Hello there!

English is not my first language, so please be gentle with me :)

It´s a GomxKagami fic, because I´m in love with these dorks and especially Kagami^^ Also, it´s a neko!Kagami fic, but I tried to make it not so... ah what´s the word strange (?), well I tried to make it a little bit realistic and such, but well whatever haha, I hope it´s not to OOC and please let me know what you think! :)



"It was as a success, Sir… the boy, he-"


"He survived."


"Do you want to see him Sir?"

"Yes, please lead the way."

"It´s a miracle that he survived, Sir. He was so weak and his heart had stopped for a few times, but somehow we managed to get him back-he´s a fighter, Sir."

"That´s good to hear. He sure needs to be."

The two men-both dressed in white overalls- entered a room complete in white, filled with beeping machines and small tables, on which several medical tools lay, surrounding a wide bed.

A small boy lay in the middle, looking even tinier in contrast to the huge bed. He was connected to the machines over seemingly thousand cords and wires while his shallow but constant breathing was controlled by an oxygen mask and his heartbeat was recorded by an ECG.

"He´s stabile Sir, but we still need to control his breathing." Another man had entered the room, talking in a stern tone while looking at the other two with cold and calculating eyes although a glint in that grey orbs gave his underlying excitement away. He held a clipboard to his chest as he stepped beside the other men.

"Dr. Graymon my congratulations, I see this time has been a success."

He reached his hand out and shook the one of the renowned surgeon in respect and approval with a small smile barely shown on his lips.

"Professor Yoshida. Yes, I´m really confident that this subject will survive. His body took the surgery really well and also reacted to the medication in the desired way. I think we can call this a success."

Yoshida nodded and looked at the little boy the whole conversation was about. The red hair surrounding his face gave a strong contrast on the white sheets and his face looked so pale the Professor was afraid the boy would also die. That would be really annoying since their budget was almost gone and another boy would take the rest of the money.

"That´s good…"

"Sir, what are you planning to do with him anyway? -After the experiments. " Graymon asked while he checked the vital signs of the young patient.

Yoshida swept the red sweaty hair out of the boy´s face and traced his finger over one unique eyebrow to the right closed eye and over the feverish cheek.

"I will keep him."

Doctor Graymon raised one thin eyebrow.


"He will be my son… and my beautiful pet"

For at least five minutes Kagami hadn´t had done anything besides staring at his face in the mirror. He was far from being narcissist but with these… things attached to his head he couldn´t blame himself. Fuck-what the hell was this?
He kind of knew something was off with him the whole weekend, because the headache and the back pain he had for three days were far from normal but he never, never, would he have thought of this!-Whatever this was.
With lightly shaking hands he touched the right ear with one finger-a cat ear. More, there were two Carmine red (yes, he had looked up the name of the colour which would fit the best) cat ears attached to his head. Well, it was better than just one ear-that would be even weirder-but still: What the fuck?!

He shivered at the sensation that was send through his whole body as he carefully touched the ear. Okay, so they were really sensitive even though they were still small-they barely reached over his spikey hair-but how long will it take them to grow even bigger? If they became like this just after three days?!
And still-what the fuck?! Since when did humans grew animal ears?! Or… he looked over his shoulder and glared at the animal feature he-well-gained at his backside.
"What the hell is this shit?!" he shouted at the reddish brown tail which innocently twitched from one side to the other and just fuelled his anger.
"Are you mocking me you little fuck!?"
His tail didn´t seem to listen and continued his childish play with the air around him.
"You´re coming out of my body, so you should at least listen to me when I tell you to stop!" Kagami declared hotly and grabbed the tail with both hands to keep this stubborn thing from moving around.
After glaring at the object of his anger for another five minute one-sided staring context he let go of it with a deep sigh and turned his back at the mirror to look over his shoulder and again watch his cat tail twitch and swing just above his ass. He had needed to pull his jogging pants down, because otherwise they would squeeze at the thick base and that fucking hurt. So right now his pants were just hanging on his hips and all in all he felt more than uncomfortable than-like-ever.
But, well, who wouldn´t.

He propped his hands on the sink and again focused on the red ears.
So-what to do?
He couldn´t go to school like that, that was for sure. Neither could he go to practice. How would that look like?
A cat chasing after a ball-no way.
Everyone would laugh at him. No way, no way, no way.
But he needed to do something. He pulled at both ears and slightly winced at the pain the movement caused-there was no way they would go away at any time by the way they were attached to his head.
So, he needed help-well maybe he should first search the internet for information, although he really didn´t believe that he would find any answer to the question, "help me help me, I suddenly grew cat ears and a tail-so what should I do now? Do I start meowing in the next hours and get a ravenous appetite for milk and fish?"

Speaking of food-he actually was freaking hungry. As he thought about it he didn´t have breakfast and his stomach was getting pretty annoyed by that fact. He sighed and left the bathroom he had spent the whole morning in staring at his annoying face. Hopefully he didn´t grow whiskers-that would be really shitty.
Well, thinking never was his best ability but thinking on an empty stomach was even worse, so at this very moment his thinking mode wasn´t even there.
Still a little bit shaken he managed to sit down in front of his laptop with his plates filled with omelettes and rice. Okay, what kind of search words you use for this problem?
Okay, first the easiest one: human cat.
As Kagami looked through the results, chewing his breakfast he wished he had used another one. Instead of useful information he just got shocked out of his skin as he saw a picture of a man who had obviously had tried to become a tiger through different shocking operations-Kagami nearly spitted his food at the screen.
Okay-bad idea, bad idea-next one. At least he didn´t end up like that guy.

Three hours, three plates and ten glasses of milk-yes, milk, he had a sudden craving for that stuff-later horrifying him with scary pictures as he drowned one glass after another Kagami wasn´t any smarter than before.
He still had no idea what was going on with him and it suddenly scared the hell out of him. Fuck, what if he turned into a full fleshed cat? What would happen if he could never turn back from whatever he had turned into?
What if he had to stay this way for his whole life? And how the hell did that happen in the first place? It sure wasn´t normal for a human to grow these… things! So what the fuck was wrong with him? He buried his head in his hands-fuck, he needed to talk to someone, he needed help. Just-someone…
But who? Who should he call? The first one who came into his mind was Kuroko, but… on the other hand… could he really help him? Sure, Kuroko was smart but something like this was maybe a little bit too much-even for Kuroko, so… Kagami stared at his mobile phone in his hand.

Maybe he should call him-sure, they weren´t really good friends but he was the only person he could think of who at least did have knowledge on this matter.
He swallowed. Wow, this was going to be embarrassing as shit, but in the end he had no choice. This whole situation scared the shit out of him and even if the other wasn´t good at comforting others-he was even worse than Kagami at that kind of thing-he might know what Kagami could do. He sighed. Okay, well better do it now before he ran away again. What time was it?
Well, it should be okay-school should be over and practice… well he didn´t really know but it was worth a try.
Kagami raised the phone to his human ear and anxiously waited for the familiar voice to tell him his partner couldn´t be reached, but sadly that wasn´t the case.

"Why are you calling me Kagami? "

A cold voice answered from the other side.

"M-Midorima, h-hey uhm I-I have a problem here and I thought that you c-could help me… please"

He stuttered with cheeks growing red even though he knew that Midorima could hardly see him, but fuck that was embarrassing.

"… A problem."

Shit, Kagami could hear the irritation in the shooting guard´s voice and he would have loved to laugh and tell the zodiac obsessed guy how funny this was and hung up. But he couldn´t do that.

"Y-yes, I-I´m sorry to disturb you but I really need your help"

In stiff embarrassing expectations he sat with the phone in his hand staring at the flashing screen of his laptop while tapping a strange rhythm on his knee with the other hand-waiting for the other to reply.
He shouldn´t have asked, fuck he should have called Kuroko! Midorima was never going to help him! Just because they had been playing Basketball together from time to time after the Winter Cup they weren´t friends! And when they had played, there usually were the other Miracles as well, so there was no way he…

"Okay, what is your problem you need my help with?"


"Huh?" he asked surprised and heard Midorima´s well-known sigh which basically said he was annoyed with him right now.

"A-ah sorry, o-okay, well thank you but that´s sadly something I can´t tell you over the phone so… so, uhm, could you come over for a bit? I would meet you outside somewhere, but that´s ah… impossible…"

For a whole minute he didn´t hear anything before he heard another sigh. This time a defeated one.

"Okay I come over but it better be a real problem, if not I´m going to cut off your limbs."

"I thought cutting was Akashi´s thing…" Kagami muttered automatically before he could stop himself. Ah, shit.
"O-oh sorry, didn´t mean to say that-well thank you, then-then I´ll be waiting."

"…Okay and hopefully you will stop apologizing so much, it doesn´t suit you. You´re not Sakurai."

"Y-yes…and thank you, I really uh appreciate it."

"And that doesn´t suit you either"

Then Midorima hung up-well fuck that guy. But at least he would come over, that was more than Kagami had expected-not that he had any expectations in the first place.
So the only thing he could do right now was to wait and avoid these strange sites on the internet.

Soooo, what do you think?
Please let me know so I can improve my writing :)
