So, this is the epilogue…

Disclaimer: I don't own the Divergent Trilogy

Epilogue: Coming to Terms.

Things seemed to turn for the better after Uriah woke up. We stayed at the Bureau for awhile and watch things change around us. Turned out Nita did more than she promised. She made the whole memory swipe thing look like a computer malfunction. Turns out she has the Erudite gene in her. The plan making and all. So no one but my family knows that Tris was really the one to set it off. Since then, the bureau has changed to the Department of Agriculture and slowly getting things up and running for that, but we're were allowed to stay since Uriah just woke up and still needed medical assistants. The few times I wasn't with him, I was watching the city. My mom had been asked to leave and there has been no sign of my father since the day Johanna and him had 'won'. I still don't believe things happen so fast. Our little city has changed and grown into a metropolis over night. People that we've never seen before moved in and we have had to change how we ran things to accommodate for it. Now we have elected officials and a police department and all sorts of different things I can't even begin to think of. All I know is Bass is a political assistant, whatever that means. Whenever he tries to explain it I get lost and he gives up. And that most of us Dauntless that are left are now working in the police force, since we've already had training. Amar, George and Zeke have already started working there. They all love it. I'm thinking about working there full time too.

"Andy." I feel my arm being nudged and I blink a few times and see Matthew in front of me.

"Sorry, I zoned out." I tell him. "Did you say something?" I ask as I turn to face him completely and set my cup down. Right now we're in his office and we're just talking.

"I asked how Christina is doing." He states calmly. Matthew is wonderful. He has a lot of patients for me, and that's great since he's supposed to help me with my mental state.

"Oh, she's great. She just got me and Uriah a house in the old abnegation sector. You know, one of those houses that have been remodeled. Has a fancy stove and everything." Matthew nods and continues to listen to me ramble about the differences. "It's a really nice home and just in a few months it wouldn't look like it was the abnegation sector at all."

"That's great." Matthew states as he leans back in his chair and chews on his green string. "Isn't she in charge of all the relocating of the faction members?" I nod.

"Yeah, and I think she is one of the best people for the job. Since she can understand people." I sigh as I remember meeting her. She was the first people to figure out about my Abnegation life and she didn't judge me for it, which was strange for a Candor.

"Yes, the Candor abilities." Matthew says as he spits out his string. "Now, how are you doing with all the changes?" He asks as he straightens himself out. Time for the serious questions.

"Better than I could have been." I comment truthfully as I look at the cup of tea in front of me. "I could be in the corner in a ball or killing people." I add and Matthew doesn't laugh. That statement is too true to be funny. Those are my extremes. "I think that Uriah and everyone keeping me grounded helps a lot."

"And that's what family is for." Matthew states as he writes something down. "It's been how long since the factions were disbanded?"

"14 weeks." I state without hesitation. "Just over three months." Three months and everything's moving fast in the city. Faster than you would think.

"It seems like it's been longer with how far everything's come." Matthew comments. "And you think your taking it well?" He asks again. Something he normally does.

"Kind of. But how would you take it if everything in your life and everything you knew was flipped on its head in a matter of days and a month later you found out it was all a lie? You would question yourself too and wonder if you're life was a complete lie or made up by someone with a lot of free time on their hands just to enjoy it." Matthew looks at me for a moment and nods.

"I guess you're right, Andy." He states as he looks up from his writing. "Despite everything, you still manage to keep this air of calmness. How have you breakdowns been?" I sigh.

"I take it you talked to Uriah and Tobias, haven't you?" Matthew gives me a look that answers my question. "The last one I had was pretty bad, but I think the space between them have grown. Which is good, I think."

"It is. Unless it gets worse each time." Matthew comments like the Erudite he is. "What caused it this time?"

"Seeing my father." I sigh. "That was fun." I roll my eyes when I say that. "I gave him a scare, I guess. Taught him to not mess with me." Matthew just nods as something goes off.

"Oh, it's that late already?" He says as he checks the time on his computer. "It's already 2." I glance over and see he's right.

"Just when we're getting to a good part." I half laugh as I stand up.

"You'll have to go. I can't keep you from your other appointment." He says as he walks around the desk and looks at my belly. It's really showing now. Thankfully, he doesn't touch it. He learned his lesson the first time.

"But I'm not sure if I want to go. I already know she's going to tell me I'm right." I state as we turn and walk to the door. "Or we're not going to see anything again."

"You should still go. Is Uriah going with you?" I nod yes. "Then go and get something to eat afterward." Matthew says as he leads me out of his office. "I expect to hear something soon." I wave him off and leave. Matthew is working in one of the many buildings in the Erudite sector. So my walk isn't too long to the doctor. I just don't feel like going right now. Everything seems to be swollen or just ach and I want to just eat, pee and go to sleep until this whole thing is over. That's sounds like a good idea. The air is warm and I take in a deep breath as I walk on the side walk of a very busy street filled with multi colored dressed people. We don't have a set color per faction anymore and it's still seems weird wearing my bright blue shirt with a pair of black jeans. Blue is Erudites color and yet a dauntless member is wearing it…. Former Dauntless member. There are no factions anymore. I sigh and dodge people as I walk into the doctor's office and wait. Soon Uriah joins me and gives me a hug dressed in a uniform. Just looking at him, not many people would guess he was in a coma three months ago. The doctors did a great job helping him. From time to time he does have headaches and memory gaps, but we get through it together.

"How was Matthew today?" He asks as he sits down with me. I shrug my shoulders.

"I spaced out most of the time." I confess and he just sighs. "But I think someone told him about our meeting with my dad." I spit out a little jokingly.

"I didn't. It must have been Four. I wouldn't have told him you punched him in the face." We both end up laughing.

"It wasn't what I planned to do, but it still freaked him out." I smirk. For a while we just sit and talk about stupid things as I just admire him in his police uniform. It's so much different from the Dauntless black I was so used to seeing on him. But for some reason, this is just as okay. Before long we are called and lead to the examination room were a machine is set up waiting for me.

"So, this is our third time around, correct?" The female nurse asks as she has me lay down on the bed.

"Yes, and I rather not be here." I mumble as I rest my head on the stupid pillow. "We already know what it is." Uriah gently grabs my hand and sighs.

"We're hoping for the third time the charm." He says with a laugh as he grips my hand a bit tighter. Something he's started to do when I'm upset.

"Let's hope so." The nurse jokes as she rolls up my shirt and applies three disks on my belly. "So you think it's a girl, Andy?" I nod.

"I know it's a girl. Her name is Marilynn." I remind her since she has been our nurse for the last three ultrasounds.

"I remember now." She smiles as she types on the touch screen. "The name is in honor of your friends, right?" We both are quiet for a moment.

"Yes. Dear friends of ours. I actually think Marlene would be upset if we didn't name our girl after her." Uriah states with a sad smile and we both laugh a little.

"Lynn would be mad if she ever found out we named her after her, though." I add and now the nurse laughs.

"You guys are funny." She says as the finishes typing. "Here we go." From my point of view, I can't see the screen, but she and Uriah can. "So here is what the baby looks like, Uriah. Come over and see her. She's smiling." Uriah leans over me and looks at the screen. This isn't the first time he's seen our girl, but he still has the same reaction each time. Uriah is speechless for a minute.

"She's waving too." He says as he looks at me with a smile. The look on his face just warms my heart. He loves our child so much.

"Now, lets see if we can find her gender." The nurse says more to herself and she brushes the screen with her finger and Uriah looks back at it. That's when I feel movement in my belly.

"She moving, isn't she?" I ask in a bored tone.

"Yeah, she's a wiggly one." She says as she tries to keep up with her. I roll my eyes and sigh. This is turning out just the same as the last ones.

"I wonder who she gets that from." Uriah jokes as he looks at me with a smirk and a wink.

"You are like a worm, bud. You can't stay still if you're life depended on it." I protest and he just gives me a look. "Shut up." I hit him in the arm and we both laugh.

"There we go." The nurse suddenly says as she taps the screen twice. "I think we finally got her to stay still long enough to at least get a picture." In the mist of laughing, I can't help but reply.

"Are you happy you got a picture of my kid's Privates?" I ask point blankly and the nurse doesn't look at me.

"Yep. Your kid moves too fast." She's not even fazed by me anymore. Which cause Uriah to laugh.

"So, Which is it?" Uriah asks and she pulls up the picture. Neither one of them say anything for a minute and I start to get inpatient.

"Hey, is someone going to tell me the answer or what?" I snap as I sit up and they both laugh.

"I thought you already knew, Sweetheart." Uriah says in between laughs as I turn the screen to face me. On the screen I see a black and white screen with my baby on it with something I didn't expect.

"…It's not a Marilynn." I state and the two laugh harder before Uriah gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"It's okay. We just need to figure out a name for him now." He whispers to me and I push him away.

"No, we're not naming him Uriah jr." I protest and the nurse just shakes her head.

"Uriah, I think you won the bet here." She says before making me move a little bit to remove the disks.

"I think I did." He smirks as he looks at me and pulls my shirt down.

"Stop gloating, alright." I mumble before he kisses me again. I didn't even think about having a boy, so I'm completely in the dark.


A few hours later, we return to our new house. It's a bigger house then the one I grew up in. First of all, it's a single story house. Some people instead me and stairs were a bad idea and Christina went along with it. Second the whole first room is a living room that is painted a green color. Something you would never find in the Abnegation factor. Then there is the kitchen to the left and the rooms and bathrooms to the right. It's small compared to the other houses built, but still big to me and Uriah. I went to bed after getting home, but I wake up to someone jumping on my bed.

"Asleep still? It's like 8pm." I hear Christina complain. I just throw a pillow at her and bury myself farther into the covers.

"I'm tired and I just go to sleep, Chris." I mumble tiredly.

"Christina, Uriah said not to bother her." I hear Tris' voice as she walks into the room. She recovered slower than Uriah, since she was shot in the stomach several times, it's understandable. I groan as I sit up to see her.

"Hey, long time no see." I yawn as I look at her. Tris still has a brace on, but she's mobile. "Aren't you supposed to been home on bed rest still?" She shrugs.

"I wanted to get out and Christina was willing." I shake my head and look at our rowdy friend.

"Thanks." I stretch and yawn again. "Now why did you drag her here?" I ask and a grin appears on both of their faces.

"Uriah said they figured out the sex." Christina shouts with excitement. "But he wouldn't tell us. He just smirked and said wait until you woke up. You know me, I can't wait that long." She complains before collapsing back on the bed. Always the excited one. I glance at Tris.

"Why do we put up with her?" I ask sarcastically.

"Cause she was our first friend." Tris points out with a small smile and sits on the corner of the bed. "So what is it?" She asks me with a look that she mastered from my brother.

"God." I cover my eyes with my hands. "You have been around my brother for far too long. It's starting to affect you badly."

"Come on, just tell us why Uriah was smirking. Is it actually a little boy?!" Christina asks once she recovers and sits back up. Shit…

"What makes you think it's a boy?" I ask without looking at her. Crap. She's a candor.

"It's a BOY! I'm so excited." She cries and she hugs me tight.

"I can't breathe." I manage out and she lets go, but touches my belly.

"Hey little guy, this is Auntie Chris. Your favorite Auntie. Now, you need to cause all sorts of trouble for mommy…." I punch Christina as hard as I can and watch her fall off the bed.

"Number one, don't touch the belly. Number two, don't corrupt my son before he's born. Number three, who said you're his favorite Auntie? And…" I shout as I get off the bed on the opposite side she fell off of.

"Four!" Christina shouts and I just glare at her.

"Stop shouting in my room. It's giving me a head ache." I snap. All Christina does is get up off the floor.

"Well it's made for it, the wall are sound proofed after all." I just cover my face in shame.

"I asked you to shut up for a moment." I snap again and Tris steps in to get her to be quiet. "Now, I have no idea what I'm going to do now. Thankfully, Uriah made me stop buying girl stuff after the first haul, but still." I complain as I sit on the bed and cover my face again.

"Buy blue stuff." Christina points out. "And boy stuff." I just sigh.

"She means names and how to raise him." Tris tells her with a sigh. Then she rests her hand on my knee. "You and Uriah will be great parents. He'll be able to help a lot and take over some of the things you were worried about now that it's a boy. And he has Tobias and Zeke and the other's to help out with the boy stuff."

"I guess you're right. It's just upsetting that Uriah was right again…" I sigh again and Tris laughs a bit.

"He's normally right, isn't he?" I roll my eyes as there's a knock on the door. We all look up to see my brother.

"I heard my name." he says slowly. "But I guess you're busy…" Bass goes to leave, but I stand up.

"Stop." I tell him and run up to hug him. It's been a while since I actually hugged him. "Christina was screwing off, but I'm glad you're here." I whisper to him after a moment. I pull away and just look at him. Bass is an incredible older brother. We've made it through hell and back and hell again and still able to walk. "Thank you." I whisper to him. Bass just looks at me confused.

"Is this the hormones or something?" He asks kind of awkwardly. I shake my head no.

"No… well maybe." I laugh a little bit and let him go completely. "I just was thanking you for being there for me. You know, something I should do every once in a while." I tell him. Bass has always been my role model. Someone I can rely on and trust. We may have our ups and downs, but he's always going to be there in the end. Then something hits me. "Oh my God!" I hold up my hands and tell them to wait there before running off to the front of the house to find Uriah. Once I find him, I run over and hug him from behind.

"Whoa there. I'm still recovering." I hear him say as he's steadying himself between the kitchen counter and holding a cup.

"Sorry, but I need to ask you something." I tell him as I let him turn around and see there is a mess of coffee now on the counter, but I don't care.

"What is it?" he asks as he sees my excitement.

"What do you think about the name Tobias?" I ask him.


I found out within a course of six month a lot. First, that my brother is alive. That's an important one. Second, I can choice my own family. I could restart my life and make it better for myself. Third, there's always going to be challenges, but its how you deal with them is what really matters. Fourth, never be afraid to stand up for something you believe . Sometime change is the best thing that can come your way. I would have never known that if I never pushed Bass to change factions. I would have never learned that if I never changed factions. Never taken that leap of faith and leaving everything I knew. I could have handled myself well in Abnegation, but I choose change. One thing I hate the most. Which turned out to be the best. Who knew what would have happen if I didn't choose change. And I don't think I would have without the problem my brother and I had to deal with at home. I guess I wouldn't have been in the place I would be in today without it. I wouldn't have my new family, my love of my life, my baby or myself back. Well… I'm still working on myself still. But it's a work in process.

So its official, Andy's story is finished. Thank you to all that stayed with me through all her ups and downs and turn around…lol. She was a great character that I, and a lot of you all feel in love you her too.