AN: After hearing what happened in last night's Walking Dead episode, I decided that I will not be following season five but will add certain things. Seeing Beth being killed shattered me and also poor Daryl, he went through all that to see her die. Carry on Bethyl Shippers, we will still write Daryl and Beth stories because they the TWD couple! Screw you, Gimple.
Also I have a new TWD story called Ghost Orchid with Beth alive and kicking, review and check it out.
Me and other various writers have signed a petition called: The Walking Dead, AMC Entertainment, Scott Gimple: Bring Beth Back!
Summary: In which Beth survives after Dawn tries to kill Beth and the group leave. Daryl and Beth savour their years together after leaving the hospital. Daryl/Beth, fluff. Something I wished and hoped would happen. Daryl/Beth. Rated M for sexual scenes. Written in honour for Hearts1989, LemonStar, jamie45, tanglingshadows and missy7293. A series of little one shots that I am writing for these lovely people.
Faith And Hope
Chapter 1
When Daryl saw Beth falling down onto the floor, a bloody hole scraping by her head, barely missing her head….He saw red. He would not let Beth die, the woman who had given him hope after losing the prison, after believing their family to dead after the Governor attacked.
He saw Dawn lookin horrified but he didn't care, he pulled out his pistol and shot her point blank in the head, blood spraying everywhere as the officer collapsed to the ground with a dull thud, he then shot her again for good measure.
"Beth!" He cried as he ran over to her and heard her moan in pain, she was still alive but barely…barely hanging on as he picked her up and the doctor hurried over to her as they placed her on a stretcher, Dr Steven looked at the bullet wound and looked relived as did Carol.
"The bullet went clean through, that saved her life." Carol told Daryl as she started bandaging up Beth's right side, Daryl held her hand tightly and kissed it.
He would never let her go, god he loved this woman and felt Rick place his hand on his shoulder as he heard a car outside and Rick went to see who it was.
"She'll need rest but she'll be fine, definitely a fighter this one. Dawn fucked with the wrong girl." Officer Shepard said with a slight smile.
Daryl felt Carol touch his right arm in comfort and he grasped her hand with gratitude in his piercing blue eyes as he went to stay with Beth in one of the rooms as Maggie, Glenn, Eugene, Tara, Abraham and Sasha entered the room.
"Beth?" Maggie asked dread in her voice as Glenn held her tightly to him as they looked at Rick when he gave them an assuring smile as Carl came in with Judith and Father Gabriel.
"She's fine, she got shot but she'll be alright Maggie. She just needs rest and Daryl's with her." Rick told her as Carl and Judith joined him.
Maggie sobbed in relief and ran to the room where Beth was, looking overjoyed at the fact that her baby sister was alive and kicking.
Beth stirred slightly as Daryl sat down next to her in a chair, he silently grasped her hand and felt his eyes burn, and he couldn't lose her just after finding her after five months.
"Please god, don't take away the one good thing in my life. I know I ain't done a lot of good things but I love Beth with everything I got, please don't take her from me, not now." He said praying for the first since he was eight years old.
He heard the door open and saw it was Maggie, she stilled at seeing Beth on the hospital bed as tears brimmed in her hazel eyes and she sat on the other end, a sob in her throat.
"Bethie, please wake up, we're all here, Daryl, me, Glenn, Judith, Carl, Michonne, Rick, Tyresse, Carol, Sasha and Noah. Please wake up." Maggie said her voice breaking at the end as she looked at Daryl with gratitude in her eyes.
"Thank you, for saving her and not giving up like I did…I give you my blessing to be with her, Daryl Dixon." She told him sincerely.
Daryl fought against the lump in his throat as he looked at Maggie, she had given him her blessing for him to be with Beth despite being five years older than her.
"Thank ya, I ain't gonna let her get again, I swear." He vowed as Beth stirred in her sleep and his heart soared.
Beth knew she was dead, knew that that Dawn had shot her as she looked around and tears stung her eyes as she thought of her family, Maggie, Glenn, and the man she loved….Daryl.
"It's not your time to die yet, Bethy." A familiar voice said gently and she looked up to see it was her father, her daddy, a lump formed in her throat and she sobbed as her eyes stung with tears that slid down her face.
"Daddy, I missed you!" She sobbed hugging him and he hugged her back tightly, his own eyes burning as was his heart for his youngest child, his Bethie.
"I missed you too sweetie but you shouldn't be here, you're not ready to go yet and you have a life ahead of you along with Daryl. I'm so proud of you sweetheart." He said kissing her forehead lovingly as she cried.
"But you'll be alone." She said wiping her eyes and Hershel chuckled as he looked at her with twinkling eyes.
"I'm not alone Beth, your mother and Shawn are here and so is Merle, we're watching over you and protecting you both." He said softly as Merle Dixon came over.
"Ya look after him alright and he'd better look after ya, tell him…Tell Daryl I'm sorry for not bein' there for him when he needed me and tell him, me, momma, grandpa, grandma, and Uncle Jess are proud of him, proud of the man he's become and will be/" Merle asked gruffly but Beth saw tears in his eyes as he looked at her.
"I will, I promise." Beth whispered softly and with a hug from Merle and Hershel, who both hugged her tightly before she opened her eyes…
Daryl listened to Father Gabriel pray as they watched over Beth, the man was leading to God that he should spare Beth's innocent, pure soul and go take another's who was cruel and wicked.
Daryl then felt Beth's hand twitch and looked around quickly to see she was waking up and his heart thumped quicker as he saw Beth stir awake as the other hurried into the room.
That was when the most beautiful thing happened.
Beth said Daryl's name with no hesitation and squeezed his hand tightly, he gripped it tightly as she opened her beautiful cornflower blue eyes.
"Daryl?" She said softly.
Daryl felt his eyes burn as he moved closer to the bed and looked at her, she looked back as their eyes gazed at each other intently.
"I'm here Beth, I'm here sweetheart."
Yes, I live in the UK but I won't be watching it again, I can't.
Read and Review my fellow Bethyl shippers.