reddawnfox: Next chapter is up!

itsmorefuninthePhilippine: Hmm, interesting idea. I'm not going to do it as I have so many other stories I want to do.

ziabee: How do you know about Sigrid and Leif? No their house isn't haunted (unlike mine lol true story). Yeah, we're done with everything. I'm not going to show Elsa pregnant as I feel like the story is finished. Oh science exam! Wait until you get older then you're going to be doing Bio, Physics and Chemistry exams. I wish we could swap exams. You do my ones and I'll do yours. I wonder how I'll do. All kinds of people need to know about atoms such as Chemists, anyone continuing with science.. You don't know what carbon dioxide is? Or Nitrogen? They're both very important gases. (Carbon dioxide is the gas that you exhale when you breathe and its also the gas that cars expel, Nitrogen is in the atmosphere and in other things like nitric acid and ammonia). Fun fact (well maybe not fun): the body processes Nitrogen the same way as Oxygen so if you're inhaling just Nitrogen, you're body won't realise your suffocating until its too late. No I haven't read Noughts and Crosses. I actually haven't had a lot of time to read as I've been so busy. However I am being forced to read From Tongan Villages to American Suburbs by Cathy Small for my essay that's worth 40%.

ElsaTheSnowQueen2: You need to see that movie. It's amazing.

Me ofrezco Tributo: Actually no. Based on that and the history of the characters, Elsa would have never met Jack as he would be in Burgess and she would never have left Arendelle. So therefore Elsa wouldn't have abdicated the throne but even if she knew Jack and they were together, they would live in Arendelle not Burgess regardless.

Guest (Banana): Yep, as you can see by this chapter.

OoPoPcAnDy: I do too! I now want a Baymax.

Guest Reviews: Screaming bloody murder is an expression, I would have thought that was obvious. It means you are screaming your head off. Josef isn't screaming the actual words. Favourite Big Hero 6 Character: hmm, probably the brother Tadashi or maybe Honey. Well I don't feel like that is a good way to finding good fanfics. What if a really good fanfic has just been posted and hasn't got many reviews? Or that its a story that people just haven't reviewed on? I like a Tale of Two High Schools too but I feel like the editing is lacking. I think I know what stories just not sure. Profile pic? Well I just found one of my favourite Jelsa pics and used that. I feel like I need to change it to something that matches my penname. I don't think I've had a lollipop in years lol.

1BookWorm: I love Baymax too. I came out of that movie wanting one myself. There was no fake ones at the cinema I was at so I couldn't do that. Favourite character? Maybe the brother Tadashi or Honey, maybe.

keegabmegson: Sorry, I've run out of ideas. This is the final chapter.

TPATFan16: Ah yes moving day. I agree. You haven't reviewed in a while, kind of missed that.

Chapter 40: Epilogue

Fifteen Years Later

"Hurry up," Elsa called up the stairs. "You're going to be late for school."

Two pairs of feet could be heard coming down the stairs. A boy about the age of ten appeared. He had hair as golden as the sun and eyes the colour of the sea on a gorgeous day. He had a backpack slung over one shoulder and he was dressed simply in a blue hoodie overtop a white t-shirt with black shorts and jandals (1) that matched. A girl dressed in a short green dress, white sip on shoes and clutching her backpack with both hands while it rested on her back. She had long blonde hair tied in a braid with a blue ribbon. Her eyes matched her brother's.

"Mum," the girl said. "I'm scared."

Elsa crouched down in front of her. She placed her hands on her daughter's shoulders and her blue eyes.

"It's just the first day of school Sigrid," Elsa said with a smile. "Think about all the fun you will have. You will get to meet new friends and remember you will be with Natalie and Nathan. So you will have a buddy or two."

Natalie was born just a few months after Sigrid. She was Tooth and Bunnymund only child. Tooth and Bunnymund got married a few years after Leif was born and Natalie came not long after. It hadn't taken Natalie and Sigrid long to become fast friends. Nathan was the eldest son of Jamie and Emma Bennett. He had a younger sister Charlotte who was three years old and was at kindergarten. Nathan and Sigrid were so good together that there were already jokes about a marriage between them amongst their parents.

"That's true," Sigrid said looking brightened.

Sigrid had been worried about starting school. She had been quite comfortable in kindergarten but school seemed like a brand new universe for her. She along with her brother, Leif, were going to the old school that Elsa used to go to, Burgess College For Boys and Girls. It accepted anyone from Year 1 to 13 who could front up the expensive school fees of course.

"So you got everything?" Elsa asked them both. "Your books? Pencil case with everything in it? Lunchbox? Drink bottle?"

"Relax Mum," Leif said sounding a bit too carefree. Elsa knew that were simply Jack's genes coming into play. Leif was going into Year 6 and that meant his year level was basically the top of the Junior School which housed Years 1 to 6. He felt like a King on his throne. "We got it."

"Alright," Elsa said. "I just don't want you calling me again saying you've forgotten your lunch or your Maths books are on your desk not in your bag."

Sigrid had to stifle a laugh. Her brother, just like their father, was quite forgetful even at the best of times. Elsa often had to run around trying to drop off things that they had left behind. Sigrid, so far, hadn't forgotten anything, but then again, she was only five so there was still plenty of time for that.

Jack came in carrying lunchboxes in his arms. They were colour coded according to lid, Sigrid had the red lidded lunchbox while Leif had the blue one. Jack handed the right lunchbox to the right kid. Leif and Sigrid placed them in their bags before getting handed their matching coloured drink bottle. Jack had come up with the colouring system based on the number of fights. Yes, there had been fights over these things. The fights were always trivial and made Jack and Elsa quite exhausted. Sigrid and Leif, growing up, would fight about anything but they would make up about ten seconds later which confused their parents. Jack and Elsa would always say 'kids' before going to do their own thing.

Elsa did one last final check of her children before she told them to get into the car. Sigrid and Leif slid into the backseat of the car while Elsa and Jack got into the front. Jack started the car up and backed it out of the garage.

The house that they had lived in for the past fifteen years seemed to be something out of a dream. Elsa never regretted staying in Burgess instead of opting to go back to Arendelle. It had been the right decision to make. It didn't mean that they never went back to Arendelle. They had enjoyed taking family holidays to Arendelle to visit Uncle Klaus, Aunt Greta, Cousin Astrid, Grandma Ingrid and the rest. Jack continued to be overwhelmed by the wealth and power that the Winters family possessed. It just emphasised just how different his world was to Elsa's but neither of them cared. Elsa just liked to laugh at how Jack was amazed at things that were mundane to her like her butler coming in and serving them tea and the secret passages around the house…okay maybe not mundane to other people but for Elsa, that was a different story.

Elsa had wanted to move back to Arendelle based on plans she had on continuously expanding the Winters Empire onto new levels. The board of Arendelle Industries, who were all family members of Elsa's, had been one hundred percent on board with her plans. Moving back to Arendelle would give her better access and a more hands on experience with those plans. However, after deciding that her marriage and life with Jack were so much more important than that, she did commute to Arendlle a few times a year and spent quite a bit of time on the phone and Skype talking to her family. Elsa had opted to put Astrid in charge of these plans as she knew that her father, Elsa's Uncle Klaus, would have his hands full. Nothing bad had happened so Elsa continued her faith in Astrid.

After they moved into the house, Jack and Elsa started working on their marriage lifestyle. Jack got promoted and Elsa started her own Law practice under Arendelle Industries. However that was interrupted by a sudden pregnancy five years into it. Elsa had been thrilled to find out that she and Jack were going to start a family. Jack had twilled Elsa around their living room when she had told him. Five years after Leif had been born, Sigrid came along. There had been a bit of trouble trying to get pregnant a second time, a few miscarriages had occurred but they didn't give up. They were rewarded with a beautiful baby girl who they loved so much.

"Did you hear about the ghost?" Leif asked Sigrid as they were driving to school.

"What ghost?" Sigrid's eyes got wide and there was a terrified look coming into her face.

"Legend has it that a school girl died on night while working on a school production of a musical," Leif said. "She sought revenge for her death as she believes her school classmates were responsible for the death and has been haunting the school for centuries now. She likes to roam about and moan through the corridors. If she catches you, she will rip your head off and suck your-"

"Leif stop scaring your sister!" Elsa said turning around in her seat.

"I don't want to go to school now," Sigrid said now petrified.

"Legend has it that she lives right underneath your classroom," Leif continued, ignoring his mother, with a grin.

"I don't want to go to school," Sigrid shrieked and she started to cry.

"Leif!" Elsa snapped at him. "Sigrid there is no such thing as this creepy ghost. Besides the school was only built in 1912, so how could it be roaming about for centuries?"

Leif got a little guilty expression on his face. He let out what sounded like nervous laughter.

"Also, Sigrid doesn't even know what class she will be in," Elsa continued. "There are too many holes in your flight of fantasy Leif. Sigrid don't listen to your brother. He is just trying to wind you up. His story is a lie. There is no ghost that feasts on human blood."

Sigrid glared at him. "You are mean!" she grabbed one of her books in her bag and smacked Leif right on the head with it. Leif retaliated by grabbing the book he had brought to read with him and smacked Sigrid right across the arm with it.

"Children!" Elsa snapped trying to break up the fight.

Jack put the brakes on quite suddenly and everyone went headfirst into the thing in front of them.

"Everyone just calm down," he said. "Leif stop being mean to your sister and Sigrid stop fighting your brother."

"He started it," Sigrid complained.

"Well I'm finishing it," Jack said rather forcibly. "So be quiet! We're almost there and I don't want Sigrid to be late for her first day. Now apologise to each other."

"Sorry," they both half meant it but it was enough for Jack. Jack started up the car again and got back onto the highway.

"Wow Jack," Elsa said with a flirtatious element to her voice. "I didn't know you could be so forceful."

"You know it babe," Jack said winking back.

"Could you guys go five minutes without being over each other?" Leif said.

"It's embarrassing," Sigrid said.

"Aw, you love us really," Elsa said.

"Because you feed us, shelter us, provide for us," Leif said ticking things off on his hand.

"Sometimes I wonder if the fourteen hours of labour was worth anything," Elsa sighed.

"Hey!" Leif said. "You got me!"

"Exactly," Elsa said.

Leif looked rather put out which put a giggle on Sigrid's face. Leif didn't say anything more until they parked their car outside Burgess College For Boys and Girls. Leif and Sigrid gathered all their things and got out of the car. Leif spotted a few of his friends instantly and ran off to meet them. Sigrid, however, clung to her father and her mother. She walked in the middle of them, clutching one hand in each of her hand. Jack and Elsa even swung her back and forward a bit.

It didn't take them too long to run into Anna and Kristoff who were checking their own children. Their eldest, Josef, was now fifteen and was heading into the bigger and brighter world of being top dog in Year 10 (which was part of the middle school which was Years 7 to 10). It wouldn't be long until he would be in the Senior School which was Years 11 to 13. Anna kept commenting about how her children were growing up so fast. After Josef came Helena who was twelve years old. She was very interested in typical girl things at that age although she did enjoy a lot of sport like netball and tennis. Her current thing she loved to do was to paint toenails of anyone she could. That included the male members of her family. Sigrid loved it when Helena did that to her. Helena's younger sister was Heidi who was the same age as Leif. She was born only a month before Leif. Just like how Josef was pretty much identical to his father growing up, Helena and Heidi were stamps of their mother. They looked like twins if there wasn't a two year age gap between them.

"Hey!" Anna called at them when they approached.

"Hey," Elsa replied. "How are you guys?"

"Oh the usual," Anna shrugged. "You guys?"

"Yeah nothing much," Elsa said. "Except Sigrid is a bit freaked out."

"First day of school nerves?" Anna asked.

"Not just that," Elsa folded her arms. "Leif told her some story about a ghost of a girl who died that feeds off human blood."

"Hmm," Anna said clearly amused. "I wonder where he got that story from."

"Alright," Elsa said and she looked a little guilty. "I may have told you a similar story when you were starting school and he may have gotten it from there when I was telling Jack last night."

Anna let out a laugh. "That was quite a fright you gave me."

"And Dad scolded me the same way Jack scolded Leif."

"I think that story will end up becoming some kind of family tradition," Anna said.

"Yeah," Elsa smiled. "Maybe Sigrid will tell her children on day."

"And they will tell their children and so on."

Both sisters burst into giggled which caused their husbands to roll their eyes.

"Hey guys," Rapunzel's bright voice popped out of nowhere. They all turned around and greeted her with smiles.

Rapunzel's husband, Eugene, was taking care of their children. They had a daughter the same age as Josef. Josef had a secret crush on her and would deny it whenever someone would ask him about it. His younger sisters would constantly tease him about it and it wasn't just his younger sisters, his cousins and friends would too. These conversations provided a great deal of entertainment for all parents involved. Anna thought that it was adorable if Rapunzel's daughter and Josef would get together as Rapunzel was a long-time friend of Elsa and Anna later. Rapunzel and Eugene didn't just have a daughter; they also had a son who was older than Helena.

"Nice day for the start of school," Rapunzel said. "Clear sunny skies."

"Yeah and we're going stuck inside all day," Jack said.

"I'm not," Kristoff said. "It's my day off. I think I will spend it walking around with an ice cream in my hand."

"I think we all hate you," Anna said which made Kristoff laugh. Kristoff put his arm around her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"So how's Merida?" Elsa asked Rapunzel. "I haven't seen her in a while."

"That's because she's busy running her new shop with Darryl," Rapunzel said. "But I saw her yesterday and she's good."

Merida and Darrly married after being together for nearly seven years. They had no children yet but Merida always thought that something was around the corner. Darryl had proven to be quite a savvy businessman along with being an Olympic gold medallist (he had gone ahead and won numerous gold medals at different Olympic Games over the years). Darryl had invested a bit of money in Merida's shop in order to expand it. They set up a few more shops over Burgess and Merida was already seeing a good return.

"Mum," Sigrid was tugging on Elsa's trousers. "Can I go say hi to Nathan? I see him over there by the playground."

The playground wasn't that far from where they were standing so keeping an eye on them wouldn't be a problem. Also Jamie and Emma, Nathan's parents, were right there.

"Sure sweetie," Elsa said which put a big smile on Sigrid's face.

Sigrid quickly ran off and pretty much jumped on Nathan with a giant hug. Nathan grinned just as much as Sigrid was when he saw them. They saw Sigrid tugging Nathan over to the swings which they both quickly got on only a few moments later. Both set of parents were smiling at their children.

"Wow," Anna said. "She's really grown up fast."

"Yeah she has," Elsa said. "I look at her and still see her as my little baby."

"I do the same thing," Anna said. "Whenever I look at any of my kids."

Elsa's eyes scanned for Anna's children. Josef and Helena, who wouldn't be in the Junior school (which was separate from the rest of the school), were hanging around to see their sister. Josef was chatting to Rapunzel's daughter and they both had a bit of a grin on their faces. Helena was with Heidi. She was making sure that her younger sister was ready for school. Josef came over and said that he best be going to class. They all gave him a hug and let him go off. Helena did the same thing and raced to catch up to her brother and what she called her brother's future girlfriend. Heidi came running up at that moment and grabbed her father's leg.

"Woah there kid," Kristoff said lifting up his leg.

"You excited?" Jack asked. "Year 6, king of the hill."

"You bet I am Uncle Jack!" Heidi said.

"You got a teacher you want?" Elsa asked.

"I think Mrs. Fester is better," Heidi said. "Based off what Helena told me."

"Huh," Jack said. "Leif wants Mr. Britt rather than Mrs. Fester."

There was suddenly a call from the Headmistress of the Junior School. She was standing outside the main entrance. Heidi immediately released her father and raced off. Sigrid, Nathan were joined by Natalie and sat down in front of where the Headmistress was standing. Tooth and Bunnymund came over to where Elsa, Anna, Kristoff, Jack were standing. It wasn't long before Jamie and Emma joined them. They had a gentle conversation while they waited for the hubble of the children to flutter down.

The Headmistress started calling out classes. Sigrid's name was called along with Nathan's and Natalie's. Elsa was glad to hear that. Sigrid would be feeling a little better knowing that she was with her two best friends. As the class disappeared into the school, Sigrid, Nathan and Natalie waved to their parents who all waved back. Leif and Helena were soon sorted into their desired classes as well. They waved at their parents and the parents waved back. Soon all the children were all in their classes and the school day had officially started. Elsa, Jack, Tooth, Bunnymund, Rapunzel, Eugene, Jamie and Emma all headed out. They all resisted doing a little cheer. A bit of time to themselves without the craziness of their children.

"What should we do now?" Jack said taking his wife's hand.

"Let's go catch up with Merida!" Elsa suggested. "It's been ages. Maybe we could all go out for breakfast?"

"I've already eaten," Jamie muttered.

"That's your problem," Emma said. "I think a little breakfast get together is a great idea."

"Me too," Tooth said.

They quickly found their way to Merida's shop. She was starting to set up the shop. She grinned when she saw all her friends approach.

"Hey guys," she said.

"We're going out to breakfast," Anna said.

"And you're invited," Kristoff. "Along with Darryl."

"In that case," Merida said quickly changing the open sign to a closed sigh. "I'll open the shop a little later then."

They all laughed and was joined by Merida and Darryl as they headed off towards the shops to find a place to eat, laughing and talking as they went.

Elsa looked up at Jack. The last fifteen years were something out of a dream for her. The time that they had been apart had been hard but it allowed both of them to grow and allow for them to see what they both wanted and that answer was each other. Elsa never regretted forgiving Jack and restarting her relationship with him. Sure it hadn't been easy the first time round but the second time they tried it, everything worked out for them. Elsa constantly wondered what would have happened if she hadn't decided to forgive Jack for his stupid mistake all those years ago. She wouldn't have a family that she loved for starters. She wouldn't be married to her soultmate for another. Elsa was glad that everything worked out and that she took the final leap with Jack. Without doing that, she would never have the amazing life she has full of children, love and laughter.

(1) Otherwise known as flip flops. We call them jandals in New Zealand (for Japanese sandals).

A/N: Well this is the final chapter. I hoped that everyone the story. I just want to thank everyone who reviewed, faved, followed and read it. I have so many other stories planned and so if you want to check out those out, please do.

Anyway, I hope that this was a good ending to my story. Please review =)

If anyone has any questions, feel free to PM me.

Thanks, from The Atlantean.