Disclaimer: Don't own anything. Just a little something for the holidays.

Just in Case

The dynamic duo of Farkas Bulkmeier and Eugene Skullovitch or better known as Bulk and Skull entered the Power Dojo.

The place was empty as the last class had just let out for the holiday break. Hearing voices from the back office the two made their way to see the dojo's owners.

"What are you doing?" came an indignant voice from within the office.

"What do you mean?" another voice dubiously asked.

"The head, always go for the head first," this was said in a 'duh' tone of voice as if this fact was obvious to everyone and the other man was stupid for not knowing it.

"No, take out the legs. Incapacitate him so he can't escape. Can't run if you don't have legs," the other man argued calmly.

Bulk frowned, 'What the hell was going on in there?'

He quickly grabbed Skull's hand as he raised it to knock and yanked him back.

Having not expected this Skull lost his balance and smacked one of his flailing arms into the adjacent wall with a loud THWACK.

"Ow, Bulkie," he cradled his injured arm but Bulk grabbed the collar of his jacket and dragged Skull out of there.

What they came for wasn't too important, it could wait. He didn't really want to walk in on and interrupt whatever that was.

"Did you hear something, Adam?" Rocky turned to his co-owner as he bit off the head of another gingerbread man.

Adam shrugged the last class had left a while ago. It could be a few lingering students, but that was highly unlikely as they had dashed off as soon as class ended, eager for the break.

"Let's check it out." The two stood up and headed towards the door.

Rocky quickly swiveled back and bit off the legs of his cookie and glared at the remaining torso as he set it back down on the desk, "Just in case."