroyed.

On a starry night , a dark haired girl in a kimono sat inside her home looking up to stars. Her dark eyes reflecting the stars image. The moon was glowing with a white hue.

A knock was heard in the direction of the door. "You may come in" The girl spoke. The door opened to reveal a man bowing down to the girl. "Lady Shiki , your bath is ready" the girl was quiet still staring at the sky. She nodded and the man left to do his own business. Shiki Ryougi was her name and she was the heir to her family.

She looked on as she saw a shooting star flew close to the mountains. In her point of view , it looked like it was flying pass by the mountains but how wrong she was. She stood up and went off to go and bathe not knowing that her life was about to change.

On a mountain. A blonde haired woman was also currently watching the night sky with a smile. She was enjoying life as it was. When she saw a shooting star flying "OH LOOK LEN! It's a shooting star! Let's make a wish". The woman closed her eyes as she kept thinking of all sorts of wishes she wanted to be granted. A black cat beside her too closed her eyes for a wish.

When the woman open her eyes , she saw the shooting star getting brighter and brighter. "Wow that must be one bright star" the cat beside her meowed in agreement. Her instincts suddenly told her to run as she realized that it was not a shooting star. Grabbing the black cat , she jumped off the tree she was sitting and landed a few meter's away.

The tree she previously sat was completely obliterated by whatever that was that hit it. It crashed into the mountain but she saw the object still crash towards up the mountain. She ran towards where it stopped and was surprised to what she found. A boy she found.

He was covered in injuries and was bleeding profusely. She panicked and quickly tried to stop the blood flow.

Shirou slowly opening his eyes , he saw a woman tending to his wounds. Shirou glimpsed at the starry night with a smile before unconsciousness took over.

This is a One-Shot but i might continue if i find inspiration. For now i'll leave this be and concentrate on my F/SN x Dark Souls Crossover.

It's been a while since I've played Fate/Stay Night VN and so i don't remember if Gilgamesh acknowledges Shirou by name. I really liked Kara no Kyoukai . I was disappointed to see a low amount of KnK Fanfics and so i decided to add one myself.

This is also challenge for those who wish to continue from this. My only condition is that Arcuied is in the story. Hope you enjoyed this.