Hello folks. AkatsukiShizu3 here with a new fanfic. My first attempt at a Loki one, always been much of a fan of the original Loki in the marvel comics. I remember reading my first Avengers comic when I was but a small child. I was fascinated by the Asgardians, I kinda liked Thor but for some odd reason I kinda connected with Loki. I can't help but sympathize for the poor guy, even in the movies. This story is based of the Marvel movies, I have to say there was a bunch of feels when Loki found out that he was a Frost Giant of all things.
I would be pissed to if my parents lied to me my whole life, if I was raised to hate the very things that I am. Like the Asgardians' hate of the Frost Giants. That is some horrible racial tension that goes on between the two of them.
Not to mention I'm a horrible romantic at heart. I couldn't help myself xD
So, I hope that for my first chapter of this story that you will enjoy it. I look forward to writing this story. It's the start of a series, now this one is set before the Avengers, After that it'll move to the Avengers timeline, then to Thor the Dark world depending on how my lovely readers wishes for this to go. After all I hold all your opinions close to my heart. As a reader as well as a writer I enjoy the opinion of my peers.
So enough of me rambling please enjoy this story. I hope you all stay long enough for the ride to enjoy the beginnings of what I would call a beautiful series.
Also I do not own any of Marvel's characters only what ever OCs I throw in here and what ever I decide to to outside of the obvious plot of the movies.
That was what he assumed his fate would be. The last thing he saw was the fear in his brother's eyes as he descended into the eternal darkness. The disappointment on his father's face still fresh in his mind, as if forever scorched in his memory, it had made his heart clench in dread. The brilliant lights of Asgard faded from his sights; he could no longer hear his brother's cries as he descended further. Perhaps it was just clearly not meant to be.
Loki. Son of Odin and Frigga. God of Mischief. Once a King. Fallen and broken; his ambitions nothing but failure, his success for nothing.
All he wanted was to be a worthy son to the All-father. But everyone who he had thought was his family: his father, his mother, and his brother they would probably accept his demise along with the destruction of the Bifrost with relative ease since he was only just simply a bastard son of a Frost Giant. Sorrow filled his being as he lazily blinked his eyes just simply falling through the abyss of space, and for how long he did not know. It felt like an eternity of darkness being sucked up into a never ending black hole until some strange sense of vertigo came over him to the point he could once see the stars surprisingly enough. Though the trickster God was perhaps more than happy to once again see those little balls of light that were miles away though coming out of whatever he was sucked into it didn't help end the sensation of falling, the stars faded from his view and clouds appeared swirling darkly with wrath promising a horrible storm to come. It looked like he would not be dying today. His brows furrowed as he gritted his teeth, gravity taking ahold of his fall all but increasing his speed to the sharp looking rocks below. The collision itself was excruciating, the air from his lungs forced out, a sickening crack of a bone or two breaking. Not that he cared a fall like that wouldn't kill a God.
Nevertheless it still hurt.
He grunted as he laid there flat on his back, his head turning slowly in each direction. Merely curious to where he landed, when he had the Bifrost pointed he would have assumed he could have possibly landed in a mostly destroyed Jotunheim but here was no snow or ice anywhere just nothing but a forest of tall trees. To his horror it seemed to be the familiar air of Midgard, with his supreme hearing he could hear the sounds of life, not as if near a city but perhaps a small community.
For all the punishments that could be granted it had to be this.
This place was already reminding him of his failure. His brother, Thor, growing empathy towards the mortals of this world it had changed him he was no longer the brother that had so readily thirsted for battle. And all because of a woman! Just thinking about that Jane Foster made his cold blood boil, moving his arms to help himself up he hissed in pain before easing himself back down gently. Apparently he was also in no condition to move. The battle with Thor had weakened him drastically and he could feel his very existence slipping through his cold fingers, he never felt so exhausted before in his life. He couldn't maintain whatever strength he had left to heal himself, his magic leaving him in his time of need. How utterly useless, the feeling of vulnerability weighing heavily on his pride, of course only the letdown son of a king would be this horribly debilitated.
Loki sneered at the thought.
Thor would never be scrutinized for weakness.
His nose scrunched up in distaste as a smell reached his sensitive nose. The rustling of the bushes near by giving away whoever or whatever was coming his way. He built up a growl in his chest, ears picking up the sounds distastefully as four sets of paws greeted his vision. Lifting his gaze up he was greeted by an overly excited young pup its tail wagging side to side its tiny tongue rolled out of the side of its mouth giving it some ludicrous expression he had ever seen on a beast. It yipped at him loudly its front legs stretching out in front of him as his hind legs remained up a playful gesture among the species. Loki growled lowly at the creature wishing nothing more than to be left alone in peace, but the young animal had other plans as it poked at him with its nose sniffing in his scent and just yipped again tossing its head back and jumping from side to side. The fallen God would have killed it by now if he wasn't in such a state.
Those in Asgard are probably laughing right now…
A low whistle called out. It was soft, but clearly heard. Loki took a deep breath and let it out through his nose, though it sounded like a snort as his chest heaved painfully. But the attention of the young animal moved to the source as it picked up its head, its ears perked up, its gaze moving from him to the sound of the noise until the bushes that the creature appeared out of began to shake. A sound of footsteps, clearly now a mortal, was present. Loki had to put effort to tilt his head back to see who was unfortunate enough to stumble upon him. His green eyes locked with light russet eyes that twinkled in surprise and uncertainty.
Exquisite eye color for a mortal sadly.
Loki broke out of his sudden muse to take in the small details of the Midgardian. A female, how tedious…she was a small thing, her tiny hands clasped in front of her and her equally small looking feet shifted nervously. She lacked a fully developed bosom, or perhaps they were naturally that small, but she made up for slight curves. She seemed average height for a Midgardian with long thin arms and legs but it had flattered her body, she also had what appeared to be open and narrowed hips. Her clothing on the other hand had nothing on the glamorous gowns of Asgardian women, even peasants had better clothing. But this mortal adorned herself in a simple light yellow dress that came down to her mid-calf, small black flats on her feet she wore a white apron around her waist as well. She fidgeted with the edge of the white fabric as she cautiously came forward, the hesitation in her eyes faded away as she took in his state melted into concern and worry. She was perhaps a step away before the god decided to stop her.
"Do not come any closer…" He sneered.
Effectively she stopped her approach, she didn't say a word. Loki rested his head back comfortably and settled with glaring, looking positively vicious. Yet she didn't go away, nor did she step forward. Merely observing him as he did to her, her eyes reminded him of a Doe. Large and relatively innocent, her lashes were long and dark and fluttered every time she blinked her nose was also straight and small. But a closer look at her face told him that she was a young mortal and surprisingly very frail looking her ashen skin that put his own pale complexion to shame. Her lips were a soft rose petal pink that matched her heart-shaped face well, which was framed by a wild wavy mass of chestnut hair that reached a little under her shoulders.
But after a few moments of studying each other she leaned over him, her hand timidly reaching out becoming to uncomfortably close.
"Did you not heed me? Must I remind you not to come closer? Once more…" Loki spat hotly "Do. Not. Touch. Me." He emphasized.
Her wonderfully arched brows furrowed as her lips tugged down into a frown. Her silence only irritating the god further as he turned his gaze from her, his desire to be left alone standing out clearly. He rather rot to death in his self-made crater than be touched or helped by a lesser being. And much to his joy and surprise she snatched up her pet and sent him one last look before leaving back into the forest. Her gaze going up from the sky and down to him before she disappeared behind the tree line, perhaps she had witness his fall and came to investigate?
But shortly after her departure the skies gave a mournful rumble, drops of rain descending down from the clouds above. He was soaked to the bone as he stared up dryly at the heavens; the cool temperatures seemed comforting in some odd way. Though the thought turned his stomach, his damned heritage basked in the cold. The icy winds of Jotunheim had not bothered him when he left with Thor and the warriors three and the lady Sif. His true self was displayed that day; he was nothing but a repulsive monster that haunted the dreams of young Asgardian children.
Loki did not know how long he lay there, until the familiar sound of hooves echoed in his clearing. Turning his head to the sound he watched as that girl from before appear again, he bared his teeth at this. His hands clenching into tight fists as anger bubbled up in his chest. He wanted to yell, scream at her for being daringly foolish to come across him again when he made it pointedly clear that her presence was not welcomed. But this time instead of having her young pup along she had a young Thoroughbred, its head was held high as it followed its mistress. It snorted as she pulled it along its eyes peering at the god owlishly.
It was a fine looking steed with matching chestnut hair as his owner with four endearing white socks and a complimenting star on its forehead. It was a beautiful Thoroughbred, Loki could only assume that it was about 16 hands, but was impressed with the animal's athletic frame, deep sloping shoulders, the powerful muscling over the hips and thighs rippling with its graceful movements and its long legs clean with pronounced tendons.
It had made the lost Asgardian Prince long for his trusty steed back in Asgard.
The young girl stopped her horse, lovingly running her hand along its jaw as the animal nickered softly and prodded the girl with his muzzle. The god watched her reward her friend with a smile before returning her attention to him. He narrowed his eyes in abhorrence "I thought I made it clear that I wished to be left alone mortal"
She shot him a confused glance before gesturing to the cart that was behind her steed. Loki followed her gaze, settling them on the cart before scowling. Were all humans this utterly stupid?
He was about to say something else until two tiny hands tucked underneath his arms, his eyes widened and his brows shot up when the girl struggled pitifully to move him. She was dragging him inch by inch, her fingers grasping onto his Asgardian armor, her short panting breaths fanning his neck made him shiver in horror. Her face was close to his as she jerked him here and there aggravating the broken bones in his body making him groan out in pain while he cursed her. His silver tongue weaving its magic "If I wasn't in such a condition I would snap your tiny neck you pathetic, vulgar, harlot!" he snapped. Though the girl ignored his harsh words and dropped him, almost carelessly, onto the cart making the god hiss in pain. Loki saw just how winded the girl was before she grasped the rope that was attached to her steed and started to lead.
Moving was useless, and he was in the hands and mercy of a mortal.
Oh if Thor and Odin saw him now. They would have laughed and mocked him, Thor's friends joining their banter.
That pig of a man, Volstagg.
The silent fool, Hogun.
And the annoying, consummate ladies' man (though he was just nothing but an oaf when it came to handling the ladies) Fandral.
But no matter how much he protested, the girl simply did not listen to him. So for now he silenced himself finding out the hard way that she had immunity to that lashing silver tongue of his. Which was oddly unexpected because with half the things he had just said would have gotten any woman in tears by now, but having to stare at a horse's ass was the last place he'd consider himself ever being at.
That damn woman, he was a Prince!
The cart shook as it went along a dusty road. The rain pattering lightly around them, the traveling party all soaked. Wherever this mortal was taking him, Loki had somewhat hoped she would get sick of him and leave him alone while he tried to devise a plan to get back to the Eternal Realm. The cart hit a small bump, Loki nearly yelping when his rips gave a surprising jolt of protests. His green eyes flashed to the mysterious and infuriating girl before him. She was peering over her shoulder, staring, as to why she had yet to say a word was beyond him but when her eyes met his briefly her lips pulled back into a happy ignorant smile, her pale cheeks turning a little pink with color. She rendered him speechless; his body tensed under her overly to kind stares. It made him want to heave up whatever he ate last and run.
If only I had my magic…
Breaking through into a clearing Loki's view settled on a rather impressive Midgardian home, perhaps one of the fewest he's seen that has been larger than the ones he had seen when he went to go see Thor when he was still serving his banishment. And it was rather luxurious, with a place to keep the horse with its own area and shelter to occupy. With the cart coming to the stop the girl rushed to get her horse free of its confines and lead it back to its pen hurriedly. Then came the moment he dreaded when she walked back to retrieve him. She stopped before him, raising her hands and turning them palm-side up and stared at him with a meaningful look. It was a submissive gesture, promising no harm would come to his person and that she was promising assurance. The god of mischief rewarded her with open hostility, his teeth bared. Struggling to sit up the girl moved forward to help him as he started to prop himself on his elbows.
"I can move on my own!" he snapped.
She backed off with her hands up in defeat and waited for him patiently.
Glowering he started to slide himself to the edge of the cart, moving was indeed easier said than done. His teeth clenched as he kept the noises of pain at bay, though his pretense of feigning strength didn't seem to escape those damned observing brown eyes. He hated that look of sympathy that flashed on her face. Even when he did object she still wrapped one of her arms around his waist, her side pressing uncomfortably closer to his as she wrapped his arm around her shoulders and nodded before lifting him with effort on her part. Now standing (more like leaning on the smaller insignificant creature) he got to estimate how tall she was. Though average for a Midgardian she only reached his collarbone, thanks to his Jotun blood he was rather tall, unlike Thor or the rest of the Asgardians who would just dwarf her by sheer muscle mass alone.
Loki stared her down when she gave him another one of her smiles, her knees noticeably buckling by trying to support his weight.
"If it's too much trouble then it would be wise to just leave me Mortal, just watching you trying to move something twice your weight is rather pathetic."
She huffed, no sound escaping her lips as she glared at him. Her plump lips pouting as her brows knitted together, a blush spreading across her face from embarrassment as she just nudged his side lightly causing the god to grunt. Pulling him along, Loki had no choice but to follow the girl's movements as she led him into her home. Watching her struggle with things like the door was rather amusing to watch; enjoying the small sufferings when she finally got the thing open and stepped inside. The door closed with a soft click behind them, raising his head Loki took in his new surroundings. They arrived in what looked like a Migardian version of a kitchen, though some of the appliances he saw confused him to no end.
Loki didn't have much time to examine other rooms as she led him to a strange set of doors that automatically opened at their approach. Raising his brows somewhat impressed by this they entered the tiny little empty box room "What is this?" he murmured. The silent girl beside him was reaching her hand out to poke one of the mysterious buttons that had an arrowhead-shaped symbol that pointed upward. At the command the doors closed slowly, the God grunted in surprise when the room jolted and seem to move on its own making his stomach feel a little queasy.
What in Valhalla….?
For a moment longer the moving settled to a stop and the doors opened once more. He was pulled along into a grand hallway. Adorning valuable things from armor to paintings, this girl, must hold a high position in her society. Wincing when his side brushed alongside hers, he sent a nasty glare her way but she only looked at him apologetically under his stern gaze. Though his eyes watched how the water dripped from her hair and down her face, its movements nothing more than a seductive caress. But she seemed not to notice when she heaved him into a room, both double doors open for him to take the sight of a furnished bed chambers, at the farthest side of the room stood a bed of a glorious size, the mixtures of dark and bright colors clashing beautifully. The headboard glinted admirably in the flickering light of a stoned fireplace just left of it in the wall, the flames crackling silently as the wood burned. And beside the massive bed on each side, were drawers made with what he recognized as rosewood and tulipwood mounted with brass. The carvings in the wood itself were done by a true craftsman.
And…the girl seemed to have a liking for blue.
It colored her walls, royal and rich in color. She had it for curtains trimmed with gold. Rugs that were put together so carefully not one string was out of place, the lounging, the seating, pillows as well even.
Being led to one of the chaise lounges, one closest to the fireplace, with great care she set him down. Leaning his back against the back cushions he relaxed before watching her rush away, Loki raised a brow at this. She was just going to leave him there? Sighing irritably he shifted to the side looking at the window for a hopeful escape opportunity but his chance had slipped when his undesirable hostess returned, white fluffy fabrics in her arms as she crossed the room with swift calculated strides. Resting the bundles next to him she grasped the one on top and unfolded it swiftly. Narrowing his green eyes at her he watched her turn to him her hands rose as she waved the fabric a little.
"What?" he snapped irritably.
Her shoulders slumped as she leaned over towards him; he had flinched in surprise as she placed the rather soft fabric on his head and started to rub it against his hair. He almost sputtered out loud, his eyes widened at her gentle ministrations and scowled as soon as his disbelief disappeared into resentment. Mustering what little strength he had he grasped her wrist, so small in his large hand, and held it tightly. His lips pressed into a firm line when she stopped and silently yelped no noise escaping her throat. He had to grudgingly think that she was indeed a daring soul to even ignore a command from a God.
"I do not need your service Mortal you should have left me to perish in that forsaken forest." Loki tilted his head, jutting out his sharp angled chin towards the window where the view of the trees were "If you were wise (which I doubt you are) you'd just put me where you found me and leave, never saying a word of what you saw, and what has happened." Abruptly he flung her hand away from him and leaned back down again, his body sagging suddenly more drained than before and sighed quietly through his nose.
The Mortal rubbed her now bruising skin tenderly, her brows up in astonishment before a frown formed on her face. With her hands she started to gesture wildly, her movements reflected her slight anger and Loki watched. A 'what in Valhalla' look on his face took form when she paused momentarily and moved her hands slowly this time, parting her lips in a silent 'o' the God watched her scramble away from him and went over to the fine looking desk and grasped some parchment and what looked like a writing utensil. Scribbling down on it she held it out in front of him.
Loki's eyes wide at the sudden intrusion of paper to his face as his eyes scanned the word slowly.
Ah yes, Loki recalled the memory of his Moth- no, not mother, he remembered what Frigga had once told him about the mortals. How some could be born with disabilities one could be without sight, hearing, or without the ability to speak. What a pathetic species the Humans make. He continued to scowl as he leaned over to the side so that he may glare at her.
"I do not care if you are mute all that I care for is that I wish to be alone in peace"
She lowered the paper and set it down on the top of a nearby stand, giving him a look of displeasure her russet eye pleading as her hands lightly ghosted over the front of his plated chest armor and leather and pressed lightly on some tender flesh that even made him wince. But her silent statement was clear.
You're injured.
No matter what insult or comment he shot her way she just ignored it. He had watched when she had grabbed the fabric from before and began drying his hair for him, her administrations were gentle, her eyes focused on her task as she began to rub his cheek and then his chin and along his jaw. The fallen prince glowered but she didn't seem to mind, she was cautious with everything she did. And when she had mostly dried off his face, hair and neck she started on his armor. Working at the clasps, she fumbled with them clumsily before managing to get them unfastened. Loki's wrath never wavering, this girl glanced at him questioningly as she removed his chest plate setting it off to the side and then worked on the golden gauntlets and shoulder protectors. And soon enough he was in his dark shirt and trousers. She seemed hesitant to remove anything else from him, his green cape folded neatly in her lap.
"What? Can't resume further mortal? You have gotten this far already and I presume I've already soaked you're furniture enough." He sniffed. The girl flushed a light pink hue, her cheeks dusted with blush as she looked down at the ground. He knew that she thought he was right. So, grabbing some sort of cloth beside her she wrapped it around her eyes. The god raised a brow at her. And without further delay she placed his cloak neatly with his armor and started to yank off his shirt. The dark haired prince hissed when she accidentally brushed his sore abdomen "Watch it you insolent fool of a girl!" he spat.
She flinched at the sudden hostility but slowly pried the shirt over his head and pulled it the rest of the way off his arms. Blindly she set it on the floor, her lips pressed together in a firm line as she rested her fingers on his legs, following the length of it carefully before finding the hem of his trousers. Loki shuddered in disgust by being touched by a mortal in such a fashion though she didn't mean anything by it. But he did not aid her in any way as she pulled the clothing down passed his hips and down his legs. Her face could probably not get any redder then it was now. He couldn't resist the opportunity of mischief that presented itself.
"So, tell me mortal" he drawled "How often do you take in stray males and undress them? Does it happen often?" amusement filled him when the girl let out silent stutters her mouth opening and closing when she finally yanked the last article of clothing off of him before standing abruptly and he assumed she was glaring at him from under the cloth that covered her eyes. His lips twitched, a smirk appearing on his face as he sluggishly leaned into the soft cushions. When she provided no answer she walked over to a door and stepped inside, holding up one finger at him to silently wait for her. Rather surprising that she had managed to make it there while blindfolded.
Not that he had much of a choice at the moment.
And when she came back she had clothes, shorts and a simple white shirt. It certainly looked like it was for males as to why she had them he wouldn't know. Was she betrothed? Had a sibling? The possibilities were endless when she held out her hands searching for him. She brightened up when her fingers came into contact with his abnormally cooler skin. Taking up the shirt she had first, she put it over his head and helped him raise his heavy arms through the short sleeves and then placed the shorts on him. When he was fully dressed Loki watch her take off her blindfold and smile at him.
He just simply bared his teeth at her, not that she seemed to care. Leaning down she draped his arm around her shoulder and hoisted him up slowly. This seemed to be a lot of effort on her part as she guided him to the bed, and Gods how everything ached. It was as if Thor's mighty hammer, Mjölnir, still weighed heavily on his chest like it had during their battle on the Rainbow Bridge. Before his oaf of a brother destroyed it, destroyed his way home, destroyed his chance at ever asking Odin pardon and perhaps reclaiming the throne of Asgard. He had failed to prove himself as a worthy son.
He was relieved when she rested him on the bed after pulling back the covers and sitting him down, he complied when she took his legs and positioned him on the bed properly and covered him up. She tucked him in snugly (almost like his mother did when he was a child) and smiled down at him. Her soaked appearance catching his attention, after this whole time she had been taking care of him first before dealing with her own needs. He inwardly yelled at this young mortal, yet to understand her kindness, since when has anyone grant him any kindness?
No, Thor never did…only just cast his shadow upon him making him nothing in the eyes of others.
Loki's eyes met hers' briefly. A clash of emerald and chocolate, and with a tender hand she brushed away a stray lock of hair from his face and pressed her hand to his icy cheek before nodding her head her lips forming silent words.
Rest well.
So before he knew it the girl strode out of the room, closing the ivory doors shut behind her with a soft click. The Norse god found himself alone now just with his thoughts. Such a sad fate he had succumbed to indeed…
Weakly he moved his fingers, trying to sense his magic. His goal was simple, he wanted to try and turn the flowers in the vase from his bed into snakes. But nothing happened, he felt too drained. He huffed in frustration. The only spell that he could perhaps preform was a simple concealment spell to make sure that the all-seeing eyes of that fool Heimdall did not find him just yet. Not until he was ready, and he was useless to do anything but watch the events happening in the Nine Realms since the destruction of the Bifrost.
He would have to think of a plan to get back to Asgard. First, he must figure out where he was on Midgard exactly. Then find a reliable source that may aid him, pondering further a much hated name appeared into his mind.
Jane Foster.
Yes, that human woman that his brother fell for. She was an Astrophysicist, she could be the key of helping him find his way home but he doubted she would take kindly to him since he did send the destroyer (in which it leveled her small insignificant town and nearly killed Thor).
She would have to do until he found a better solution.
Now…I must rest and regain my strength.
Eyes fluttering shut, the fallen prince closed his eyes. Drifting into a dark abyss of dreamless sleep, the voices of the past haunting his soul as he drifted down further into darkness.
The lord of Mischief groaned when the darkness of his chambers was suddenly assaulted by light as the sound of curtains being pulled back rang in his ears. Snapping his eyes open he sat up quickly about ready to yell at the foolish servant who dared roused him but stopped abruptly when a horribly familiar face stared back at him. The sudden shift and weight of reality landed on his shoulders as the young mortal girl from the day before stared back at him, his body protesting at the sudden movements. She seemed better than the day before, her ashen skin having a bit of a pink healthy hue now as she skipped merrily to the door leaning out and pulling in a tray full of cutlery and a weird looking vase.
What caused her to be in such a cheery mood he'll never know, but pushing her strange cart she walked up to the bed and waved her hand at him.
He was at a loss for words when she placed some weird contraption wooden, flat, thing upon his lap. His back firmly pressed against the headboard as his green eyes studied it warily. But all suspicion wavered when a plate of some steaming random dish appeared before him. She had brought him food, and it looked rather delicious. Surely not a normal Asgardian morning meal, but a meal no less and not even he could deny the hunger he felt.
Though it was strange to him, he couldn't help but find it oddly appealing. The aroma it produced was simply mouth-watering, he had spotted familiar Midgardian fruits such as strawberries lavished in a rich brown drizzle. Even if he found most Midgardian things primitive this meal the mortal prepared was rather pleasing to the eye. He watched her set it down on the little flat contraption on his lap, a fork and knife being placed on either side of his plate with great care and then placed a small teacup near his hand, the strong smell of herbs assaulted his nose. He could smell the distinct scent of Cayenne, an herb Frigga had said was a natural pain reliever, and a tiny hint of mint to sooth his stomach.
Perhaps she's a healer…?
Loki lowered his gaze down at his food "What is this?" he asked, his long fingers curled around the fork and prodded his meal slowly. The mortal girl, as if she were expecting the question handed him a piece of paper.
This is a Crêpe, it has strawberries and blueberries with chocolate syrup and powdered sugar and your tea was brewed from the herbs in my garden.
The Norse God handed her the little paper back, careful to make sure not to brush his fingers against hers'. Returning to his meal Loki hesitantly cut off a little portion of this Crêpe and stabbed it before bringing it closer to his face to inspect it. His dark brows furrowing as a frown formed on his face and glared at the girl who sat there watching, her eyes lowered to the fork and back to him as if urging him to do it. And with a sigh Loki shoved the food into his mouth, chewing slowly, that first bite he took of this Midgardian dish almost made him moan.
For the love of the Nine!
His eyes widened in surprise as he continued to chew. This tasted divine! He didn't waste another minute to scoff down the whole thing, taking some gulps of his equally delicious tea while he ate. The mortal next to him looked rather pleased with herself, so when he was done she took the empty cup and plate she placed it on the cart and folded the flat contraption to place it at his bedside. Then she smiled kindheartedly at him before standing, nodding her head at him in acknowledgement before placing her hands on the cart and wheeling it out of the room leaving him once more. Loki sat there, listening. The sound of birds and rustling leaves reached his ears, then the sound of water from the floor below.
Did the mortal live alone?
He could only wonder but with the rest, the food, and the unwanted care that the foolish mortal willingly provided he could soon begin his hunt for Thor's pathetic mortal woman sooner and find his way, through her, back to Asgard. Looking up to make sure he was alone he shifted his emerald eyes to the vase next to him and twitched his fingers. His chest swelled with the familiarity of his magic that he grew to adore so much, and to his will the lovely flowers withered and died. Loki's lips pulled into a small satisfied smile.
At least his magic was returning to him.
Hearing his door being heaved open Loki met the gaze of his mortal caretaker. Her appearance looking a little more different than the day before, her hair was braided this time and delicately rested on her slender shoulder in a rather sophisticated way. And her choice of clothing was almost the same as the day before except blue with a light cream colored lace around the hem of her dress and short sleeves. She looked healthier, her skin looking like the natural shade it should be. And in her small hands were some paper and between her middle and forefinger of her right hand was some sort of black shiny stick. He raised a brow when she rushed to greet him; he grimaced by how happy she looked. No one back on Asgard would ever smile at him like that, not at a monster.
"Pray tell what has gotten you in a glorious mood mortal?"
He became a bit stunned when she crawled up next to him on the spacious bed. The Norse God leaned away from the strange creature, though it was in vain since she only moved closer every time he gained space away from her to the point he was nearly leaning off the edge but once she settled herself comfortably next to him (his arm brushing against hers' every time he moved) she started to use the black stick to form words on a blank paper's surface.
It's a lovely day; most would be in a good mood. How are you feeling? Better I hope?
She looked genuinely concerned for his wellbeing, her brows knitting together slightly as she observed him. Her stare unnerved him to no end with their ignorance, pitiful creature…she was harboring a monster under her roof. He briefly wondered if the girl would run if he showed her his true distorted form. He jolted out of his train of thought when a warm hand brushed his shoulder. Hissing in disgust he roughly brushed her away.
"I can handle myself better mortal" he spat.
And much to her credit the young Midgardian didn't react at all to his scornful words. It irked him to no end that she could just simply brush them off as if it meant nothing to her. That she was just pleasantly happy as before, nothing that he could do or say would bitter her mood even if he wished to. So she simply wrote again.
When you were resting last night I took the liberty into checking up on you. You're healing nicely enough, you are lucky your bones didn't break but you fractured some ribs. You'll be bruised for awhile so don't be trying to get up you'll only make it worse.
Loki didn't hide the look of dismay on his face. Utterly appalled that the mortal next to him dared to touch him in his sleep. What was worse was that he didn't even notice. He had once prided himself in being hard to approach without detection, that no one had never really much had any chance of sneaking around him. No one could trick the Trickster himself. Yet this willowy creature slipped pass everything just to check up on him. Why would she even come to check on him in the first place? Why would any mortal bring a stranger into their home? Put a stranger's needs before their own? She had proved that she didn't mind when she fed him or clothed him, she seemed happy that he was there...why? It infuriated him as well as made him curious. This giant house was eerily silent. It was if only she alone occupied this large manor, there were no other voices. No laughter of children and no signs of the nearby community he had heard when he first landed in Midgard.
"Why?" he blurted, he hadn't meant to ask that aloud.
Once again he felt himself becoming subjugated by her gaze. Brown eyes staring into his own, the intensity of her eyes could be described as: scorching. Never had he encountered a Midgardian with eyes like hers'. But there was still a type of benevolence in her gaze. Frigga instantly came to mind, his mother used to look at him with such a look. His mother's kindheartedness knew no bounds, her compassion always touched the hearts of her subjects. Though this mortal's gaze was kind, it did not hold the familiarity of his mother's eyes.
A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal.
Loki nearly reeled back as if he had been struck. The words may not have left her lips but the look of such sincerity made him feel horribly ill. He didn't believe her, he did not WANT to believe her. Why should he trust the words of a mortal? The words of anyone? He had been lied too and humiliated he would be damned if he ever believed a damn word from anyone.
"Compassion!" He mocked scathingly, his fingers gripping the covers of the bed viciously. "Do you honestly expect me that a stranger is simply willing to do a simple random act of kindness and not expect something in return? A debt perhaps? A boon of some sort? Do not lie to me mortal!" He accused, his eyes narrowing at his distrustfully. "YOUR kind is greedy and primitive!"
The young woman's brows went up so high they nearly disappeared behind her bangs.
She didn't seem angered by his verbal onslaught. Her lips pursed together, as if she was considering his words carefully in her mind.
Finally her shoulders slumped in one would think would be defeat. A silent sigh passed her lips as she peeked up at him once more. Loki's chest still barely heaved from his rage. Now he was certain that this foolish girl in front of him was regretting letting him into her home. He would be back in that forest in no time.
But then she did something opposite and unexpected.
She grinned.
That happy blush that had momentarily disappeared before was now back. Her writing utensil scribbled along the paper.
All I'm saying is, kindness doesn't have any boundaries.
Before the God could even reply the girl was up and out of the bed, rushing to the door. Waving at him over his shoulder, giving him a look that told him to rest. As soon as she made her exit Loki found his anger slowly simmering down.
It must have been quite the sight the expression on his face. True confusion on his features.
Any woman would have cried and thrown him out by now...so why didn't she?
Wow! That was a lot to type! I'm impressed with myself. I'm patting myself on the back now, you just can't all see it. But I feel very proud of this chapter. Maybe I caught a bit of Loki's angst in this? I hope so if not then I really need to do some character studying! But he seems to not really like his new mortal caretaker. In fact he seems to be going through his own little version of Hel.
So, what do you think of the girl that just happen to stumble upon the God of Mischief?
A girl who lacks the ability to use her voice. Surely that will cause some problems for the dear God. Such a poor innocent soul she is, so kind and giving even when Loki is a total ass to her.
Though he won't really warm up to her that quickly.
Mortals in his opinion are still beneath him lol. Not to mention with his ego freshly bruised it would take him a long while to even show perhaps just a tad bit of appreciation to the young girl who's name is still unknown!
I hope Loki isn't so OCC but right now he's just a bit sad that he failed to be a worthy son, bitter about everything, and if not a bit pissed. Though I always liked to think that even after that hardship Loki in the end could still hold a shred of his previous kindness sometime between the evens of Thor and the Avengers. Since this a fanfic I'll just...appeal to Loki's softer nature like he had once in Asgard. He may have been adopted but he had truly loved Frigga and even Thor. But no worries folks! Once he's back up on his feet he'll start sliding back into his mischievous ways.
So follow and review if you must, it is always nice to hear what you folks have to say about my writing.
Until next time,