1. 2000 Miles - The Pretenders.

From: IMCullen
To: EACullen
Date: Tuesday Dec 02, 2014
Time: 6:48 pm

Good morning, Sgt!

I have some exciting news to share with you - IT'S OFFICIALLY DECEMBER! That's another month crossed off our list, baby - 6 down, 3 to go. I wish you could have seen the kids' faces when they saw their advent calendars yesterday, Sky told me she's not going to eat her chocolate and instead will leave it in a tub for when you come home - let's see how long that lasts for, shall we? Of course Caleb is a different matter. Told you he took after me *wink*.

So how are you darling? I was talking to Alice earlier and she was telling me a number of troops were heading home. I hope everything is okay? Don't bother telling me not to worry, 'cause I'll never listen. She and Baby are doing very well; she went for her scan today and Baby is perfectly healthy. They are still estimating a birth date of mid-February - please give Jasper a pat on the back from me, 'cause they planned that perfectly.

We're going to search for Christmas trees tomorrow - Sky's request. I have been warned that if we don't pick a tree that looks like the ones you choose then she will tell Santa not to bring me any presents. You have corrupted our 5 year old, Edward! We're meant to be a team. But she may as well go and tell Santa now, 'cause I'll never beat you at perfecting the tree... I don't know how I'm going to do this without you. I haven't even thought about presents for anybody, because even though the date is telling me time is running out, my body isn't. I can't imagine the holidays without you. You're meant to be here. Unfortunately that is something we need to deal with.

Oh, Caleb wanted me to tell you that he's drawn you a picture. His exact words were "p'ture for Daddy. P'ture of meeee!" I'll make sure to put it in your next care package. We have Sky's school performance next week, remind me to record the whole thing for your return.

God, I can't wait for that day, baby. It seems so far away. Stay safe, okay? For me, for the kids, for everybody.

I love you so much. Forever. Call me when you can, yeah?

'Til later,

Bella .X.

And Edward? 70 days.


These will be short chapters - containing mostly correspondence through emails, phone calls, etc. posted between now and Christmas Eve. Next update on Thursday. Thoughts? Let me know if you'd like to read more.