Writers Note: I took down the other story to restart this one. I also want to thank all of my Google Plus friends who made the story possible. Here is a list of their current user names:
Arcee Motorbike: for encouraging me to write it in the first place
Mark Kratt: for proofreading for me
Ultra Magnus.: for support and advice
lordstarscream18190: for giving me a few ideas here and there
Jetstream: for helping me with a few chapters and letting me use her character .
Decepticon Medic: for being there for advice
Black Magic: for also helping me with a few chapters.
If you have a google plus account I highly recommend following these people. If you can't find them, go to my account: Princess Arianna
Today is a special day on the planet Cybertron, a rare kind of fairy was being born. This rarely ever happens. A Cybertronian creature, a fairy; some Cybertronians call them Prime-Children will be born any time now. They are the children of the primes, and when they grow up, they marry the new prime, and have a child with that Prime. The fairies and the Primes tend to have a close bond. These Fairies are a little like humans, but they possess special abilities, like can grow wings, and instead of blood in their veins, they have energon. Another difference is the eyes, which glows the same color as their Prime's eyes. Underneath the layer of skin, is a robot. Adult Fairies have tough skin, which doesn't wound easily.
All of Cybertron was gathered for this event, waiting and hoping they will get a glance of the new born fairy. The parents are Optimus Prime, once known as Orion Pax, and a fairy, Michelle. In the waiting room was a proud Sentinel Prime, he was about to become a grandfather, he was the father of Michelle. With him was Lilly and her daughter, Ashley, or Ash. Ash was the equivalent to a five year old. Both are fairies as well. Lilly is the best friends with Michelle. Pacing the room was Ultra Magnus, the nervous, soon to be uncle, who was the brother of Optimus Prime.
Meanwhile, in the delivery room, lay a fairy, screaming in pain, as she pushed out the child. A worried Optimus held her hand, which she had a tight grip on.
"One more push." said Ratchet as he readied himself to grab the baby. He had a cloth to put her in, for he could not touch the child, else it will be bounded to him, and not the father.
"AHHHHHHH!" screamed Michelle as she pushed one last time.
"It's a girl." Ratchet catches the child and quickly hands her to Optimus, who gently took her. Once he had her in his arms, he could feel the bond take effect. He smiled at the small child, this was his daughter, his energon flowed through her veins, and she looked at him with her big blue eyes that are just like his. Optimus was proud, he was a dad. He handed her over to Michelle so she can feed her for he felt his child's hunger. Michelle took her and fed her energon.
"What is her name?" asked Ratchet. He motioned for his two interns, Blueprint and Redpain. They are twin sisters, both studding to be a medic. The females steps forward. Redpain was red in color, and some even say that she looks like a female version of Knockout. While her twin, look just like her, but is blue. The twins are the younger sister to Knockout.
"Arianna." Both Optimus and Michelle say in unison, and then smile at each other. Never before has such love has been between a Prime and a fairy. This is going to be one powerful fairy. The stronger the love is between husband and wife, the stronger the fairy would be. If one hated the other, the child would not survive, and may even die before birth.
"Blueprint and send in the family, And Redpain, let the rest know." said Ratchet, the rest meaning all of Cybertron. Blueprint left to go into the waiting room While Redpain went to the crowd outside.
Once Redpain reaches the outside of the hospital, the once noisy crowd hushes, waiting for the intern to speak. Redpain waits for total silence before speaking.
"It is a girl fairy, and her name is Arianna." she said to the waiting crowd. Once hearing the name, the crowd cheered and chanted her name. But way in the back, slowly making his way forward was one Cybertronian who was not celebrating; he had an agenda on his mind. Megatron was going to crash a happy day.
Meanwhile Blueprint walks into the waiting room, and all eyes turn onto her, waiting on her to speak.
"It's a girl, follow me to the delivery room." she said. Sentinel Prime, Ultra Magnus, and the two fairies, who followed the blue medic to be.
The new parents smiled and greeted the group as they walked in. Michelle hands the now full Arianna to Sentinel Prime, and smiles at him.
"Meet your granddaughter, Arianna" she said as Sentinel gently took her, and smiled at the small child. The new born slept peacefully in his arms; it brought back memories of the birth of his daughter.
Unfortunately, the happy moment did not last long. The hospital room doors burst open, reviling an angry Megatronus. Sentinel held his granddaughter closer, using his arms to shield her. Optimus stood in between his wife and daughter.
"Megatronus." Optimus began until he was cut off.
"Its Megatron now!" said Megatron, seething with anger. He pointed and Sentinel. "You should have made me a prime," he moved to Michelle, "she should have been mine, along with that child. If I can't have them, nobody can!" After that, he stormed out, leaving the family worried. Both of the primes vowed to keep the fairies safe at all costs.
Two years later, a war was raging between the Autobots and the Decepticons. One Autobot, Optimus Prime, the leader of the Autobots, was heading to a building with a small child in his arms, about the age of two. The child was crying because she was scared. Just a few long minutes ago, she was standing around trying to find Optimus. She was lost in the confusion of the war, and Megatron himself, who was the leader of the Decepticons, was about to shoot her, until Optimus grabbed her, and took her to safety.
"Shhh, it's OK, Arianna, I won't let anything bad happen to you." said Optimus. He could feel his daughters fear, and he was worried that Megatron may be following, with the intent to harm her.
He took her inside a building, where a man with a blue box waited. This mane was from a planet called Gallifrey, a planet not too far from Cybertron. The man was wearing a blue suit with red converse; he called himself "The doctor." Optimus placed his daughter in a cradle, and then he slipped a necklace over the child's head. On a music box, he played a song, which promises of safety, even though there is a war. The song calmed the child, and eased her to sleep.
"Don't forget who you are, or where you came from." Optimus said to Arianna. Then he hands her to the doctor, a long time ally, "Please protect her; she is the last of her kind. Her name is Arianna, daughter of the last Prime." he said to him as he hands her over.
"Don't worry," said The Doctor, I'll take her to where Megatron can't get her, she'll be safe on Earth."
"It is appreciated." said Optimus.
With saddened optics, the Prime watches The Doctor take his only child inside the blue box, known as the T.A.R.I.S. As he watched it slowly fade, he vowed to himself he would try to find her once it is safe. Optimus did not want to send her away, but he had to, Megatron had killed his wife, and he will kill his daughter, in fact, if he wasn't there, she would be dead by now. He sighed to himself, he did not know if he would she her again, but he did know one thing; he will be able to tell if she is alright, thanks to the bond they share. Fairies and their prime parent share a bond that allows the prime feel their child's pain, and strong emotions, like fear or joy.
The Doctor landed in the woods near a town called Jasper Nevada. With the fairy child in his arms he set out to find her a family to take care of her. After a while he spotted a young couple having a picnic, and he heard their conversation.
"If you can have anything in the world, what would you have?" asked the man.
"A child of my own, but I can't have one." the woman said sadly.
At this the doctor came out, and after talking with them, he handed the child to the couple who promised to take care of the baby.