8 Years ago

"Walk with me?" Edward say. I nod. Edward gently takes her hand. Dread fills me, but I lets him guide me toward the woods...Edward stops by a fallen tree. Turns to me.

"We need to leave Forks." Edwards says

"What? Why?" I questioned

"It's time. Carlisle's supposed to be ten years older than he looks people will start noticing." Edward says

"But... when?" I ask

"Now." Edward say I reel, trying to take this in. Finally I say

"I'll have to think of something to tell Charlie, but I can be ready-" Edward cut me off

" Not you. Us." Edward says making me stunned by his words

"What? No. Edward, what happened with Jasper that was nothing." I say trying to get through him it was a mistake.

"Nothing compared to what could happen. You don't belong in my world. " Edward says making tears fall from my eyes.

"I belong with you." I whisper

"You don't." Edward says his face distant and hard

"I'm coming." I say

"I don't want you to come!" Edward yells. I was stunned once again. It felt as if I got slapped in the face.

"You don't... want me." I whispered tears my tears falling more

"No." Edward says. I stepped back from trying to understand this. Edward then adds "Try to understand. Every second with you is about restraint. You're too fragile. I'm tired of pretending to be something I'm not. Reining myself in so I can be with a human. I promise, it will be like I never existed. Goodbye, Bella." Edward kissed my forehead. I opened my eyes and Edward was gone. I fell to the ground and cried. I wasn't mentally aware that it was raining. I didn't care my heart was broken. I was been lifted I saw the trees flying by. I just cried harder.


I sighed that was six years ago. I shook my head from those thoughts and went to the happy one's since I graduated college early. I got my bachelors and literature degree. I became a book editor because of my teacher who thought I would do well in that field. I moved to Bellingham, Washington. I was doing well for myself. I was always working mainly because I wanted to the publishing company I worked for thought I was crazy for working twenty for seven but I didn't have anything better to do so I worked. I rubbed my eyes then stood up. I stretched popping my bones before I went into the kitchen. I opened the door to the refrigerator seeing nothing in the refrigerator.

'FUCK!' I think to myself. I forgot to get some food. I looked at the clock I had an hour before I needed to be home. I went to my garage. I smiled looking at my cars. I grabbed the keys to the Chevy Corvette Z06. I unclosed the doors and got in it. I pressed the button to open the doors to the garage. I backed up enough where my car was out it garage door. I pressed the button and watched the door closed. I backed up to the street to see a moving truck and a yellow Porsche. It looked just like Alice. I shook my head.

'I'm just imagining things.' I think. I sighed and just drove to the store. I got out my car then locked it. I was in a rush so I grabbed a basket and grabbed everything I needed wanted. I grabbed everything I knew they would want. I went in the self check out since I knew the girls in the other lines always flirted with me. I paid for my stuff and popped the trunk putting my things in the trunk. I closed it then got in my car and went home. I sighed in relief when nobody was here. I quickly put up everything. Then the doorbell dinged.

'Why are they using the doorbell?' I thought. I sighed and opened the door. My heart stopped. My mouth ajar. 'Fuck!' I thought. I stared at old family. Each by each I noticed new things like Carlisle was hugged up with another women. Emmett, Edward, and Rosalie. My eyes landed on Esme and stayed on her until I heard a throat clear. I looked to see Angela and our daughter.

"DADDY!" Renesmee yells pushing pass the Cullen's and hugging me. I laughed hugging her back.

"I missed you sweetheart." I say kissed her cheek.

"I've missed you too but mommy missed you more." Renesmee says selling Angela out.

"Renesmee that was our secret." Angela says with a smile before she kissed me.

"Sorry mommy." Renesmee says.

"It doesn't matter I missed both of you." I say with a smile that disappeared when I heard

"Cullen's?!" Angela says

"Hi Angela we just moved next door. We didn't think we would see either of you again." Alice says with a fake smile. I rolled my eyes.

"I was told I wouldn't see none of you again." I mumble under my breath.

"Well I'm going to fix something to eat it was nice seeing you guy's again." Angela says before picking up Renesmee and pecking my lips.

"Your married?" Emmett ask. I smile before nodding.

"Going on four years in two months." I say

"I um need to handle something it was nice to see you again Bella." Esme says. I gave her a nod.

"Well see you soon-" I cut off Carlisle

"Stay away from me and my family period. No warnings." I say before going into the house.