Hello~ people's of the Smash community! Anyways, here I am. As a bit of a note, I'm a veteran of the Fire Emblem side of FF here, but this is my first fic for Smash. I hope it satisfies! Anyways, we know the screenshots that were released when Lucina was revealed way back when, and the ship that Sakurai spawned with one of those... I don't see enough of that, and I live by the saying, "If you don't see something you want, you make it yourself" or something along those lines. We need more Palucina in this community, so here I've come to help with that! :D So sit back, R&R, and most importantly, enjoy!
One match was all it took.
Lucina, Palutena, and Captain Falcon in a three-way free-for-all. Pikachu should have been there, but with a Jigglypuff mishap in the morning, making the match was unfortunately out of the question. Now, all things considered, the battle was fairly even the whole way through. Though, one Falcon Kick changed things for one fighter. Before Lucina knew it, she ended up landing on top of Palutena, and while it wasn't the worst situation she could have been in, she didn't notice the flash of a camera.
Lucina walked the halls of the Smash mansion after the match. She reached up to rub her neck from the post-battle soreness. I can't believe I rolled into that Falcon Punch like I did… the princess thought to herself. Well, maybe a visit to Dr. Mario would benefit her. She looked over to one of the walls, which held various snapshots of a few of the events. Seeing a picture of the doc wiped that thought from her head as she saw how he threw pills at the others. Well… maybe not.
"Heya, Luci!"
Lucina turned around to see the cheery angel, Pit, rushing up to her. A frown temporarily crossed her face as she thought of why he might be here, what kinds of stories Palutena might be telling him. There was already the incident during their first match when the kid wouldn't stop cracking jokes which just flew right by the princess. Robin ended up having a chat with the angel after that match. She remained silent for a bit to let him have the first words here.
"I heard ya had a rough time back there. So, I thought of what usually helps me out in these situations," He continued. "A nice visit to a hot spring!"
Immediately Lucina's mind went to think of the last time she visited one. "I… don't quite think that's a good idea."
"Oh? Hmm… How about a surprise party!" Immediately his hands went to cover his mouth after saying that. "Oh, uh… Well… I guess it's not really a surprise if you already know. But uh… Just a regular party then, I guess."
"Oh, um…" Lucina looked back and forth from an expectant-looking Pit and the picture-covered wall to her side. "Yes, I'd be happy to attend." She wasn't quite sure how that was supposed to help her feel better after the match, but perhaps it would lift her spirits after that recent loss.
"Yawee!" The angel exclaimed, raising a fist to the air in his excitement. "I can't wait to tell the others! Now when can it be… Hmm… Tomorrow. Yeah, great! Tomorrow it is then! Now, come on. You gotta help me tell everyone! Tell them!" He added before running off.
"Alright then." The princess agreed, with a slight chuckle.
And spread the news she did. She was quite amazed at how fast word could travel from one Smasher to the next. Before the end of the day, every fighter had gotten word of this party that Pit was planning. Even some of the assist trophies decided to join as well. As Lucina returned to her room, she felt somewhat relieved. She was actually quite excited for what the next day might hold in store.
Lucina awoke the next morning, letting out a great yawn as she stretched out. She wasn't nearly as sore as yesterday, and usually it's quite the opposite. No need to complain though, as she had Pit's party to look forward to. It was a Saturday, which meant no regular matches. Sure, the Smashers could occupy themselves with other activities. The Home Run Contest was quite popular during this time of the week, but hey, party time!
As Lucina got ready for the event, she pretty much dressed the same as she normally would. The only difference was that she opted to leave her cape and pauldrons behind, along with Falchion. She left her room to head down to find the party, Pit never really specified where it was. She'd find it eventually.
On her search, that strange Duck Hunt duo were the first that she found. When the dog noticed her, it started laughing, not that that was really strange at all. Lucina just watched it run off, still wondering why a dog had been invited to the tournament. Then again, there was a hedgehog, plumbers, a yellow… thing with a strange mouth… Okay! There were a lot of strange participants to the tournament.
Lucina decided to continue along the path Duck Hunt came from. Eventually, noise started picking up. It was pretty obvious where the party was at this point. Everyone was there, surprising, considering some of the attitudes a few carried, but they were all having quite a great time. Music was going, there seemed to be a karaoke station, and plenty of tables of snacks and drinks (though, that probably wouldn't last long). As Lucina entered, the first thing the she noticed was Pit… in a hot tub... eating ice cream. She shook her head and walked over to the angel. Of course he wasn't the only one in there, though, of those in the hot tub, he was the only one wearing his regular clothes. "Uh… Pit?"
The angel turned around at noticing his friend finally arrived. "Oh, heya Lucina!" He said. "What's up? Enjoying the party?"
"Why are you in a hot tub?" She asked, eyeing the ones there, including Shulk and one of Rosalina's lumas.
"Oh, well, you said no hot spring." He replied, not seeing anything wrong with the situation. "I mean, Lady Palutena could have easily set one up… But I got us a hot tub instead. It's certainly no hot spring, but it feels sooo good."
"I'm really feelin' it." Shulk added. The luma also seemed to be making some trill of satisfaction.
"And… how did you get a hot tub into the mansion?" She inquired.
"Oh, it was pretty easy." Pit said, before dropping his ice cream on the ground. The angel climbed out to pick it up and continued eating it. "It was figuring out how to get it working that was the hard part."
Lucina opened her mouth to comment upon what she just saw the angel do with that food he dropped, but decided to remain silent instead. After all, certain food pieces were sometimes dropped onto the battlefield and no one really cared while in battle.
Before the princess could say anything further, the bounty hunter, Samus, approached the group, wearing her more casual attire rather than the usual battle suit. "Oh, Lucina." She started, catching the swordswoman's attention. "Why didn't you tell anyone that you and Palutena were involved?"
Involved in what? The princess started to wonder as she stared at the bounty hunter. "Excuse me?"
"You two are in a relationship, yes?"
"Oh really?!" Pit burst out. "Lady Palutena never said anything about you two before."
"Surely, you've seen the posters?" Samus added.
The princess could only stare ahead in shock. Relationship? Posters? This had to be someone's bad idea for a joke. As the princess looked around, she noticed a small gathering around Captain Falcon, and he seemed to be holding up some piece of paper in his hands. Lucina stormed over towards the F-Zero pilot. Those that found themselves in her warpath were quick to move out of the way. As the swordswoman was about to confront Falcon, she found herself frozen upon laying eyes on what he was holding. A picture of her and the goddess of light on the ground… together.
As her face heated up, Falcon swiveled around taking notice of her. An amused grin crossed his face as he watched the princess. "Ah, well look who decided to show up."
"I-I…" Lucina looked around to the others now staring at her, seeming to shrink under their gazes. "I swear, it's nothing like that!" She tried to explain. She didn't know what they were thinking of her right now, if they'd believe her or not, but Captain Falcon was certainly having a good laugh.
The princess quickly turned and ran away from the scene, her face now a deep red. She couldn't believe that Falcon could do something like that to her. Suddenly, she found herself running into a rather well-built swordsman while on her escape. Looking up, she saw the concerned face of Ike, looking down at her. "I'm sorry… I…"
The swordsman placed a hand on her shoulder and wiped a stray tear away from her face. "Is something wrong, Lucina?"
"Just…" She didn't know what to say. How would he understand? "Falcon… he just…"
"Don't tell me…" Ike started. His head raised up, searching for the F-Zero pilot in the crowd. "He's making those damned posters again, isn't he? Framing contestants like that… Lucina," He said, looking down at the young woman. "You pay no attention to this guy. He's an ass. Everyone in the mansion knows that."
Lucina opened her mouth, searching for something to say, though her focus shifted to something else Ike said. "He's… made posters like this before?"
The mercenary shook his head and sighed. "Yeah. He does this with everyone. Especially newcomers. Back in the last tournament, he tried getting people to believe I was with Marth and it… It was quite the mess." He tried to explain, chuckling slightly as he finished.
Lucina's eyes widened as she listened to Ike's story. The Radiant Hero and Hero King? It was quite humorous for her to think about. Still, to say Falcon's jokes didn't bother her, would be a lie. A frown crossed Lucina's face as she thought on about this.
"Hey." Ike continued, trying to get Lucina's attention back. "Don't let it bother you, alright? The others will understand. Trust me." With that, he gave Lucina a pat on the shoulder, and went on his way.
Lucina didn't bother going back to the festivities. Her shoulders ached again. She could thank Falcon for that. She retreated to one of the training rooms to get her mind off this whole ordeal.