Ok, so I just noticed that I got like, a ton of mistakes… but I'm too lazy to change them. Just forgive my humble self!

By the day, I re-read the other two chapters and didn't understand some things. In case you also became as frustrated as me for not getting the whole idea, here are some hints:

-Buttercup writes in a small notebook. She does not talk much. She also has got a job but her sisters don't know about it.

-Bubbles has a lot of secret admirers, however, it seems as if she has a relationship already with some boy we don't know about (wink wink nudge nudge)

-Lastly, Blossom doesn't go every day to her job. Her boss is Ms. Bellum and her fellow workers are named Jenny and Samantha. With Blossom and Ms. Bellum there are four people in the business (not counting Princess)

On with the story!

Three weeks.

Three damned weeks!
From the day Brick had spotted her on the maid latte, to today, the day of her non-ending torture. It had been three weeks!

And Blossom still didn't know what to think.

At first she had noticed his stares where empty, like as if her felt no emotion behind those red eyes of his, each time he looked at her. But later, once she had the opportunity to look more deeply, she hadn't been able to spot any amusement (well, maybe a little) but something that resembled more… empathy. The redhead had arrived to the conclusion that Brick was only observing her, and even if it did make her feel a little awkward, she still looked at him with her smile. That empty smile.

'Well, Brick is only interested in my situation. Is not like he likes me or anything else…'

"Blossom!" A bubbly blonde shouted from afar "You're awesome, you know? You got the second place in the whole school!"

"The second place?" She mumbled "Well, who got the first?"

"Believe it or not" Robin gushed "It was Brick Johnson"

Her right eye suddenly ticked as she repeated the name. 'You've got to be kidding me!' Her hands were too strong as she fisted them and her knuckles started going white. 'I can't believe him! He goes always at the last places and now, he decides to be the first one?' She walked away, looking towards the window in anger, still being able to hear her friend's voices.

"Did she not like the idea?"

"I think she was just angry that…"
'I'm completely sure he is just playing with me' she walked over to her classroom and started opening the door 'It's as if he was not just observing me, but stalking me…'

She opened the door to notice that there was a small group of boys in the far corner, looking at some magazine with lecherous looks. She smirked at her newfound distraction, and walked slowly towards them.

"Just what do you think you are doing…?"

No one ever told Blossom that becoming school president did not come just with responsibility and power, but with many, many, hours of work. Oh, but she was starting to learn…

Sitting at seven pm after school in the student's council classroom, with tons of papers before her and another finished and signed pack of them at her right on the floor. Calculating what she had in front of her, and thinking that they were all bills of what each club had spent; another hour and a half awaited her.

Oh, she was learning alright.

"Are you, by any chance, masoquist?"

Blossom gasped as she looked towards the door, where a redheaded male was standing. Brick made himself home as he walked towards a sit on her left and sucked diligently on a re lollipop. He was wearing his uniform (for once) and looked bored out of his mind. Just when she was about to ask if he wanted something, he talked again.

"I mean, I know you are a sadoquist, but I never imagined that you were both…"

Too tired to fight with him, Blossom just sighed. "Why do you say that?"

"It's obvious, isn't it?"
"No, it's not!"

"Well, you are clearly just not aware of it"
"Of what?!"

"That you are over-working yourself."

Blossom said nothing as she took in Brick's words "You think… I'm over-working myself?"

"Well, you clearly don't think so"

"Of course not" She snorted as she turned back to the papers, picking up a pen and started filling them again "Just, you know, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. I can't leave my family just like that. Imagine how they would feel if I suddenly stopped working and…"
"That's not it." Brick said as he turned to look directly into the rosy eyes of the president, who just stuck out her tongue at him, too tired to complain of his staring.

"You know, prez, I'm completely sure I heard those papers were due into another two weeks. You should not be…"
"That's also not it" She grumbled as she changed the page "Not just because I can do it in another time means I have to. Besides, you know I can't let myself fail at this. One never knows when something happens, and I might need to work another shift…" she glanced over at Brick who just shrugged off her glance and stared deeply into her eyes, causing Blossom's cheeks to tint a light pink.

"W-What are you looking a-at?

Brick just smirked and licked his lips. "Your eyes. They are amazing"

"Seeing your back leaving would be pretty amazing"

He snorted as he broke their eye contact, trying to contain his laugher. Blossom just smiled as she looked back towards her work. If Brick wasn't going to be a complete stalker, then she could cope with it.

'Oh God' She sighed 'Tell me I did not just think that'

"Well pinky, you seem a bit sleepy to me. I don't think your eyes will be able to look at my back leaving"
She was about to retort something when her pen slipped her hand, falling with a light thud into the floor. She was going to pick it when her other hand stopped gripping the part of the table from where she had been holding herself as to not to fall into the floor. And before she could gasp and close her eyes to avoid seeing her fall, she felt something warm pressed against her front, and actually gasped when she noticed she was actually being hugged by Brick as he fell also to the floor, with her on top of him.

Blossom was about to open her mouth when she noticed it was not only warm, but comfy, and soft and quite relaxing…

And before anyone of them could say 'The Major as small as a prickle', Blossom had already fallen asleep.











Blossom had woken up in many weird ways in her life.

Once was when they were little and her two sisters decided to prank her putting glue to her pijamas and pasting any kind of thing in her clothes. Not too bad, because when the pink eyed girl had opened her eyes, she just took off her pijamas and threw them into the trash, scolding the girls for making them waste her clothes (that had been before their parent's dead).

The second was when they were older. Bubbles had decided to make Blossom go to one of her cheerleader parties and she had gotten as drunk as hell. The next morning, the redhead had groaned when she noticed she was in her underwear under the table in the kitchen clutching a green lava lamp, with make up all over her face and purple stains in her shirt. She definitely didn't want to know where it had come from.

But waking up in the infirmary, at 8 pm with her head resting in her sworn arch-enemy's shoulder, with a bit of drool on her mouth and finding that the other redhead was also asleep, hugging her from her waist was if not the weirdest one, the most surprising.

She shook her head, clearing her thoughts and finding that not only did the position her head was in didn't suit her, but the fact that she was sitting in his fricking lap was just…





Just… what was going on?

She was slipping out of Brick's hold when he started to mumble and try to open his eyes. Alarmed, Blossom did the first thing that got to her mind to try to keep Brick asleep. Oh… the last thing she needed right now was for him to spot her and remember what they had done…


Blossom was broken off her train of thoughts with a soft snore. She couldn't help a small smile as she looked at him, and her hand trailed down his cheek, caressing his face while the boy groaned again and tried opening her eyes, making her freeze.

'Oh God…!"

She around her in search of anything to not wake him up, and after finally coming up with nothing, Blossom's mind did the first thing that came to it.

She punched his stomach as Brick got unconscious again.

Breathing deeply and sighing, the pink eyed girl decided to make her escapade in that moment and ran out of the infirmary, the halls and finally out of the school and onto the streets in search of her house. 'Brick will be ok… I don't know where he lives but if he was staying inside school asleep, then that means he's got no worries, right?'


And while she stood in front of her house, Blossom still had one lingering question in her racing mind.

'If she had fallen asleep in the student council's classroom, why had she woken up in the infirmary with Brick?


Ok, so this is not too long, and I'm sorry, but someone asked me to post and I just felt… in the mood to. Sorry for not doing it sooner!

I hope you liked the chapter (I like to think I improved) and that you want more coming your way. Now, next chapter's spoiler:

While Brick has woken up in midnight in the school's infirmary, Bubbles decided to take the chance that her sister wasn't home to get a date with her boyfriend, and, unfortunately, Buttercup has spotted her! And we all know Buttercup is the queen of blackmailing….

NEXT CHAPTER: The hate of the world!