Authors Notes:  There is no pain like an erased files on a damaged floppy disk. Especially if the files contains the stories that you have spent much of your time typing and mulling over. After thankfully retrieving this file, I decided to post it to you guys for you to review and proofread. This story is actually a novel and I intentionally wanted a prologue before making this. Unfortunately, I can't think yet of a dramatic prolouge and I just wanted to go to the good stuff. Please take note that I am not an expert on Japanese culture and I make do of whatever fyi's I can gather from other materials. Be patient on my mistakes( either grammatical, logical etc.) and I would really appreciate your comments and constructive criticism. Disclaimer: The following characters are the property of Rumiko Takahashi and the institutions that produced this wonderful anime. Except one of course^_^. In Memory of You

Part I: The Child

The Good Son

The familiar ring of a bicycle passed through the family-owned Higurashi shrine. It's current keeper, a young man in his twenties named Sota, expectantly glanced at the direction of the sound. His face registered a quiet delight as he saw his nephew coming towards him alongside with the bicycle. It still made his eyes misty whenever he saw the boy, it reminded him somehow of his sister and the tragedy that forever changed their lives.

The boy called his name then smiled sheepishly as he unintentionally scared some pigeons around the shrine.

            " Good morning, Chiwaii." Sota in his traditional shrine clothes approached the boy." How is your father?"

            " He is fine, Uncle Sota. He said he is going to work overtime in his office."

            " I see. Come then, I have prepared some okonomiyaki. I'm sure you would like some."

After eating, the two sat down under the ancient tree of Goshinbuku. Chiwaii had also changed his clothing fit for his duties. He wore a white haori matching his light blue hakama.

Every weekend, he visits his uncle and grandmother and helps with the shrine duties. Chiwaii manages even to hold a part time job during weekdays to support his father's meager income. Though his father understands Chiwaii partaking chores in the shrine, Hojo tries to persuade his 15-year old son to give up doing work on weekdays and focus on school, Chiwaii remains adamant, convincing his concerned otou-san that his studies would not be affected. And truly, not only did the boy pass; he was excelling with flying colors. Not only in academics but also in every endeavor he selected, he had done extremely well. Soon Chiwaii's room was filled with trophies and medals from sports such as kata and archery to plaques of recognition from his medical missions.

" Sometimes I am worried about my boy, Sota" Hojo suddenly confided his brother-in-law one afternoon as they were sitting on the patio of the Higurashi home.

Sota looked at him, stopping for a moment from his tea preparation.

" I can't help but think that he is doing all this because he feels guilty."    

" What does he need to feel guilty about, Hojo?"

Hojo sighed waiting for the proper words to describe what had bothered him for a long time now.

" Chiwaii told me this afternoon that he plans to become a doctor and he already has his mind set on studying the top medical school. Then just an hour ago, his employer called me and told me that my son has been the employee of the month for almost half a year now and they plan to hold a party for him, and inviting me also for the celebration. They say I should be proud of my son. Yes I am more than proud, I love him so much and I can't help but be concerned of him. He is doing too much…more than his own good I think."

The words hang in heavy silence as Sota handed Hojo his tea and set his own. He then took a sip, taking time to answer his brother-in-law. In all honesty, he does not want to speak not yet maybe, so Sota remained looking at him as if expecting more.

" Although he does not say it, Chiwaii still thinks that I feel shame for his afflictions…"

Sota had to wince at that. He remembered that night, three weeks after the death of Kagome, Hojo came into their home, maddened with grief and hysterics, carrying with him his child who was crying loudly, shattering the peaceful late hour.

Still in his pajamas, he forced himself to get up and let them in before they woke up the neighborhood. His mother was in her sister's home and he was alone in the house.

Sota was greeted by the appearance of his brother-in-law, unkempt and still mourning from the loss of his wife.

" Sota!Sota! What is happening to my boy?!"  Hojo wearily approached him, his tears sprung from his tired red eyes as he sought for an explanation to this phenomenon.

He uncovered the swaddle and gasped audibly as he saw the baby. His small tufts of hair that was before blue black had turned into silky white, ears have become more pointed, his teeth and little nails were more sharpened and his cheeks bore some unusual purple markings.


Sota's fears have been reaffirmed. He had thought that the baby's true father's blood would be hidden when he saw Kagome's baby who came out to be like any other child. Hojo had adopted the baby as his own when he had married his sister and Sota felt he had no need to explain who and what the father is. But tonight he found himself dumbfounded. He stared at Hojo who gazed back, desperately pleading for enlightenment on the situation.

Sota was choking. There were many things to say, so many stories and even things that he could not bring himself to understand. He soon found himself echoing the words of his beloved Jii-chan.

" You see, Hojo . Chiwaii has inherited this disease…"

He suddenly remembered himself. He was still in the patio with his brother-in -law, the afternoon gradually turned to dusk. He gazed now at Hojo who was sitting with his head downcast. Hojo, who had married early and was untimely, forced to work because of his need to support his new family. Sota mentally kicked and berated himself for the lie and the other lies that followed.

"Maybe all you need to do is to talk to Chiwaii about it. He is a smart boy and I am sure he would understand your worries. He also loves his father and I am sure he would do everything to make you happy."

'Ah, the superficiality of it all!' Sota hoped his advice would help for now. He would tell the truth. When? He would not know, but he doubts that today would be the right time to say it.

" I hope it would " Hojo whispered before sipping his tea". For Chiwaii's sake…"

 It was Saturday in the Higurashi shrine. Chiwaii took care of selling some charms and amulets. As expected, Sota watched people, mostly girls gather around the store. Shaking his head, he could only smile in amusement wondering whose parent, had Chiwaii acquired his charm. He could remember his mother say: " Ah that grandson of mine, he should be a businessman. Such a smooth talker, I bet he could even sell salt to the sea."

When it was time to go, Sota can only stare, as the inside of the store was nearly empty. The love charms had long before sold out and Chiwaii even handed him orders for new ones.

" Hah" Sota now found his voice" I guess I have to make new charms..."

" I could help you uncle." Chiwaii had now changed back to his modern attire." I have nothing to do tomorrow."

 " Nonsense" Sota , waved his hand dismissively." You should rest. Be lazy for once, eh, Chiwaii. Spend time with your father tomorrow."

His nephew smiled in agreement." I guess I should be going now,Uncle. I have to fix dinner."

 Sota nodded, pleased with the outcome of the day, as he ruffled Chiwaii's dark hair. " Take care then."

 " I will, Uncle Sota."

 Not a minute after, Sota felt his heart stop as he saw Chiwaii charge downhill the shrine steps with his bike. He broke into a run and fearfully dreaded to see the bottom of the steps. Surely, if he was with Chiwaii's father right now, Hojo might have died with fright.

" Uncle, I am alright." Chiwaii raised his voice as he saw Sota above the steps, pale and sweaty as if he had seen a ghost.   

" Do not try that stunt again, young man!"

" I am sorry!"

Sota frowned, that smug face did not go well with the apology. But before he could continue to berate his nephew, the boy had already waved farewell and sped away.

His expression smoothened and a small smile escaped his lips. For once, Sota remembered his  Inu-niichan, whom he had idolized when he was still a little boy.

             Reveling the soft wind as Chiwaii swiftly rode along the vacant street, he let his mind wander around the beautiful scent of cherry blossoms falling down. It was his favorite time of the year. He heard his stomach grumble as he could catch a whiff of cooking from the nearby restaurant. A female shrill suddenly disrupted his thoughts. He turned around a corner to see a snatcher taking off with a woman's purse. Taking no hesitation, Chiwaii started to pursue the thief who was running into the direction of the shrine.

              ' How dare he…' Chiwaii gritted his teeth on the gall of the thief to seek refuge in the shrine. Leaving his bicycle at the bottom of the steps, he decided it would be best to chase the vermin by foot. As he went up the stairs, he lost sight of the thief. 

' No matter.'  Taking a subtle sniff in the air, he took followed the scent and proceeded to look for the crook that could be very well hidden in this place.

               His feet took him in front of the old well. When he was young, his uncle had forbidden him to go inside. Uncle Sota told him stories of demons and such that came out of it. There was even a time that his uncle threatened him to banish him from the shrine when Sota caught him hiding inside the shack that sheltered the well.

Chiwaii hesitated for a minute. He weighed the lesser evil, and confident on his decision, he stepped inside the shack.