Hi everyone, sorry if I kept anyone waiting. It's just been very stressful for me to keep writing (plus I'm lazy too). I hope it's not too late but we know the news that happened in Orlando, Florida and I still continue to pray for all the lost loved ones and their families. All this violence has gotten me very upset and got me to think more politically about my country, (don't worry I would ever go into that). This is another short chapter and I hope the next one I write will be longer unlike the others but I've wanted to write this out. It's an easy chapter to read but knowing the internet I apologize in advance if you don't agree or like what I wrote. I not writing my feelings I'm just writing a story based of an inspiration.

Hiro had never felt so terrified in his life. He felt like this before. From giving a speech in class and experiencing rejection, his current thought is what really feared for his entire well being. The attacks that happened across the country a few days ago. He was never one to care for the news, but Aunt Cass was the one to explain to him that part of the attack was homophobic. Call it an act terror you may, but deep down Hiro knew the people who caused this hated this modern lifestyle. This open growing community is now at high risk again.

The gay bar was just a coincidence right? Hiro thought. Anywhere else would have just been drastic as well. Why did he still fear for the safety of himself and the rest of the LGBTQ community?

Then again anyone else should be scared, right? It can't just only be them.

He remembered one day when he was coming home from one of his lectures, there was fight in front of one the restaurants on the way home. There was a customer who refused to sit near a gay couple simply because he found it disgusting. Hiro was used to the comments once in while, but didn't dwell on it too much mainly because he knew his city, his home would never tolerate such ugly behavior. As the shy teen wished silently for the man to get kicked out he froze from shock after hearing a disturbing sentence.

"I'm not dying next to a bunch of queers if another attack commences!"

Everyone was dead silent. The building, the street outside, all still.

Hiro's blood was starting to race. Face turning sour. When the owner finally appeared outside Hiro dashed towards the ignorant man with all of his force to topple the him to the floor. Hiro stood over him fuming with anger.

"We're still humans and your brothers and sisters of this country. Why should we have to be grouped out of the circle? Everyone no matter who they are is a target. Don't blame us for all fault! We've done nothing wrong!" Just as Hiro finished The man was back on his feet and grabbed Hiro by the collar of his shirt and punch him square in the face and fell back. It happened so fast the employees who rushed in to break them apart were too late to save Hiro. His eyes were shut, unable to open them. He tasted blood both from his mouth and nose. His head was spinning but he was able to process the help he was getting from a waiter trying to sit him up and hearing the man getting kicked out of the restaurant. "You're all going to hell!" were the only words he remembered coming out if his filthy mouth.

After the events, Hiro made it safely home. The cafe was closed and he was glad was because he didn't anyone else to see or question his bruised face. But Aunt Cass didn't make it any better when she kept hogging on him about what happened. He was surprised when she broke down and hugged him tightly yet gingerly. She was too afraid to let him go.

He remembered the events of the day clearly. The next day was when he learned why Cass was very upset. A fews cities away from them a 16 year old boy was kicked out of his parents house weeks ago. Two days ago, they found his body by the shore. He was covered in bruises, scratches, flesh wounds, and other horrible injuries. There was a word carved into his back, and it spelled "fag".

Aunt Cass was extremely paranoid of Hiro's safety especially with the fact that Hiro has become very open to admitting his sexuality. She made sure Hiro stayed next to Tadashi whenever they were out and on the days he was one his own, she would call to check on him. He knew that she was looking out for him but this is insane! No parent should have to call their kids to make sure they are alive. Why is this world so difficult?

Tadashi kept a close eye on Hiro's every move. He knew that he was depressed. He would once in while suggest to his brother if he wanted to activate Baymax but Hiro would politely turn him down. He's actually woken up late at night a few times because of Hiro's discomfort. He held him those nights as Hiro cried with his heavy heart.

In present time, Hiro has calmed down but is still on alert. On a warm Saturday afternoon, he stares out of his window watching liberals protest on gun laws and certain conservatives rushing to work. The whole country will be on debate for another several years. He just wished that everything wasn't so difficult and for everyone to love each other no matter who they are.

Hiro and everyone else are blessed with opportunities to finally fall in love publicly and also get married. He was finally able to dream peacefully on finding his true love and start a new life together. And when he's engineering career in robotics is successful they'll adopt a child, maybe two, or three! They'll have the best support to raise a family. He wouldn't mind that. In fact he secretly desires a family. However, he and everyone else will have to keep fighting through. Just as things were starting to look up, more obstacles appeared. It's not going to be easy but stopping is not the answer. Could he wait a few more years? He has no choice. This isn't only for him, it's for everyone else. Love will always win.

Until then, his prince will just have to wait.

Feel free to leave whatever comments you want, even if it's negative but be smart about it. Thanks for reading and See ya soon!