Alright, time for another fic, with one of my most favorite interspecies "couples", Alexa "Lex" Woods, and Scar, the Blooded Warrior Yautja. Hope you enjoy!

He had rescued her from the xenomorphs…he helped her escape the pyramid explosion…he gave her a mark of honor…and now, he is fighting for his life against the worst threat of all: the Alien Queen.

Lex watched as the Predator Warrior fought against the Alien Queen in hand-to-hand combat. The air was cold, but simply watching this battle made Lex's blood boil in immense fear. The Warrior repeatedly launched projectiles and slashed away at the Queen, which majorly provoked her to strike back.

The Queen thrust her massive, lethal tail at the Yautja, knocking him aside and briefly incapacitating him.

The Queen then needed to retract her tail for another strike…and this is where Lex saw her chance. Without hesitation, she thrust the spear that the Predator gave her into the throat of the Queen, causing it to shriek in agony and spill acidic blood everywhere, which Lex was careful to avoid.

Lex simply kept thrusting the Yautja weapon at the creature until she eventually decided to make a run for the water tower nearby. Unfortunately, the Queen quickly recovered and was right on her the whole way. When she made it to the water tower, she found that the Queen had completely thwarted any possibility of her getting away. It then began to try and kill her any way it could, nearly toppling over the water tower. Lex had nowhere to run…

This is it… Lex thought, …this is the end for me. I should've figured as much…at least I'll be with Sebastian soon enough…

But then, out of nowhere, the Predator appeared and stabbed the Queen in the head. While the Queen was distracted, Lex and the Predator quickly tried to attach the chain attached to it to the water tower…but the Queen readied her tail to thrust a fatal blow at the Yautja's back…about to end his life…

…Fortunately, as luck would have it, the Predator noticed this and jumped aside right at the last moment, the tail missing him by millimeters. He then slashed at the tail with his wristblade to buy them the moment they would need, and Lex picked up a shovel to break a tower support while the Predator shoved his wristblade into another one to shatter it, and they made the water tower fall into the dark water…taking the Queen along with it.

Lex, who had fallen over when the tower fell, stood up and look into the deep, pitch-black water, "Is it…gone?" she asked the Yautja, who nodded once in response.

"Oh my…" Lex said, "…I never signed up for this."

The alien warrior made a series of clicking sounds, "…It…all for…better…cause…" it managed to utter.

Lex could swear that her heart stopped for a brief moment. Slowly, she looked up at the Predator, "Did…did you just…t-talk…?" she asked, amazed.

"…Yes…" the Yautja responded, "…I know…partial…ooman language…speaking it…is…secret that…Yautja… keep…"

Oh, no shit… Lex thought, This day just keeps getting better by the minute, that's for sure.

Suddenly, the Yautja clutched his chest with both hands, and fell to his knees making weird straining noises.

Lex quickly knelt down, "Are you okay!?" she asked.

He let out a series of pain squeals before speaking, "…X-Xeno…morph…embryo…b…b-birthing…!" he said before collapsing on his side.

Lex was about to run and see if she would have even the slightest chance of finding help, but then the Warrior did something she would never have expected; he extended his wristblade…and gashed open his lower stomach. He clawed inside the deep, glowing-green wound, making loud pained shrieks that horrified Lex…and pulled out a very strange-looking chestburster, which appeared to have mandibles like a Predator.

The Predator snapped the neck of the chestburster, and threw it into the water. He then lay on his back, taking rapid breaths, "…P…Please…ooman…you need…go…get help…from…Ancient…" he said, faintly.

The Ancient? What was he talking about? Lex was panicking; she had no idea what to do. But she had to do something. She couldn't let this Warrior die!

"…Please…" the Yautja said with a tearful look in his eyes, "…pain……"

"Y-Yes! I'll get the Ancient for you!" Lex said, quickly rushing the other way, but she had not gone a few strides before another large Predator appeared with several other smaller Predators behind him. They all appeared to be coming from a large ship that appeared almost out of nowhere.

"Get him to an emergency medical unit immediately!" the Ancient Predator said in Yautja language to his subordinates.

"We will, Master!" the other Predators responded, all of them lifting up the wounded Warrior and carrying him to the mothership. The Ancient turned back to face Lex, and noticed the mark below her eye.

This ooman bears the Mark of Honor… the Ancient Predator thought, …so she truly did…assist Scar on his hunt to defeat the Xenomorph Queen…?

The Ancient stepped right in front of Lex, which made her slightly uncomfortable and nervous. He then reached behind his back, and revealed a retractable Combi-Stick of the kind that the other Predator who helped Lex used. He held it out to her.

"…Here…" the Ancient spoke, "…take…weapon…it is…customary…sign of respect…and honor…"

Lex slowly reached and grabbed the collapsible weapon from the Ancient Predator, and found it to be surprisingly lighter than it looks. "Oh…th-thank you." Lex said.

The Ancient bowed his head to Lex, "…You have…Honor Mark…you help…hunter…escape…and…kill Queen…" he said.

"Well, it's the least I could do." Lex responded, "I wasn't gonna leave him to die back in the pyramid."

"…You have…thanks…for…help him…" the Ancient said, bowing his head once more, and turned to head back to the mothership.

Lex simply waited outside of the ship, ready for them to take off…ready to say her final farewell to her extraterrestrial friend. But, for some reason, they were not launching the ship yet…

I know this intro was fairly brief, but I'm sure many of you have seen the movie, so you know what happened, and what I did to alter the scenario. Anyways, I hope to add a good amount of twists to the story as well, so for now, let's call it an end for this chapter. Keep holding on…