How long has it been since Seijuro visited his parent's grave? Perhaps it was during the funerals. After his mother and father's death, he only pay respects on the household altars at least once a year. And to think his first grave visit would be be marking his own. He'd be dead soon if the man with dead opaque eyes staring at him by the mirror side. It was blank but Seijuro knew better. Years with Tetsuya and he could tell what those expressions mean.
For Kazehaya, he was observing him like those mismatched eyes were mirror to his soul and he felt sort of, well violated.

Seji could be be having a good time but then again no. Two alaskan malmalutes were rousing the back seat and the fur kept getting into his pants and nose. With his short fuse of a temper, he could've easily yelled at them and make them submit. But of course not. That's outrageous as he would never hurt Tsukiya in any manner.
'Save for what you did that mind night.' Was what his mind retorted. 'And what your doing today.' That dog Sahn probably read his mind and mischievously wagged his tail, as if dusting it at the redhead's nose. "Ahh..." he tried to covered it with a yawn. "Ah-choo!"

Shit. He did not just do that. He DID NOT just display an act of disgrace of body reflex! Seijuro could already sense his discomfort and sadistically took pleasure. He was his son after all and they both shared annoyance of having no control on their bodies unwanted reflexes. Seiji was sniffling and this caught the older teal head's attention. With a swift movement, his pale arms were around Seiji's waist and lifted him to sit on his lap. "That's no good, Tsukiya-kun." He lightly scolded his son's neglect of his company. Tsukiya muffled an apology before exploding in fits of laughter when the dogs continues to lick him.

Tetsuya sighed before taking out a handkerchief and wipping the red head's nose in a gentle manner. Seiji was frozen when he felt warmth from the teal head but nodded when his Tetsuya-sensei apologized. Such act did not go unnoticed by the two fathers of their household. For Seijuro who scootched in a bit bravely placed an arm on top of Tetsuya's shoulder. On the mirror spotted an image of what he had always wanted and dreamt of; a wholesome family with a certain phantom/s. This was the hidden perfection he strive for. Coincidentally Seiji had shades of blue that can easily mistake him as Tetsuya's own and that's a bonus.

"Otou-sama's smiling creepily." Says Seiji bluntly and Seijuro felt a vein popped at his forehead. This isn't the place to stretch the brat's cheek that' sure. "I'm sure you're father's just happy, Seiji-kun." Says Tetsuya as his palms traveled to meet with the red head's and in no time, he interlaced their fingers together in a securing grip. 'So he noticed.' Seijuro thought. Well, his lover had always been very observational when it came to others and must've sense his discomfort beforehand. Just an assuring glance from those aquamarine eyes was crystal clear for the red head. 'We'll get through this.'

The sound of crisp leaves cracking was enough to break the trance of the Akashi's as they have reached their destinations. Sure enough they were out of town and into a forest of oak trees and withering sakuras as their withering leaves flew messily with the wind. Heterochromatic eyes widened and extended his palms to catch the fallen autumn leaf. The color had brightly resembled his family, save for that wretched mother of his. His father looked equally amazed as it looks more like a park with the benches but the fartjer they walk, sights of tall gravestones with Kanji letters engraved into it. The older Akashi could already tell that the place has been daily cared for. As each grave they passed by, fresh incense were strong lit and the frames of stoic looking people polished nicely.

"Black hands?" Seiji questioned./p
Tetsuya shook his head, guiding the young Akashi to walk with him. "Kuroko."

After a long walk to a small hill top, they found Tetsuya's late grandmother. Seijuro had recognized the similar opaque eyes and withering lavender hair styled with beads of pearls and red chrystanumm. Unlike the other frames, she had a similar warm smile that Tetsuya makes when he unconciously become a mother hen. Sadly the red head met her at least of them GoM during Teiko whenever Atushi, Ryota and Daiki would demand snacks from the old lady or share recipes with Shintarou. The most times he was forced to come was to keep an eye out for Satsuki's cooking lessons. Though the pinkette still kept a bitter taste in his mouth, he gives her credit for learning to cook for her son.

"It's been a while, Obaa-sama." The said child says, gingerly touching the base edges of the grave stone. All together they bowed and prayed. Some time ruby eyes would catch small glimpses of his lover who kept a solem face. If he recalls properly, the old lady died around their summer vacation after their graduation and due to their severed ties during Teiko, none were really informed of her passing though Atasuhi paid respects by sending flowers.
"What was she like?" Asked Seiji after their prayers while Tetsuya lays the picnic blanket on a vast space near the grave and Tsukiya, well still has his undivided attention on his dogs. "Well, I wonder." Says Mizune fondly before replacing the stale flowers with Seijuro's boquet.

"Okaa-sama was like me, like Tetsuya and Tsukiya. Though she was a the only lady of the Kuroko clan that time, she was a bit…"


"Yes." The older woman chuckled. "As they say, children tend to look for people who have similarities with their parents as their soul mates. Kazehaya still denies it though. He says Okaa-sama is terrifying when she gets angry but later learned not to do the same to me."

Seiji was quiet for a while, letting the information sink. Aside from Tsukiya and what he would look like when he ever gets angry, he thought 'people do that?' For him he definitely did not want another of his father's attitude (someone who considers absolute more than him) or his mother who lost her mind in the midst of perfection. He shuddered. He did not want that at all. Mizune who had sensed his discomfort immediately lightened up. "My, my how rude of me. You shouldn't think of these things yet, Seiji-kun." She says and the boy just nodded before adjusting his eyes at the younger boy throwing a twig at his dogs. "Catch Nigou! Catch!"

Heterchromatic eyes narrowed at the twig before jolting from his position. "Tsukiya no!" he ran after the twig. "That's poison oak!"

Seijuro dreaded the day that he will want to have his emperor eye back; to foresee whatever threat is on his way. But this, as much as he knew it will come to this, he was mentally unprepared. Though he offered to help his Tetsuya set the picnic, the teal head refused him and the older Kuroko took this chance to have the talk with him. They weren't far from the hill top, just a walk down and into a moist bench. The silence suffocated him as much as the older man huffed a vintage brand of cigarette and offered the red head some. Though Seijuro doesn't particularly smoke unless it was business occasion but he went along with it. Besides, the stick didn't taste as bad as the ones he tried with those grubby clients or company partners. At least it helped him relaxed a bit and prepped him for what he has to say about his relationship with his lover and the want to start a new relationship.

"I'm not bias against those kinds of relationships if that's what you're thinking." Kazehaya blurted out. "Seriously Seijuro? Do you have any idea how many times Mizune or my own mother would talk about your stares at my son whenever he would bring you home? We at least suspected you already had a relationship that time."

Seijuro made an undignified sound of chocking and almost dropping the cigar. "W-what?"

"Tetsuya is his mother's child. He is, as you modern kids put it, asexual." More chocking. "Which the irony is, he is very presencless person. Did you know? People like them feels extremely happy when someone notices them for the first time?"

"Too bad I wasn't the first."

"But you mattered to him."

A chuckle. "Does this mean you approve of us?"

"In a way, yes. Why else would I bring you to this place? It's very special to him which is something you should deeply take in. People like him, like his mother and grandmother should be greatly taken care of, to notice because trust me, they are very good at hiding things that greatly bother them."

"I assure you, Kazehaya-san that I had already waited so long for this and wasted what could've been. I love Tetsuya and I promise with the reminder of my life to give him the same sense of love and protection he deserves."

"I know you will because I sleep with a gun." Seijuro didn't know if it was humor or a threat.

"Of course. So do I have your blessings to pursue Tetsuya?"

"He is an adult, everything beyond his comfort zone is his decision however who I worry most is my grandson, Tsukiya. Satsuki was a fine wife I admit, and my son was partly to blame for her estranged attitude," the red head wanted to protest in Tetsuya's defense but held back, eyes looking down the ground. "But no excuse can make up for what my grandson has to go through. He is but 6, Seijuro. For him to know of what the adult world does is... discomforting. How will you answer to him? He witnessed his mother cheating countless times and unable to tell his father and then all of the sudden he's getting another father and brother. Not that there's anything wrong with you two."

"... I do agree indulging him in a community of same sex marriage will lead quite a number of issues and scandal on their behalf but I can assure you I will not let them be harmed. That's why I wanted to court Tetsuya slowly until the kids are at the right age to learn of such things."

"Your son seems to be more aware of it."

"Seiji I admit is mature for his age but I make sure that he still gets a proper childhood one should have." So give me a chance to give it to Tsukiya too.

Truly Tetsuya's father, he read Seijuro completely. "... Just keep your promises and be loyal to them. That's all we ask."

The red head then felt contentment and all the heavy burden of their relationship came clean. "Though Mizune would still like to speak with you."

Well shit. He spoke too soon.

The skin of his hands felt like it was burning though he had greatly resist the urge to rub his palms against any rough surface he can find. But that would be unbecoming of an Akashi and Seiji is not one to disappoint. Not to a silly poison oak reaction that is.

After Tetsuya had lightly scolded his son, the younger Kuroko was already on his feet looking for soft, mush ground despite Seiji's protest. "No, it's my fault Akashi-senpai is hurt saving Sahn." He persisted and the older boy sighed. "Then lets look for one together. Was the agreement. Like hell was he going to let Tsukiya wonder off the the cemetery by himself.

At least 10 meters away from Tetsuya and Mizune, the two found themselves in awkward silence while poking parts of the ground save for Sahn and Nigou running all over. Seiji rolled his eyes at those pesky dogs. He hated the disobedient ones most.

"I'm sorry." Says Tsukiya all of the sudden, though cherry red eyes were facing the ground. "I should've been careful."

"Raise your head. This is nothing." Seiji tried to smile. "Rather… I should apologize for being estranged with you."

"I don't need your apology." And those cold words shocked the red head. "I just want to know why you suddenly avoided me. Could it be Akashi-senpai suddenly changed his mind of wanting to be a family with me?"

The use of his words was blank toned but venom was laced. Was this the effect of his parent's divorce? Short fused temper in terms of abandonment issues. "You're wrong. I just," might as well come out with the truth. "Blame myself when you almost suffocated that night. I'm not fit to be your brother, Tsukiya. You should be aware of that."

The phantom child slipped between their gap and held Seiji's hands with muddied ones, easing the poison oak spots. "How stupid of Sei-nii-sama to think of such little things." Tsukiya says with a smiling face, sending a chill down Seiji's spine. "But now we're even."

The parents traded with their talking partners as soon as the food was set. The mixed aroma of freshly baked cherry pie, jasmine tea, breaded chicken and peas could've calm Seijuro but the knife dangerously positioned by Mizune's nimble fingers. Though the woman was obviously not against him or their relationship; it felt like she her thoughts suddenly became dark at a certain topic.

Making sure her yukata was not dirtied; she sat properly and chopped the sweet leaves off before pouring them both some tea. "It's not every day I find people who still keep traditions." Mizune started, mentioning their yukatas and grave visits in autumn. "I'm sure Okaa-sam would've wanted to meet you in this time."

"Mizune-san?" He looks at her intently and the teal head smiled. "You know too well my son is still recovering after what happened between them and Satsuki." The name was laced with venom. "To see you helping them build their family back is everything I could thank you for however, are you sure you're not taking advantage of anyone's feelings right now?"


"As I've known your divorced and currently is Tetsuya, leaving him in a vulnerable state and bit desperate to do whatever it takes to assure Tsukiya that he'll have a whole family again. Your status can benefit them both since my son gives off, well motherly affections to children." She says it all with a gentle face and the red head knew she was much more dangerous than Kazehaya. Well, at least he knew where his lover got his dangerous traits from.

"Indeed it seems that my motives are suspicious but I have no such ideals for Tetsuya. As you've already known, I always had feeligns for him and I wasted years on it. During our marriage lives I had never intervened with him and Satsuki." He sighed, feeling the need to admit more than he should. "But selfishly when I heard their divorce, I bought it upon myself to get him back. We do not see each other as compromising to the incomplete family we have but because we want to give ourselves more chances in terms of love. How silly for adults don't you think?"

"Indeed silly." The atmosphere brightened. "But there's no excuse for love, not even for Satsuki. Well, your reason seems valid enough and as long as you take good care of them then you have our approval."

Seijuro constricted himself to grin but hugged the woman nerveless. He was incredibly happy and Tetsuya who had been watching them is too since his lover won over his parents. Also took him resistance not to kiss Seijuro in front of his parents.

"Oh, but Nigou and Sahn might need to move in with you guys. Wouldn't want Tsukiya lonely right?"

The Akashis learned a lot about the phantoms today; of their scary, threatening and sadistic demeanor behind false façade and the gentle family that will join with them soon. They'd be damn not to endure the many disobedient dogs coming into their household to win the Kuroko's favor. Disobedient ones no less.



The silver head typing at his laptop groaned in annoyance. How the hell did he get into the company again? The lively screaming continued Chihiro ducked under his desk when the flash orange passed through.

It irked Chihiro that his co-workers that they greeted Hayama Kotarou casually since the boy won everyone's favor with cheerful attitude. With his presenceless ability and misdirection; he managed to sneak into the toilets.

He damned Tetsuya for the month leave and Seijuro for the threat of not being able to oppose. He already had part of his revenge towards them but karma bit him back in the ass. HARD. The orange haired devil had already terrorized him in high school and college enough and had parted ways in terms of work. HOWEVER, Kotarou just managed to land himself a job in the Akashi Co. as a spokesperson, and Seijuro with Tetsuya means him dealing with the ex uncrowned general.

God what a headache. All Chihiro wanted was to take advantage of his writer's leave and spend a month with his light novels and chocolate lattes. How did Kotarou find out in the first place? A ring from his phone was enough to call his attention.



RE: I know what you did

How's vacation Chihiro?

Kotarou had asked of your schedule and since he was desperate for company, I also gave him a month leave.

Enjoy your time together.

Speak of the devil and he shall appear. Worst was the fact the red head found out that it HE who told of Tetsuya's parents of their newfound relationship and the surprise picnic had obviously caught Seijuro off guard. Well crap, now he wished to be totally invisible.

"Ah that sound!" He felt the cubicle door rattle and silver eyes widened in shock. "FOUND YOU MAYU-SEMPAI~!"