Chapter 1

so... I didn't update hikari! in October like i promised...Sorry, sorry. I was going to but i got sick and then missing school work piled on me like a avalanche. So yeah...I would've updated hikari! but I couldn't get this story out of my head so... yeah but i promise i'll try to get my other story updated! Once again i'm sorry.

Disclaimer: I do not own naruto or it's characters. I wish i did though.

They say it only takes seven easy steps to go to hell, well in my case that's not true, for me it only takes about to step through two clear glass doors. See everyone has there own personal hell, mine just so happened to be my High school. Now before you go and say 'I'm being overdramatic and just get over it.' Let me introduce myself. My name is Naruto Uzumaki, a poor orphan boy having to work 3 jobs during the day and about 5 jobs on the weekends, that's if I'm not busy. I'm a healthy 18 year old teenager that lives alone in a one bedroom apartment, and that goes to the most prestigious school in town. Akina High. The only reason I got into this school is because I worked my ass of in middle school to get away from those bastards that tormented me in there, however, me having the luck that I have, I got new tormentors that were more than happy to fill their shoes.

I was about to open the doors to my school when I feel I hard shove to my shoulder and I see the pretty blue sky staring down at me. I groan when I try to get up only to have some one kick me in my stomach and have the wind knocked out of me. I wheeze for a bit before catching my breath, I stagger to get up, when I got my bearings together I weakly stare at my assaulters and frown. I'm met with six people laughing at me. Three girls and three boys, the girls were Sakura Haruno, Ino Yamanaka and Karin Yakushi. The three boys were, Sasuke Uchiha, Suigestsu Hozuki and finally Jugo Yakushi. It seemed that these six people made it their goal to make my life a living nightmare.

It didn't used to be this way, it all began in the second week in high school when I got 1st place in the class overall score on this major exam. Sasuke was the one who normally got 1st place but that all changed when I moved in, I guess he didn't like losing so he took his anger out on me after school in the parking lot. Yeah, I missed school for about a week after that,

"What's wrong Uzumaki? You gonna cry now?" I scoffed and spat out some blood. "Actually, it's 'Are you going to cry now?' not 'you gonna cry?' if you're going to bully someone at least use proper grammar before you do it, you stupid mother-" I was cut off when the bell rang, I smirked when that old saying popped in my head. "See ya later guys, I need to get to class." I then proceeded to run through the glass doors before the hallways were filled with people, leaving behind my attackers to be bombarded with people from left and right.

"I'm here! I'm not late, I swear!" I yell into the classroom slamming open the door. I hear chuckles from the whole class room and I feel myself blush bright red. "Ah, I see you made it here just in time...for once, Mr. Uzumaki." I smile and rub the back of my head and weakly chuckle. "Good morning, Iruka-sensei, how's life?" I heard a sigh come from him before he laughs and starts to teach, his subject, history. " Just take your seat Mr. Uzumaki." I nod before heading towards my seat when this guys turns towards me and tosses his easer at me. I duck and it hits another kid and it starts a whole arugument. "Iruka Sensei! Kiba hit me with his Easer!", a girl yelled out which Iruka sensei heard. "Kiba Inuzuka! How dare you hit another class mate, violence is not tolerated in this school!" To make his point clear Iruka-sensei tossed his chalk at Kiba's head and began to yell some more. "But Sensei, I didn't do it!" This seemed to get Iruka more pissed. "So are you calling this young woman a liar! Huh? Kiba Inuzuka! That is no way to treat a young woman!" Iruka then began to yell about how to treat a woman and that they should be treated with respect, and all that nonsense. "Iruka sensei I did toss the eraser just not at her but at Uzumaki!" At that Kiba covered his mouth when he realized his mistake. "So you admit to tossing the eraser and trying to hit another classmate, How dare you! In my class as well! You should know better than to do that! Have you learned nothing from my class!" He then begin to drone on and on about how team-mates should be treated and so on.

Iruka sensei kept ranting until the bell rang and Kiba got detention for about a week as usual. I sighed as I made my way towards my next class room which was AP literature, with Kakashi Sensei. I sighed as I began to walk into his class.

"Alright class! Today we get two new students in here with us today!" Kakashi sensei said after being 20 minutes late...again. I sighed as I stared at the door when no one came in. "Huh? kid you there?" Kakashi then put his book down before walking towards the door. He walked out of the room for a bit before this girl with silver hair and crimison eyes, walked in when he wasn't looking. She put a finger to her mouth signaling us to be quiet. "That's werid she's not...Hey You! New Kid where were you and how did you get in?" Kakashi questioned pointing at the new kid.

The girl smirked before hopping onto his desk and chuckled. "When you weren't looking, gosh you let your guard down so easily, it's pretty funny actually." This got a glare from Kakashi before he sighed. "Just introduce yourself so we can begin." She nodded and hopped of his desk. "Hey y'all! Name is Aki Nokimaku, I was originally from here but moved to America with my adoptive parents, and now we moved back here. My favorite colors are black and blue, my hobbies include art, martial arts, sword dueling and music. Things I hate are bullies, stuck up people, the color pink, and that's about it. Umm future goals, I wish to become a famous graphics art designer. Any questions?" I raised my hand and she smiled at me before nodding towards me. "Umm...What part of America are you from?" She smiled before answering. "Well, we did move a lot in America, but last place we lived in before we came here was Texas." I smiled and nodded. Kakashi then cut all the other questions when he butted in. "Alright, alright you can ask her questions on your own time, now let me assign the homework before you go and goof off. Miss. Nokimaku, please take a seat where-ever you like." She nodded before looking around the room before smililng at me and making her ways towards me.

The bell rang and everyone made their way out of the classroom as quickly as possible, while I calmly packed my stuff up. I then felt a tap on my shoulder and saw a beaming Aki staring at me. I stare at her before sighing. "Can I help you?" She frowned at me and flicked my head. I yelled at her. "Hey what was that for!" She frowned before apologizing. "Sorry, but that was kinda rude to forget your best friend ever!" I stare at her when I was done rubbing my head. "What do you mean forgetting my best friend, I don't have friends." She frowned once more before dragging me out towards the cafeteria where everyone was having lunch. She sat me down before holding onto my hands.

"Look! Naruto it's me! Ki, your bestest friend back in the Orphanage!" She then proceeded to pull her silver hair away from her eyes and I saw a miniature Aki in front of me. I saw my only friend from when I was a kid, Ki, that was her nick name when we were little because I couldn't pronounce her name. I stared at her in shocked before laughing. "Aki! You're Ki! I can't believe it, how long has it been?" however, she couldn't answer my question due to someone flinging their food at the back of my head.

Thoughts? Tell me , Review this and follow etc. Tell your cookies for everyone! Sorry once again!

KIO, out!