Hey! A little heads up, this story is inspired by Supernatural! I own neither Fairytail or Supernatural and hope you enjoy it! c:

A stranger loomed over her car, peering through the it's windows. She crossed her arms and glared at the back of the man. "Hey asshole, mind taking a few steps back?"

"It's a nice one." He stated, moving no more than an inch as he trailed his fingers across the passenger's door. "How much do you want for it?"

It took all her strength not to rip his finger from his hand. "Nothing. It's not for sale, nor will it ever be. Now, if I were you I'd take a few steps back before I rip that finger from your body, got it?"

He let out a surprised laugh before turning to face her glare. "Now, what's a young girl like you doing with this relic? Tell you what," he pulled out a brown leather wallet, "I'll give you enough to buy a new car from this era, how 'bout that?"

"How about you put your wallet back into your pocket and walk away before I get into my car? If not, I swear to Mavis I'll run you down." Her glare turned deadly. "How 'bout that?"

He smirked as he slowly backed away from the car, hands raised in defeat as she slowly approached the door. Her gaze never left him as she slid into her drivers seat and started the ignition. He tapped on the window seconds after she shut it after her. She slowly cracked her window. "What?"

He slid in a small paper card. "In case you change your mind-"

She slid it back out, watching it sway to the ground. "I won't." She drove off without a second glance. There was no way she was selling this car, not with what was in the trunk. Ho, what she had in that trunk could get her locked locked up in prison for years. What she does could get her locked up for years. But she didn't care. She loved what she did, gave her a role in life. Made her mean something.

She was a hunter, and what she had in the trunk was guns. A whole lot of them. What she hunted, now that was a different story. She hunted strange beings, not deer or bears. She hunted wolves-sure,werewolves. Also demons, ghosts, zombies, vampires, ghouls, witches, changelings, all that fun stuff. But in order to do this, she had to go against the law. Multiple times.

She opened the glovebox as she drove, her gaze flicking from the contents to the road every couple seconds. Piles and piles of fake badges to IDs fell to the floor. She let out a curse as she pulled into a fast-food parking lot. She gathered them all up and threw them back into her glovebox. With more effort, she shut it, fearing it'd burst open seconds later. A phone ringtone went off.

Gazing around the car, the phone was no where in sight. She dove into her backseats, throwing empty bags from fast-food joints around until she found it. She went to press the talk button when she realized it wasn't the phone that was going off. Groaning, she threw it back onto the seat cushions before jumping back into her drivers seat. She opened the coin box and picked up the vibrating phone. "Hello?"

"'Bout time you picked up, Lucy." an agitated voice sounded, "I was starting to worry that vampire got to you."

Lucy let out a small snort as she exited her car and locked it. "Please. I just had a little conversation with a guy over my darling."

A sigh. "Of course you did."

"Almost killed him for it. Touching her like that," Lucy began, quickly entering the fast food place. "I could've ripped his whole hand of his hand. Would've done the whole world some good."

Lucy slid into a booth as she cracked her shoulder. "Anyway, how about you? You ever find out what was behind those murders in Alabama?"

"I thought it was obvious. Their hearts were missing, Lu. Werewolf."

Tch. Typical. Lucy rubbed her eyes. "Right. I knew that. Just a little tired is all."

"When was the last time you slept, Lucy?"

Lucy fell silent. There was no way she would admit she hadn't slept in days. Maybe even weeks. After all, she just had got back on the job, a job that not a lot of people volunteered to do. So she decided to lie instead. "Last night."

The other side of the line went quiet. "You are the worst liar probably on this side of the earth. Now, do some good and get some sleep, Lucy. Seriously."

Lucy nodded, even though she knew no one could see her. "Alright. I will after this. This guy you sent 'the real deal', you're sure he's coming, right?"

There came a tick from the phone. "Of course he is! I just got off the phone with him, stupid."

"Harsh, Levy."

There came giggling as a tiny bell went off from across the restaurant. A thin, pale man walked shakily to the center of the place and began to look around. Lucy waved her hand above her head, catching his attention and making him walk over to her very cautiously. "Found him."

Not waiting for a response, she ended the phone call and gave a small smile once the man was close enough. "You are Mr-"

"Fullbuster. Yes."

Lucy leaned back into her booth and carefully inspected the man as he sat across from her. He was around her age with dark hair and even darker eyes. He had a scar that ran over one of his eyes, almost covered by his hair. He was young, maybe one or two years older than her. He quietly cleared his throat as he tugged on his collar with one finger. "I was the one who wished to speak with Ms. McGarden-"

"I'm afraid she's working a case." Lucy said, tapping her fingers on the table. She barely raised an eyebrow at him when she said, "You look nervous, Mr. Fullbuster."

"I…I do...?" He said shakily.

Lucy nodded as she looked up to meet his eyes. "You've looked like you've seen a ghost."

"N-no, not a ghost. I-I saw a man." He began, "In a black suit. He claimed to be a detective working on a disappearing case of a fifteen year old girl, except he just didn't feel…right."

"Mr. Fullbuster-"

"You can call me Gray." he interrupted.

Lucy sighed. "Yes, of course. I can't just go off on a feeling, Gray."

"That's not all!" he quickly spouted as she began to get up. "His eyes, they turned black-almost like a demon!"

Lucy silently slid back into the booth, an eyebrow raised. "Go on."

"Demon." Lucy said into her phone, sliding into her drivers seat.

"I knew it! I knew there was a case, did I not?" Levy squealed. "Where are you off to now then, Lu?"

Lucy shut the door and pulled out of the parking lot. "I don't know, Levy. Didn't he look a little…pale to you? Maybe even too pale?"

"For Mavis' sake Lu, the man just saw a demon. Of course he'd be pale. Never met someone who wasn't." Levy scoffed.

Lucy sighed, rubbing her eyes again at a red light. "Not just that, Levy. He was nervous. Like, extremely nervous. Normally I don't get that from a client. Scared-I get, but nervous? C'mon, this guy's hiding something."

"Nervous or not, he's your client now. You can't just turn down a demon case because he seemed nervous."

Lucy fell silent. She knew something was off about the guy. The way his skin looked so pale it almost looked cold. Or the scar above his eye, even the way he looked and acted near her. "Look Lucy, isn't it just possible that you're maybe overreacting? Maybe it's due to the lack of sleep. Tell you what, tell me where you're heading and I'll head up once I'm done this case, good?"

"Yeah, you're right." Lucy sighed, rummaging her hand through the pile of papers in her passenger's seat. She picked out the napkin with faint blue ink writing on it. "Magnolia. That's where the case is."

"Magnolia. Got it." Levy said, the trace of a smile coming through in her voice. "Now do me a favor, get some rest. You just got back into hunting-"

"Yes, mom." Lucy said agitatedly as she ended the phone call and threw the cell phone in the back seat.

Lucy knew something was up, just like she knew all the answers she needed were in Magnolia.