I am really sorry for the long delay, the season change wasn´t good on me this year and I couldn´t write anything, it was rather depressing. There a few parts of this chapter I still don´t like but I hope you enjoy it anyway! :)

Thank you for all the reviews and yes, I know KumikoWalker´s fic - it´s really awesome, I really enjoy reading her writing!

guest: thank you haha, I´m still working on my ability to write smut^^

katie103:thanks :) I´m glad you enjoyed and if Akashi seemed taller it was my mistake, I didn´t intend to make him seem taller^^ thank you for pointing that out, I´m going to pay more attention to it! :)

El: thaaaank you^^ well I guess so ;) We will get there soon, like veeeery soon :) so I hope you keep reading :)

eragon: thanks, I´m glad you liked it! :)I hope it will keep being interesting! :)

Thank you for all your reviews, they make me really happy! :)

Kagami moaned in his sleep, twitching restlessly before his eyes fluttered. His fingers were clawed into the sheets underneath him and he felt far too hot out of sudden as something wet engulfed his very private parts again. Gasping fully awake the redhead glanced down and threw an arm over his eyes when hotness surged through him at the sight between his legs that was responsible for his awakening.

"Wh – what, Murasakibara what the fuck are you doing!?" he half moaned half shouted, whimpering when Murasakibara swallowed around him with a hum, obviously satisfied that Kagami now was awake.

"It seemed that you had a vivid dream Taiga…" a voice sounded next to him and shocked Kagami turned his head, staring at a smiling Akashi who brushed his hand through Kagami´s hair. A bit embarrassed by this rather unique way to wake up the redhead tried to scramble upwards, away from Murasakibara´s mouth but big hands grabbed his hips and held him down before Akashi pulled his hair, making him arc his neck against the pillow before his mouth was covered by Akashi´s.

"Don´t be shy Taiga…" Akashi mumbled against his lips and traced his cheekbones with his thumb, brushing their noses against each other in a sweet gesture, "especially not when it is between us and something you want"

"I – " Kagami began but when Murasakibara nipped at the tip, licking and kissing the head of his cock a keening noise fell from his lips and his hands buried themselves in purple hair. Murasakibara hummed appreciating, sending shivers through Kagami´s body. Hands moved below his body and grabbed his ass cheeks, pushing Kagami´s cock further into the awaiting mouth. When Akashi´s lips closed around his nipple he bucked into the mouth and whimpered in slight pain as Murasakibara´s wet finger suddenly pushed into his body; they were long and thick and nothing like Aomine´s elegant and slim fingers but oh – so – good.

His tail twitched against his body, curling and unfolding steadily as the finger began to thrust into him, intruding his body in the most delicious way while Akashi´s finger brushed through his hair, scratching his cat ears with his fingernails while his head rested on the other´s lap. He lowly began to purr against Akashi´s leg, rubbing his nose against the skin and sighed when Murasakibara curled his finger, scratching something inside him that warmed his head with heavy and lazy arousal, enfolding his body from lasting sleepiness and a deep moan rumbled from his throat when a second finger joint the first one while Akashi rolled one nipple between cool fingers.

"Taiga, turn your head." Akashi breathed and guided Kagami´s mouth to his cock, sighing when lips opened, letting him slide inside. He quickly took control of the rhythm, pushing into the mouth with more force as he enjoyed the quiet and breathy gasp that danced around his hot flesh whenever Murasakibara hit Kagami´s prostate with his finger.

Although the position wasn´t ideal Kagami´s mouth tightened around him making when Murasakibara added a third finger making Akashi release a soft moan. Despite the pain Kagami was feeling Akashi could feel him smirk around his girth and with a twitch in his eyebrows he grabbed Kagami´s hair a bit tighter, forcing himself deeper into the redhead´s throat, chuckling when Kagami growled beneath him.

"Aka-chin, I want to do it" Murasakibara whined and sat up. Kagami´s hips bucked into air, clearly unsatisfied with the lack friction. "I will go first Atsushi", Akashi said, pulling out of Kagami´s mouth.

"F – first?" Kagami stammered, stemming himself up on his elbows. "Of course Taiga." Akashi crawled over to the end of the bed and even like this, with dishevelled hair, an obvious erection he managed to somehow look elegant, even gracious, more feline than Kagami could ever be. Kagami swallowed, his legs parted without his consent as Akashi settled between them and when the other boy´s hands ran over his legs to the inside of his thighs, teasing the sensitive skin Kagami bit his lip and rested his cheek against the sheets.

"Gorgeous", Akashi mumbled and pushed against Kagami´s knees, urging him to raise his legs. Heat bloomed in Kagami´s face when Akashi eyed his most private parts with a curious and hot gaze. "What the hell are you looking at!?" he growled and raised his head, swallowing when Akashi smirked at him before lowering his lips to the hollow of his knee, kissing the skin before biting gently into the spot in the middle, never breaking eye contact. Kagami twitched and whimpered when Akashi´s lips wandered lower, arriving at his exposed ass cheek and when Akashi suddenly kissed the small hole between, giving it a lick with a flattened tongue Kagami nearly howled.

"A – Akashi, stop – don´t, hnngh – ", but every protest died when the tongue pushed inside, curling against his inner body. For the next minutes that felt like hours Kagami didn´t know where up or down was; he was writhing against the sheets, gasping and moaning against Murasakibara´s mouth that covered his more often than it did not. Although the feeling of heat and unsatisfying desire that he experienced when Aomine, Kise and Kuroko had been there had decreased the arousal and sensitivity of his body didn´t lessened and he quivered with need between them. With Murasakibara´s tongue in his mouth and Akashi´s wandering from his ass over the other leg, kissing and biting the skin he was unable to form any thoughts or words – not that it was needed anyway.

"Aka-chin, hurry up", Murasakibara whined and bit gently – more or less – into Kagami´s throat. "Ow, Murasakibara that fucking hurt you – "

Kagami gasped in pain and surprise when Akashi suddenly began to push into him, "Oh god Akashi a bit of – ah – warning would have been – nngh…" "It seems that Atsushi is in a bit of a rush…" Akashi said and Kagami grabbed his shoulders when the other redhead was finally fully inside him. For a small moment they remained in this position, eyes locked into each other and Kagami bathed in Akashi´s appearance; with flush cheeks, eyes almost fevered with desire he looked he came out of a wet dream (well there were a few dreams Kagami had about this) and it was all because of him. He smirked at Akashi, locking his hands behind the other´s neck somehow and moved his ass against Akashi, provoking him to move and when he did Kagami´s back arched in a perfect bow, shivering under the thrusts and gasps and moans spilled over his lips, turning into soft mewls when Murasakibara began to kiss and suck at his throat.

"A – Akashi!" he gasped when Akashi´s hips slapped against his ass, moving in perfect control, in a perfect rhythm hitting his prostate almost every time dead on leaving white dancing dots in front of Kagami´s eyes while Kagami gave as good as he got, moving against Akashi as fast as possible, trying to lure him deeper – to fill him up completely.

"Taiga, turn around." Akashi commanded in a rough voice and before Kagami could even think about that bold request he had already moved on all fours, pushing his ass against Akashi´s hands and his mouth fell open when the other pushed into him again, reaching so much deeper than before. "Akashi, faster – oh fuck, please, shit, shit, shit – I…" he babbled, words that didn´t make sense fell from his mouth until Murasakibara grabbed him softly by his hair guiding Kagami´s mouth to his cock, shutting him up and buried his fingers in Kagami´s hair.

"Hmh, Kaga-chin´s mouth is nice…" Murasakibara sighed and adapted to Akashi´s rhythm, and all Kagami could do was rock between them, curling his tongue around Murasakibara´s cock that was far too huge for him to take in wholly and clenching around Akashi who released soft moans and gasps, boosting Kagami´s ego whenever he pushed back.

Kagami moaned rather loudly around Murasakibara´s girth when Akashi got faster, slamming into Kagami with more force and reached out, one hand closing around Kagami´s his tail that had wrapped around Akashi´s body, caressing the skin without Kagami´s knowledge or consent. "It was mentioned that you tail is rather sensitive Taiga so…" and Kagami mewled brokenly when Akashi scratched and squeezed his tail at its base and he pulled back, releasing Murasakibara from his mouth to let his forehead rest against the pillow, panting open mouthed.

"Akashi… I – hah – " Kagami moaned when Akashi pushed in again, "Taiga" Akashi said his name like some prayer and Kagami whimpered when the hand moved to his cock, squeezing tight and then he felt how something hot was released into him, leaving him gasping as Akashi filled him with his seed.

Akashi panted against his back, tickling the skin and Kagami shivered when Akashi pulled and gazed up into fond eyes. Kagami frowned. "I didn´t come" he complained and Akashi chuckled, pressing a soft kiss on his lips that distracted Kagami until he was startled by hands on his hips and broke the lip locking with Akashi.

"Mhm… how lewd Kaga-chin…" Murasakibara murmured and Kagami gasped when two thick fingers slipped into his abused channel, making slick noises that embarrassed the hell out of Kagami. "M – Murasakibara don´t – ah."

"`m bigger than Aka-chin…" Murasakibara stated and Kagami sniggered at the unpleased expression on Akashi´s face, "everything is bigger on you Atsushi."

"Hmh…" Murasakibara made a wondering sound before he pulled his fingers out and Kagami was getting seriously pissed at the duo. "Will you get on with it you oversized child!" Kagami hissed and winced when Murasakibara quickly added a third finger, frowning at the redhead´s tone. "But that will hurt Kaga-chin."

Kagami wanted to protest, stating that he could take him on very well but when Murasakibara´s fingers began to make scissor movements inside of him, moving against his sweet spot there was nothing left to complain about.

"M – Murasakibara just – hah – hurry up!" he demanded, his body flushed red with arousal. Heat was driving through his veins as an aftershock of Murasakibara´s talented and slicked fingers that had prodded into his entrance, shocking his oversensitive body with new waves of lust. His muscles had given out somewhere between Akashi´s lips and Murasakibara´s fingers and Kagami was sure that he was in a very pathetic position right now with his chest and head resting the sheets and the only thing that hold his ass up were Murasakibara´s hands.

"Hmh, Kaga-chin is dripping…" Murasakibara smiled as he pulled out his fingers, steadying his grip on Kagami´s hips and positioned him behind the redhead. "I think Taiga waited long enough Atsushi", Akashi smiled, wiping sweat drenched strains of hair of Kagami´s forehead, "yes!" Kagami hissed and Akashi chuckled when the other´s eyes grew wide as Murasakibara finally pushed inside, "Oh shit, shit, shit – you´re fucking big you – " Kagami made a choking sound when Murasakibara wholly pushed into him, leaning over his body. "That is Kaga-chin´s fault." He panted into his ear and Kagami moaned, unable to form a response when Murasakibara pulled out again and slammed back inside, filling Kagami so completely, reaching deeper than Akashi or Aomine and Kagami could only hold on to Akashi who still combed through his hair as Murasakibara began to fuck him deep and slow, dragging Kagami´s orgasm out until he nearly lost his mind, his body screaming for release. Tears gathered in his eyes when Murasakibara drove into him with so much force, pushing him over the bed and he mewled into Akashi´s lap, ears flattening against his head as the tail twitched and curled against Murasakibara´s arm.

"M – oh god, so good – Murasakibara – ah, harder, oh shit – please just, hnngh, so deep haaa, Akashi, I – " he heard himself moan and babble. He could feel how Murasakibara´s grip got tighter and his thrust grew erratic and deeper, faster and "oh god – I, hhngh, touch me! T – touch me oh god – " One of Murasakibara´s wide hands closed around his cock, jerking the hot flesh with quick movements and with a loud gasp and rolling eyes heat pierced through his body as he came into Murasakibara´s hand.

Murasakibara growled lowly when Kagami´s body tightened and shuddered around him and his hips began to move faster, slamming into the body beneath him to finally find release. Kagami´s body was so hot, the way the other moved and quivered on the sheets, his tanned skin contrasting against the white, glistering so seductive that it made Murasakibara lick off small drops of sweat, following the invisible trail of his spine as he placed kisses of the skin, biting red marks into it at the thought that Aomine, Kise and Kuroko had Kagami before him; Had enjoyed and seen him like that, spread out and oh so beautiful, ready to be devoured.

But from the way Kagami bucked into him he knew that the moment he would lessen his grip on the other Kagami would probably turn them around and although the thought of Kagami on top of him, riding him into oblivion was tempting it was meant for another day. Since today he wanted to see Kagami exactly like that. With that thought he quickly pulled out, turning Kagami onto his back and then penetrated him again, groaning at the sight of the redhead who seemed blissed out, cum spattered on his chest and Murasakibara regretted to not have turned him around sooner so he could have watched how Kagami looked when he came, what kind of expression he made but the reddish face he now wore was also satisfying. His eyes seemed blazed over and he released short gasps and mewls when Murasakibara rocked into him again and with a few stuttering but forceful thrusts Murasakibara came deep into him, moaning against Kagami´s mouth as he enjoyed the taste of that hot cavern thrusting his tongue into him in the same way he did with his cock.

When Murasakibara´s body fell on his Kagami couldn´t even find the strength to complain as his head was still caught up in some mushy cloud and he felt perfectly numb and nice and warm and… sticky.

Kagami blinked and moaned in distress when he felt liquid running down his inner thigh and suddenly Muasakibara´s weight pressed him down and the numbness gave way to soreness. "Get off you heavy oaf…" he groaned and winced when he finally tried to move into a sitting position. "Maybe you should lay down for a bit Taiga" Akashi laid a hand on his shoulder but Kagami shook it off. "What the hell do you guys think you´re doing so early!" he hissed and winced when pain immediately shot through his lower body. Akashi cocked his head and stood up, perfectly nude and Kagami blushed, averting his eyes. "I didn´t hear you complain a few minutes ago Taiga" he stated and Kagami glared at him, "Well – I – " he blinked and pulled the sheets around his lower body when he felt Murasakibara´s and Akashi´s eyes on him, suddenly feeling conscious out of sudden. "you started it!" he declared accusingly.

"Mhm that was because Kaga-chin made very delicious noises and kept moving in his sleep…" Murasakibara nodded and pulled his shirt over his body that Kagami had not been eyeing the whole time because he looked like one of those Greek statues which he of course did not (except that he did). "Well ´s not my fault…" he muttered, propping his chin on his hand, obviously pouting. Akashi sighed, "Maybe but it is not like you didn´t enjoy our activities Taiga" and with obvious satisfaction they both watched how Kagami´s whole face flushed. "Well you also did!" he shouted, pointing at them with one finger and Akashi sighed but looked at Kagami with a fond expression that the taller redhead still needed to get used to because Akashi shouldn´t look so good with it and he looked at Kagami like he was special and it made him feel all fuzzy and strange and all he wanted to do was smile which he couldn´t for obvious reasons! It was unfair!

"Kaga-chin looks good like that." Murasakibara mumbled making Kagami blink at him, "Hah? What are you talking about?"

Akashi nodded, "Atsushi is right. It seems that you should get laid more often Taiga."

And if it wouldn´t sound so strange and wrong out of Akashi´s mouth Kagami would have maybe been offended but all he could do now was to stare at the other redhead, trying not to laugh because getting laid didn´t really belong into Akashi´s vocabulary. It sounded weird.

"That sounded weird Aka-chin." Murasakibara spoke his thoughts and Akashi frowned, "why is that?" "Hmh…" the purple haired boy wondered, "it doesn´t sound right coming from Aka-chin."

"Is that so?"

Murasakibara nodded.


Kagami sighed – what idiots. "Whatever…" he muttered as he noticed that the two hadn´t really answered him but that didn´t matter anyway since he really needed a bath. When he mentioned that issue there was a strange gleam in the eyes of the other two and in the end he needed to force Akashi into the shower and Murasakibara to wait outside while he himself claimed the bathtub, ignoring all their requests to bath together. Kagami still swallowed and blushed when he remembered the knowing and dirty smirks and looks they had gotten when they had left Kagami´s bedroom. The others had probably heard everything and shit, he shouldn´t be so embarrassed by it since they made it very clear that they liked him and since he liked them back they kind of were in a relationship right now, right? But damn, it was an uncomfortable thought that they all had heard him – them – and… argh.

He slid deeper into the tub, breathing into the water, making small bubbles of air. It was embarrassing and he was hungry; these morning activities on an empty stomach were too much and he really needed to eat something – hell, he felt like he could eat a whole cow!

So even though he really wanted to enjoy the bath and how the hot water relaxed his muscles he couldn´t since his stomach complained about his lack of food after only five minutes and given the loud chuckle he heard from the shower it was rather loud.

"Maybe you should hurry up Taiga" Akashi stepped out of the shower and no Kagami didn´t glance at him out of the corner because a naked, wet Akashi with a smirk playing on his lips wasn´t hot as hell. Not at all.

Akashi sighed, "I hear Atsushi rebelling in front of your bathroom door. We should eat breakfast."

Kagami nodded dumbly, rising out of the tub and ignored Akashi´s not so sublte stares while he dried himself and sighed in relief when finally layers of clothing protected his naked form from Akashi´s curious and hot gaze.

"Well I will try to make something…" he mumbled as he passed Akashi who followed him outside, smiling gently and while Kagami heard Murasakibara complaining about being left at the door like a dog he tried not to wince when he kneeled down in front of his fridge, searching for something and enough for all of them to eat. He probably needed to charge them for it.

Breakfast had been embarrassing as Aomine and Kise smirked knowingly at him, Kuroko stared at him without being as inexpressive as he probably wanted to be and Midorima couldn't look at him without blushing. Akashi was obviously bathing in some kind of light that only seemed to shine for him and Murasakibara´s mouth was far too full for him to speak. And Kagami himself felt far too uncomfortable on his chair to make a bit of small talk and moreover his mouth was just as full as Murasakibara´s.

"Kagami?" Midorima spoke up and Kagami looked up from his plate, blinking questioning expression, "I will speak with my father about a possible removing of your feline features if that is alright with you."

The redhead swallowed his food in one go and nodded, "Uhm yeah sure…" he looked at the green haired boy with an uncertain expression. "D – do you think that it is possible?" Midorima sighed, "Well, obviously it was possible to attach them to you so it will be possible to remove them…" if Kagami looked hard enough he could almost see Midorima frowning, "but of course there are risks to the operation, " he eyed Kagami´s ears, that flattened a bit, "so it would be the best if you could visit my father when you come to a conclusion. He will inform you about everything you need to know." Kagami nodded silently, staring at his plate as he suddenly found himself not hungry anymore.

"Way to kill the mood Midorima," Aomine drawled and the green haired boy flushed a bit in embarrassment. "Well it is clearly necessary to tell him about it."

"Mhm but in the morning Midorima-cchi?" Kise sighed and looked at the other with a hopeless expression, "and Kagami-cchi had such an exhausting morning" the blonde giggled and even the death glare Kagami send him didn´t stop him from throwing a fit at the table. "Shut up Kise!" the redhead growled and Kuroko sighed, "Don´t mind Kise-kun, Kagami-kun. Although it appeared that it had been an… adventurous morning for Kagami-kun." Kuroko´s lips curled into a nearly invisible smirk but Kagami didn´t miss the mischieve expression on the other´s innocent looking face. "Although I´m a bit jealous Kagami-kun. Kagami-kun seemed far more… passionate than at our encounter."

Now heat exploded on Kagami´s face and it felt like steam shot out of his ears, "Kuroko you asshole! Did you camp in front of my door or what!?" he hissed and Kuroko smiled a bit solemnly at him, "that wasn´t necessary. We could here quite well in the living room."

Kagami spluttered, clawing his hands into his jeans in embarrassment as he had no idea what to say but it seemed that Akashi took pity in him when Aomine burst out in laughter and Kise resumed to his giggling. They were the worst – why the hell did he even keep up with them, he should throw them out and never let them inside again; he should – mhm…

Akashi had reached over the table to pull Kagami over and kiss him right there on the table and all Kagami could think about how good Akashi´s lips felt and – fuck – how he should have known how Akashi kissed given the morning but the way their lips moved against each other still felt so new and weird and good that afterwards Kagami wasn´t able to keep his mouth closed and looked a bit dazed when Akashi retreated, giving him a small smirk. "It seems that your other… lovers are quite jealous Taiga, you should learn how to control them better."

Murasakibara nodded while Kagami still had a hard time comprehending what Akashi had said, "Mine-chin is jealous that he couldn´t sleep with Kaga-chin. He´s stupid."

"What the hell Murasakibara!?" Aomine declared hotly and Kagami sniggered, finally back to earth.

"That was unfair of you Murasakibara-cchi!" Kise pouted and Kagami blushed a bit as he was still unused to the sudden attention that was put upon him and although it was nice having so many people caring for him he really didn´t know what to do with it. He was a boring guy and except for playing basketball and the ability to cook he hadn´t much to give anymore. He wasn´t sure how he should keep their attention, what he should say when they were with him and yes, normally he didn´t gave something much thought but now he couldn´t help but do so. As he watched them all interact he wondered how he was able to attract the attention of six handsome basketball prodigies. It wasn´t like he was self-conscious, he knew that his body was considered handsome, maybe sexy but still… he propped his chin on his hand… he sometimes wondered what they saw in him. And well – Kagami glanced around at the six idiots still caught up in some argument – he sometimes wondered what exactly he saw in them. And that made it a bit easier to understand. Maybe being the basketball idiot with hopefully soon to be gone cat ears was enough. He smiled at the thought – it was a nice idea.

"Oi Kagami, stop smiling, it´s creepy!" Aomine interrupted his peaceful thoughts and Kagami glared at him "Shut the hell – "

"Don´t insult Kagami-cchi like that Aomine-cchi, his smile is very adorable!" Kise interjected and Kagami crinched, "I´m not adorable – "

"I agree with Kise-kun, Aomine-kun. Kagami-kun´s smile is very nice, he should smile more often."

Kagami groaned in distress and dropped his head on the table, nearly hitting the plate. "Kagami, mind your manners," Midorima scolded him but Kagami only waved him off, trying to zoom out of that pretty embarrassed conversation. "Just… I don´t know, just shut up. And don´t patronize me! " He moaned and heard Midorima sigh beside him.

"Wow, tough word Kagami, slept on a dictionary? Oh no I forget you – "

And Kagami punched him in the face.

When he had finally thrown them out he was met with the silence of his apartment. With a sigh he turned on the radio, eager for something cover it and began to tidy up his apartment, changing the covers of his bed with a beet red face and opening all the windows to let freh air into the room. And then he decided to take another bath since the only thing he wanted to do was rest, let his sore body to find some peace so after drenching his skin in hot water he fell onto his bed, sighing into the fresh sheets – there was nothing better than the smell of freshly washed and clean bed clothes.

And by the time he would wake up he should finally sit down and do some of the homework Kuroko had brought him. And think about that surgery only that he didn´t really get what there was to think about. It wasn´t like he had a choice.

Kagami groaned; that sucked.

"What the hell did you do with him Akashi?" Aomine inquired a bit breathless from the run to the station and the red haired boy rolled his eyes, "nothing you don´t know of Daiki"


"Kaga-chin was delicious" Murasakibara wondered, sucking on a chocolate bar, "he made very nice noises"

Akashi nodded, "indeed. It was very satisfying."

Next to him Midorima coughed in slight embarrassment, "We should change the subject. We should really go to – "

"Aww Midorima-cchi don´t be jealous, I´m sure you´re gonna get your go – "

"Don´t talk about Kagami-kun like that Kise-kun." Kuroko stabbed the blonde in the side who cringed in pain. "And don´t laugh like that Aomine-kun, it wasn´t funny." Aomine winced when Kuroko´s hand collided with his side.

Midorima adjusted his glasses, glaring at Kise with mirth. "I am not jealous as you put it. I just think that it is more important to think about Kagami´s problem."

Akashi frowned slightly, "I agree that this issue has first priority but still… it is suspicious how much you are interested in it."

Midorima swallowed, "well it is a rather interesting case."

Aomine lifted his eyebrows, "oh come on, really?"

"How rude Midorima-cchi!"

"Well it is a medical miracle; very interesting indeed." Midorima looked at Kise with calculating eyes, "I´ve never heard of something like that before."

"I don´t want Midorima-kun treat Kagami-kun like a medical experiment." Kuroko frowned, looking at Midorima with obvious distaste.

"I certainly do not." The green haired boy stated and Aomine threw one arm over his shoulder, grinning, "He really does not – I saw that kiss, loverboy". With an annoyed sound Midorima threw his arm off his neck and stiffened slightly under Akashi´s gaze. "Well, if it is about the right… issue Shintarou can be quite… passionate." He smirked, "but I agree with Shintarou, it´s time for me to take advantages of some connections so we can finally find the responsible person."

Kuroko sighed, that was what he was afraid off.

Kagami swallowed and even though he had been to Midorima´s before he was still nervous. It had been three days since that day at his apartment and Kagami was tired of doing nothing so he had been eager to come to Midorima´s – at first. Now he wasn´t so sure anymore. It was a bit scary.

"Kagami." Midorima appeared in the door and he nodded at him, giving a nervous smile. "Hey, I´m – ", the redhead blinked when Midorima pressed a short kiss to his lips after glancing around for possible disturbers.

Kagami smirked into the kiss, although he still needed to get used to this it was nice and the fact Midorima was acting on his own to touch and kiss Kagami was bound to mean something. And despite all the awkwardness it was a good kiss, innocent and quick but nice. It made Kagami feel good – all fluttery and stuff that Kuroko probably read about in one of his novel. The little guy always pretended to read some overly high intelligent stuff but when Kagami once glanced at the written page it was only one romantic and cheesy novel – that little traitor.

"Do come in Kagami." Midorima muttered and seemed to be just as surprised by his own action as Kagami. "Uh yeah, thanks"

"My father is upstairs. He requested to speak to you alone, I will join you later."

Kagami nodded and swallowed nervously. Midorima senior had been an intimidating man and the thought of being alone with him didn´t appeal to Kagami, thank you very much.

But well, he should be grateful that the man was willing to help him. Kagami blinked, he didn´t even paid attention to the price the surgery would cost, how the hell should he explain that to his parents? He had more than once considered calling them, often craved for their support but on the other hand he was unsure how to approach this issue. Especially now that it had already been quite a time he spent in this… condition. Maybe he should call them today or at all? Kagami wondered as he stood in front of the door and sighed as he knocked; well whatever. He needed to come up with something and prepare them for the immense future bill on his account.

"Come in Kagami-kun."

Ah, he was being expected.

"Hello Midorima… san." He answered as he entered the room. The man raised his eyebrow, "as rude as before."

It took a lot of will to swallow the insult on his tongue but somehow Kagami managed and only answered with a nod. As the door closed behind him it was uncomfortable silent for a moment before the man stopped in front of him and glanced down at him with a superiority that made Kagami want to punch him in the face. But it seemed that he had a lot of pent up self-control so he didn´t. And it probably wouldn´t end very well for him.

"My son will join us in his own time but for now there are a few things I need you for before we will talk about the way I will release you from your…" He glanced up at Kagami´s head that still was mostly covered by his hoodie. "Extraordinary items…"

Kagami swallowed and tried not to shiver under those cold eyes – to him it felt like there was a different person in front of him. Was it because his son wasn´t here?

"Sh – shouldn't we wait for Midorima? I mean your son?" Kagami asked, shifting on his feet in nervousness as he watched how the older man retreated further into the room, obviously looking for something.

"There is no need for that. I told you that he will come later since he´s not needed here. This problem is yours – not his."

Kagami swallowed, finally understanding why the man was acting so hostile towards him. "I – I don´t want involve him in this any further – I mean."

"It is already too late for that isn´t it?" the man interrupted him, ice in his voice. "My son has obviously developed some… feelings for you Kagami-kun. He already is involved and not one of you has an idea in what."

Kagami clenched his fists at the tone and glared the man, pulling down his hoodie to show him the ears. "Well maybe that´s true but still you have no right to interfere with – "

"I have every right to interfere as his father."

"Well I also like him so I don´t even think about letting him go." Kagami stated, standing straight as he looked the older Midorima directly into the eyes and he had no intention of backing off. This was important; he didn´t know how official they were and Midorima´s dad would probably explode when he found out that Kagami wasn´t only dating his son but also five other guys – Oh joy… - but still, he felt like he needed to defend the other.

"Do you have a problem because I´m a guy and not some pretty girl? … Sir" he asked, gathering his guts.

The man seemed to hesitate and he sighed, glancing at Kagami, "it doesn´t matter, get on the couch Kagami."

"It does matter… Sir. Your… son is important to me, so… it also matters what his dad thinks about that." Kagami sat down on the couch anyway but defiantly looked at the other man, his ears standing up in attention, twitching.

"I will be honest with you Kagami-kun. My son plans a carrier as a doctor, a profession in which it can be of clear disadvantage to be found out as homosexual. Not everyone has the same positive attitude towards your sexual orientation. I am not against your relationship Kagami-kun. I´m only concerned for my son´s and also your carrier."

With hooded eyes Kagami looked down at his lap, interwining his hands before clawing his fingers into the material of his jeans. He hadn´t expected that and now there was a numb feeling inside him, something hollow maybe and it left him feeling defeated, surprising empty. He blinked up at the man who was still eyeing him with critical eyes, holding some cords in his hands with electrodes attached to its ends. "I… understand that Sir but," he swallowed, "If… if Midorima is happy being with… someone like me and really," he gave a short laugh, "I actually don´t know why but still… that also is important right? I mean… if he´s happy then he would be better at work! I will fight for him!"

The man sighed and nodded, "I know. I only wanted to make you aware of the consequences your behaviour holds."

Kagami clenched his teeth, "Well I am aware of that, Sir."

Green eyes rested on him for a few moments before Midorima nodded. "I will run a few more tests on you – consider it something like a payment to keep my mouth shut about this."

Kagami swallowed. He still felt like they needed to talk about his son and him but on the other ha really wanted to leove. So he nodded dumbly – he already felt bad about it.

It was painful. Electro shocks shot through his body whenever Midorima senior pressed on a button and after that when Kagami recovered he scribbled something down on a chart, measuring Kagami´s pulse, blood pressure and something he obviously saw in the little screen that showed the functioning of his brain and was connected to funny blinking buds on his head that he knew from the first time.

"H – how long does it still – ah – take?" He muttered, feeling a bit dizzy. "You are nearly finished…" the man paused, "Are you feeling alright? Dizzy? Nauseous?"

Oh how he wanted to punch him.

"D – dizzy." He mumbled.

"Okay, only two more."

The shocks got worse with time so when the last were brought into his body, Kagami´s whole body shook under them, hands and feet rattling in his restraints that held him down on the bed. Fuck, such a thing probably wasn´t even allowed.

"We are finished Kagami-kun."

The bounds were released and a glass of water was placed on the small table beside the bed. "I will get you something to eat, please rest for the moment."

If Kagami didn´t know better he would have thought the older man was concerned about him. He had no idea what Midorima´s father wanted to research with shocking his body repeatly but apparently he had found it – or not Kagami wasn´t sure. The only thing he knew was that he felt tired, exhausted even and still dizzy and maybe like he was going to throw up. All in all he felt rather shitty.

When the door quietly opened Kagami was laying on his side, blinking at the light and immediately closed them. He had tried to sit up and reach for the glass but whenever he tried his head felt like it was caught in a roller coaster – and not the romantic one.

"You didn´t drink anything."

"Couldn´t." he muttered back and glanced at the plate with sandwiches, his stomach already felt like revolting.

"Let me help you sit up…" hands grabbed him under his arms and a bit dazed Kagami leaned against the man, swallowing around a heavy and dry tongue – maybe some water would be nice.

"I wanna sleep." He murmured, nipping of the glass that the man held against his lips. "You will feel better after drinking and eating a bit."

"But I am surprised that you didn't lose consciousness at the last shock – normally that would happen."

"Tche, as if." Kagami scoffed, already feeling a bit better, "Is something like that even allowed?"

The man coughed, "well technically not but I am sure you will keep this secret as I will keep yours."

Kagami laughed dryly, "well not much of a choice there, huh?"

"Hmh maybe. There a few other things I would like to test on you."

Panicked Kagami looked at him, "but I won´t have to swallow something weird or be electroshocked again right?!"



When the younger Midorima finally entered the room Kagami had been stabbed with needles into his feline ears and tail, suffered under inhuman noises and had been blinded with light so bright that it nearly burned his eyes. He had needed to answer stupid questions and participated in so many tests that he had lost count. So he probably looked like shit right now and given the Midorima´s reaction when they stood in front of each other he obvisously did.

"Father what did you do with him?!" the green haired boy looked at the older one, wide eyed and shocked.

"Well consider that as my payment to keep quiet about your infatuating with him and about everything else."

"M – my infatuation…?"

Kagami never had heard Midorima stutter like that but it seemed that he always lost a few centimetres when he stood against his father. Like he sagged into himself and Kagami didn´t like seeing him like that.

"It is obvious that you are attracted to him, Shintarou. From the first time he entered my laboratory you couldn´t take your eyes off him."

Heat shot in Kagami´s face and Midorima averted his eyes, a light blush adorning his cheeks. "I have to admit that I would have preferred it if you would have chosen another person even it had to be a man. Maybe someone more… sophisticated."

Kagami winced at that, feeling offended but on the same time too exhausted to say anything.

"Father…" Midorima took a deep breath, "I don´t want to discuss my choice of… boyfriend with you right now. I think Kagami came here for a different reason."

"We will talk about this Shintarou but first Kagami, there are a few things you should know about if you decided to proceed with a surgery."

Exhausted Kagami fell into the bed in the guest room Midorima´s father had taken him too, of course on the other end of the house from where his son was sleeping. The older Midorima wanted to keep an eye on him after his experiments on Kagami´s system. He sighed, curling up underneath the sheets. He felt lost right now, the warning of Midorima´s father still echoed in his head and all the dangers that were implied in the surgery didn´t let him sleep. There was the possibility to start with a hormone therapy but the doctor still didn´t know the exact composition of the hormones that were floating through his body. But if he would separate the ears and the tail from his body Kagami would at least be able to go outside again and proceed with his life.

Kagami sighed; if he was being honest he felt like crying right now and although it wasn´t the first time he felt like that it was even worse now since he wasn´t in his own flat, in his own bed with its own smell that felt like home. He just wanted to hide from everything.

A knock on the door disrupted his thoughts and when the door slowly opened he stuck his head out of the cocoon that was his bed clothing, blinking at the younger Midorima who now stood in front of his bed.


"Good evening Kagami, I hope I don´t disturb you."

"Mhm no, you don´t – can´t sleep anyway." He muttered and sat up, rubbing at his eye.

Midorima nodded and swallowed, nervously sitting down on the bedside. "I apologize for the behaviour of my father he…"

"He´s a jerk" Kagami murmured before he could even think and bit his tongue, "I mean – ", blinking he stopped when a small smile appeared on Midorima´s lips. "Well he is a bit complicated but that doesn´t apologize for his behaviour… and what he did to you Kagami."

The redhead nodded, "Uh yeah thanks…"

When Midorima moved closer to him Kagami swallowed nervously, his heart pounding inside his chest, so loud that it he was afraid that the other could hear him. But maybe Midorima´s own beat just as loud.

And when Midorima´s lips met his it felt like his heart would explode and his skin prickled when Midorima´s hand rested on his neck, a bit shy but firm nonetheless. Teeth nibbled at his bottom lip and a tongue slowly pushed into his mouth, making Kagami gasp as Midorima pushed him down on the bed; his mouth moving from his lips over his chin to his throat, sucking on the sensitive skin, covering the marks that Akashi and Murasakibara had left there.

"M – Midorima, your father, I don´t – "

"He won´t notice if we´re quiet" He whispered, tracing Kagami´s feline ear with his lips, tickling Kagami´s nerves.

"Mhm, never took you for a rebellious type." He grinned against the other´s lips, gasping when Midorima scratched his cat ear. "Never was one before…" he murmured and let his hand wander underneath Kagami´s shirt, his fingers without bandages cold against Kagami´s skin.

When Midorima pulled off his shirt Kagami sat up, pressing his lips against Midorima´s naked torso, letting his teeth scratch over the skin enjoying the small gasps and moans he tickled out of the other.

"K – Kagami" Midorimas gasped into his mouth as Kagami sat between his spread legs; his own loosely wrapped around Midorima´s hips. He somehow managed to push down Midorima´s pants when long, nimble fingers slipped inside his own, pulling them down far enough for Midorima´s hand to enclose around Kagami´s cock, making the redhead moan against his shoulder.

"Oh god…" he whimpered when the hand began to stroke the tail – it should feel so weird being touched there, at an extracting body part that hadn´t been there before, but it felt so good, as if liquid heat surged through into his chest and lowed regions.

Both of Midorima´s hands wandered between their bodies, grabbing Kagami´s and Midorima´s own cock and they jerked against each other, panting and gasping until Midorima let one semen slicked finger slide against Kagami´s crack before it was pushed inside making Kagami cling to him, gasping into his ear while the other hand stroked both of them between them.

The redhead whimpered when Midorima´s hand got faster and those fingers slid deeper, now added up to two and his own hands scratched over the taller one´s back. "K – Kagami" Midorima panted breathlessly into his ear and Kagami groaned, pressing them further against each other, his sweat drenched skin slicked against Midorima´s chest and he bit down on the other´s shoulder as orgasm punched into him when Midorima´s fingers pushed deeper than before, pressing against prostate making Kagami see stars.

He panted against the other´s skin when the finger slid out of him, "K – Kagami, can you – nngh, "

"Mhm… my mouth?" Kagami grinned when a shiver ran through the other, "Seems like you like the idea", he smirked and moved lowed, his mouth wandering over Midorima´s chest until he reached his private area, enjoying the throb of Midorima´s cock inside his hand as his breath danced over it.

Midorima´s fingers curled in his hair as he took him inside his mouth, using his hand to grab the part he couldn´t get in. He started with head, licking at the sensitive skin before he engulfing down the rest and when Midorima nudged against the back of his throat he tried to push Kagami off, panting slightly "I´m going to – Kagami, get off, I – "

Kagami moaned around him, swallowing around the other when he throbbed inside his mouth and finally came deep inside Kagami´s throat, pulsing hot inside his mouth.

"Why didn´t you – ", Midorima panted when Kagami leaned back, swallowing.

He smirked, "Hmh, was good." Kagami purred, watching how Midorima´s face exploded into red – finally it was someone else who was the embarrassed one; how satisfying.

"Y – you didn´t have to do that!" Midorima whispered, still blushing as he pulled on his pyjamas pants. Kagami smirked, "I know."

"I – I didn´t just come over for that." He said quietly and Kagami nodded, "of course."

Midorima´s head wipped around and without his glasses that the green haired had taken off he looked younger, his long eyelashes made his face boyisher.

"I mean it. I wanted to talk to you Kagami."

The redhead nodded, "Yeah I know, I meant it."

Midorima nodded as he put of his glasses again. "Do you feel alright?" A worried look took over his face, "the things my father did…"

Kagami waved it off, "I´m fine. If I survided some maniac putting stuff inside my body I´m not going to die from this."

Midorima swallowed, "Maybe…"

After Midorima left Kagami curled up under the covers again – there had been a bit of comfort in their talk but it still didn´t change that feeling of hopelessness and loss of control. Kagami knew nothing about the things that happened to him, knew nothing about the procedure of the surgery because he didn´t understand, couldn´t understand since the words didn´t make sense. His head was so full – it felt like it would explode at any moment and all Kagami wanted to do was runaway to somewhere, but with those stupid things he couldn´t – god knows where he would be taken if someone would find out.

Kagami gritted his teeth, pulling the covers tighter around his body and closed his eyes. He was curious how much sleep he would get this night.

When Midorima senior released him with a nod and a list full of thing Kagami should take a look at that were important for the surgery the redhead was brought home, sent off by the younger Midorima with a kiss on the lips under the critical eyes of his father.

"If you feel unwell in the next hours please give me a call Kagami-kun." The older one had said and Kagami had nodded, still feeling a bit numb. And when he finally arrived at his home he had practically destroyed his sparly decorated living room in frustration, throwing things around and screamed until his throat was hoarse. The rest of the day and the day after were spent in apathetic TV watching; fast food binge eating and an evening jog that ended in a running competition against his own heartbeat.

It was the fourth day when stood in front his front door; panting from his last run and the hoodie still pulled over his head as he tried to catch his breath. It was really sad and frustrating how his shape had decreased and how he wasn´t able to play basketball the way he had done before and all in all everything sucked right now. Clenching his teeth Kagami punched against the door, cursing under his breath but when the door suddenly opened with a creak he froze, staring into his open flat.

Kagami frowned. He was sure that he had locked the door – he always did, he wasn´t stupid. So… what to do? Maybe Kuroko came over and used the other key under the mat? That would be possible, Kagami didn´t check his phone for days so maybe the other grew worried. He had done that a lot the last days. It was rather annoying but it made Kagami just angrier at himself because he couldn´t really blame him and the only thing he could do to forcome this worriness was to finally get rid of these things and return to normal!

Kagami sighed and pulled off his shoes, being sure that Kuroko had visited and forget to close the door. He frowned again, quietly tiptoeing into the living room. Kuroko wouldn´t leave the door open – maybe Kise? No, the model was too paranoid for that. That only left Aomine so Kagami already had a witty and well thought insult on his lips that died as soon as he saw who was sitting inside his room on the couch, looking around in his living room.

And didn´t he took the second key from the mat the day Momoi had told him that that man who was responsible for his misery stayed in Japan?

"Who – " he bit out, frozen in place, "Who the hell are you and – "

When the man turned around, smiling at him tightly cold grey eyes locked with his, blazing with something Kagami couldn´t name.

Somehow, he didn´t know why but… he knew that man. From somewhere – where, just who –

"Good evening… Taiga" the man purred, eyes wandering over him and that smile widened, showing off white sharky teeth when they found the ears on his head as the hoodie had fallen off. And a shiver ran through Kagami´s body as the voice echoed in his head. Of course, that man in his dreams calling him by his given name… it was the same voice and now that the man gained an appearance he suddenly was sure that he was the one he had seen in his dream. But what Kagami surprised the most was that there was no hatred, no adverse feelings. More than that he felt like… family.


Andrew Grayson smirked, standing up to his full height and met Kagami´s eyes from a few centimetres above.

"Taiga… it´s good to see you again."


Thank your for reading and your patience and the follows and favourites! :)

The story is finally nearing its end!

Please let me know what you think!

Love, Anon