Mikey's POV

My brothers have hurt my feelings again. They say I am useless, well at least Raph does. I have saved them many times before. I save them in Dimension X, with the Punk Frogs, from those wasps. They always hate my jokes and I just do it to try to make them happy after all we have been through in our lives. I ran away once and found a nice friend, I am going to try that again. I will run away and never come back and then they will see that they need me. Though it will be to late for them to come to me like the never did before.

I am running away I have everything packed up and I told Ice Cream Kitty goodbye. I am lucky my brothers, April, and Casey are still asleep. I go out the back door quietly and hope no one hears it. I run into the forest never to return to the farm house ever again.