WARNING: this fic contains mentions of abuse, rape, self harm and gore. if you are triggered by such things the please do not read it.

Disclaimer: I don't own shit.

The sky was dark and grey outside number 4 privet drive, wind whipping at the perfectly manicured lawns and rose bushes lining the cloned street and rain pelting down on the identical roof's harshly. The house itself was empty save a few abandoned bits of furniture and the occasional broken toy.

Standing silently in the hallway, watching all of this with silent bitterness was none other than the worlds "saviour". For years the house had been his prison. He was beaten and abused, neglected and lied to for his entire young life. Finding out he had been a wizard had been the best thing to ever happen to him. But they had sullied that too.

His expression grew pained, lips thinning and eyes taking on a particularly glassy sheen from tears. He had been innocent and abused, nothing but a child. So easily he had trusted when "love" of friendship and that of a grandparent had been so freely given. The freak had been granted something he had always dreamed of! Friends, family, care and love!

Oh how wrong he had been.

Sometimes he still wished he could go back and warn his younger self. Warn him from the "friends"who's only interest in him had been the money the headmaster had lined their pockets with. Warn him from the "grandfather" like man, who's only interest in him had been one of a chess piece in his grand game.

The "greater good" indeed...

In the end he knew he wouldn't change a thing. He had done his job. Had fulfilled his prophecy, and now, he would get peace.

Glancing down at his hands, the skinny, broken, young man watched the fine tremors racing through his frame. It seemed the poison was taking affect. It wouldn't be long now.

Finally his legs gave out under him and with a faint grunt he found himself sinking to the floor, blood trickling from his lips, and the empty potion bottle falling with a clunk from his now limp hand.

Despite the pain now sluggishly crawling through his veins, the young saviour was happy. He would be free of the manipulations, free of the expectations, and best of all, free of the memories.

Slowly, numbness claimed his limbs fully and with a gargling laugh that slowly drifted into more of a drowning cough, he fell. His body twitched and jerked spasmodically in his death throes, blood foaming and slipping past his lips as green eyes dulled and finally rolled back.

Darkness settled. His chest stilled.

And magic wailed in despair.

authors notes: sooo... first fic upload. tell me what you think. this is more like a teaser chapter intro to see if anyone is interested in this story.
if you have any constructive criticism please let me know, or any suggestions again please let me know. or if you just need to talk then please don't hold back, I'm here for you.